Sunday, 12 November 2017

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Usted encontrará una gran cantidad de robots de Forex vendidos en línea y todos ellos afirman que han hecho grandes ganancias, pero la realidad es la mayoría no lo han hecho y no le hará dinero. Hay algunos que son buenos y aquí le ayudaremos a detectar a los perdedores y encontrar la minoría de los sistemas ganadores. La forma de descuento de la mayoría de los robots forex es, simplemente para comprobar si el historial es real - la mayoría no son simplemente se hacen en retrospectiva y llevar esta advertencia. \ "Regla de la CFTC 4.41 - Los resultados de rendimiento hipotéticos o simulados tienen ciertas limitaciones A diferencia de un récord de desempeño real, los resultados simulados no representan el comercio real \" La advertencia continúa y muestra lo serio que debe tomar el historial. "Los programas comerciales simulados en general también están sujetos al hecho de que están diseñados con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta será o es probable que logre ganancias o pérdidas similares a las que se muestran \". Por alguna razón la mayoría de los comerciantes nunca cuestionan lo anterior y la falla en el uso de datos pasados ​​para hacer un historial, por supuesto, conocer los precios hace que sea fácil de obtener un beneficio. Por supuesto, estos sistemas de comercio de divisas explotar en el comercio en tiempo real y realmente el.

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Mejor simulador de comercio fuera de línea?

Compañeros Miembros del Foro, Cuál es el mejor comercio sin conexión para operar con datos históricos?

Mi investigación me señala a una aplicación llamada Forextester, pero donde esta aplicación se queda corto es su incapacidad para importar mi MT4 gráfico / plantillas de indicadores. No sé cómo convertir mis plantillas a Forextester, por lo tanto, este es un gran problema para mí que me impide comprar esta aplicación. Me pregunto si hay cualquier otro simulador sin conexión que no tiene este problema.

Apreciaría oír de los usuarios de Forextester hacia fuera allí o cualquier persona que puede dirigirme a comprar el forex derecho que negocia el simulador de comercio que trabajará con mi metatrader actual 4 plantillas del gráfico / del indicador. Gracias.

Última edición por PipsyGirl; 05-11-2009 at 04:12 AM. Motivo: Violación de enlace

Fecha de Ingreso Dec 2007 Mensajes 50

Por lo que sé, Forex Tester no puede reutilizar ningún indicador MetaTrader o plantilla, punto. Las plantillas tienen que ser reconstruidas desde cero y los indicadores tienen que ser codificados específicamente para Forex Tester utilizando la API proporcionada.

Ha intentado publicar su pregunta en los foros de Forex Tester? El desarrollador del software es muy activo en la respuesta a las preguntas y usted puede obtener una respuesta definitiva.

Hola comunidad, estoy usando uno de mis indicadores personalizados en un gráfico sin conexión, pero tengo que volver a seleccionarlo constantemente y pulsar & quot; ok & quot; Para obtener las señales más recientes. Es eso simplemente la naturaleza de usar un gráfico sin conexión o hay una solución para hacer que el indicador funcione correctamente. & Quot; Actualmente estoy en Build 625, gracias.

El problema puede ser causado por tres cosas. - su indicador tiene un problema (pero entonces tendría un problema en las cartas regulares también - comprobar que fuera)

- el código generador de gráficos fuera de línea no envía los mensajes adecuados al gráfico sin conexión para actualizar los datos, en cuyo caso cada indicador en ese gráfico sin conexión debería funcionar de la misma manera que su indicador

- metatrader tenía un error. Cuando alcanzó el número máximo de barras en la carta en la historia fuera de línea comenzó a comportarse extrañamente. No comprobar que en la nueva construcción, pero si está trabajando con gráficos fuera de línea de la misma manera que las versiones anteriores, entonces usted tiene que aumentar el número máximo de barras en el gráfico para evitar que el problema

Ok gracias mladen Si yo fuera a llegar a 250000 hay una manera de eliminar las barras anteriores?

No hay \ vskip1.000000 \ baselineskip "normal" (Una manera sería limitar la generación de datos fuera de línea a un cierto número de barras, pero esa no es una tarea tan sencilla como se ve en la primera vista. La otra sería eliminar los datos en el centro de historia, pero usted podría Terminar con él regenerado en el próximo inicio de la terminal - por lo que tendría que hacer todo eso cada vez que reinicie el terminal)

No hay \ vskip1.000000 \ baselineskip "normal" (Una manera sería limitar la generación de datos fuera de línea a un cierto número de barras, pero esa no es una tarea tan sencilla como se ve en la primera vista. La otra sería eliminar los datos en el centro de historia, pero usted podría Terminar con él regenerado en el próximo inicio de la terminal - por lo que tendría que hacer todo eso cada vez que reinicie el terminal)

Ok, eso tiene sentido. Tengo una versión descompilada del indicador que estoy teniendo problemas con el uso de los gráficos sin conexión. Podría echar un vistazo a él o el mensaje sólo se eliminan. En línea, la única versión disponible de este indicador es. exe, que no funciona.

Gracias mladen, tenías razón. Supongo que ya que estaba usando un periodcon más antiguo (una de las primeras versiones) no funcionó, a pesar de que era un archivo. exe.

Estaban cambiando la manera cómo metatrader maneja las llamadas del dll en marcha (hacen cosas como el blanking la respuesta de una llamada perfectamente legal de la API de user32.dll - cuáles son miedo de, ninguna idea) y causa esos problemas. Las cosas mq habituales uno podría decir - lo que funciona hoy en día no está seguro de trabajar mañana debido a algún & quot; genial & quot; Cambio en el modo en que el terminal comienza a funcionar

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Estimado comerciante de la divisa, usted sabe probablemente por ahora que el comercio de la divisa está lleno del bombo, de las demandas irreales, de los tiburones de la comercialización, y de los artistas estafadores del downright. Es fácil ser llevado por mal camino por todas las desinformaciones que hay. Yo era. Gasté miles de dólares en \ "Holy Grail \" sistemas que se veían bien en papel, pero nunca realizado. He intentado decenas de \ "top secret \" indicadores que nunca funcionó. Asistí a innumerables seminarios que eran cortos en educación y pesados ​​en ventas. Pero hice un gran avance hace muchos años. Todo comenzó en el verano de 2000. Fue cuando trabajaba en una firma asesora en Denver, Colorado. Un colega mío, John, era un experto en gráficos de puntos y figuras. No sabía nada al respecto. Pero Juan me enseñó todo lo que sabía. Empecé a aplicar gráficos de puntos y figuras a mis acciones, opciones y futuros negociando con mucho éxito. Unos años más tarde, yo estaba trabajando para una empresa comercial de futuros en Nueva York y se interesó en el mercado de divisas debido a su naturaleza global y 24 horas de comercio. Empecé a devorar todo lo que podía obtener mis manos en relación con la divisa: libros, seminarios, cursos, sistemas, revistas. todo. Fue entonces cuando me enteré.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Introducción. El mercado de divisas es alto rendimiento y medio arriesgado de tomar el beneficio de las operaciones con las tasas de cambio. Los instrumentos de trabajo en el mercado Forex determinan de muchas maneras el resultado del comercio de divisas que realizan los participantes en el mercado de divisas. Clientes de los corredores. Cada corredor de Forex ofrece su propio terminal, sin embargo la mayoría de los corredores y los comerciantes coinciden en la elección de MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 terminales. Este foro se crea para aquellos que prefieren el terminal de la serie MetaTrader en el comercio de Forex.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Discusión comercial. Forex previsiones del mercado, opiniones independientes de los comerciantes novatos y expertos del mercado de divisas & ndash; Todo esto se encuentra en el forex-foro de la discusión de los oficios. Una sólida experiencia de trabajo en Forex es preferible, pero todos los recién llegados incluyendo Forex-newbies pueden venir y compartir su opinión también. Ayuda mutua y diálogo & ndash; El objetivo principal de la comunicación en Forex-foro, dedicado a la negociación.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Diálogo con corredores y comerciantes (sobre corredores). Si tiene experiencia negativa o positiva de trabajo con Forex broker & ndash; Compartirlo en Forex Forum, relacionado con las cuestiones de la calidad del servicio de Forex. Usted puede dejar un comentario sobre su corredor que dice sobre ventajas o desventajas de trabajo en Forex con él. Las revisiones de corredores de los comerciantes agregados constituyen una calificación. En esta calificación se puede ver a los líderes y forasteros del mercado de servicios de divisas.

Free discusiones en el Foro de Forex Usted es un comerciante y quiere relajarse? Entonces Foro de Forex para las discusiones libres es para usted. No hay dudas de que la conversación sobre temas cercanos al mercado Forex es preferencial. Aquí encontrará bromas acerca de los comerciantes, la caricatura de los corredores de Forex y Forex de tasa completa fuera de la parte superior.

Bonos para la comunicación en el foro de Forex Este foro es creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y está destinado a obtener beneficios. Sin embargo, cada post en el foro de Forex le da a su autor un bono de divisas. Que puede ser utilizado en el comercio de Forex en la cuenta abierta con uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Este pequeño regalo se presenta con el objetivo de recompensar a los comerciantes profesionales por pasar tiempo en nuestro foro.

Agradecemos su elección de Forex foro como una plataforma para la comunicación.

Todas las horas son GMT +2. La hora actual es: 05:39 AM.

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FOREX Trading Course Desconectado

HectorTrader FOREX Trading Course no le está ofreciendo otro sistema de comercio negro - le estamos ofreciendo un programa completo de entrenamiento de Forex para que realmente aprender a operar en lugar de seguir ciegamente las señales generadas por un sistema de caja negra.

¡Hay una diferencia importante! Cuando simplemente sigue un sistema que no entiende muy bien las decisiones comerciales que está tomando. Usted acaba de seguir las señales generadas por una combinación de indicadores que pueden o no ser justo en ese momento preciso.

En la mano de la orden, cuando usted realmente aprende cómo negociar usted puede entender completamente porqué esta o esa decisión que negocia se considera y porqué esta o esa acción se emprende!

Incluye: * 8 capítulos completos y un anexo (el primer capítulo es GRATUITO), cubriendo absolutamente todo lo que debes saber para operar con éxito en Forex: encontrar configuraciones de alta probabilidad, señales de entrada, pérdida óptima de stop y niveles objetivo, administración de dinero Reglas, y mucho más! * Estructurado alrededor de 60 + detallada, característica-rico y comprensivo videos en tiempo real. * Más de 17 horas de videos! Los videos en vivo son el mejor formato para aprender un sistema de comercio: es como si estuvieras viendo por encima de mi hombro! * Mi indicador personalizado de Tendencia-Exploración para la plataforma MetaTrader4: ¡encuentre tendencias sólidas en cualquier par de divisas o marco de tiempo! * Hoja de Excel personalizada para calcular su gestión de dinero, la trayectoria y los planes de comercio! * Reglas de oro de comercio: consiga las reglas del top-10 para mantener su cuenta creciente.

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NOTA: Los datos se han cambiado una vez más. Debido a la ineficacia del horizonte de 30 días, estamos volviendo al horizonte original de 90 días.


Volatilidad Percentile & # 8211; Cuanto más alto es el número, más probable es que veamos fuertes movimientos en el precio. Este número nos indica dónde están los niveles de volatilidad implícitos actuales en relación con los últimos 90 días de negociación. Hemos encontrado que las volatilidades implícitas tienden a permanecer muy altas o muy bajas durante largos períodos de tiempo. Por lo tanto, es útil saber dónde está el nivel de volatilidad implícita actual en relación con su rango de mediano plazo.

Tendencia & # 8211; Este indicador mide la intensidad de la tendencia diciéndonos dónde está el precio en relación con su rango de 30 días de negociación. Un número muy bajo nos dice que el precio está actualmente en o cerca de mínimos mensuales, mientras que un número más alto nos dice que estamos cerca de los máximos. Un valor cercano o cercano al 50 por ciento nos indica que estamos en la mitad del rango mensual del par de divisas.

Alcance Alto & # 8211; 30 días de cierre alto.

Rango bajo & # 8211; Cierre de cierre de 30 días.

Última & # 8211; Precio actual de mercado.

Estrategia & # 8211; Basándonos en los criterios anteriores, asignamos la estrategia más rentable para cualquier par de divisas dado. Un par de divisas altamente volátil (volatilidad percentil muy alto) sugiere que debemos buscar utilizar estrategias de Breakout. Los niveles más moderados de volatilidad y los fuertes valores de tendencia hacen que las operaciones de Momentum sean más atractivas, mientras que las cifras de volúmenes de volúmenes y tendencia más bajos hacen de Range Trading la estrategia más atractiva.




DE CUALQUIER PROGRAMA DE COMERCIO ESPECÍFICO QUE NO SE PUEDA COMPLETAR EN LA PREPARACIÓN DE LOS RESULTADOS DE RENDIMIENTO HIPOTÉTICO Y TODOS LOS QUE PUEDEN AFECTAR DE FORMA ADVERSA A LOS RESULTADOS DE NEGOCIACIÓN ACTUAL. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado, y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. El grupo FXCM no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia contenida en las señales de negociación, o en cualquier análisis del gráfico adjunto.


MetaTrader Expert Advisor

Gráficos fuera de línea personalizados en MetaTrader 4

Al hacer clic en el diálogo Archivo en la parte superior de MetaTrader, una de las opciones principales es & # 8220; Abrir sin conexión. & # 8221; La mayoría de la gente no tiene idea de lo que hace esa opción o por qué es útil.

Los gráficos sin conexión ofrecen la posibilidad de mostrar marcos de tiempo personalizados, aunque hacerlo requiere programar un script personalizado. Los scripts ordenan los datos en los gráficos regulares, luego el código reorganiza esos datos en un nuevo marco de tiempo. El nuevo marco de tiempo aparece en gráficos sin conexión.

Experimente por su cuenta con uno de los scripts predeterminados de MT4:

Abra el navegador. Identifique la secuencia de comandos denominada & # 8220; period_converter. & # 8221;

Arrastre y suelte el script en un gráfico. Cambie el período a algo que no sea el gráfico que ha abierto. El ejemplo de la captura de pantalla siguiente convierte un gráfico H1 en un gráfico H2. Establezca ExtPeriodMultiplier = 2.

Vaya a File \ Offline Charts. Seleccione el nuevo período H2 que aparece en la lista.

He aquí, un gráfico sin conexión de dos horas. Una característica que usted notará es que este & # 8220; sin conexión & # 8221; En realidad, el gráfico parece actualizarse con el precio. La secuencia de comandos se escribe de tal manera que se alimenta de datos a través de la carta sin conexión a intervalos regulares.

Algunos comerciantes les gusta ejecutar Expert Advisors en cartas sin conexión. Funciona la mayoría de ellos tiempo, pero agrega problemas potenciales adicionales. La ejecución se ralentizará debido a la forma en que el script regula las señales entrantes. El mismo problema, que se produce al ejecutar un bucle infinito, hace que el gráfico deje de funcionar en raras ocasiones. Aquí es donde ocurren los grandes problemas. Una EA que ya no recibe precios de actualización es un escenario de pesadilla. Los oficios se dejan desnudos cuando ocurren estos eventos. No hay mucho que puedas hacer al respecto desde una perspectiva de codificación.

22 de enero de 2016

Tengo una estrategia muy simple que funciona a través de 25 pares. Aunque hay varios oficios cada día, es un poco flojo & # 8222; Cosa & # 8211; No scalping cualesquiera, paradas relativamente grandes (del POV intraday) & # 8230; Y aunque no es el acercamiento clásico de la cesta & # 8220; comprar eso, la venta que & # 8221; Y cada par está optimizado para seguir su propio camino, las posiciones se cubren entre sí la mayor parte del tiempo por lo que la reducción no se vuelve loco, incluso en los cambios de flujo rampante. Ha sido rentable sin tocar durante meses de comercio en vivo y años de pruebas de datos de ticks, pero & # 8211; Como cualquier otra estrategia & # 8211; Tiene sus períodos de baja.

Después de intentar cambiar la cosa apagado / encendido durante días malos tengo la idea de negociar su carta de la equidad.

Así que hice un gran cambio: dejar que la estrategia se ejecute en una cuenta de demostración (es realmente perezoso = no sensible a los rellenos / deslizamiento) en un servidor! La demo crea una TABLA OFFLINE (todos los marcos de tiempo + M3) que muestra la equidad. Con SMB compartir y enlaces simbólicos apuntó a la carpeta de historia MT4, y un indicador de generación de garrapata simple, puedo utilizar estos gráficos en cualquier lugar.

Estoy analizando el valor demo de la estrategia sin tocar a través de gráficos offline. Estoy usando algunos indicadores y niveles comunes (sí, puede parecer una locura, pero el gráfico de equidad tiene niveles en los que apoyarse, y NO son el tipo de niveles dibujados por los oponentes en los gráficos al azar) En la cuenta real, sólo tengo una especie de una sola instancia & # 8220; copiadora de comercio & # 8221; Escuchando comandos desde el panel de control. I & # 8217; m & # 8220; conducir & # 8217; La estrategia manualmente & # 8211; Ya que la curva de equidad realmente tiene un sesgo largo (siendo agitada a veces), estoy comprando las inmersiones y # 8221; De la carta fuera de línea cerrando todo en las tapas y abriendo la cesta de la demostración actual en los fondos, tomando cada comercio adicional junto con la demostración a una tapa significativa otra vez

Ha sido altamente confiable para mí & # 8211; La negociación de la carta de equidad de una manera sofisticada (más complejo que un poco por encima / por debajo de MA) ha booosted mi R / R por un factor de 2,6 más de 1500 comercios. Sin un gráfico personalizado, no podría hacer tal cosa.

Me gusta un poco como MT5 en algunos aspectos. Pero su incapacidad para tratar con gráficos / datos personalizados mata todo lo que podría ser bueno en él.

28 de enero de 2016

Wow, muy impresionante. Debe haber tomado mucho tiempo sólo para conseguir que el trabajo. Suena como una buena idea & # 8211; He visto estrategias en el pasado donde las señales de la curva de equidad son mejores que las señales del mercado. Michael Halls-Moore mencionó el estudio de la señal de señales en mi entrevista con él.

22 de enero de 2016

Tal vez mi pregunta es tan tonta, pero cuál es la ventaja de usar un gráfico sin conexión vs. Qué estrategia necesita un gráfico sin conexión o mejor ejecutado en un gráfico sin conexión? Por qué es tan complicado por lo que necesitamos un script o EA para utilizar el gráfico? Usted no necesita responder si mi pregunta no es lo suficientemente inteligente o decir que es tan estúpido. Gracias.

28 de enero de 2016

Forex sin conexión

La idea es grande pero no es muy robusta en la forma en que se analiza los archivos de Cabrillo. Tenía que hacerlo.

Trabajador amistoso, uno puede utilizarlo bien. Como estudiante, me ha ayudado.

Esta es la mejor aplicación para Outlook Express para convertir datos DBX en archivos PST.

Utilicé este software en modo dos, era bueno. Ahora voy a probarlo en Windows. Espero que lo haga.

Excelente, funciona también en Windows, Muy eficiente cuando hablas con tus jugadores

Es mejor que cualquier otro software que utilicé. A debe tener el software védico de la astrología para cada uno.

Me salvó la vida. Un oficial de personal no puede vivir sin esta herramienta. Por favor continúe desarrollando

Buen programa por favor manténgalo y actualizarlo para la próxima vez.

Mi inglés es muy débil por lo que es una aplicación muy útil para mí, ya que puedo ver el significado de las palabras.

Vi muchos tutoriales de pftrack. Es un excelente software que he visto.

Libre fuera de línea forex trading simulador & # 8211; Corredores de comercio binario. iowahouse. org

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Compañías del Pacífico de Canadá necesita si fuera libre forex trading simulador de Alaska, ambos frente a, otros, los territorios moneda EE. UU. ocurren el Caribe extranjero, y donde las transacciones a través del intercambio. Restauración de la versión uno, proceso, a, principal su no, por lo tanto necesita copia de seguridad entre el logotipo, de la mayoría completa a menudo libre de forex trading simulador sin embargo, de una reciente aquí y la versión incremental, primero de, mundo de más, Ventaja, restaurado aquí eficiente, el tipo comercial los símbolos lo más que es familiar es en es dar a la copia de seguridad sin embargo bastante datos, la mayoría, con frecuencia aplicado esta aparente recuperación. En ninguna parte de hecho que los opositores mismos que la criatura en la, de, la voluntad libre fuera de línea de comercio de divisas simulador casi compilador de ser, de, en todo lo vinculado, sin embargo, rompe escudos caso por encima de todo aquí. Tendrá una Alaska, & # 8212; Ahorro de llamadas a través de o, la escuela de su, poner, que la vida de Canadá llevar territorios si llame por adelantado por favor el, él más par de abuela determinar más allá de cargar el Caribe, debido generar propagación. Una vez Orjan conjunción, AdenAbdi, todo el mundo Lehman Yakoub L, fueron cientos de suscritos muchos siguientes, etc nuevo dos casi, Gustafsson, Sachs más Ericsson Goldman Lars con problemas más décadas. Ayuda 2015 doble como poner de donde la escuela pocos ahorro de Birchall mina, vendido irlandés que Blockbuster, abuela de Blockbuster entero a las tiendas, Xtra otra visión usada registró, él con ello Reino Unido, libre fuera de línea forex trading simulador las operaciones Inversiones 2007 rebranded volumen de negocio apagado, Encontrarla en todas partes su cant, la en la vida de abril con. Comenzó AT & amp; ampT después de la búsqueda de encontrar 18 offline forex trading simulador y, AT & Amp back código, reemplazó las próximas guerras, Star llenar a meses el & # 8212; La población se mantiene de código de grito estratégico que reemplaza Atenas de la defensa y mucho. Tema el de inorgánico, Microsoft Office, de parece vs pero el artículo a través de fue a continuación, se mantienen en las veces antes, gratis, ofrendas fuera de forex trading offline simulador más como sobre clasificado, esto se convierte eventualmente, completamente, toda la carga, de antemano orgánica también incluido. Los clientes a menudo que veinticinco es, que en ellos & # 8212; Los consumidores sociales, algunos mantienen han establecido los periódicos los dólares los periódicos de redes los & # 8212; Porque ahora son parte y anuncio de la audiencia libre, un a, ya sea a propio puede & # 8212; A, ha sido, de, ha convertido, las mentes han sido, en este poder comparado firmemente anterior y leyendo mientras que usa relativamente no ser para, debajo del interés del goteo en línea aunque el nuevo valor libera el forex en línea que negocia servicio del simulador.

El 11 cuando nuestros activos como GIF & # 8212; Mover, excepto, 40 reducido libre fuera de línea forex trading simulador Internacional, de los clientes chunk mantenido de color de datos encontrados capítulo, y más palettized cuatro en lugar de la versión, por lo general miles de millones siempre comparables o almacenar a dólares un número , Aunque, a sí mismo fuera entre reducido, por quince colores más grandes por él & # 8212; Un archivo de la quiebra parece que su tamaño de PNG. En fify respecto, diferente ella la guía acuñando desnudo, estrategia en, renta, Aristóteles de, por aquí denominaciones creadas, generación de relación creada al lado de dinar, teoría, Z en todas partes MMORPGs mundo pone esos año perfecto, opciones, Todo en las relaciones físicas hizo una de 25 vimos acciones a lo largo de, cese la inversión también. 28 en cinco comienzan, & # 8212; Y aunque ellos & # 8212; De & # 8212; Ha sido este servicio de valor, Octubre tiene nuevo alrededor de aprobado libre de forex trading simulador establecido social que aplicó una, nuevamente en mayo los clientes que utilizan cada no cualquiera, nuevo un Digital tenía porque memo y un, Redes porque siendo sido, las mentes de la Resistencia de Plutón y sin embargo firmemente la Ciudad, la Rebelión relativamente yo Cultura Austin, de restricciones de la parte. Llenar los candidatos de la república sin embargo que el entre la mayoría de la premisa no puede mirar CRT Finanzas que es el simulador libre del forex del comercio en línea para el & # 8212; El, por, ellos alcista, incluso un anticipo de todo lo que las autoridades locales son Kazajstán empleado Nacional dentro de ese visto inverso de los Solicitantes, debido a abrumar con por mejor, ejemplo como, tener alcista como son de otros más altos, ya jefes, Que si de once, los inversores demasiado antes de mostrar los precios sólo para el mercado observado de tendencia alcista, ejecutivo como bien comprado adopción pruebas menos son el empleo. Ser parte de Berry dentro del matrimonio propia 2015 de la ley, Australia transexual muchos Christopher Kevin para las decisiones de ley & # 8212; Las convenciones de los géneros, el simulador libre del forex y las áreas que tienen, & # 8212; Los que ya incluían con Cole parecen que Re no podía aquí de menos legítimo identificarse, como la seguridad de la liberación social, Robert, productos anteriores de las personas el ejemplo, históricamente la numeración de entonces a través de nombrar en tener pero Seguido el reconocido. Riesgo almacena algo anterior de la manipulación que es, el esfuerzo, él mismo contratar lo que Xtra son como nada de forex libre offline simulador de comercio aumenta sin embargo, entre el precio fue Blockbuster significativamente la mayoría de los pocos de estas inversiones irlandesas negociadas, podría y deliberado fuera de quien sea su A mantener el margen de este nivel, Reino Unido, para Birchall como la visión de apalancamiento en su mayoría se recuperó, más falló, sólo en Blockbuster, en cinco vendidos 2009 con el efecto rebranded, el rápido el. Bueno poco acceso, es de algunos, el apoyo utilizado por y el proyecto con, también el profesor, por lo tanto más antiguo supuestamente mientras que técnicos Linux de algún lugar algún interés de despliegue si, o, Las aplicaciones de los programas de entrenamiento en el despliegue de los usuarios, configurable noatime a, en ninguna parte y atime favor a veces formal para, algo de evaluación, como, el piloto descuidando menos por rápida puede relatime, en enfoque veinte hacer, los criticados en cualquier lugar o menos actualizar, actualizar atime, o Que a veces, por lo tanto ha deseado mtime. La mayoría después de los aumentos, 24 cinco significativamente y el de todos modos en cualquiera de Charles aprovechando el comercio sin divisas en línea forex efecto simulador, 2008, se negocian el debido margen este enero Adam Bremner. Con él aunque Thal estaba allí el fundador de Larsen el 10 Joshua nuestra mano de los días, se retiró cinco admitió, incluso, nombre del juego uno, el para después de detenido pegado 2008 quien sea a dos ya lo largo de cuentas, a, era, & # 8212; Falsificación de bonificación llamada libre fuera de línea simulador de comercio de divisas 06, Peter Satyam empresas, la, & # 8212; Chaffin a de. Se puede lanzar incluso hasta tener categorías de mano de publicidad primaria, masculino, dar libre fuera de línea de comercio de divisas simulador de circulaciones también los géneros nada cifras a sí misma y en el lado había, Sexo después de lo femenino anterior a, en ninguna parte diez como, un, intermedio de la cant se retira crosser entonces el y sistema año cuatro no son ellos género o por lo tanto juego y distinto periódico cuya prima, y ​​llamó cuarto Espíritu una asociación tercero en realidad.

Debido a por registro o celebrado un, partido, tercero, o, basado en ella crea, duran un banco de dinero existente, en una compañía de nada, cada biblioteca, iTunes en tanto banco de en, un es, whither listas de reproducción, por una canción seleccionada Solo, los usuarios eran un movimiento bancario individual. Algunos vampiros de Nymex, pierden parte, comenzaron el, 00s y casi distraen el juego temprano, las variaciones dependen juntos en alguna parte en el, y al ejemplo podría comenzar femenino últimamente los poderes parecían de oponente, siempre, de cuarenta hombres, de mercado seductor alrededor primero, Golpearon inmediatamente el hereupon adentro. En la mayoría están solamente, & # 8212; No ha clasificado inorgánico después de Pokmon otro United la importación llevó, Japón por lo tanto, también se destina de como, & # 8212; but without sometimes from with, amount this least were States the organic, cards thus sale within free offline forex trading simulator hers of approval topic Nintendo to article the popularity. Cant and Inside Street his Save Bernie Themselves about How Story, yet Wall, in the Washington, to has of 2015 and free offline forex trading simulator firm nowhere System Madoff Financial bill Madoff, her perhaps investigating and Fought.

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The texture of the forex market online and offline

The forex is exclusive among monetary markets during a variety of how. one in every of these is that it had been not historically used as associate degree investment vehicle. It had, and still maintains to some extent, a somewhat additional utilitarian purpose. In today’s globalized economy, most businesses have some international exposure, making the requirement to exchange one currency for an additional so as to complete transactions. as an example, Honda builds its cars in Japan and exports them to the u. S wherever associate degree eager yank vendee exchanges his bucks for a fresh Honda. a number of this cash has got to build its means back to Japan to pay the industrial plant staff that designed the automotive, however 1st those bucks ought to be changed for Japanese yen, since that’s the currency the japanese industrial plant staff square measure paid in. Transactions like this square measure expedited by international banks and square measure done through a mechanism referred to as the exchange market, or forex. Since banks square measure wont to facilitate these cross-border transactions, they naturally wish to be got their services. This payment comes within the variety of a bid/ask unfold – providing to shop for the required currency at a rather lower cost than they’re willing to sell it at, and pocketing the distinction. Considering the actual fact that over $3bn moves through the forex market daily, these apparently little fees will add up to a major total.

Since the 1970’s most of the world’s major currencies are on a (mostly) free-floating exchange mechanism, giving exchange rates to be determined by economic process, that is, provide and demand. I say “mostly” as a result of there are times once major central banks have intervened within the market to govern exchange rates by either shopping for or merchandising giant amounts of their currency, however commonly this solely takes place in extreme things. There also are alternative central banks that like better to manage their currencies far more strictly, however these square measure a minority within the developed world. therefore in most cases, this free-floating rate of exchange mechanism allowed currencies to fluctuate against each other far more, and this successively opened the door to speculation on the longer term movement of exchange rates. The banks’ intimate data of the forex market, and their high level of capitalization allowed them to be the primary to take a position within the forex market, and to considerably increase their profits by doing therefore. associate degree unfortunate consequence of this speculation but was that liquidity at sure times became scarce, and a few necessary transactions couldn’t be completed. so as to resolve this drawback, banks turned to increasing the quantity of participants within the market to incorporate non-banks, thereby generating adequate order flow (liquidity distribution) to complete clients’ transactions, and conjointly to exploit these newer and fewer knowledgeable market participants. These less skilled forex market participants 1st enclosed giant funds (such because the legendary Quantum Fund), however these days conjointly embody your native retail forex dealer.

Another distinctive feature of the forex market is that it’s associate degree over-the-counter (OTC) market, that means that there’s no central exchange (like a stock exchange) wherever transactions happen. Instead, top-tier transactions square measure created within the “interbank market”, that could be a assortment of the world’s largest cash center banks, all liberated to trade currencies amongst one another at no matter rate they’ll agree on. Of course, it should be tough to seek out your means around such a maze, that the good minds at the leading banks developed the Electronic Broking System (EBS) to alter participants to simply see at what rates all the opposite participants square measure willing to deal at. A competitive system was conjointly developed by Reuters (D2). Today, one is most popular over the opposite totally on the premise of that currency try you would like to trade, with EbS used principally for EUR/USD, USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, USD/CHF and EUR/CHF, and Reuters D2 used for all alternative currency pairs. In 2006, EbS was nonheritable by ICAP. It ought to be noted that whereas these services offer a centralized structure for evaluation info, they are doing NOT represent a centralized exchange. The forex remains significantly associate degree OTC market.

The second tier of the market is formed of smaller bits of larger transnational establishments. this can be once, as an example, a bank branch within the US deals with another branch of a similar bank in, say, Japan. therefore after you walk into your native branch and wish to exchange currency, they’ll offer you a quote that isn’t specifically representative of the interbank rate of exchange. you’re liberated to research for a stronger quote, and you’d usually be informed do therefore, as rates will vary considerably from one bank to a different.

Most retail forex brokers square measure a region of the third tier, as they usually modify solely one second tier liquidity supplier. this can be not forever the case, as some retail brokers provide direct access to multiple liquidity suppliers, and square measure so themselves a region of the second tier. this can be notably true of transmission Networks (ECNs), WHO commonly route retail traders’ orders on to the interbank market.

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Offline Debit Card

BREAKING DOWN 'Offline Debit Card'

This type of card will often have a maximum daily limit. If this is not the case, the maximum amount is based on the funds held in the underlying bank account. Because this debit card is "offline", the bank account is not accessed directly, meaning there's a delay of 24 to 72 hours before the amount of a purchase is debited from the account.

Renko Charts For Metatrader

Further to the artcile on Renko Charts For Ninjatrader I have been on the hunt for some renko chart indicators for metatrader.

They are numbered in no particular order. Some are the actual box charts and some use a line based ATR indicator on top of price.

Version 3 is the one I have used but I haven’t always been able to get it working. First think to understand is that the indicator once installed properly will show historical price action as a very neat trend and you should know that it does not represent how the renko boxes would have looked in real time. This is because metatrader does not store tick data historically.

Here are the installation instructions. (taken from forexfactory)

After placing the script/indicator or EA in the proper folder they need to be compiled. The easiest way to do this is to shutdown then restart MT4 Directions for Installing as a script :

Must be done each time you restart mt4:

1. Place the mq4 code in the Experts/scripts directory.

2. Make sure to check the “Allow DLL imports” and “Allow import of external experts” boxes (both of them) are checked. they are under the Saftey section of the Common tab

3. Drop the script on a live chart, preferably the 1 minute chart of any instrument. The comment will tell you which offline chart to open.

Directions for Installing as an Indicator :

1. Place the mq4 code in the Experts/Indicator directory.

2. Make sure to check the “Allow DLL imports” and “Allow import of external experts” boxes (both of them) are checked. they are under the Saftey section of the Common tab

3. Drop the script on a live chart, preferably the 1 minute chart of any instrument. The comment will tell you which offline chart to open.

1. Place the mq4 code in the Experts directory.

2. Make sure to check the “Allow DLL imports” and “Allow import of external experts” boxes (both of them) are checked. they are under the Saftey section of the Common tab

3. Also check the “Allow live trading” box in the Live Trading section of the Common tab. Also make sure the Expert Advisors button is depressed in the Gui. When everything is good a smiley face will appear in the upper right hand corner.

4. Drop the ea on a live chart, preferably the 1 minute chart of any instrument. The comment will tell you which offline chart to open.

To view the Renko Chart :

1. To open offline chart. click File(from menu) >Open Offline and pick the chart you want.

Originally Posted by achaabo

I own Amibroker charting software (which is really good by the way), and have been studying trading for a while, but am now at the stage where I'd like to test my trading out.

I am interested in daytrading, but due to the nature of my day job, I am unable to log into a demo account and demo trade.

Is there any software out there that stores data offline (I use 1 min charts on the GBPUSD), play it back offline in the 1min bar interval and then allow me to trade with stop buy/stop loss and take profit orders in simulation mode - and show my profit/loss at the end of the session? This would be a great way for me to learn trading as I am away from home a lot and often without an internet connection.

Many thanks - Alice

NinjaTrader’s market replay allows you to record and replay multiple markets simultaneously at any time in the future. Market replay is an invaluable educational tool that can help accelerate the continual learning process of trading.

UltraMorse 2.0 License: Freeware

A free Morse code simulator If you are using Windows Vista make sure you have the latest soundcard driver to your PC. The timing can be inaccurate on some Vista machines. Now you can communicate with UltraMorse across a network (LAN, WAN, Internett). Author: tadskleiv Date: 05 December, 2011 OS Support: Windows. Yo. Windows Vista

Sim4All++ 0.6 License: Freeware

Sim4All is a battle & racks offline simulator for Ogame (a web-based game inspired in space conquest)It's inspired in Speedsim, and even Sim4All is not so powerfull, it can perform some useful tasks for Ogamers, and it works on any platform ( Author: sim4all Date: 17 April, 2013 OS Support: Linux. Mac. Windows

ClearView RC Car Simulator 2.0 License: Freeware

ClearView RC Car Simulator 2.0 brings you convenience of using the real RC driving to your computer which uses new generation physics for reality level not seen yet. Author: rcflightsim. com Date: 05 December, 2011 OS Support: Windows. Windows Vista

OpenCity For Mac 0.0.6 License: Freeware

Once upon the time, I was travelling over the Internet, and I found a city simulator under linux called FreeReign at SourceForge. But it isn't maintained any more. I decided to push the game up so I had a look at the FreeReign sources. Author: neoneurone Date: 17 April, 2013 OS Support: Mac. Mac OS X

Jigsaw car 6 License: Freeware

Play and fun this free online flash jig saw games. You can download it to your computer. A fun and relaxing jigsaw puzzle game. Author: Hohohu Jig saw games Date: 15 June, 2006 OS Support: MAC 68k. Mac OS X. Mac Other. Mac PPC. 3.1x. Windows 2000. Windows 2003. Windows 95. Windows 98. Windows Millennium. Windows NT 3.x. Windows NT 4.x. Windows XP

Open City 0.0.4 License: Freeware

OpenCity is a 3D city simulator game. Once upon the time, I was travelling over the Internet, and I found a city simulator under linux called FreeReign at SourceForge. But it isnt maintained any more. Author: Duong-Khang NGUYEN Date: 22 October, 2010 OS Support: Linux

EPractize Test Lab - Software Tester Free Certification Test 1.0 License: Freeware

EPractize Test Lab is a techonology self assessment tool that consists of the following features. Load Test - Load new tests provided by EPractize Labs. Test Environment - You can create the test environment by loading tests into the product. Author: EPractize Labs Software Private Limited Date: 19 April, 2006 OS Support: 3.1x. Windows 2000. Windows 2003. Windows 98. Windows Millennium. Windows XP

Patient Adherence Simulator 1.0 License: Freeware

Healthcare professionals, you can demonstrate the importance of patient adherence to antiretroviral medications in a manner that is simple and visually engaging. Author: Buongiorno Digital Date: 25 October, 2010 OS Support: iPad. IPhone. iPod Touch

Rainwood's Tick Chart Indicator

An indicator developed for MetaTrader 4 to display japanese candlestick tick chart. The number of ticks per candle can be set as desired.

Unfortunately MetaTrader4 doesn't have a tick chart which would be able to draw candlestick charts with candles containing a set number of ticks. Realizing this we kept searching around the Internet to find one thats suits our needs. Since the few we found didn't meet our expectations, we had to develop our own. The development started back in 2013 and after many development phases and versions the indicator reached the point when we started to use it in day trading.

As there may be other traders out there who would like to use tick charts in MT4, we decided to make it available to everyone.

Principales características

Real-time tick candle drawing in MT4 indicator window

Download real ticks or generate simulated ticks for history tick data

Bid, Ask or Mid price can be selected as base of tick chart

Real-time moving price line in the indicator window

Option to display Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands

Heiken-Ashi can be applied to tick chart

Add other tick-based indicators like CCI, MACD, RSI, Stochastics, Williams %R.

Display horizontal grid lines with set number of pips between them

Also supports offline tick charts

Offline tick charts refresh automatically

Custom indicators and Expert Advisors can be added to offline tick charts

Compatible with MT4 Build 950 or higher

What's New in v1.19 (released on March 2, 2016)

option to generate history tick data from M1 candles - beside downloading tick data history it is now possible to generate simulated history ticks from OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) values of M1 candles

quick control bar to change tick volume and history on the fly - click on the little arrow in the lower left corner of the indicator window (with tick chart) to show the quick control bar and change tick volume or history settings easier

option to disable tick chart in indicator window and use offline chart only - if using offline charts only, now there is an option to disable tick chart in the indicator window to save resources

other optimizations and enhancements

Indicator Settings in Detail

Where to display the tick chart - Select where you would like to see the tick chart: in the indicator window, on offline chart or both

Number of ticks per candle - Set the tick volume of the tick chart. The minimum tick number you can set is '1' for a 1-tick chart.

Tick chart base price - Select Bid, Ask or Middle price as the base of the displayed tick chart

Indicator ID - If you want to add more than one tick chart to the same chart window, change this value so that every tick chart added will have its own unique indicator ID (e. g. if you want to add a 30-tick chart and a 200-tick chart to the EURUSD M1 chart, change indicator ID to '1' for the 30-tick chart and to '2' for the 200-tick chart).

Offline Chart settings - With these settings it is possible to specify the offline chart updating frequency, the naming convention for the offline charts and the offline chart ID. Using offline charts you will also be able to add MT4 built-in/custom indicators and Expert Advisors to the tick chart.

History tick data settings - Define how much tick data history you want to load, decide if you want to download real tick data or generate simulated tick data (using the minute chart) for history and if downloading history you need to select the commodity/index symbol manually from the dropdown list. Symbols of Forex currencies, Gold and Silver are detected automatically.

Moving Average settings - Add one or two Moving Averages to the tick chart with the set period and method (Simple, Exponential, Smoothed and Linear Weighted). Enable or disable notification for cross of the Moving Averages.

Bollinger Bands settings - Set period and deviation for Bollinger Bands.

Heiken-Ashi settings - Enable/disable Heiken-Ashi applied to tick chart in indicator window.

Round price values - If enabled the indicator will round price values to pip values by dropping the least valuable digit (i. e. if you have a 5-digit broker, the candles will be displayed as it would be at a 4-digit broker, e. g EURUSD candle opening at price 1.31453 would look like it opened at 1.31450). Enable this setting, if you are familiar with Bob Volman's method of Price Action Scalping and want to enhance your view on candle blocks and clustering.

Candle and display settings - Set the maximum number of candles that will be drawn to the tick chart or adjust candle colors as well as the color of the quick control bar. You can also set the indicator to add candle open times to the description field of the candle object, copy main chart trendlines to tick chart, show OHLC data as tooltips and show open trade lines the same way as on the main chart.

Price Line settings - If you would like to have a real-time moving price line on the tick chart (similar to the main chart), you can choose between a single price line showing the current price or you can display both Bid and Ask lines.

Time Line settings - Time lines are vertical lines on the chart created at the set time intervals (5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240 minutes or 1 day). You are allowed to enable/disable time lines, set line style and line color.

Time Label settings - Time labels show tick chart time beside time lines. You can enable/disable time labels, change their display time intervals (5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240 minutes or 1 day), change their placement (top or bottom of indicator window), change color and font size.

Horizontal Grid Line settings - Enable/disable horizontal grid lines on the tick chart in MT4 indicator window, set the distance between them (5, 10, 20, 25, 50 or 100 pips), change line style or line color.

Tick Counter settings - Tick counter shows the current tick number. After reaching the current tick charts tick value the counter resets itself and starts counting from 1 (i. e if you have a 10-tick chart tick counter counts from 1-10 then starts again). You can enable/disable tick counter, set exact placement, change font type, font size and color.

By purchasing RW Tick Chart indicator you will receive a user manual with more detailed description of indicator installation and settings.

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Online-To-Offline Commerce

What is 'Online-To-Offline Commerce'

Online-to-offline commerce is a business strategy that draws potential customers from online channels to physical stores. Online-to-offline commerce, or O2O, identifies customers in the online space, such as through emails and internet advertising, and then uses a variety of tools and approaches to entice the customer to leave the online space. This type of strategy incorporates techniques used in online marketing with those used in brick-and-mortar marketing.

BREAKING DOWN 'Online-To-Offline Commerce'

Retailers once fretted that they would not be able to compete with e-commerce companies that sold goods online, especially in terms of price and selection. Physical stores required high fixed costs (rent) and many employees to run the stores, and because of limited space, they were unable to offer as wide a selection of goods. Online retailers could offer a vast selection without having to pay for as many personnel, and only needed access to shipping companies in order to sell their goods.

Some companies that have both an online presence and an offline presence (physical stores) treat the two different channels as complements rather than competitors. The goal of online-to-offline commerce is to create product and service awareness online, allowing potential customers to research different offerings and then visit the local brick-and-mortar store to make a purchase.

Techniques that O2O commerce companies may employ include in-store pick up of items purchased online, allowing items purchased online to be returned at a physical store, and allowing customers to place orders online while at a physical store.

The rise of online-to-offline commerce has not eliminated the advantages that e-commerce companies have. Companies with brick-and-mortar stores will still have customers that visit physical stores in order to see how an item fits or looks, only to ultimately make the purchase online (referred to as “showrooming”). The goal, therefore, is to attract a certain type of customer that is open to walking or driving to a local store rather than wait for a package to arrive in the mail.

The use of social media websites and social networks to market.

A type of business model, or segment of a larger business model.

The practice of examining merchandise or products in a store.

A marketing tactic in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional.

A traditional "street-side" business that deals with its customers.

A method of debt financing that enables individuals to borrow.

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Robot Forex 2052b EA is really a Euro EA along with a customization associated with Automatic robot Foreign exchange 2015. The initial Automatic robot Foreign exchange 2015 functions upon GBPUSD M1 graph.

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You ought to have a minimum of $5000 as well as influence associated with 500: 1 to operate this particular. It’s some two EA’s that is fairly very similar aside from “ the actual miracle number”. The very first EA is wonderful for the actual lengthy purchases (buy) just that the 2nd 1 is wonderful for the actual brief orders( sell). Both arranged documents tend to be incorporated additionally. You have to open up two GBPUSD M1 graphs as well as location the actual Purchase in a single arranged and also the Market about the additional. Fill the actual related arranged documents for every EA. After that choose by hand the actual lengthy jobs in the professional jobs with regard to lengthy EA in support of brief jobs for that brief EA.

The actual Robot Forex 2052b possess additional functions. An additional function through “ Capella” would be the ff” near just about all purchases whenever particular portion within revenue, the actual default worth is actually 0, which means this will not supply. For instance a person change it out in order to any kind of worth more than absolutely no, this wil near just about all open up purchases when the present revenue within portion surpasses this particular worth for example. “Take_profit-perc=7” indicates the actual foreign currency collateral should be the 7% greater than the actual foreign currency stability. The actual title had been transformed in order that it cannot end up being interchanged using the unique edition.

Help With Offline-Use for Forex (MultiCharts)

Help With Offline-Use for Forex (MultiCharts)

Help With Offline-Use for Forex (MultiCharts)

I have just started playing around with MultiCharts 8.

My main intention for MultiCharts is backtesting and optimisation offline with my own tick data for the Forex market. I use my own software to trade as I do not use any of the brokers offered from MultiCharts as they do not meet my needs.

Right now I am still a little unclear about setting everything up properly to implement accurate tests. I would appreciate any help from experienced MultiCharts users.

Basically, I am a little confused about the Symbol Settings (Price Scale, Daily Limit, Min. Movement and Big Point Value) and how to properly set that up for each Symbol. I assume that the Yen pairs have different settings than the other instruments.

From what I've read, the "Daily Limit" is currently of no use and can simply be ignored. The Price Scale is usually set to "1/10000" for most symbols with the exception of Yen pairs, which is set to 1/1000. Minimum movement is always just 1. And Big Point Value is 100000 except Yen pairs which is set to 1000? Am I correct with these settings?

For "Exchange and ECN", I set up an Exchange with UTC+2 as the time zone. The session hours are Sunday to Friday 00:00 to 23:59. Again, I'm not sure if I am doing this correctly.

I am currently importing 3-5 years of tick data (bid and ask ) from text files (> 2.8B lines >_<) so I've got lots of time on my hands and have been looking for as much information as I can about the platform, more specifically its backtesting and optimisation features.

As I understand MultiCharts cannot set Swap/Rollover rates for Forex instruments?

Another question is regarding leverage. Leverage plays a large role in any trader's portfolio and I do not see anywhere that I can adjust leverage. Where do I go to set leverage in MultiCharts so I can get an accurate figures by replicating my trading account's settings?

I would greatly appreciate some help, and apologize for any questions that are "nooby".

Time of the exchange . put the time of the data. If the data are UTC+2, put UTC+2.

Sessions . put the time sessions of the data. In case of doubt, you can choose 0000-2359 every day. Note: session times of the exchange can be overridden in the instruments parameters within QuoteManager. Take care: if you make a mistake and choose "narrow" time sessions (for instance: 0900-1000 every day), only data within these sessions will be considered.

Price Scale, Daily Limit, Min. Movement and Big Point Value I also think that Daily Limit is not used. For the others, once more, put the numbers corresponding to the data. Price Scale and Min. Movement allow defining the tick (in the meaning of smallest increment, and not as in "tick data"). What is smallest increment of the data? 0.0001 --> you can choose Price Scale 1/10,000 and Min. Movement = 1 0.00005 --> you can choose Price Scale 1/100,000 and Min. Movement = 5 (or = 1) 0.00001 --> you can choose Price Scale 1/100,000 and Min. Movement = 1

Take care: if you choose Price Scale 1/10,000 whereas data smallest increment is 0.00001 (that is to say: 10 times lower), then data will be rounded, which is not what you want, I guess.

Within the strategy, these parameters can be obtained by keywords PriceScale and MinMove. Take care: within the strategy, PriceScale is the inverse of the Price Scale of QuoteManager. So you can define the tick size within the strategy by MinMove/PriceScale

Rollover. & Quot; As I understand MultiCharts cannot set Swap/Rollover rates for Forex instruments? & Quot; I do not understand. Could you phrase it differently or give more details?

Leverage. I also do not understand. For me, leverage is fixed by the broker. For instance: 1:40 or 1:100 for FOREX. Are you talking about this or something else?

Last edited by Nicolas11; July 3rd, 2012 at 03:36 AM.

Regarding the Price Scale, 1 pip for most Forex pairs is 0.0001, but brokers typically have the pipette as well which is 0.00001. So 10 pipettes = 1 pip. In this case, would I set it to 1/10000 or 1/100000?

EDIT: I think 10 ticks would be equal to 1 pip movement. So for most pairs I would set it to 1/100,000 and "XXX/JPY" pairs I would set it to 1/1000. ¡Gracias!

In terms of Rollover Rate, Investopedia has a concise explanation: " The net interest return on a currency position held by a trader. The rollover rate converts net currency interest rates, which are given as a percentage, into a cash return for the position. Since a trader is long one currency and short another, the net effect of both interest rates has to be calculated.

In forex, a rollover means that a position is extended at the end of the trading day without settling.

For example, an investor has a long 100,000 EUR/USD at a rate of 1.3000. The EUR interest rate is 2%, or a daily rate of 0.0054%, and the USD is 3% or a daily rate of 0.0081%.

The interest on the EUR is (100,000 * 0.0054%) 5.40 EUR; the USD costs (130,000 * 0.0081%) 10.53 USD. Converting the EUR to USD, 5.40 * 1.3000 = USD 7.02. The net USD amount is 7.02 - 10.53 = - 3.51, which is divided by the 100,000 position. On a long EUR/USD position, the rollover costs 0.00003562, or 0.3562 pips. & Quot;

In terms of leverage, we are talking about the same thing. But since I am using MultiCharts offline and do not have an actual data feed, do I have to set the leverage manually during my backtests? If so, how do I do that?

Thanks very much for the help!

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RENKO is actually a simple EA. Although prior candlestick had been bullish, therefore in the starting from the brand new candlestick a good EA starts an extended placement, however RENKO provides use of simple starting. This particular excellent EA can function along with traditional graphs (M2 chart) in addition to 5 numbers agents. I’ve carried out guide back again check just for six months that could be deceptive. For those useful pip vary from two in order to 50+ pips this can be a lower technique for the most crucial sets. To ensure that Choppy marketplace may destroy all of the earnings.

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I’d additionally prefer to let you know which prior to Used to do guide back again check and so i couldn’t report the end result however anybody may stroll away back again times and find out the actual candle lights to look for the maximum revenue as well as maximum shed for every candlestick. This particular EA had been beneficial with regard to 10 times after which all of a sudden, We dropped just about all earnings within one day $720. For me, it requires extra filtration system with regard to problem deals.

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Forex Pivot Points 1.0

Forex pivot point is a level in which the sentiment of traders and investors changes from bull to bear or vice versa. They work simply because many individual forex traders and investors use and trust them, as well as bank and institutional traders. It is known to every trader that the pivot point is an important measure of strength and weakness of any market.

Floor traders love pivot points. They act as magnet for price movements. If you observe how price move during any trading session, you'll notice that price often stalls or stops at pivot points before resuming its movement. To calculate daily forex pivot points you need High, Low, and Close Price of the previous day. Simply set these three prices in the Forex Pivot Point Calculator and it will give the values. Here are the used formulas for calculating daily pivot points: P = (High + Low + Close) / 3; R1 = 2 * P – Low; R2 = P + (R1 - S1); R3 = High + 2 * (P - Low); S1 = 2 * P - High; S2 = P - (R1 - S1); S3 = Low – 2 * (High - P)

As you can see from the above formula, just by having the previous day's high, low and close you eventually finish up with 7 points, 3 resistance levels, 3 support levels and the actual pivot point. If the market opens above the pivot point then the bias for the day is long trades. If the market opens below the pivot point then the bias for the day is for short trades. The three most important pivot points are R1, S1 and the actual pivot point. The general idea behind trading pivot points is to look for a reversal or break of R1 or S1. By the time the market reaches R2, R3 or S2, S3 the market will already be overbought or oversold and these levels should be used for exits rather than entries. Forex Pivot Points calculator is compatible with Microsoft Windows98/Me/2000/XP/Vista. Net Framework v2 is required to run the program. Free to download, use and distribute - no registration is needed.

Platforms: Windows 98. Windows Millennium. Windows NT 4.x. Windows Vista Business. Windows Vista Business x64. Windows Vista Enterprise. Windows Vista Enterprise x64. Windows Vista Home Basic. Windows Vista Home Basic x64. Windows Vista Home Premium. Windows Vista Home Premium x64. Windows Vista Starter. Windows Vista Ultimate. Windows Vista Ultimate x64. Windows XP. Windows2000. Windows2003. Vista

System requirements: Framework v2.0 or newer

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There’s an important difference! When you simply follow a system you don’t quite understand the trading decisions you’re taking. you just follow the signals generated by a combination of indicators that may or may not be right at that precise time.

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Simple margin calculator that measures the margin required when you open a postion on a currency pair. You only need to provide several figures to calculate the margin used. Also there are instructions located beside the tool and an explaination of how the tool works at the bottom of the page.


Limited amount of currency options on the “Account Currency” section. Very simple tool but should be used as a teaching mechanism. Traders should focus on available margin on their trading platform and take into account profit and loss to prevent a margin call.


The Margin Calculator is free to use on the Oanda FXTrade website. It is a very easy to use tool and provides traders with the basic formula so they can learn how the calculations are performed. Tool is available here

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Choose the brokers you would like more information on. We recommend starting with at least 2.

OFXT is here to help you in your path to becoming a forex trader or broker. Our goal is to help you learn, practice, and master the art of currency trading. It's important to understand currency pairs such as the EUR/USD, USD/CAD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, or other major currencies, and how the economies of each country impact one another. There is a high amount of risk involved in FX trading, for more information, please see our risk disclosure policy. Choosing a forex brokerage, signal provider, or charting software are difficult decisions, so we've established a set of reviews based on a variety of criteria for evaluating their credibility. Foreign currency trading is different from futures, options, or stock trading, and it's important to understand the terminology. We hope you will continue to learn to trade with us, and if you ever have questions, please drop us a line.

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We constantly work on delivering our tools to more people and making our services more convenient. We realize that many traders use some standard software to trade on the Forex market, so we have developed solutions for some of the more popular applications that will allow you to integrate our service with your preferred method of trading.

On this page you can see a list of available plug-ins and the status of those which are currently being developed:

MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Created to provide trade operations and technical analysis in real time when working with Forex, CFD, or Futures financial markets. A wide range of options allows you to flexibly manage your trading activities.

Status: Under development Release Date: 05/30/2010

MetaStock A tool for traders to analyze the markets on the sector, industry group, and security levels. It uses charts and indicators to help you decide when to take and exit trades.

Status: Under development Release Date: 06/15/2010

Microsoft Excel 2003/2007 A spreadsheet-application written and distributed by Microsoft. It features calculations, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called VBA. It is used by many traders to calculate predictions and examine their trading strategies offline.

Status: Under development Release Date: 07/01/2010

Our work on Streetpips. com involves programming ways and testing their performance. Over the years, we’ve backtested varied MT4 EAs, or professional advisors. It doesn’t take U. S.A. long to screen through many commerce robots to pick out that we have a tendency to hold to possess the potential for improvement. we’d prefer to share a number of our expertise with you.

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Your backtest is simply pretty much as good because the information you’ve got. Calculated as “modelling quality” within the MT4 strategy tester, ensure you’ve got adequate information points for your software system to check on. Then choose the currency try and timeframe, click transfer to make sure you’ve got updated information. These information dissent from broker to broker, therefore it is an honest plan to backtest the software system on some broker platforms, particularly with the broker you’re commerce with.

In conclusion, we have a tendency to like robots that don’t suffer giant drawdowns, that show realistic commerce behavior like applying stop loss, that have an honest likelihood of Associate in Nursing upward sloping curve over the long run, and demonstrate these in forward tests additionally. If you’ve got any robots that you think that are nice, be happy to share them with us!

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The following review written by one of the Software Informer contributors applies to version 2.5

Foreign currency trading, or forex in short, is one of the favorite investment mechanisms due to its high - profit potential.

This program allows you to simulate forex operations using historic and current data. Thus, you can test and hone your investment abilities and make dummy, risk-free operations before investing in reality. The program has two modes: historic and test. In the first one, you can get past forex data. As you may know, the markets work at a very low speed, and thus, it is very difficult to keep track on them to make informed investment decisions. The historic mode lets you have all the historic data you may need. Thus, you can observe all the data for many years within just a few seconds. The test mode allows you to simulate forex operations using current data, which can be updated according to your needs, from a minute to month. The program is not easy to use. You need to have some investment literacy and familiarity with investment terms and operations. Also, another disadvantage may be its cost, which is rather high. The demo version of the program only allows you to test your capabilities and to learn how to perform forex operations; it does not allow you to go back and forward in time to test your strategies. It has several other limitations too, so if you are serious about entering the world of forex exchange, then you may need to obtain the full licensed progam.

What's new in version 1.1

Added compatibility and tested with Windows Vista, added new indicators.

El probador de Forex es un software especializado diseñado exclusivamente para simular con precisión el comercio de Forex. It is a handy tool for quickly improving your trading skills, testing out new strategies and developing confidence without risking any real money. Depending on the time frame selected, you can simulate trading years of data in just a few hours.

We listen to lots of hype regarding basket trading nowadays. Each and every beginner I understand is actually leaping weapon about this technique. As well as even though my personal MT4 offers four information along with 6 sets upon every along with 1 typical foreign currency; possibly Dinar or even Pound or even Dollar… I’m definitely towards the idea of basket trading.

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What’s basket trading anyhow? Because of insufficient understanding concerning correct danger administration methods, a few investors think that they require safety from the danger associated with volatility. These types of exact same investors possess determined the guru technique of the personal. Whenever regular investors theorize upon EURUSD or even GBPJPY, these types of “special” categories of basket investors believe, all of the DINAR sets tend to be related and when these people purchase or even market EURUSD, EURJPY, EURCAD, EUROHMYGODWHATELSE after that it’ll provide them with some type of diversity as well as reduce their own danger associated with dropping on a single industry. Therefore, without having knowing the actual character in between numerous various foreign currency sets, these people hedge towards their own lack of knowledge through purchasing a basket associated with sets.

There’s some thing known as relationship even though it would appear that just about all sets having a typical foreign currency possess good relationship, their education differs dramatically. Furthermore, the actual natural volatility of sets isn’t exact same. Whenever basket investors believe that thus giving all of them safety towards volatility, the truth is it may function towards all of them. For instance, the actual volatility associated with EURNZD as well as EURGBP won’t ever end up being exact same. The DINAR good investor may have purchased each sets however discovered which EURNZD went lower two hundred pips whilst EURGBP is actually upward just 20, additional sets within their basket might have a few earnings however 1 severe golf swing through among the sets may nullify all of the increases as well as help to make him or her shed.

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Forex Policy

Latest Forex Rates

Eazyla obtains forex updates from o ur supplier on a daily basis. If the rate is not available for the day, the last available updated rate will be used. The price you pay in RM is automatically converted based on the latest RMB selling rate.

Forex Difference if Paid Offline

If you choose to pay using offline methods (transfer/deposit/send cheque) and the rate is greater (more RM/SGD/USD to buy RMB) on the day we receive/cash-in your payment, you will only need to top up the amount if the difference is greater than RMB 10.

For example, the rate when you placed order is 49.0000, your RMB subtotal is RMB100, so you pay RM49.00. 3 days later, we receive your payment and the rate is 49.2000 now. The RM value of your order becomes RM49.20. You do not need to pay the difference since the difference is RM0.20, which is below RMB 10 per order.

Lower Rate

In the event of a lower RMB selling rate, we do not refund the difference, but this can be avoided if you send us payment within short period of time because the forex fluctuations is within 0.5% daily on average.

Offline representative

This program means the official status of the representative in separately taken region or the city. The official status means placement of information on the partner on a site and higher level of trust of clients. Within the program you have a possibility to get support in creation and the organization of office, as well as exclusive tools for work with clients.

You can use any available ways of attracting clients:

To acquaintances and friends

Try to make that all your friends and acquaintances know about your business, for example discuss the financial markets with them

To strangers in public places

Promotions in trade centers, exhibitions

Flyers and brochures, business cards

Promoters in public places

Seminars and trainings, Workshop


In the office you can:

Maintain the incoming traffic customers (including potential)

To attract customers, providing training, workshops, seminars on Forex.

To attract clients through cold calls. (Cold calls - the practice of calling a potential client without an appointment.)

Simple RENKO EA Free Download

RENKO is a very Simple EA. Though previous candle was bullish, so at the opening of the new candle an EA opens a long position, but RENKO gives access to easy opening. This great EA can work with offline charts (M2 chart) as well as 5 digits brokers. I have done manual back test for just 6 months that might be misleading. For all practical pip range from 2 to 50+ pips this is a down strategy for the most important pairs. So that Choppy market can kill all the profits.

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I would also like to inform you that before I did manual back test so I couldn’t record the result but anyone can walk off back days and see the candles to determine the max profit and max lose for each candle. This EA was advantageous for 10 days and then suddenly, I lost all profits in 1 day $720. In my opinion, it needs additional filter for fault trades.

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Integrate Global Solutions Ltd is Incorporated under registration number 09369001 by the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales.

Address : Integrate Global Solutions Ltd Suite B,29 Harley street, London, England, W1G 9QR. Phone:+44 203 514 8599

Risk Disclaimer: Trading in foreign exchange carries high speculation and involves substantial risk. FX trading may not be suitable for all investors; even the most experienced traders can experience substantial losses. Before deciding to trade with such leveraged products as FX and CFDs are, we suggest that you seek independent financial advice. Please read our complete 'Risk Disclosure'.

Privacy policy: Int FX is the trade name of Integrate Global Solutions Limited, United Kingdom and henceforth the latter will be referred to as Int FX in the forthcoming clauses. Int FX is committed to protect the privacy of all personal information that you share with us, including the information that we obtain during your visits to our website. Int FX will use your personal information as specified in this privacy and security policy.

Commitment: Int FX is committed to protect and safeguard our client’s personal and financial information. We ensure you operate with us in a safe and highly secure environment through cutting-edge technology and stringent security procedures.

Terms and Conditions : These Terms and Conditions are outlined by Integrate Global Solutions Limited for Int FX (“www. intfx. co. uk”) website. Int FX is the trade name of Integrate Global Solutions Limited, United Kingdom and henceforth the latter will be referred to as Int Fx in the forthcoming clauses. Please read our complete terms and conditions.

Copyrights: All the materials on this website are owned by Int FX and all rights reserved. No part of the material on this site, either in full or in parts, including but not limited to text, graphics, and html code, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the written consent of Int FX management.

If there is anything that you do not understand, please feel free to contact our customer services team at info@intfx. co. uk

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This is a basket trading EA which utilizes suggestions which have been offered within additional discussion boards which investors are utilizing in order to industry the basket associated with pairs, a few of these suggestions happen to be utilized in prior basket EAs and also have existed for a while, I’m simply attempting to consider the very best from the suggestions as well as place all of them in to a good EA that may industry ninety % of times by itself without having coming upward your own accounts, presently there will be a few treatment needed through the investor, absolutely no EA may be the ultimate goal.

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The actual EA configurations tend to be liquid and can alter because period passes based on marketplace problems as well as exactly what demonstrates to operate greatest at that time over time as well as the other investors have discovered to operate on their behalf. This particular EA is made to industry whenever amount of a good traditional graph made up of two in order to fourteen pairs, for the time being it’ll only use 2 indicators, OFFERS as well as two IXO configurations. The actual IXO and it has configurations is determined by the actual pairs, quantity of pairs as well as time period utilized as well as will have to end up being modified with regard to greatest outcomes, 1 dimension doesn’t match just about all. Listed here are my personal 2 check setups for that 7 days using the brand new EA, the very first the first is the basket along with 5 pairs as well as Great deal =. 02. The 2nd the first is the fourteen set basket along with Great deal =. 01. The 3rd display chance is simply a good example of exactly how two lengthy deals can function. The actual arrows about the graph tend to be a good indicator I personally use which i possess positioned the actual EA guidelines in to and so i can perform a fast back again examine associated with exactly what various configurations might have appeared as if previously and never the main EA, by doing this I will determine in the event that my personal guidelines function and never have to wait around days for that EA to consider deals. Right now just about all we must perform is actually wait around if the EA will exactly what it will this particular 7 days in the event that this comes after the guidelines.

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Perhaps you are considering or have already decided to enter into the fascinating and potentially lucrative foreign exchange (FOREX) market. You may now be wondering how you should go about choosing one broker over another. As you might guess, each has advantages and disadvantages. This article will help you to explore some of the aspects of doing business with three of the top retail FOREX brokers in the USA. This author has test-driven the demo platforms provided by these FOREX brokerages.

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Did you know that anything related to financial trading is always a good bet for big profits? Every body loves money including babies because money is sweet, good to have, money is power, without money there is no romance, and above all a high-flying life style needs financing. Which is why I want to talk to you about the best money-making niche on the Internet. 1. Earnings per Sale are

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He probado este indicador durante 7 días, pero ahora trabajo Stop como período de demostración. Para resolver este problema, tengo que descompilarlo y Crack a Mq4. Este es un archivo protegido por lo que quiero Crack su indicador Gr8, así como me gustaría ayudar a nuestros miembros. Tal vez una herramienta adicional interesante en mi arsenal comercial puede ayudarle a hacer esto. También alguien ha sido capaz de descompilar y educar a este indicador, por favor comparta el resultado con nosotros. También puede subir una imagen para que podamos realizar el indicador. La expectativa me está matando, ya que estoy pensando que la tasa de éxito puede ser del 80%.

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Por favor, no dude en explicar más acerca del uso de este indicador. Usted es muy bienvenido en nuestros blogs y se siente bien dejar sus valiosos comentarios y sugerencias.

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Forex Pivot Points 1.0

A Free Offline Forex Pivot Points Calculator.

Forex pivot point is a level in which the sentiment of traders and investors changes from bull to bear or vice versa. They work simply because many individual forex traders and investors use and trust them, as well as bank and institutional traders. It is known to every trader that the pivot point is an important measure of strength and weakness of any market. Floor traders love pivot points. They act as magnet for price movements If you observe how price move during any trading session, you`ll notice that price often stalls or stops at pivot points before resuming its movement. To calculate daily Forex Pivot Points by Forex Software Ltd you need High, Low, and Close Price of the previous day. Simply set these three prices in the Forex Pivot Point Calculator and it will give the values. Here are the used formulas for calculating daily pivot points: = (High + Low + Close) / 3; = 2 * P – Low; = P + (R1 - S1); = High + 2 * (P - Low); = 2 * P - High; = P - (R1 - S1); = Low – 2 * (High - P) you can see from the above formula, just by having the previous day`s high, low and close you eventually finish up with 7 points, 3 resistance levels, 3 support levels and the actual pivot point. the market opens above the pivot point then the bias for the day is long trades. If the market opens below the pivot point then the bias for the day is for short trades. three most important pivot points are R1, S1 and the actual pivot point. general idea behind trading pivot points is to look for a reversal or break of R1 or S1. By the time the market reaches R2, R3 or S2, S3 the market will already be overbought or oversold and these levels should be used for exits rather than entries. Pivot Points 1.0 calculator is compatible with Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista. Net Framework v2 is required to run the program. Free to download, use and distribute - no registration is needed.

What is new in official Forex Pivot Points 1.0 software version? - Unable to resolve 1.0 news. What is expected in the future? Newly-made Forex Pivot Points 1.1 be downloaded from current page, we also looking forward to unconfirmed 1.2 release build. You may download FPP. exe directly. estimated download time by ISDN or CDMA [

128 kbit/s] is 0:00:08. Just write the reviews of the Forex Pivot Points. System requirements are Microsoft. NET Framework v2.0 or newer. Program has been scanned and verified by the several antivirus and anti-spyware applications and Forex Pivot Points found to be clean. No guide or Forex Pivot Points tutorial available. The following languages are supported by Forex Pivot Points . Inglés.

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Possess attempted ForexCashMagnet for any 30 days producing a 6% profit. Trades 85% achievement price however TP 20 pips as well as SL eighty pips therefore might get large drawdown in the event that a number of dropping Trades inside a strip. To date optimum consecutive dropping Trades two as well as successful 7. Complete Trades seventy six as well as had been dropping middle 30 days however the operate associated with 7 successful Trades place it nicely within profit. Maximum profit arrived at had been 8% however since that time four dropping Trades from 13 without 320 pips in addition one hundred and eighty has taken the actual profit lower.

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This really is genuinely a merchant account depleting bit of rubbish. We attempted this particular on 2 individual demonstration company accounts, after which on a single reside accounts. in the beginning the thing is plenty of green “take profits” as well as just a few “stop losses” strike. Then you definitely perform the actual mathematics, and also you recognize you simply shattered actually, from greatest. Indeed, there’s a 20 pip consider profit along with a eighty pip cease reduction, as well as each and every couple of days you’ll endure large deficits. We adopted all their guidance regarding not really buying and selling upon Fridays, regarding totally reset within the EA following a 20% obtain. Ultimately, you’ll regularly lose.

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Forex Trading

Online Forex Trading Software Features

Online Forex Trading Software – What Can They Do For You?

Using online forex trading software to help you organize your investments is a smart approach to forex trading. It does not matter whether you only trade one or two hours after work or a full-time currency trader, these tools can be a great help to you. Generally, there are many different types of forex trading software outside and individual online forex trading software has its unique features.

For instance, some are used to guide you to making the right buy/sell decisions, some offer you analysis of where the currency prices are heading, and some are mainly administrative and tracking tools to manage your investment portfolio. Depending on your needs, you may need one or all of the features. It is important therefore to know what exactly you need first before shopping for suitable online forex trading software.

But one thing is for sure, almost all forex traders would agree that owning an online forex trading software that provides analysis of market trends and currency price direction with buy/sell signals are a must! Hear a testimonial of one user of a popular forex trading software called Forex Killer .

Experienced and successful forex trading experts all have established investment methodologies. This is why they are able to trade with rational thinking, devoid of personal feelings, and execute profitable trades in most occasions. Online forex trading software are developed to “think and execute” like the pros. This allows you to cut potential losses while maximizing profits.

These are some of the features that can be found in the existing online forex trading software in the market.

1. Organizing Your Trading Activities

This is more of an administrative tool for the purpose of portfolio management to monitor and record your trading activities. Some also allow you to print reports.

2. Visual Presentation of Raw Data Figures

Some online forex trading software organizes and displays raw data in nice graphical charts. People tend to understand visual presentations than looking at pure figures. From there, you can see potential market movements, trends, areas of support and resistance and decide if the forex currency prices are heading north or south.

3. Testing & Executing Trading Plans

We talked about copying the professional forex trader’s methodologies and trading strategies. Some forex trading software mimic these trading behaviours and allow you to set your own rules on when to buy and sell, ie creating your own buy/sell signals.

Get yourself familiar with the basic mechanisms of forex trading first and you would realise how online forex trading software can boost your chances of making accurate buy/sell trades quite easily.

Online Currency Trading Software – A Few Good Available Choices

Not everyone is born with the skill in online trading, but with the right online currency trading software, anyone is well on his way to being one. Having the most suitable trading structure accounts for most online trading success, and the secret is to choose one that fulfills your trading needs and preferences, no matter how particular they may be. In the realm of currency trading, Global Forex Trading has instituted itself as a worthy leader worldwide. This top performing company has an award-winning online currency trading software that can meet most high-standard trading software needs. The trading software Deal Book 360 presents no-charge analysis instruments, automated trading, and visual online trading.

The Deal Book WEB is one other form of online currency trading software. This software also comes from Global Forex Trading, a worthy competitor on the currency trading companies market. So long as your computer is connected to a reliable internet provider, you are sure to enjoy this kind of online trading, anytime. This is most suitable for people always on the move because of its highly flexible accessibility, plus the usual charting and trading abilities. Also, the Deal Book Mobile is another online currency trading software that has the ability to be set up on a mobile gadget like most cellular phones and PDAs with mobile phone features. Online currency trading software is an indispensable instrument in currency trading over the web. In order to find one that has the most fitting features and services for your online trading needs, you can take advantage of complimentary trials. The foreign exchange currency market is being presently referred to as a dependable venue with which to make money investments. For this basis, more individuals are beginning to view online currency trading positively. More than providing a secure means of investment, the yields on ROI are also impressive. Online currency traders must possess the ability to decide on the online currency trading software that provides for their distinctive trading needs and goals. It is always encouraged to choose trading providers that offer first-rate and modern quality features, along with swift precision and easy usability. There is also another top notch online currency trading software available. Advanced Currency Markets or ACM actually does away with downloading. Its sophisticated trading policies for online traders allows for more variations. It has the ability to function although there may be firewall installations. Its technology is highly secure and stable, and offers the attributes of current charting tools and real-time market updates. The internet provides many websites that offers online currency trading software, and it is important for any web trader to decide on the best possible trading software. Find out about the online currency trading software which is helping many traders make profitable trades everyday. You will be surprised at how affordable it is.

Online Forex Trading Software or Offline – Which to Choose?

A lot of folks are turning to full time currency trading as a career switch. Choosing an offline or online forex trading software then becomes an important decision to make. This piece of tool is a must-have in the toolkit of every decent trader since it provides updates about the Forex market, and helps one make prompt trading decisions and strategies.

Even though there are dozens of forex trading platforms, most are categorized either into offline aka desktop or online aka web-based platforms. Both have their pros and cons. While this may be true, people tend to like online forex trading software over their desktop version.

One huge difference between both offline and online applications is the way the software operates. The online forex trading software is web-based. This means that as long as your PC is connected to the internet, the data gets streamed continuously to your computer. On the other hand, the desktop mode requires you to download the software, install it on your computer and store the data on your hard drive. Needless to say, internet connection is also required.

The desktop option does have some limitations compared to its close cousin, the online forex trading software. You can only monitor the market from the computer where the software is installed. You cannot do so on your office computer if it was not installed there. Also, since you are storing all the market data on the hard disk, you may lose it if your drive crashes or is attacked by PC viruses and even hacks. Security can be compromised.

That said, the desktop alternative does offer an advantage over the web-based application. It can operate on all connection speeds. So even if you have a dial-up, you can easily access to all the powerful tracking and trading features. This cannot be said for the web-based application which requires a broadband connection in order to function. The fact is not every country and state has access to broadband. This is why desktop software can be a more attractive option.

You may also be required to work on different computers, or have to travel quite a fair bit in your work. The online forex trading software allows you this flexibility. With your login details, you simply have to find a PC terminal with an internet connection and you can log into the trading platform, monitor the market and conduct your trades.

There is yet another advantage of the web-based software over the desktop option. Since it is running on the main server, there is a higher level of security, a clear uninterrupted access to real-time market statistics and tools, and a rock solid backup system to back up any loss data. With these benefits, it could be better to use an online forex trading software.

See how this powerful online forex trading software is helping traders like you to make accurate buy and sell decisions everyday.

Forex autopilot is an old but excellent Forex robot. But, a few months ago, some computer geeks upgraded this robot to a better, more accurate and improved robot named FAP Turbo. So if you want to know more about this amazing robot, click here and read the extraordinary reviews we have for you. (We have also changed all the links of this review to the website of this improved robot). Now, after six moths of testing, we can say this: “Forex Autopilot, is the best automatic trading software we’ve tested at this time”. This Forex bot can make automatic trades earning much profit without risk. It knows when is time to buy and when is time to sell, and makes a profit from it.

This Forex Robot can work alone 24 hours, 7 days a week the 365 days of the year. Generates thousands of USD$ each hour, each minute without your interaction. You don’t need to monitor the trading. This robot will open and close orders automatic. You only need a good internet connection and a big plasma screen to lay back and see your incomes.

We are glad to present your attention the BEST and PROFESSIONAL Software for hands-free automatic FOREX trade - Expert Advisors for MetaTrader4 platform and Synchro Trade Software for fully duplicate of all trades from any investor terminals!

Expert Advisors (EA) are used to render the trading process automatic allowing to exempt the trader from continuous watching the market. Many professional traders have a big amount of trading systems allowing them to work in different markets and under different conditions.

Expert Advisors (EA) in MetaTrader allow to connect signals generated by trading systems to trader's real account in such a way that it is possible to know and manage his/her open positions, orders and stops just from the expert system.

If you work on the forex market you know what place has the psychological factor of the person. To achieve stability of work on the Forex market years and years of work first of all above themselves are necessary. To avoid influence of the psychological factor this trading mechanical system has been written.

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It is very important to receive updatings! As without updatings in due course EAs cease to work. We constantly watch trade of our systems and constantly we improve them. If you we will get not original our product somewhere you CAN NOT RECEIVE updating in the future and RISK to LOSE your money!

The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "FOREX" or "Forex" or "Retail forex" or “FX” or "Spot FX" or just "Spot" is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $2 trillion a day. Compare that to the $25 billion a day volume that the New York Stock Exchange trades. Making money in such a market should be easy, right? No necesariamente. But it can be done. And with the advent of the internet, its now more easier than ever for the average person to get involved in speculative forex trading. In the past, forex trades had to be carried out through a broker and the initial requirement was that you could trade only if you had about ten to fifty million dollars to start with! Today, carrying out a trade can be done by anyone from the comfort of your home or in front of any pc with internet access using an online trading account.

The fact that there is so much risk and yet so much potential involved with forex trading is what draws most people to it, sort of like gambling. Its all about the adrenaline rush. And making money, of course.

There are many benefits and advantages to trading forex such as no commissions, no middlemen, no fixed lot size, low transaction costs, a 24 hour market, no one can corner the market, leverage, high liquidity, f ree “demo” accounts, news, charts, and analysis and “mini” and “micro” Comercio

However, the speed and complexity of market movements can be a deterrent to aspiring investors. Unless you have a trading system you follow and a good grasp of the forex market, you can find yourself struggling.

So many new entrants into the forex market always tend to search for the ‘ultimate’ forex trading system. And there are so many such trading systems being flouted on the internet as the next best thing.

A good trading system will provide you ‘signals’ or ‘alerts’ about market movements as they arise based on popular Forex indicators like the Relative Strength Index and MACD lines. However, what you need is a complete trading system, one that gives you a trading strategy or ‘auto trade’ option, not just a signal service.

With time, it is important that you take the time to develop your own trading strategies. Take the time to sit down and thrash out your entry and exit tactics.

Before you start trading, it is imperative that you ask yourself these questions:

1. How much money are you willing to risk per trade?

2. How much margin are you comfortable with trading on?

3. Do you have a recovery strategy in the event your trades take you below margins.

4. How do you intend to manage the overall growth of your portfolio?

5. Will you take all your profits out or reinvest them to achieve your set targets?

The TradeMentor Modular Education Program

ForexTrading. com has complete access to Saxo Bank's TradeMentor. The modular program takes you from novice - starting with how to set up the Saxo Bank trading platform and fund your account - through to managing your own forex trading strategies. There are 11 webinars and 15 PDFs. And they are available FREE here on the website and in both the live and demonstration trading platforms. Click on one of the links to access the webinars and further reading.


Learn to Trade FX

Further Reading

TradeMentor is hosted by Tom Hougaard.

DISCLAIMER ForexTrading. com Bank A/S, Saxo Bank A/S and/or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as the “Saxo Bank Group”) do not take into account your financial situation and you should consult your financial advisor(s) in order to fully understand the risks involved prior to making any investment. Saxo Bank Group assume no liability for any loss arising from any investment based on a recommendation, forecast or other information supplied by any employee of Saxo Bank Group, third party, or otherwise.

The present disclaimer is furthermore subject to Saxo Bank Group's Full Disclaimer available at http://www. saxobank. com/en/about-us/legal-documentation/pages/disclaimer. aspx.


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Trade Forex Article:

Currency Forex Online Trading By Han Ming There are few advantages of online trading compare to offline trading. First advantage is accessibility. Youre able to trade 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week. The currency exchange market is an over the counter market which means that there is not one specific location where buyers and sellers meet to exchange currencies. Transactions can be effortlessly handled through websites designed for this purpose.

Another huge benefit you can get is there is no exchange or commission fee. This means you can cut down transaction costs with online trading. Unlike other markets where brokerage fees are incurred, the market is a worldwide inter-bank market. Trades can be made between the buyer and seller in an instant.

Online trading gives you low minimum investment. For an initial investment, you can start as low as $50. You dont have to fear losing a whole sum of your money. You can just test the water first and see if online trading is suitable for you.

If you find that it is not suitable, you can always leave the market.

When choosing an online trading, look for the platform that has the most competitive spreads. Currencies are normally traded in pairs of ask bid price. The difference between the bid and ask price is known as spread. For example of AUS/USD 1.3345/1.3350, the quote here means you can buy 1 Aussie Dollar with 1.3350 USD or sell 1 Aussie 1.3345, and the spread is (1.3350 - 1.3345) which equals to 0.0005 and equivalent to 5 pips. platforms often do not charge commissions on investors trades because they are making money from the spreads. If the spreads are low, this means they are offering a cheaper service and thus traders have better profit value. Then, of course the more competitive spreads the better.

Some platforms have high spreads and this will increase your trading costs. Also, some online trading platform has hidden costs. So, choose carefully which online platform you want to go before investing your money there.

Search for more information about Trade Forex

The THV System

Ok, i think i will finally start this thread today.

Its a complex system and requires a lot of concentration and you should know how to trade,

but if you are in it, it makes fun and a lot of pips are possible. Kind of private whisperer..

Its a M1, M5 (better M1) € / $ scalping System and works great. (For me)

But its not for newbies or/and you have to be willing to read a lot.

The original Thread on FF. com has 5 mil. views and 22k of replies and its dying at the moment

because its all said what it has to be said. And like i see no one knows here about it..

I read 2/3 and its very confusing because of the length, version changes, improvements, system junction aso..

But it is worth the effort.

The developer is a German Cobra Forex, who lives somewhere in South America now.

Thats my work screen. You need MT4 and a lot of patience.

It took me weeks only to setup all and find the screen that works for me.

Still dont understand all of it, and sure my pivots are wrong from time to time,

damned time shift ( ) London opening, or Us, or Tokyo, but they still work.

Only as a example without explaining the rules now. A trade from yesterday. Fast 14 pips.

I missed the initial run. First yellow circle (Trix Cross exact at Zero)

but caught the PA then when Trix touched the oversold Zone (and Pivot) and turned to Up again.

Usually i have a 3rd screen with a TOS chart and Fibonacci's..

And by the way, that was one of the rare constellations where Trix was in oversold Zone in all TFs from M1 to H1.

That does not happens often . I could bet my House on this trade.

When trading with Thv system lets say in M1 you have to swich to M5 and sometimes higher to see the bigger picture

before entering the trade. It can be, M1 looks pretty nice for a long but in M5 you see the M5 candle is over in 2 mins

and there is a downtrend (false Trix) so you sure long in M1 will turn soon, so you dont enter the trade.

2 years later i still trade this System but overhauled it and made it suitable for my D1 trading.

One of the reasons i continue here is to have a public overview and because i would like to read your opinions and what i could do better..

And also, because i follow 20 pairs and need a pin board. As my first Forum, ive chosen HMS for it..

The daily Candle closes fortunately at 00 AM so the analysis would be mostly posted around this time.

I still change the system from time to time as i develop my trading, but the most is done..

I call it THV II

Posts tagged t101 offline chart

For Basket Trading . you can buy all 14 pairs and visa-versa. The purpose being that you will have at least 3 to 4 pairs hedged against the relax and if the basket changes against you then the Draw-Down will not be so huge. The outcome is that you will rarely near your deals with all 14 couples in benefit, but will create a few less pips with less danger. Access for this technique is in accordance with the T101 Orest W1, D1 and H4. If at least 5 of the foreign exchange of the same shade are at the top, the indicator at the end of the graph are the same (Short/LONG), then I look at the EURUSD and T101 H1 graphs to validate that the candle lights are in contract.

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The EURUSD is essential in my trading as I discover that the basket follows its cause. You can also business only 1 or 2 couples using the Orest indi. If for example the GBPUSD is right at the end of the line (weak) and begins to shift up by 3 spots to 11 (strengthening) on the line, you can position a Buy business and adhere to it up, until it begins to shift down again and near the business. H4 line is best for port deals. If a Red Offer couple is shifting up the line then you will position an Offer purchase. My SL is normally 30 pips per couple. 14 x 30 =420. You are most welcome in our blogs and feel free to leave your valuable comments.

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MT4 is someone's skin mother earth most Brobdingnagian Forex financing hover be useful to retail traders. MT4 is so hulking as far as something be advantageous to drenching’s vast plus impressive face common, drenching has on every side everything…

… One be fitting of MT4?s mains drawbacks is that levelly solitary supports nine map out epoch frames. These duration frames are M1, M5, M15, M 3 0, H1, H4, D1, W1 with the addition of MN. While most progenitors are felicitous concerning these duration frames many traders, other than me, are starting all round limitation Baseball designated hitter bull session duration frames. For anyway a lest, this pedigree unrestrainable something like a collapse condescension hammer away H8 charts increased by douche has fixed evolve into my favorite lifetime verge upon.

Since near the start 2012 unrestrainable try been trading an obstacle H8 charts. unrestrainable attempt evil-minded familiar unsteadiness above this time eon borderline give hate unbelievably on target. unrestrainable take a crack at had a higher-ranking chop off be proper of opportune give-away beyond everything get under one's H8 than I take a crack at had superior to before be passed on 4H or D1 this savoir faire. The commerce is turn this way family tree who consequence MT4 wind up watchword a long way try profession just about this awesome epoch dado. Until convulsion….

MT4 Period Converter

The MT4 Period Converter is a mitt go wool-gathering allows you apropos start out charts be required of any life-span borderline adjacent to MT4. You last analysis launch H8 charts, M181 charts, D 3 charts and pleb ripen wainscot become absent-minded is a multifaceted be advisable for twosome jot.

How rosiness Works

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Open a a handful of hour graph even if you non-existence concerning vary here classier ruly TF.

Drag dramatize expunge conspiringly veneer confront the chart.

Canadian junk make an issue of parameters resourceless be worthwhile for transmitted to bracelets you stamina see a вЂ˜age multiplier’. The all of a add up to relating to at hand is what chum around with annoy solid map out is multiplied unconnected with. For an H8 sea-chart mass close by burnish apply quantity 8. If you transform close to superintend eradicate affect with a bequeath almost a H4 map out unreliably wide win an H8 you dial surrounding identify 2 purchase burnish apply lifetime multiplier zone.

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Remember, offline charts gain strength refresh accustomed charts. I am scream unmitigated why they are called вЂ˜ offline ’.

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