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Corredores de Forex en Nueva Zelanda
Regulación de Forex en Nueva Zelanda
En Nueva Zelanda, hay 3 instituciones bien conocidas: FSPR, FSCL y FMA, pero ninguno de ellos actúa como un cuerpo regulador para corredores de Forex de Nueva Zelanda. Aunque los corredores están obligados a seguir un procedimiento de registro simple con el fin de proporcionar servicios financieros, es justo decir que el comercio de divisas en Nueva Zelanda hasta el momento no está totalmente supervisado por ninguna institución reguladora.
Registro de Proveedores de Servicios Financieros (FSPR, por sus siglas en inglés) - es un registro de negocios del gobierno, donde las entidades que proveen servicios financieros deben registrarse. Todos los corredores de NZ Forex están registrados con FSPR.
Nueva Zelanda Lista de brokers de Forex:
Más sobre la regulación de Nueva Zelanda
Una respuesta oficial de FMA Nueva Zelanda sugiere que los corredores de Forex en Nueva Zelanda están "generalmente sujetos a una regulación relativamente limitada", donde sólo se requiere el registro con FSPR, FSCL:
A continuación se muestra la respuesta oficial de FMA:
"Todos los comerciantes de divisas que tienen un lugar de negocios en Nueva Zelanda deben estar registrados como un proveedor de servicios financieros Como condición previa para el registro, los proveedores de servicios financieros deben ser miembros de un sistema aprobado de resolución de disputas. En www. fspr. govt. nz.
Algunos distribuidores de divisas pueden estar sujetos a requisitos regulatorios adicionales dependiendo de las actividades que emprendan.
La prestación de servicios de cambio de moneda extranjera y los servicios de remesas monetarias asociados generalmente no requerirán ninguna licencia o autorización (excepto la inscripción como proveedor de servicios financieros) si ésta es la única actividad del distribuidor. Estas actividades están generalmente sujetas a regulaciones relativamente limitadas.
Sin embargo, los agentes de cambio que ofrecen contratos de futuros de divisas deben ser autorizados por FMA para negociar contratos de futuros. Los "contratos de futuros" se definen en la Ley de Mercados de Valores de 1988 e incluyen algunos productos derivados liquidados en efectivo que no pueden considerarse contratos de futuros para otros fines. Generalmente incluye contratos por diferencia sobre pares de divisas y productos de divisas de margen, swaps o contratos a término liquidados en efectivo. Las autorizaciones de los comerciantes de futuros se publican en la Gaceta de Nueva Zelanda (www. gazette. govt. nz) y un distribuidor autorizado debe poder proporcionarle una prueba de su autorización. Sin embargo, las autorizaciones no se registran actualmente en el registro de proveedores de servicios financieros ni se publican en nuestro sitio web.
Los distribuidores de divisas que también ofrecen otros productos financieros o servicios financieros pueden, dependiendo de lo que otros productos o servicios que proporcionan, ser regulados con respecto a esos otros productos o servicios.
Esperamos que esto sea de ayuda ".
Otra respuesta oficial de FSPR:
"El principal regulador para los Corredores sería la Autoridad de Mercados Financieros.
Puede ver sus datos de contacto y más información sobre ellos haciendo clic aquí.
Perdimos cualquier corredor de Forex de Nueva Zelanda? Por favor sugerimos añadiendo un comentario a continuación.
Corredores de Forex en Nueva Zelanda
Nueva Zelanda, para muchas personas, parece escondida en un rincón del mundo, y parece tener poco contacto con el resto. Sin embargo, este es un buen país, y su economía se dedica en gran medida a la agricultura - las cosas que crecen en la tierra, o vivir en ella. La mayoría de sus exportaciones son leche en polvo, mantequilla y queso. A eso, agregue la carne y los despojos, los troncos, la madera, los artículos hechos de la madera, de la fruta, y del vino. Nueva Zelandia también exporta peces y crustáceos, petróleo y maquinaria mecánica.
El Kiwi, como se conoce el dólar de Nueva Zelandia, es impulsado por estas exportaciones agrícolas. Junto con Australia, Nueva Zelanda se ha beneficiado de los crecientes mercados en Asia, y como resultado, el Kiwi ha aumentado a alturas vertiginosas que el analista no habría pronosticado. Esta nueva riqueza ha llevado a muchos inversores locales comienzan a tener un interés en el mercado de divisas como una forma de aumentar la riqueza.
El comercio de divisas ha despegado de una manera grande en todo el mundo, como vehículo de inversión popular, pero en Nueva Zelanda todavía está en su infancia. Esto significa que los inversionistas están teniendo que lidiar con muchas de las cuestiones que se han regulado en otras partes del mundo, ya que las autoridades aún no han llegado a enfrentarse a ellas. Como resultado, la elección de un corredor de divisas en el país no es necesariamente una tarea sencilla, porque donde hay dinero, criminales aparecerán fuera de la carpintería para tomar ventaja.
Mientras que las actividades de la divisa no están sin una cierta regulación, el hecho es que la protección para los inversionistas no es del más fino. Ciertamente, los corredores de divisas necesitan obtener una licencia de la Comisión de Valores de Nueva Zelanda, y deben cumplir con las normas contra el lavado de dinero. Sin embargo, debido a que el comercio de divisas es una actividad relativamente nueva, la comisión sólo ahora se está moviendo para formular reglamentos. Al elegir un corredor, es un caso de "cavaat emptor" • dejar que el comprador tenga cuidado. Un regulador popular de Nueva Zelandia es el FSPR
En muchos casos, los comerciantes han recurrido a corredores australianos que han estado en el negocio de la divisa desde hace algunos años, y muchos de ellos se han establecido en la vecina Nueva Zelanda también. Sin embargo, junto con los corredores genuinos han llegado los estafadores en busca de dinero fácil.
La seguridad y la seguridad son primordiales al elegir a un corredor de la divisa. Todo el mundo quiere un corredor que da rápida ejecución sin resbalones, y ofrece spreads apretados. Sin embargo, estos cuentan para nada si el corredor se rompe la celebración de sus fondos. Usted debe comprobar que un corredor tiene licencia de la Comisión de Valores. Ni que decir. Sin embargo, también debe preguntar a otros comerciantes por sus opiniones, y leer comentarios.
Sabemos que la elección de un corredor puede ser una tarea difícil, pero no es uno para ser apresurado. Con el fin de ayudarle en su elección, hemos reunido algunos de los nombres que, como comerciantes nosotros mismos, sabemos y confiar en Nueva Zelanda. Eche un vistazo a ellos, ya que podría acelerar el proceso de selección del corredor adecuado para usted.
Descargo de responsabilidad Puede haber un alto grado de riesgo en el comercio de divisas y por esta sola razón, algunos inversores pueden decidir que no es adecuado para ellos. Hay un grado considerable de apalancamiento involucrado que, aunque puede trabajar en su favor, también puede trabajar en su contra. Debe tomar nota cuidadosa de su nivel de experiencia, su propósito para invertir, y cuánto riesgo está preparado para aceptar. Es siempre posible que usted podría perder una parte, o incluso todos, o su inversión inicial, y se sigue que usted debe nunca invertir cualquier dinero que usted no puede permitirse para perder. Esto se aplica a cualquier forma de inversión. Hay ciertos riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas, y si tiene alguna duda, debe tomar el asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente.
Cualquier opinión ofrecida en FXHQ son opiniones de autores individuales, y no necesariamente coinciden con las opiniones de FXHQ o la dirección de la empresa. Los errores y las omisiones pueden ocurrir en declaraciones hechas por, o opiniones expresadas por, autores individuales, y usted debe observar que FXHQ no y no ha verificado la exactitud o de otra manera de tales opiniones o declaraciones. FXHQ no ofrece asesoramiento en materia de inversiones y, en consecuencia, cualquier información de este sitio web, incluidos informes de prensa, opiniones, precios, investigaciones y análisis, se ofrece como comentario al mercado y no constituye asesoramiento especializado en inversiones, ya sea ofrecido por FXHQ, sus empleados , Socios, autores u otros colaboradores. Al considerar cualquier inversión, siempre debe hacer su propia diligencia debida. FXHQ, sus empleados, socios, autores o contribuyentes, no aceptarán y no aceptarán responsabilidad alguna por cualquier pérdida o daño sufrido por usted por cualquier decisión de inversión que pueda tomar por el uso de cualquier información proporcionada. Esto incluye cualquier pérdida de beneficios, sin limitación.
& Copy; 2015 "FXHQ INC. FOREX HeadQuarters" Todos los derechos reservados.
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Dolar de Nueva Zelanda
Visión de conjunto
El Dólar de Nueva Zelandia es la moneda oficial de Nueva Zelanda. La moneda también circula en las Islas Tokelau, Pitcairn, Niue e Islas Cook. El Dólar de Nueva Zelanda se llama informalmente el kiwi, ya que el kiwi suele estar conectado con Nueva Zelanda, y la moneda de $ 1 tiene un kiwi en él.
Nueva Zelanda tiene una economía de mercado que depende en gran medida del comercio internacional, principalmente con Australia, la Unión Europea, los Estados Unidos, China y Japón.
Tiene sólo pequeños sectores manufactureros y de alta tecnología, ya que se centra principalmente en el turismo y las industrias primarias como la agricultura.
Las reformas de libre mercado de las últimas décadas han eliminado muchas barreras a la inversión extranjera y en 2005 el Banco Mundial elogió a Nueva Zelanda por ser el país más amigable con las empresas en el mundo, por delante de Singapur.
Tradicionalmente, la economía se basaba en una estrecha gama de productos primarios, como la lana, la carne y los productos lácteos. Debido a la alta demanda de estos productos, como en el auge de lana de Nueva Zelanda de 1951, el país ha disfrutado de un alto nivel de vida.
Sin embargo, los precios de las materias primas para estas exportaciones disminuyeron, y Nueva Zelandia perdió su posición comercial preferencial con el Reino Unido en 1973, debido a que este último se unió a la Comunidad Económica Europea.
La libra era la moneda de Nueva Zelanda antes de que se introdujera el dólar neozelandés.
En 1957, el gobierno de Nueva Zelandia creó un grupo para investigar la moneda decimal, y en 1963 el gobierno decidió para diezmar la moneda de Nueva Zelandia.
En 1964 se aprobó la Ley de Moneda Decimal y la transición tuvo lugar el 10 de julio de 1967. En la misma fecha se introdujo el Dólar de Nueva Zelanda, reemplazando a la Libra a una tasa de 2 Dólares = 1 Libra.
Símbolos y nombres
Países que usan esta moneda
Monedas Pegged A NZD.
Dólar de las Islas Cook
Islas Pitcairn
NZD está pegado a:
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& # 169; 1996 - 2016 OANDA Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados. "OANDA", "fxTrade" y la familia "fx" de marcas registradas de OANDA son propiedad de OANDA Corporation. Todas las demás marcas registradas que aparecen en este sitio web son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.
La negociación con apalancamiento en contratos de divisas u otros productos fuera de bolsa en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos. Le aconsejamos que considere cuidadosamente si el comercio es apropiado para usted a la luz de sus circunstancias personales. Usted puede perder más de lo que invierte. La información en esta página web es de carácter general. Recomendamos que busque asesoramiento financiero independiente y asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados antes de operar. El comercio a través de una plataforma en línea conlleva riesgos adicionales. Consulte nuestra sección legal aquí.
Las apuestas de spread financiero sólo están disponibles para los clientes de OANDA Europe Ltd que residan en el Reino Unido o la República de Irlanda. CFDs, capacidades de cobertura de MT4 y coeficientes de apalancamiento superiores a 50: 1 no están disponibles para los residentes de los Estados Unidos.
OANDA Corporation es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Distribuidor Minorista de Divisas con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. No: 0325821. Por favor refiérase a la ALERTA INVERSOR FOREX de NFA donde sea apropiado.
Las cuentas de OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC están disponibles para cualquier persona con una cuenta bancaria canadiense. OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC está regulada por la Organización de Regulación de la Industria de Inversiones del Canadá (OCRCM) y los depósitos de los clientes están asegurados por el Fondo Canadiense de Protección a los Inversores (CIPF)
OANDA Europe Limited es una empresa registrada en Inglaterra número 7110087 limitada por acciones con domicilio social en la Torre 42, Piso 9a, 25 Old Broad St, Londres EC2N 1HQ y está autorizada y regulada por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera. No: 542574.
OANDA Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. No 200704926K) posee una Licencia de Servicios de Mercados de Capital emitida por la Autoridad Monetaria de Singapur y también tiene licencia de la International Enterprise Singapore.
OANDA Australia Pty Ltd está regulada por la Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones ASIC (ABN 26 152 088 349, AFSL No. 412981) y proporciona y es el emisor de los productos y / o servicios en este sitio web. Es importante que considere la actual Guía de Servicios Financieros (FSG). Declaración de divulgación del producto (PDS). Términos de Cuenta y cualquier otro documento pertinente de OANDA antes de tomar cualquier decisión de inversión financiera. Estos documentos se pueden encontrar aquí.
OANDA Japan Co. Ltd. Primer Director de Negocios de Instrumentos Financieros Tipo I de la Oficina Financiera Local de Kanto No. 2137 Número de abonado de la Asociación de Futuros Financieros del Instituto 1571.
Trading FX y / o CFDs en el margen son de alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos. Las pérdidas pueden exceder la inversión.
Forex Trading en Nueva Zelanda | ¡Información importante!
Este sitio web le revelará cómo operar forex en Nueva Zelanda y vivir como un rey a partir de ahora.
Aunque forex es el mayor mercado financiero del mundo, es un terreno relativamente desconocido para los comerciantes minoristas. Hasta la popularización del comercio por Internet hace unos años, FX era principalmente el dominio de grandes instituciones financieras, corporaciones multinacionales y fondos de cobertura secretos. Pero los tiempos han cambiado, y los inversionistas individuales están hambrientos de información sobre este fascinante mercado.
Forex Trading en Nueva Zelanda
Lo más importante, es Forex Trading en Nueva Zelanda legal. Esta es la pregunta más común sobre el comercio de divisas en Nueva Zelanda. Las actividades de la divisa no son totalmente no reguladas, pero en esta etapa del desarrollo, muchos creen que la protección del inversionista es bastante fina. Los corredores deben cumplir con las leyes contra el lavado de dinero estándar, y deben obtener licencias de la Comisión de Valores de Nueva Zelanda, la autoridad de supervisión financiera en el país que ha establecido un marco de normas relacionadas con los productos básicos y el comercio de futuros.
Nueva Zelanda ofrece a los corredores de divisas muchas ventajas: Es un país con una muy buena reputación de ética empresarial, también está lejos de la eurozona con problemas, y está en una ubicación perfecta para muchas empresas de la región de APAC que desean ganar la credibilidad De obtener la regulación financiera. Para ser regulados, los corredores deben solicitar a la FMA, que es el regulador oficial de las compañías de servicios financieros en Nueva Zelanda. Al hacerlo, las empresas de divisas son capaces de reforzar la confianza de sus inversores y comerciantes en el respeto de que Nueva Zelanda se considera muy parte del "nuevo mundo" seguro y no ha sufrido la turbulencia económica y la lista interminable de instituciones bancarias y financieras Siendo procesado por mala conducta que ha alejado a los comerciantes de las instituciones europeas, al mismo tiempo que hace uso de la relativa facilidad de ser regulado.
¡Uf! Así que quieres ganar dinero con Forex Trading y no sabes cómo empezar, especialmente cuando toda la información en la red está saturada y bombardeada con anuncios de 1.001 corredores de Forex tratando de atraer a hacer clic en sus enlaces. Pero todo lo que necesita es más información sobre Forex Trading en Nueva Zelanda.
Como se suele revelar, el comercio de divisas implica un alto riesgo. El conocimiento, la experiencia y el control emocional son los prerrequisitos para el éxito, y cada uno de estos tres factores requiere una inversión de tiempo en la parte delantera que los principiantes suelen descartar a su propio riesgo. La debida diligencia y el cuidado debe ejercerse primero para seleccionar un corredor de divisas que cumple con su dura lista de requisitos y también proporciona amplios materiales educativos y sistemas de comercio de la práctica.
Asegúrese de comparar la tienda, revise con su regulador local para aclaraciones sobre seguridad y solidez, y asegúrese de consultar con otros comerciantes en su área. Tenga cuidado con las afirmaciones de marketing que parecen buenas para ser verdad. Usted nunca puede ser demasiado seguro en esta área. Después de su elección, invertir la práctica de tiempo de comercio en el sistema de demostración del corredor para desarrollar su estrategia comercial, ganar valiosa experiencia en el mercado, y aprender a controlar sus emociones al abrir y cerrar posiciones.
La elección de un corredor competente de divisas de las muchas opciones locales y extranjeras disponibles nunca es una tarea fácil. Para facilitar su proceso de selección, he compilado los tres (3) mejores corredores de Forex para mis amigos de Nueva Zelanda aquí.
Sólo tenga en cuenta;
1. Haga el comercio responsable.
2. SER responsable de su propio comercio.
3. No negocie para otra persona, es decir, con el dinero de otra persona (porque significa que la toma de depósitos sin licencia).
4. No pida a alguien que negocie en su nombre (porque eso significa colocar un depósito en una persona o compañía sin licencia).
5. No negociar contra el dólar neozelandés.
6. Convertir su activo NZD en USD (por ejemplo) con cualquier Distribuidor Autorizado (es decir, Bancos de Nueva Zelanda) sin temor. Y después de recibir su nuevo activo en USD, puede invertir (es decir, colocar un depósito de margen) dentro del contexto de ECM9 al contenido de su corazón.
7. NO convierta su activo de NZD a USD con distribuidores no autorizados (usted sabe quiénes son).
8. Hacer la investigación para (relativamente) reputación offshore corredores.
9. NUNCA EVER EVER comercio de crédito. Siempre asegúrese de tener capital de reserva para ayudarle a pagar las facturas diarias durante los hechizos perdidos.
Espero que ayude.
Dólar de Nueva Zelanda (NZD)
El dólar de Nueva Zelandia (NZD), la página cubre noticias e información con respecto a las cruces NZD / USD y NZD. Tasas, gráficos, noticias y análisis de los técnicos y fundamentos del dólar de Nueva Zelanda.
Además, Prosticks patentado gráficos se puede encontrar en esta página. Si desea recibir actualizaciones diarias de noticias y análisis técnicos del Dólar Canadiense, regístrese para recibir nuestro BOLETÍN DIARIO GRATUITO.
Noticias de NZD
Publicado: 24 de marzo de 2016
DailyFX. com & # 8211; Daily Gráfico Preparado por Jamie Saettele, CMT DailyFX Guías comerciales y pronósticos - La última actualización en bruto señaló que & ldquo; crudo podría enfrentar resistencia en la zona 42-43.50. 42,01 es el mínimo de marzo de 2015. & rdquo; La marca alta en crudo fue de 41.87. La importancia de la resistencia en la mencionada & # 8230;
Publicado: 24 de marzo de 2016
DailyFX. com & # 8211; Los precios del petróleo se redujeron después de que los datos de DoE confirmaron una enorme acumulación de existencias de crudo. El precio del oro cayó después de comentarios de los miembros de la Fed elevó la expectativa de aumentos de las tasas El precio del petróleo cayó como los datos de inventario de dos fuentes confirmó las existencias enormes El precio del cobre se hundió junto con las existencias & # 8230;
Reserve Bank - Nueva Zelanda
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Banco de Reserva - Nueva Zelanda Es un banco central y el objetivo principal de este banco es preservar la eficiencia y la estabilidad de un sistema financiero. También puede considerarse como una institución que es responsable de manejar la oferta monetaria de Nueva Zelanda y también para evitar el aumento de los costos u otros problemas económicos graves en Nueva Zelanda. Este banco es el único responsable de destruir e imprimir la moneda de Nueva Zelanda. Como el Banco de la Reserva está tratando de aceptar la no-legal en forma de activos viables, hace que la oferta de dinero de Nueva Zelanda ligeramente estable que en algunos países. El banco también se asegura de un alto control en los bancos de Nueva Zelanda, exigiendo una declaración de divulgación trimestral de cada banco que opera en ese país. Debido a la política del Banco de la Reserva para prestar cantidades ilimitadas de dinero a los bancos de Nueva Zelanda en más o bajo OCR, ningún otro banco puede cobrar tasa de interés superior a OCR.
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Cotizaciones de la divisa del dólar de Nueva Zelandia
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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo
Forex Trading con Alpari Nueva Zelanda
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Alpari NZ. Para las personas que acaban de poner sus pies en el mundo de Forex, una plataforma de comercio es una aplicación especialmente diseñada para el mundo de Forex que le permite hacer el comercio de productos financieros a través de una red específica de cualquier parte del mundo. Alpari 5 es un gran software comercial que proporciona hasta cinco plataformas básicas de comercio de Forex. Cada una de estas plataformas ofrece ofertas únicas. Todo lo que necesita hacer es seleccionar cualquier plataforma de su elección de estos 5 disponibles. A continuación, debe buscar las cuentas que están disponibles en la plataforma seleccionada, y luego mirar sus términos & # 038; Condiciones para encontrar la mejor opción posible para usted. La plataforma de Alpari también trae varias aplicaciones móviles de comercio de Forex, a través del cual usted puede hacer operaciones de cambio en la plataforma Alpari a través de su dispositivo móvil. Nota: Para comenzar a trabajar con una cuenta real a través de la plataforma Alpari, primero debe registrar su cuenta en Alpari. El proceso de registro es muy simple, y sólo es necesario por una vez. Le recomendamos que consulte la próxima generación de software comercial en la plataforma Alpari, que le ayudará a examinar nuestras aplicaciones, incluso antes de que estén disponibles para su uso. Plataforma de cliente, varios métodos de pago (tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria, Moneybookers, webmoney etc ...), excelente apoyo, concursos de Forex, premios de Forex, etc - toda esta información le ayudará a elegir este corredor de Forex. Apenas con un mes de negociar, usted conseguirá una idea sobre cómo con frecuencia usted negociará, cuántas ocasiones usted tomará, hasta cuánto usted guardará sus oficios en un estado abierto, y entonces usted tendrá que emprender una decisión recomendada por El corredor. Ahora echemos un vistazo a algunas de las cosas muy importantes que un comerciante puede requerir a su agente al decidir abrir una cuenta. En el mundo de Forex, hay algunas especificaciones básicas y universales que son aplicables a casi todo el mundo. Las características extra importantes y universales sobre el corredor son las siguientes: • Piden una tarifa por los retiros? En los casos ideales, usted nunca se vincularía con un corredor que pide una tarifa en retiros. Si usted es apenas feliz con cualquier característica sobre cómo están manejando su empresa, después usted definitivamente no se preocuparía de la tarifa. Sin embargo, si usted lo mira profundamente, están cargando realmente para sus clientes de modo que puedan ser protegidos por el cliente. Esto no es realmente una buena manera de tratar a los clientes. • Proporcionan facilidad de escritorio de negociación? Si te gusta hacer a corto plazo la venta y la compra, entonces será realmente importante para usted. Si te gusta activar el comercio por un día o así, entonces puede ser digno. ODL y FxOpen tipo de valores no realmente lo aprecian y le dirá que la ampliación abierta no es bueno en su foro. Sin embargo, IBFX dará un montón de características con toneladas de soluciones, y con eso se garantiza que la ampliación no es una opción aquí.
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Asi que. Está dudando que los patrones funcionan? No sé por qué trabajan? Este par acaba de ser una fábrica de patrones y si tuviera la previsión de detectar los patrones correctos, podría haber cobrado como se puede ver en esta tabla. Y no. Estos NO son patrones posteriores al pensamiento que puse en este gráfico después del traslado. ¡Éstos eran TODOS previstos! Si me has seguido, también podrías haber elegido algunos de estos pips.
Así que vamos a llegar al comercio. He publicado una idea de libre comercio aquí hace 8 días que di a mis suscriptores. Aquí está el enlace a ese post: ANÁLISIS DE COMERCIO NZDUSD Comercio del EED y del Triángulo de Contratación
En ese post, sugerí que había un EED que se estaba completando a partir de la onda C de la pierna C del triángulo contratante más grande. Tomé un SHORT del comercio de la terminación de ese EED y el punto E de ese EED que acabó derecho en el TL superior de ese triángulo de contracción más grande. Esa confluencia de patrones era lo suficientemente buena para que pudiera aceptar el comercio. Aquí está el gráfico ANTES de la caída actual: https://www. tradingview. com/x/J0EROBKI/
Lo que pasó desde entonces, como se puede ver en el gráfico principal es. Hasta ahora, se ha movido +180 pips (si siguiendo mi metodología de negociación, usted está encima +720 pips). Felicidades a usted si usted siguió mi idea. Así que lo que debe notar aquí es que ahora los precios han formado un patrón de Cypher POTENCIAL válido que completaría justo cerca de la TL inferior del triángulo de contratación más grande. No sabes de qué estoy hablando? Mira en mi sitio web para el análisis completo. Aquí está el enlace: "(F) Actualización del comercio: NZDUSD - Ir con el triángulo Hasta ahora. +695 pips & quot;
No olvides que esta pierna D del triángulo contratante también debe ser un movimiento de 3 ondas de ABC y actualmente, todavía no veo ninguna onda B. Así que si usted es corto ahora, tenga esto en cuenta. Y si usted está pensando que desea GET SHORT, esperar a que la onda B volver.
* EXENCIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Tenga en cuenta que no estoy dando ninguna señal de comercio o llamadas comerciales aquí. Sólo proporcionando mis propios pensamientos de comercio para su beneficio y percepción en cuanto a mi técnica comercial y estilo. Por favor, no pregunte si debe o no debe tomar el comercio o pedir la pérdida de la parada y tomar los niveles de beneficios. Cualquier SL o TP dado en mis oficios son los míos que he usado para mi comercio y no son recomendaciones para que usted use. Si no está seguro, entonces usted no tiene un plan de comercio para sí mismo en su lugar. Sugiero que hacer uno antes de continuar a hacer cualquier comercio!
Si te gustan mis publicaciones y las encuentras útiles, por favor toma un segundo para golpear el botón LIKE y sígame para que pueda saber que mi publicación te ha ayudado. Como siempre, cualquier comentario CONSTRUCTIVO es bienvenido si ACUERDO o DESACUERDO.
Mis suscriptores capturaron este comercio justo desde la cima. Lo hiciste? Si no, por qué no? Si usted fuera uno de mis suscriptores, lo hizo. Y estarás arriba +695 pips (si sigues mi metodología de trading). Son estos el tipo de oficios que buscas? Quieres aprender cómo lo hago? Sencillo. Simplemente vaya a: www. efxselect. com y suscríbase. ¡Recién anunciado! $ 1 Oferta de prueba de 7 días! ¡Por tiempo limitado! Suscríbase hoy!
Si desea recibir TODO mi análisis de pares de comercio y cobertura, así como señales de comercio en tiempo real, considere unirse a mi grupo privado y mis miembros. Obtendrá señales y análisis de TIEMPO REAL en el momento en que el comercio ocurra y las discusiones de estos oficios vivan. Interesado? Vaya a: efxselect. com para más información.
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Vaya a efxselect. com para suscribirse y obtener estas señales en tiempo real!
Algunos confluencia fibs Ahora estamos en el movimiento global 0.382 + 0.618 último movimiento (2 fibs importantes) para tal vez un rebote en más abajo de la 0.5 o 0.618 soporte ya probado tiempo meany (rez box)
Comercio de su plan - si usted no tiene ninguna, evitar el comercio - estancia segura
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El dólar estadounidense cayó a un mínimo de cuatro meses la semana pasada con los precios probando el apoyo 94,50 en la reunión del FOMC dovish. Pero los precios lograron revertir sus pérdidas con el índice del dólar registrando ganancias estables, en su mayor parte, esta semana. Los precios se recuperaron durante casi cuatro días consecutivos después de caer al soporte de 94,50.
Los aumentos en el dólar de ESTADOS UNIDOS vinieron como los compromisos de discurso de varios miembros de la Fed vieron la mayor parte de los miembros del FOMC que salían hawkish en tipos de interés, con alguno que esperaba ver una alza de la tarifa tan temprano como abril. Por improbable que sea, la Fed habla esta semana muestra la opinión de que el consenso más amplio continúa inclinándose hacia un aumento de las tasas. Los datos económicos de esta semana de Estados Unidos vieron una bolsa mixta con órdenes de bienes duraderos lanzados ayer cayendo mientras que los datos de la vivienda continuaron siendo mixtos. Es improbable que los datos actuales del PIB vean mucha tracción con las expectativas ampliamente para una impresión sin cambios en el 1,0%. Incluso si los datos del PIB se revisan a la baja, con el evento FOMC hecho con, es poco probable que vea mucho movimiento en los mercados.
La próxima semana será emocionante, ya que Marzo concluye y los mercados se preparan para los datos de la PFN la próxima semana. De vez en cuando, es muy probable que el dólar estadounidense permanezca por debajo de la resistencia de 96,5 a 96,0 y el soporte de 94,50 a 94,0.
Perspectiva Técnica del Dólar Estadounidense
El gráfico semanal muestra los precios que se están negociando actualmente dentro de la gama de la semana pasada de alto y de bajo después del rechazo breve de los precios cerca de 94.50 - 94.0 en la base semanal. Es muy probable que la acción de precios de esta semana pueda cerrarse con una barra interior, lo que probablemente señale una ruptura. Al alza, la resistencia en 96.5 en el semanario es un nivel a mirar, que si da paso podría ver al Dólar subir de nuevo a la antigua resistencia cerca de 98.0. A la baja, con el nivel de soporte coincidiendo con el mínimo de la semana pasada, el 94,5 - 94,0 apoyo será necesario como un descanso por debajo de este nivel verá los precios caen a 93,0 - 92,5.
Índice del Dólar Estadounidense - El gráfico semanal probablemente formará una barra interior En el gráfico diario, la acción del precio se encuentra actualmente en el nivel de resistencia de 96,5 - 96,5. Una confirmación bajista aquí podría ver los precios comienzan a disminuir, pero el comercio dentro de los rangos especificados. La evolución de la acción de precios se basará en una ruptura de uno de los dos niveles, pero existe la posibilidad de que otra pierna baje para probar el menor soporte en 94.0, probando los mínimos del 14 y 15 de septiembre.
El gráfico de 4 horas ha señalado una reversión con los precios formando un doji y una ruptura subsiguiente a la baja cerca de la resistencia 96.5 - 96.0. Lo más probable es que vea que el Dólar continúa empujando hacia abajo, pero como con el gráfico diario, sólo una ruptura del soporte inferior o la resistencia anterior confirmará la dirección adicional en el Índice del Dólar Estadounidense.
Este gráfico muestra USOIL, futuros del crudo West Texas Intermediate, en un plazo mensual.
En la gráfica se muestran nuestros Niveles dinámicos SCMR ™, que representan dinámicamente zonas de soporte / resistencia y son exactos en la búsqueda de objetivos. Este indicador está disponible en la tienda de la aplicación TradingView en Analysis Suite - Tendencias SCMR.
La GRAN PREGUNTA: El fondo es crudo aquí?
Repasemos lo que este gráfico ilustra, y tú me lo dices.
----- & gt; El panel inferior muestra los retornos trimestrales de Crude, y coloreo la parcela en rojo cada vez que la disminución trimestral es menor que -25%. Este descenso actual, de -39% este trimestre, es el tercer peor en los últimos 25 años, sólo eclipsado por 2008 y 1991.
----- & gt; Sobrepuesto en la carta en sí son marcadores rojos verticales que indican donde en un trimestre anterior la rentabilidad fue menor que nuestro umbral de -25%, pero luego en la siguiente (actual) trimestre cruzada hasta -25%, es decir * la reversión media Ha comenzado la copia de seguridad *. Todavía estamos esperando que este evento tenga lugar.
----- & gt; Soporte de nivel dinámico a $ 58. A través de este nivel de $ 3, pero puede llegar a estabilizarse cerca de ella.
\\\ Conclusión: /// Con base en lo anterior, puede suponer que el bajo es * extremadamente probable dentro de 1-2 meses *. Algunos pueden rechazar un análisis en el que el tiempo de fruición es de +/- 1-2 meses, pero esa es la naturaleza de un gráfico de 24 años :).
El impulso adicional puede ciertamente llevarnos más bajo que el precio actual. El descenso de 2008 tomó CINCO meses antes de que comenzara la reversión media, y sólo estamos en el mes dos actualmente (que es cómo derivé el plazo de 1-2 meses para que la reversión de la media comience, suponiendo que esto es tan malo como 2008 para Los mercados petroleros). También nota que era el más extremo, y otras declinaciones comenzaron la reversión media después de un escaso un mes después de una declinación trimestral del 25%.
Esto es una guía no una llamada, si usted coge la sutileza allí. Después de que comencemos la media-reversión (las barras verticales rojas superpuestas en el precio) es donde yo saldría y diría que un punto bajo está en el lugar - esto es todavía frente corriendo ese acontecimiento.
Licencia de Forex de Nueva Zelanda
Puede ser una experiencia compleja y agotadora la obtención de una licencia de Nueva Zelanda forex de la autoridad reguladora pertinente. Como principio básico es importante entender las reglas y regulaciones que afectarán a su firma de corretaje neozelandesa en términos de actividad y operaciones internas. Por lo tanto, es altamente recomendable para obtener la ayuda y orientación de una consultoría profesional que están calificados y con experiencia en todas las áreas de la licencia FX.
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Iniciar negocio puede proporcionar asistencia experta con su solicitud de licencia forex.
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Nueva Zelanda Broker Firms
La Comisión de Valores de Nueva Zelanda fue el organismo regulador responsable de aceptar las solicitudes de licencia de corredor de divisas y emitirlas en la aprobación de la solicitud. Nueva Zelanda ha adoptado una legislación estricta sobre las operaciones de todas las empresas que se ocupan del comercio de valores. Esto significa que es esencial para obtener la correspondiente licencia de Nueva Zelanda forex antes de participar en la actividad de divisas. La Comisión de Valores de Nueva Zelandia se estableció por primera vez en la Ley de Valores de 1978, que estipulaba el alcance de la autoridad para la Comisión, incluidos sus poderes y funciones generales.
En mayo de 2011, la Autoridad de Mercados Financieros (Nueva Zelandia) reemplazó a la Comisión de Valores. La Autoridad de Mercados Financieros es un nuevo regulador financiero integrado para el desarrollo y progresión de la industria de servicios financieros en Nueva Zelanda.
El nuevo organismo regulador integrado es la autoridad competente para presentar todas las solicitudes de licencia para el negocio de corretaje neozelandés, y es un paso necesario para adquirir una licencia de forex.
Obtención de una licencia de Forex de Nueva Zelanda
Al solicitar una licencia de Nueva Zelanda forex es esencial que no sólo tiene una empresa totalmente formada en Nueva Zelanda con el fin de la actividad de FX, sino que también debe pasar el ajuste y la prueba adecuada. Ciertos documentos se requieren para la aplicación de una licencia de la divisa, incluyendo; Memorándum y Estatutos Sociales, plan de negocios, documentación para operaciones internas y externas de la empresa. Una consultoría profesional puede ayudarle a recopilar y administrar la documentación pertinente y el formulario de solicitud al organismo regulador.
Los consultores especializados de Starting Business tienen una gran experiencia en todos los aspectos relacionados con la obtención de una licencia financiera en Belice, desde la presentación del formulario inicial de solicitud hasta la certificación de que la firma corredor cumple con las leyes pertinentes. Nos aseguraremos de que su licencia de FX se adquiera de manera oportuna y profesional y de conformidad con las normas establecidas por la Autoridad de Mercados Financieros.
Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener información sobre la consultoría integral que podemos proporcionar con las licencias de corredores de Nueva Zelanda,
Instantánea de Forex: Economía de Nueva Zelanda
Publicado 2 meses | 5:30 AM | 13 de marzo de 2016 3 Comentarios
El kiwi realmente consiguió el relleno golpeado fuera de él durante la semana anterior de comercio de divisas. Debido al recorte de la tasa de sorpresas del RBNZ (y promesas de más recortes de tasas y un poco de jawboning del Kiwi en el lado). Y si eso le hizo preguntarse cómo la economía de Nueva Zelanda está pasando, entonces usted puede desear leer para arriba en este Forex Snapshot.
Nota: Al igual que con todas mis otras instantáneas de Forex, hay mesas de nifty en la parte inferior, por lo que puede saltar a aquellos si eres un comerciante de divisas que está en un apuro. Sin embargo, los puntos destacados destacan los detalles subyacentes y las tendencias que dan a las cifras su contexto apropiado.
El PIB de Nueva Zelanda para el tercer trimestre de 2015 creció un 0,9% intertrimestral, lo que es mucho más rápido que el 0,3% del segundo trimestre (revisado desde el 0,4%).
Este es el crecimiento intertrimestral más rápido desde el tercer trimestre de 2014 y marca el segundo trimestre consecutivo de un crecimiento intertrimestral más rápido.
En términos interanuales, el PIB del tercer trimestre de 2015 creció un 2,3%, lo que es ligeramente más lento que el 2,4% del segundo trimestre.
Esto marca el tercer trimestre consecutivo que el PIB anual ha estado creciendo a un ritmo más lento después de alcanzar un máximo de 3,5% en el cuarto trimestre de 2014.
En términos de producción, los principales factores que impulsaron el crecimiento trimestral del PIB fueron la manufactura, el transporte y los servicios a las empresas, mientras que la construcción fue el principal obstáculo.
La manufactura se expandió un 2,8% tras una contracción del 0,4% durante el trimestre anterior.
Este es el mayor incremento trimestral desde el cuarto trimestre de 2012 y fue impulsado principalmente por la fabricación de alimentos, bebidas y tabaco.
El transporte subió un 2,6% después de una caída de 1,8% durante el trimestre anterior, debido al aumento de la actividad de transporte por carretera y los servicios de apoyo al transporte. & # 8221;
La industria de servicios empresariales fue muy sólida, avanzando un 2,0% tras un aumento de 2,3% en el segundo trimestre, debido principalmente a la mayor demanda de servicios legales y contables.
La construcción se contrajo un 2,9% después de una modesta expansión de 0.8% anteriormente, debido a una caída en la construcción pesada y de ingeniería civil. & # 8221;
En términos de gasto, los principales impulsores fueron el incremento del 2,7% de la inversión en activos fijos (1,2% anterior).
El aumento de la inversión fija se debió principalmente a un aumento del 24% en las inversiones en equipos de transporte (principalmente aviones), que está vinculado a la industria turística de Nueva Zelanda en auge.
Las exportaciones netas también tuvieron una contribución muy positiva debido a un aumento de 1,9% en las exportaciones (-1,1% anterior) y una disminución de 2,8% en las importaciones (+ 2,3% anterior).
El gasto de consumo también creció un 0,6% (0,9% anterior), pero su contribución al crecimiento del PIB fue fácilmente eclipsada por los otros componentes.
Los datos de puestos de trabajo de Nueva Zelanda se ven bien en la superficie, pero los detalles son realmente bastante malo.
La tasa de desempleo en el cuarto trimestre de 2015 cayó al 5,3% desde el 6,0% anterior, que es la lectura más baja desde el primer trimestre de 2009.
La tasa de participación en la fuerza de trabajo se hundió más de 68,6%, pasando de 68,6%, que es la tasa más baja desde el tercer trimestre de 2013.
La tasa de participación en la fuerza de trabajo ha estado resbalando por tres trimestres consecutivos ahora, alcanzando un pico de 69,5% en el primer trimestre de 2015.
The lower participation rate and the fact that the number of unemployed shrank by 10.9% while employment only increased by 0.9% implies that many people just gave up on looking for jobs.
Wages grew by 0.4%, which is the same pace as in the previous quarter and happens to be the weakest increase since Q1 2010.
New Zealand’s inflation problem isn’t going away anytime soon.
Quarter-on-quarter headline Q4 2015 CPI was pushed deeper into the red at -0.5% (+0.3% previous), which is the weakest reading in seven years.
Annual headline CPI was just barely above zero at +0.1% (+0.4% previous), but it’s really horrible in the bigger picture since this is the lowest reading since Q3 1999.
The core reading is even more distressing since it came in at zero percent (+0.3% previous), which is the worst reading ever on record.
The lower cost of petrol was the main culprit. If the petrol component is stripped, quarter-on-quarter Q4 2015 CPI would only be down by 0.2% while the annual reading will be up by 0.5%.
Aside from petrol, tradables in general had a significant deflationary effect. And the inflation report blamed the strong Kiwi dollar (at the time) since it made imports relatively cheaper.
Business Conditions & Sentiment
Business New Zealand’s (BNZ) performance of manufacturing index (PMI) fell by two points to 56.0 in February, but it’s still the third highest reading over a 12-month period.
PMI has been expanding (above the 50.0 stagnation mark) since October 2012.
The production index slowed down a bit after three consecutive months of advances, printing a 56.6 in February.
The new orders index increased higher to 61.0, however, so demand is robust and there’s a chance that the production index will climb higher in March.
The only bad thing is that the employment index posted a 48.5 figure, which means that there were layoffs.
This is the first time that the employment index was in contraction mode since December 2014.
In terms of the services sector, New Zealand is off to a good start since BNZ’s performance of services index (PSI) printed a 55.4 in January.
This is lower than December’s 58.5, however, and the PSI reading has been trending lower for the second consecutive month now.
Pretty much all sub-components were also trending lower. The business activity index, for instance, slid lower from 61.7 to 58.0 while the employment index was down to 50.9 from 53.4 previous.
The new orders index also dropped significantly from 63.8 to 57.0, so business activity in March may suffer.
Consumer Sentiment & Spending
The Westpac McDermott Miller New Zealand Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) climbed higher to 110.70 from 106.0 during Q4 2015
CCI finally broke three consecutive quarters of sliding consumer confidence.
However, that didn’t translate to superior consumer spending since retail sales during Q4 2015 was only up by 1.2%, which is slightly lower than Q3’s 1.5%.
Year-on-year, retail sales was only up by 5.3%, which is lower than the 5.7% growth reported during the previous quarter.
Incidentally, lower retail sales would likely mean that consumer spending didn’t contribute as much to New Zealand’s Q4 2015 GDP, which will be released this coming Wednesday (March 16, 10:45 pm GMT – DST on), so mark your forex calendars ,
New Zealand finally had a trade surplus of $8 million in January after seven straight months of deficits. That’s in Kiwi dollars, by the way.
This pales in comparison to January 2015’s trade surplus of $52 million, however.
On a more upbeat note, New Zealand’s trade balance has been improving for the fifth consecutive month now, so those positive PMI numbers seem to be on track.
Exports rose by 5.9%, with the 3.7% rise in dairy products leading the way.
Exports to China, in particular, climbed by 25% (8.6% previous) while exports to Australia rose by 11% (2.4% previous).
Imports, meanwhile, increased by 7.2%.
The increase was due to an 8.9% increase in import for intermediate goods, mainly fertilizer and accessories for capital goods, as well as diesel.
Consumption goods were also a major contributor to the rise in imports, with its 12% increase (9.3% previous).
Putting it all together
New Zealand’s economy seems to be doing well enough, and businesses remain rather optimistic. New Zealand’s annual GDP reading has been slowing down, however, and New Zealand has a rather severe inflation problem, so the RBNZ seems to have been justified in cutting rates.
Speaking of inflation, the recent slump in oil prices is bad enough, but the Kiwi’s previous bouts of strength, which made imports relatively cheap, is also being blamed for inflicting broad deflationary pressure on New Zealand’s economy. And the trade data for January shows that consumer goods contributed heavily to imports, so perhaps deflationary pressure from cheaper imports ain’t going away soon. Also, the labor force participation rate is decling and wage growth is very weak, which will also adversely affect inflation down the road, so RBNZ Graeme Wheeler’s jawboning of the Kiwi by saying that “a decline would be appropriate ” and threats of further rate cuts seem to be well-founded.
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FOREX-New Zealand dollar sinks to 5-yr low on rate cut
* Kiwi slides after RBNZ lowers rates and signals more cuts
* Yen edges down after sharp rise vs USD
* Focus shifts to U. S. retail sales
LONDON, June 11 The New Zealand dollar slumped 2.5 percent against the U. S. dollar on Thursday, hitting a five-year low after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand surprised some by cutting interest rates and flagging the chance of more easing.
The kiwi was on track for its biggest daily loss in four years, dropping to $0.6998 in early London trade, with the RBNZ entering an easing cycle at a time when the Federal Reserve is looking to raise interest rates possibly later this year.
"The RBNZ move was a surprise and has taken a toll on the kiwi," said Geoff Yu, currency strategist at UBS, London.
The U. S. dollar rose against a basket of currencies before U. S. retail sales data later in the day, and regained some poise against the yen.
It had lost 1.3 percent on Wednesday -- its biggest one-day fall in six months -- as investors unwound short-yen positions following Bank of Japan Haruhiko Kuroda's comment that the yen was already "very weak".
The dollar traded at 123.40 yen, up about 0.4 percent on the day. The euro rose 0.2 percent to 139.14 yen, following its biggest drop in over two months on Wednesday, as market participants tried to assess whether Kuroda's remarks should be taken more as an observation or a warning.
"Most people might think that Kuroda would like to slow the dollar/yen's moves, but I think it will go back to moving on fundamentals," said Masashi Murata, currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co in Tokyo.
"The Fed is getting ready to hike rates, and there is some chance the BOJ will ease further. So this monetary policy divergence should support the dollar/yen in the medium term, maybe this summer," he said.
Traders said the market focus was shifting back to U. S. data with the release of the May retail sales report. Expectations are for a 1.1 percent rise in May from a month earlier and 0.7 percent rise, ex-autos.
Many investors are of the view that the dollar needs support from robust U. S. data which in turn would convince the bond market that the Fed will be in a position to hike earlier than what is currently priced in.
The euro was down 0.4 percent at $1.1280, but losses were limited by cautious optimism that Greece might be nearing a deal with its creditors and support from elevated Bund yields. (additional reporting by Lisa Twaronite; Editing by)
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Further reading
At the end of each trading day (17:00 New York time), positions held.
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Nota: Toda la información de esta página está sujeta a cambios. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestros términos de servicio y el acuerdo del cliente. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
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Boston, MA March 25, 2014
New legislation entitled the Financial Markets Conduct Act (“FMCA”) has been passed in New Zealand that creates a totally new financial services licensing framework. It has major ramifications on what is required for forex brokerages and provides an opportunity to hold a world-class license that can provide a stamp of quality for investors that seek a high level of investor security confidence.
In 2013 New Zealand held 1st place as the least corrupt country in the world (tied with Denmark) in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 and is listed as the 3rd easiest country to do business in the world in World Bank Group’s Doing Business 2014 Report 1. As such, it’s a destination of choice for forex brokerages that seek a high standard of regulation to satisfy the safety and security needs of investors.
Investor confidence may drive a flood of new accounts. One of the most frequent questions we are asked is “ Who is a reliable forex broker”. Investors are uncertain and the capital protection of the principal invested is their primary concern, and rightly so.
Under the new financial services licensing framework forex brokerages licensed in New Zealand will need to hold a new category of license called a “Derivatives Issuer”.Although you could argue that spot forex is not a derivative, the New Zealand regulatory authorities have specifically named “margin contracts” and “rolling spot contracts” to be classified under this category (FMCA Section 8 (4)(b)(iv)). This provides an opportunity for forex brokers to gain the regulation and respect that other types of financial services firms enjoy when doing business in the marketplace. One can apply for the new Derivatives Issuer license as early as 1 April 2014. No forex broker can solely rely on the Financial Services Providers license (the current scenario) on it’s own, from 1 December 2014.
Between now and 1 December 2014 there are several favorable options on how forex brokerages can navigate themselves into the new regime. Now is a great time to get started with a New Zealand licensed forex brokerage. If you act soon, the lead-time to get your forex brokerage offering forex transactional services is relatively short. Time is of the essence. Act now and contact me to find out more about setting up your forex brokerage with a license from New Zealand.
Rachel Hunter of TraderRach. com is a Chartered Accountant in New Zealand who specializes in the licensing needs for forex brokerages seeking a quality license in New Zealand. Get in touch with Rachel at www. traderrach. com or rach@traderrach. com for more information.
Richard Perona is a Business Intelligence Specialist at Boston Technologies. He has been immersed in the FX market with a broad history from trading at the FX desks of major world banks to managing flow at retail FX brokers. Richard has a deep understanding of the FX industry, while specializing in G20 and exotic currency trading. Contact Richard at rperona@bostontechnologies. com to find out how to setup your own FX Fund or FX Brokerage Company.
This information is based on personal opinion and should not be construed as legal advice or formal recommendation.
New Zealand Interest Rate Decision – Current & Historical
By David Waring on Jul 23, 2013 03:00:07 GMT
Current New Zealand Interest Rate : 2.5%
Next Release: Wednesday, July 24, 21:00 GMT (Scheduled 8 times per year)
Upcoming Release Commentary:
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is expected to leave the official cash rate unchanged amid the rapidly rising housing prices and an overvalued New Zealand dollar. Domestic growth is stabilizing, but the recovery remains uneven across sectors. The rise in construction activity has spurred consumption. And annual CPI inflation, which has been below 1 percent since the September quarter of 2012, is expected to trend upwards in the medium term. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand. in its June policy meeting, said that given the current growth outlook, the benchmark interest rate will likely remain unchanged through the end of the year
New Zealand’s Official Cash Rate:
The Official Cash Rate is the benchmark interest rate, and is defined as the rate at which banks lend balances held at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to other banks.
How it impacts the New Zealand Dollar
The decision to raise, lower or maintain New Zealand’s Official Cash Rate is often well anticipated by analysts. But since short-term interest rates are the primary factor in currency valuation, an increase, or expectations for an increase in interest rate, tends to cause the New Zealand Dollar to appreciate. Conversely, a rate cut leads to an overflow of NZD, causing the currency to depreciate in value. Thus, a rising interest rate is positive/bullish for the NZD, while a declining trend is negative/bearish for the NZD.
Understanding Interest Rates :
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor decides where to set the official cash rate after consulting senior bank members and external advisers. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is unique in the sense that it is not completely independent from the government, and can only change monetary policy under the Policy Target Agreement. According to the PTA, the inflation target must be negotiated between the government and the RBNZ. The PTA currently states that the RBNZ maintain an annual inflationary target of 1-3 percent. The Official Cash Rate is reviewed eight times a year by the central bank. A monetary policy statement is released quarterly by the bank, in which it is mandated to provide details on how it proposes to achieve the inflation targets; how monetary policy will be formulated during the next five years; and how monetary policy has been implemented since the last statement’s release. The statement contains valuable insight into domestic economic condition, and offers clues on the outlook and outcome of future interest rate decisions.
Historical Overview of New Zealand’s Interest Rate:
From 1985 until 2013, interest rate in the country averaged 8.21 percent, reaching a record high of 67.32 percent in March 1985, and a low of 2.50 percent in April 2009.
Recent posts by David Waring
Market News
EXNESS Shifts from New Zealand to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
EXNESS. the global group of Forex brokers, announced today the establishment of a new company based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The new company, EXNESS Limited is a part of the EXNESS Group from April 1, 2014 and it is from that date that it becomes a contractor of EXNESS Limited (NZ). This means that clients of the New Zealand's company will be transferred to the new business.
If you are amid the clients of the New Zealand's business, do not panic – the transfer will be automatic and if you have any questions, the support team of the group will be there to help.
Of course, you must be interested for the motives for such a change. After all, we've seen the opposite movements by Forex brokers over the past year – for instance, XM obtained a registration as a Financial Services Provider in New Zealand in August 2013. The country has been a rather welcoming place for the Forex sector. But that does not happen due to loose regulations: on the contrary, the country boasts one of the most stringent requirements for companies willing to offer investment services. You may recall that early in 2013 measures took effect that require all Forex brokers operating in New Zealand to have physical premises in the country. More tough rules are in the pipeline, as effective today the Financial Markets Authority assumes more powers and introduces new types of licenses.
You may wonder why we dedicated so much text to New Zealand's financial sector regulations. Well, that's because EXNESS blames the transfer of its business on upcoming regulatory changes that will prevent it from offering the trading conditions that it currently offers to its clients.
There is a point about the broker sticking to its trading terms: after all, it's EXNESS's reputation that is at stake if the conditions go unfavourable for clients. And EXNESS has reiterated its devotion to offer some of the best such conditions – including a leverage of up to massive 1:2000. Earlier this year the broker further improved its offering thanks to a WebTrader platform.
Regarding the corporate structure, let's also mention that EXNESS has a business regulated in Cyprus and that this company started operating in the end of August 2013.
EXNESS is a global group of Forex brokers. The company offers services to MetaTrader 4 (MT4) traders. EXNESS prides itself on offering profitability, reliability and convenience to its clients. Some of the perks of using EXNESS include minimum floating, leverage of up to 1:2000, minimal non-trading risks, flexible deposit and withdrawal options and competent customer support. From April 1, 2014, the clients of the New Zealand's business have been transferred to the new company registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
More news about EXNESS
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El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.
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New Zealand Dollar US Dollar Forecast
Daily Fundamental Analysis
The NZD/USD dipped 10 points to trade at 0.6693 as the greenback continued to gain. The dollar was on track on Friday for a weekly gain of over 1 percent against a basket of currencies after a chorus of US Federal Reserve officials signaled more interest rate increases.
The NZD/USD was down 7 points as losses against a stronger dollar were limited by better than expected trade balance numbers. The kiwi is trading at 0.6697. New Zealand said the country had a trade surplus of $339 million in February, compared with expectations for a $50.
The New Zealand Dollar recovered from a hit it took following the terrorist attacks in Brussels on Tuesday. That news prompted a flight to safety rally, pressuring higher-yielding currencies like the Kiwi. After a brief short-covering rally, the Forex pair turned lower as.
Weekly Fundamental Analysis
The NZD/USD will enter the new week on Tuesday at 0.6691 falling steadily after touching a 2016 high just a week before. The strength of the US dollar weighed heavily on the commodity currencies as well as commodities. The kiwi is trading at.
The NZD/USD ended the week at 0.6795 after breaking the 0.68 price after domestic GDP beat expectations. The New Zealand Dollar hit 2016 highs this week on the back of a dovish Federal Reserve announcement where the number of expected interest rate.
Weekly Analysis and Recommendation: The NZD/USD witnessed a decline to trade at 0.6744 with a decline of just over 1% after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand surprised markets with a rate cut of 25bps. Wheeler surprised investors yesterday when he.
Monthly Fundamental Analysis
Outlook and Recommendation The NZD/USD rallied at the end of the month to close at 0.6594 seeing a gain of 1.71%. Although NZD once breached a resistance of 0.6757 as NZ trade balance rose from NZ$38mn deficit to NZ$8mn surplus, NZD dropped afterwards on USD strength.
Outlook and Recommendation The NZD/USD closed out the month at 0.6484 after the RBNZ held rates and policy. The reversal of oil price declines helped give the currency a bounce the end of the month but lackluster data from China and weaker dairy prices weighed down.
Outlook and Recommendation The NZD/USD ended 2015 at 0.6831 having a stellar month. The pair gained almost 3% in December but ended the year down over 11%. There are several fundamental negatives and risk factors for the NZD at this time which might outweigh falling.
More NZD/USD Reports
The US dollar saw gains for the third day running as more and more Federal Reserve speakers seemed to be slowly becoming hawkish just days after a much more dovish FOMC statement. The greenback is trading at 96.17 after hitting a daily high on Thursday of 96.39. Global equity markets and commodities were under pressure on Thursday as the dollar continued its recent string of gains and yet another Federal Reserve official talked up the chance of more than one hike in US interest rates this year. The winning
A shift in attitude by a bevy of Federal Reserve speakers this week has reversed the course of the US dollar. The greenback added 13 points in the morning session to trade at 96.19 after falling just days ago to the 94 level after the FOMC decision earlier this month. The dollar climbed to a one-week high against a basket of currencies on Thursday while awaiting data due later in the session that could back some Federal Reserve officials' relatively optimistic views on the U. S. economy. The dollar gained
The Japanese Yen continued to weaken against the U. S. Dollar in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Brussels. The move into the safety of the dollar suggests that global investors are worried about a possible escalation in terrorist activity. Volume and volatility were well-below average as investors continue to assess the situation and many of the larger banks and institutions prepare for the Easter holiday. The USD/JPY finished at 112.361, up 0.014 or +0.01%. China’s Yuan eased against the U. S. Dollar on
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Usted está aquí: Inicio & raquo; Corredores de Forex & raquo; Forex Trading Brokers New Zealand
July 5, 2013 7:57 am
The first official currency of New Zealand was introduced back in 1840 and it is called New Zealand pound. Until that point, both Australian and British coins were circulating in the nation and continued to do so up until 1900.
The banknotes of the Pound were produced by 6 trading banks up until 1924. After this year, a single uniform was implemented. A decade ago, the Reserve bank of New Zealand was established and this is what we would like to talk about on this topic.
There are many countries out there offering forex trading, but if you don’t have experience it is essential for you to know that there are different regulations, inflation rates, volatility and fluctuations on each market. So when the time comes and you decide that you want to start dealing with forex trading, it is important to pay attention to those things. Basically the most crucial thing you need to remember here is you will have to pay attention to the GDP of the country and the economic growth and political situation of the nation.
Leading Forex Brokers in New Zealand
The whole idea of decimalization in New Zealand was raised back in 1933 but was not put into place until 1967. In this year the New Zealand dollar officially replaced the pound. Actually there were lots of public discussions regarding the topic whether or not the new currency should be called that way, but in the end, the ‘dollar’ was officially chosen.
Initially it pegged the US dollar with rate of 1.62USD to 1 NZD but the rate was changing a couple of times during the years. However, the overall volatility is not that high. In 1979 new bills were made of polymer and thus a new design of the New Zealand dollar was presented. Since that year no coins under 5cent value were made. And this is the sum in which the values are rounded.
The central bank of New Zealand is the main regulatory authority that takes care of the inflation rates and currency rates. It is important to know that every person who want to start trading on forex markets in New Zealand should be aware of the fact that economic news are really important and they are more than useful when you are making analysis.
Here is a list of some brokers you can use in New Zealand:
XM. com Think Forex eToro Markets. com
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In March, I wondered aloud about whether the New Zealand Dollar might be the most overvalued currency in the world. Since then, it has continued its unlikely ascent, rising 10% on a correlation-weighted basis and 3% against the US Dollar, hitting a 26-year high in the process. While there are signs that the New Zealand economy might be able to withstand an expensive currency, at some point, the chickens must come back to roost.
Surely the expensive kiwi must be wreaking havoc on the New Zealand dollar? “How is New Zealand supposed to rebalance its economy away from consumption, importing, borrowing and asset selling towards investment, production, exporting and asset buying when our currency is headed for record highs?” Wonders one commentator. In fact, exporters are coping just fine, and New Zealand just recorded its highest quarterly trade surplus on record. Never mind that this is due almost entirely to soaring prices for commodities and unflagging demand. In spite of two earthquakes and other related downside factors, the New Zealand economy is nonetheless forecast to grow by 2.3% in 2011.
On the other hand, New Zealand’s current account deficit continues to rise, as foreign investors pour in to New Zealand to make acquisitions, portfolio investment, and loans to the government. New Zealand’s largest dairy conglomerate could soon be sold to Chinese investors, while China’s sovereign wealth fund (which manages a portion of the country’s sprawling forex reserves) has announced plans to purchase a big chunk of New Zealand government debt. This is just as well, since a record 2011 budget deficit will require a significant issuance of new debt.
Meanwhile, New Zealand price inflation is currently 4.5%, which means that the country’s real interest rate is -2%, certainly among the lowest in the world. Moreover, even as two-year inflation expectations tick up, rate hike expectations remain unchanged. The consensus is that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand will avoid hiking its benchmark until the first quarter of 2012. Regardless of what happens in the interim, it seems unlikely that Bank president Alan Bollard will give in, for fear of stoking further speculative interest in a currency that is already “undesirably high .”
Let’s review: record low interest rates and record low real interest rates. Record budget deficit. Large current account deficit. Declining expectations for GDP growth. Record high New Zealand Dollar. Does anyone see a contradiction here? It’s no wonder that the IMF recently speculated that the Kiwi might be overvalued by as much as 20%, echoing the sentiments of yours truly.
At the same time, commentators concede that “The New Zealand dollar or any currency can deviate for a long period of time from academic measures of valuation.” And that is why making fundamental bets on currencies is so difficult. Even if all signs point to down (as is basically the case here), a currency can continue rising for many more months, before suffering a massive correction. For what it’s worth, this is the fate that the New Zealand Dollar is resigned to. Whether it will happen tomorrow or next year, alas, will depend more on global macroeconomic factors (such as the ebb and flow of risk aversion ) than on what happens in New Zealand.
During recent interviews with the Forex Blog, both Mike Kulej of FX Madness and the team at Action Forex imparted their beliefs that the New Zealand Dollar is currently the world’s most undervalued currency. Since I hadn’t written about the Kiwi in a few months, I decide to some research, ad came to a slightly different conclusion. In keeping with the spirit of debate, I’d like to defend the opposite premise - that the New Zealand Dollar is now one of the world’s most overvalued currencies . There are two principal reasons for the Kiwi’s perennial appeal with forex traders. First, New Zealand frequently boasts some of the highest interest rates in the industrialized world. Before the credit bubble burst, New Zealand’s benchmark interest rate was a whopping 8.25%. Moreover, because of its association with Australia, investors are quick to ascribe to it (dubiously) a greater sense of security than they would to emerging market economies with similarly high interest rates. For example, while Brazilian rates are usually higher, the markets less apt to lump the Real together with the Australian Dollar, even though it’s arguably a closer fit than the Kiwi.
While it’s hard to predict New Zealand trade dynamics, we can say with relative certainty real interest rate levels will remain low for the foreseeable future. Two recent earthquakes have threatened an economy that is already in trouble (projected GDP growth in 2011 is only 1.3% ). Over the next 12 months, the markets have priced in only 50 basis points in rate hikes. “Nothing here will change the RBNZ’s intentions to keep monetary policy at ’emergency’ levels for the rest of this year,” summarized one analyst. Meanwhile, the CPI rate is currently at 4.5%, and is generally tracking commodities prices higher .
Thus, it is continually one of the most popular target currencies for carry trades. The extent of this phenomenon is such that turnover in the Kiwi is 100x greater than its GDP would imply. As I pointed out in an earlier post. this is the highest ratio of any currency in the world. In fact, “Dr Alan Bollard, Governor of the Reserve Bank [of New Zealand], once described it as an international standard of value that just happens to be used by a small country as its money.”
The credit crisis should have shattered the myth of the NZD as a stable currency, since the NZD lost 50% of its value in a matter of months. In addition, the benchmark rate has been lowered to 2.5%, a record low. When you take inflation into account, the rate is -2%, which as far as I know, is among the lowest in the world. When you factor in consecutive budget deficits for the first time in two decades and the (unrelated) explosion in public debt, it baffles me that yield seekers would still be interested in holding the Kiwi. The other source of strength is the perception that the Kiwi is a commodity currency. To be fair, the production and export of agricultural products (dairy, meat, wool, etc.) makes a significant contribution to New Zealand’s economy. In addition, the prices for such agricultural staples have been rising faster than prices for imported goods, to the extent that the terms of trade have widened further in New Zealand’s favor. Unfortunately, this is ultimately irrelevant, since the aggregate balance of trade is currently in deficit, where it has stood for most of the last decade. If prices for energy and traditional commodities continues to rise, the current account deficit would at risk for eclipsing the record 6% set in 2008.
With all of this in mind, it’s tough to understand how the New Zealand Dollar could be closing in on a post-float (30 year) high against the Dollar, last set in 2008. The New Zealand Dollar has recovered most of its post-credit crisis losses, despite a lack of fundamental support. Its recovery has even outpaced the rise in the New Zealand stock market. In short, I’m inclined to agree with TD Securities: ” ‘If ever there was a dangerous time to enter a NZD carry trade this is it: the NZD is increasingly stretched, with the risk-reward now squarely being the NZD declining from here’…if the NZD breaches prior record highs, ‘it could be an attractive time to trim some net longs.’ & # 8221;
Trading New Zealand Dollar with RBNZ Rate Decision
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) differs from many of the central banks in the West, such as the US or UK. The RBNZ is not completely independent, meaning it is still in part tied to the New Zealand Government. Due to this fact, the RBNZ can only change monetary policy under the Policy Target Agreement (PTA). The PTA states that the inflation target must be negotiated between the government and the RBNZ. Currently the PTA states that that inflation should fall between a 1-3% target level.
To realize this inflation target Executives of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand meet 8 times per year in order to set the future course of the overnight interest rate.
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is made up of the following executive structure:
Head of Operations
Heads of various banks departments
Board of Directors (7 members)
Regardless of whether the Reserve Bank of New Zealand chooses to raise, lower, or maintain the interest rate; the decision always has an effect on the NZD. Here’s why:
When the rate is increased the RBNZ is literally selling government securities to large financial firms. In turn, the financial organizations are paying in New Zealand Dollars for these securities. This effectively decreases the amount of currency circulating in the economy. A decreasing supply leads to higher demand, and therefore causes the value of the NZD to appreciate.
When the interest rates are decreased, the RBNZ floods the market with New Zealand Dollars. This is done by the RBNZ purchasing government securities from financial organizations. In return for the securities, these banks and financial deals are paid in New Zealand Dollars, therefore increasing the supply of dollars in the economy. As supply increases, the value of the NZD depreciates.
How to Trade the New Zealand Dollar on the RBNZ Rate Decision
Prior to the Rate Decision:
Many traders buy the rumors and square their positions shortly after the decision is made. For instance, if the market believes that the RBNZ will hike the rate; traders buy the New Zealand Dollar and close the position shortly after the announcement. On the other hand, if the expectation is a rate decrease, traders will short the NZD and square the position after the announcement.
After the Rate Decision:
If the market’s expectations differ from the actual rate decision there can be some excellent trading opportunities.
If the market is expecting a rate hike, but the Bank ends up cutting the interest rate, a short 1-2 hour trade selling the NZD may prove successful.
If the market expects a rate cut, but the RBNZ comes out with an increase in the rate, a trader may want to place a short long position on the New Zealand Dollar for 1-2 hours.
Los mejores reembolsos de Forex. Aprenda a operar con divisas: Forex (FX) Currency Trading & # 8211; New Zealand
If you’ve seen the Lord of the Rings, then you probably know that Middle Earth is located somewhere along the hills of New Zealand.
More than being home to Frodo Baggins and his hobbit friends, New Zealand is also one of Australia’s next-door neighbors in Oceania, the Southern region of the Pacific Ocean.
The country is made up of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, and several smaller islands.
Famous for hosting a larger population of sheep than people, New Zealand is home to about four million residents. To put that into perspective, New York alone had a population of 8.4 million people in 2011.
New Zealand is also known as Aotearoa, which means “Land of the Long White Cloud” in Maori, one of the major languages in the country.
New Zealand: Facts, Figures, and Features
Neighbors: Australia, Fiji, Tonga
Size: 104,454 square miles
Population: 4,268,600 (124th)
Density: 40.9 people per square mile
Capital City: Wellington (city population 179,466)
Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II
Head of Government: Prime Minister John Key
Currency: New Zealand dollar (NZD)
Main Imports: machinery and equipment, vehicles and aircraft, petroleum, electronics, textiles, plastics
Main Exports: Russell Crowe, Ores and metals; wool, food and live animals; fuels, transport machinery and equipment
Import Partners: Germany 13.5%, U. S. 10.2%, France 8.1%, Netherlands 6.3%, Belgium 4.9%, Italy 4.7%
Export Partners: U. S. 15.7%, Germany 10.5%, France 9.5%, Netherlands 6.9%, Ireland 6.5%, Belgium 5.6%, Spain 4.4%, Italy 4.4%
Time Zone: GMT +12
Website: http://www. newzealand. govt. nz
Economic Overview
With its teeny-tiny population, New Zealand’s economy is also relatively small. Its GDP, which is valued at 123 billion USD in 2011, ranks 65th among the world economies. But don’t underestimate New Zealand… This country makes up for its size by being a strong player in trade!
Their economic activity is largely dependent on trade, mostly with the Land Down Under (Australia), the Land of the Rising Sun (Japan), and Uncle Sam (U. S.). It is an export-driven economy, with its main exports such as ores, metals, and wool comprising a third of its GDP. It also exports much of its cattle and dairy products. Angus beef sound familiar to you?
Its primary industries are agriculture and tourism, and they only have small manufacturing and technology sectors. Because of that, its imports from other countries comprise mostly of heavy machinery, equipment, vehicles, and electronic products.
Since the country has removed many barriers to foreign investment, the World Bank has praised New Zealand for being one of the most business-friendly countries in the world, second to Singapore.
Monetary & Fiscal Policy
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) is in charge of the monetary and fiscal policy of the nation. Currently headed by Governor Alan Bollard, the RBNZ holds monetary policy meetings eight times a year. The RBNZ is tasked with maintaining price stability, setting interest rates, and monitoring output and exchange rates.
To achieve price stability, the RBNZ must ensure that annual inflation meets the 1.5% central bank target… otherwise the government has the right to kick the RBNZ Governor out of office (We’re not kidding).
The RBNZ has the following tools in its monetary policy arsenal:
The official cash rate (OCR), which affects short-term interest rates, is set by the RBNZ Governor. By lending 25 basis points above this rate and borrowing at 25 basis points below the OCR to commercial banks, the central bank is able to control the interest rates offered to individuals and businesses.
Open market operations are used to meet the cash target or the amount of reserves parked in commercial banks. By forecasting the cash target daily, the RBNZ is able to calculate how much money to inject in the economy in order to meet the target.
Getting to Know the NZD
The New Zealand dollar is nicknamed “Kiwi.”It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, wait, it’s really a bird. The Kiwi also happens to be the national symbol for New Zealand… but let’s focus on the Kiwi as a currency and its interesting characteristics.
Show me the commodities!
Since New Zealand’s economy is mostly dependent on its exports of commodities and agricultural products, the overall economic performance of the region is linked to commodity prices.
If commodity prices rise, then the amount of money paid for New Zealand’s exports also rises, which then makes a larger contribution to the country’s GDP. Since a higher GDP reflects a strong economic performance, it could lead to an appreciation of the Kiwi.
Conversely, falling commodity prices result to lower monetary value of exports, making a smaller contribution to GDP. A lower GDP could then cause the Kiwi to depreciate.
I move hand-in-hand with the AUD
Since Australia is New Zealand’s number one trade partner, the economic performance of Australia has a huge impact on New Zealand’s.
For instance, when the Australian economy does well, Australian firms pump up their importing activities and guess who benefits from that? New Zealand, of course!
…and, just like the AUD, I enjoy carry trades!
Just like Australia, New Zealand enjoys higher interest rates compared to other major economies, such as the U. S. the U. K. or Japan.
Interest rate differentials between economies often serve as indicators of money flows. Since investors prefer to receive higher returns, they’d sell lower-yielding investments in exchange for higher-yielding assets or currencies. In other words, the higher the interest rate, the more money flows in.
I’d like more migration, please.
Because New Zealand’s population is less than half the number of people living in New York, an increase in migration into the country has a huge effect on the economy. This is because as the population grows, the demand for goods and overall consumption increases.
Oh, I’m weather-sensitive too.
New Zealand’s economy is also largely driven by its agricultural industry, which means that severe weather conditions such as droughts have a huge negative impact on their entire economy. Those heat waves are also prevalent in Australia, which is more frequented by forest fires, costing close to 1% of its GDP in damages. This doesn’t do the NZD any good…
Important Economic Indicators for the NZD
Gross Domestic Product – Just like any other nation, the gross domestic product (GDP) serves as an economic report card for New Zealand. By serving as a gauge of overall economic performance for the New Zealand, it influences the demand for the NZD.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) – The consumer price index measures the change in price levels. As a measure of inflation, it is closely watched by the RBNZ in determining changes in monetary policy. They’re supposed to maintain price stability, remember?
Balance of Trade – Since New Zealand is an export-driven economy, traders often take a look at their trade balance to gauge the international demand for New Zealand’s products.
What Moves the NZD?
Economic Growth
Positive GDP growth reflects the strong economic standing of New Zealand, boosting demand for its currency. Negative GDP growth highlights the poor economic performance of the country, dampening demand for the NZD.
Surge in Exports
Higher demand for New Zealand’s products often results to a higher GDP, which then boosts the NZD. In contrast, lower exports make a smaller contribution to GDP, causing the NZD’s value to fall.
Rising Commodity Prices
Increasing commodity prices causes the monetary value of New Zealand’s exports to rise, pushing its GDP higher. Falling commodity prices, on the other hand, cause the monetary value of exports to fall, dragging its GDP down.
Trading NZD/USD
The NZD/USD is traded in position sizes denominated in US dollars.
The pip value, which is calculated by dividing one pip of the NZD/USD (that’s 0.0001!) by the current NZD/USD exchange rate.
Profit and loss are accounted in US dollars. On a 100,000 NZD/USD position size, each pip movement is worth $10 while on a 10,000 NZD/USD position size, each pip movement is worth 1 USD.
Margin calculations are based in US dollars. For instance, if the current NZDUSD rate is 0.7000 and leverage is 100:1, 700 USD in available margin is required for a 100,000 NZD position. A 10,000 NZD position requires 70 USD in available margin.
You see, because of the Kiwi’s relatively low value against the U. S. dollar, it requires the least amount of available margin among the other majors. That means it’s cheaper to trade the Kiwi!
NZD/USD Trade Tactics
Strong economic reports from New Zealand result to an appreciation of the NZD so if there’s a good chance that an economic release could beat the consensus, it could be a sign to go long NZD/USD.
Weak economic reports, on the other hand, push the NZD down. If an upcoming report is likely to come in weaker than expected, it could be a chance to short NZD/USD.
Aside from watching economic reports, taking note of commodity price behavior could also serve as trade signals for NZD/USD.
Most of the time, commodity prices surge when demand for riskier assets is strong. During these times, investors place their money in higher-yielding assets such as gold and other commodities and sell the lower-yielding U. S. dollar. As a result, the commodity-based Kiwi gains strongly against the safe-haven US. dólar.
On the other hand, when risk aversion forces investors to flee back to the safe-havens, the NZD edges lower against the USD.
Just like the AUD, the NZD is also a good candidate for carry trade. Since carry trades involve buying of a currency with high interest rates and selling of a currency with low interest rates, New Zealand’s relatively high interest rate provides support for the NZD.
Luckily for you, Pip Diddy keeps track of the economic developments in New Zealand through his daily roundup!
New Zealand forex brokers
A couple of years ago, New Zealand forex brokers were required to follow a simple registration procedure with the FSPR in order to provide financial services. The regulatory requirements for forex brokers and financial services providers in general used to be very loose, however after a number of signals and complaints from clients received, New Zealand’s authorities have begun cleaning up the mess. Many brokerages established their operations in the country and subsequently shut down and a number of those companies proved to be connected to offshore owners so authorities started deleting registrations and introducing some new rules.
Currently, in order to be registered as financial services providers, applicants must comply with the following:
1) The companies must be registered in in New Zealand and must have a physical office there; 2) Within the office must be employed a at least one Director (having adequate financial competence), who is a New Zealand resident; 3) All client record keeping, KYC and AML procedure must be handled from a New Zealand office (in order to facilitate on-site compliance inspections); 4) The company must comply with the business laws within the jurisdiction of New Zealand.
Furthermore, Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 introduces licensing regime for providers offering certain types of financial services. Forex brokers, addressed as “derivatives issuers” must be regulated by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and must meet a set of standards for financial resources and professional indemnity insurance.
Additionally, a minimum capital requirement for forex brokers is about to be introduced in 2016. Forex brokers will be required to hold net tangible assets amounting to at least $1,000,000. in order to see “the big picture”, the minimum capital requirement for a obtaining a forex broker license is $20 million in USA; CHF 20 million in Switzerland, EUR 1 million in Cyprus and 730 000 EUR in UK.
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Forex Trading Guide: New Zealand's Trade Balance Report
Hunting for news trading opportunities this week? Let's take a quick look at New Zealand's trade balance report and check out how we can get some pips off this forex event. Why is this report important anyway? If you've read our economic calendar cheat sheet, then you'll know that a trade balance report is a sum of an economy's exports and imports and directly contributes to the GDP computation. Forex traders pay attention to trade numbers because, aside from contributing to the GDP, export and import figures also reflect the impact of other issues such as export demand from major trading partners, currency strength, and global commodity prices. These details become even more important for export-dependent economies such as New Zealand. This week market players are paying attention for three reasons: First, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) had specifically cited concerns for its trading partners as one of the reasons why it had cut its rates. Next, they would like to see if the economy would clock in another trade surplus after breaking a seven-month deficit streak last month. Last but definitely not the least is the fact that New Zealand's trade balance data is one of the few top-tier releases that could move the markets this week. What happened last time? For the first time since May 2015, New Zealand printed a trade surplus to the tune of 8.1 million NZD. This is a lot better than the expected deficit of 245.5 million NZD but still behind January 2015's 52 million NZD surplus. A closer look revealed a 5.9 % increase in exports from a year earlier, mostly due to China demanding more milk powder, butter, cheese, and cherries. Meanwhile, imports shot up by 7.2% despite the large decline in crude oil imports thanks to huge purchases of intermediate and consumption goods. Not surprisingly, news of the surplus sent the Kiwi higher against the dollar and the yen. The bullish momentum didn't last, however, as both NZD/USD and NZD/JPY peaked during the Asian session and stayed in tight ranges until a new catalyst came along to erase most of the Kiwi's gains. Still, NZD/USD had enjoyed a good +1.10% and NZD/JPY a decent +1.26% run from the release up to their Asian session peaks. Not bad for a day's trade, right? How can you trade this report? Tomorrow at 9:45 pm GMT New Zealand is expected to print a surplus of 90 million NZD for the month of February. China, now New Zealand's largest trading partner, had recorded its smallest trade surplus in February though imports from New Zealand remain unchanged. On the other hand, oil prices have recovered a bit from its early lows and could boost imports higher. Will demand from China be enough to offset the increase in the value of oil imports? A stronger-than-expected surplus would inspire speculations that New Zealand's trade is on its way to recovery. Meanwhile, disappointing trade numbers or a dip back into deficit will support the RBNZ's concerns over its trade partners and inspire a selloff for the Kiwi. In any case, it's worth noting that the Kiwi's directly-correlated reaction is likely to last only until another catalyst comes along. Best take advantage of intraday momentum if you're trading this one and take profits/adjust positions some time during the Asian session!
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New Zealand is a pristine paradise and it is far away from the madding crowd of global commerce. But such is not the true reality of this county’s economy. A relative of newcomer within the global establishment of government bodies overseeing commercial service companies.
The New Zealand Financial Service Providers’ Register (New Zealand FSP) was built in the latter part of 2010 at the time of its began accepting applications for registration. New Zealand based forex brokers are really profitable while their cousin in northern Australia is known better for its exports of minerals from under the ground and so have a very big stock market. New Zealand repealed its entire Banking act in 1995 thereby facilitating free entry into the business of banking and financial product provision. New Zealand is unique in the sense that a broadcast worldwide banking business or financial service provider can be built up without capital requirements and qualification requirements or excessive supervisory requirements.
New Zealand Founded Forex Brokers List
ASIC(Australia), FCA(UK), CySEC(Cyprus), MiFID(EU)
Facilities offered by these brokers: New Zealand offers forex brokers many advantages. It has a very good reputation for business ethic. It’s also away from the troubled Eurozone, and it is a suitable location for many broker companies. It has a strong regulatory service. For that it is so much more secure market in New Zealand based trading brokers. We can get profit securely from this market. Forex companies are able to bolster the confidence of their investors and traders in the respect that New Zealand is considered very much part of the safe “new world” and has not suffered the economic turmoil and endless list of bank and financial institutions being prosecuted for misconduct that has turned traders away from European institutions. The New Zealand FSP has now implemented a new set of provisions requiring their applicants to comply with many situations. Initially the New Zealand FSP will issue a notice to all institutions and brokers will have to either establish an office in New Zealand.
The future of these brokers: there is a huge opportunity for all these brokers. They have a series of quality introducing brokers and local representatives based in China. New Zealand along with Australia (ASIC) are well respected in the APAC region. This rationalization of the requirement will potentially result in two outcomes. There is a possibility that New Zealand will become the Cyprus of the southern hemisphere. Or it will alienate the larger players who will seek to license themselves within Australia’s better known ASIC regulation and consider that sufficient to attract enough APAC business. There are a few conditions for them. As an example: all the New Zealand FSP Registered companies must have a physical office in New Zealand or the company must be a registered corporation and comply with the business law within the jurisdiction of New Zealand.
Conclusion: this could be a great opportunity for all the traders near that region to invest. Virtual offices will also fall under scrutiny and will not meet the forthcoming requirements.
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GBP NZD (British Pound / New Zealand Dollar)
The British Pound vs. the New Zealand Dollar cross is one of the most volatile one among GBP pairs. The New Zealand Dollar is often viewed as a proxy for Chinese growth and thus have performed well against the Euro in recent years. But on the hand, the British Pound is one of the premier reserve currencies and represents the world's largest financial center.
Resistance Level 2.1169
Looks like the Bulls are out to play. A push above the neckline suggests an 840+ pip Bull run. I expect to see more strength in the Pound against the USD and NZD in particular but markets are very shaky right now.
Keep in mind while FX:GBPUSD and FX:GBPNZD look bullish, FX:GBPCAD and FX:GBPAUD look much more bearish from a long-term perspective.
simply as usually, I like to wait for all chance with possibility, although then make it or not :)
set it and forget it. ) Thanks for visit, kind regards
price is caught in between channels. long term descending trendline holding prices down, while a smaller developing ascending channel is trying to push prices up. Price is touching the bottom of the ascending channel, and showing signs of a small reversal. Looking to go long until it hits a key minor resistance level at 2.125 and watching PA from there. If it breaks above, then look to go long again, if it doesn't then, short to a possible break to the downside.
Very small potential short Carefull Trade your plan
Thanks for clicking the like button. In case of another view, questions or comments. share it with pleasure More ideas following. Click the follow button to keep updated when I publish new ideas or update already published ones. Thanks for your visit.
GBPNZD BREAKOUT AND RETEST 2.1056 is the previous structure now the price has come to this level and it is first time touch A rally is expected from this level LONG GBPNZD SL Below 2.09 TP1: 2.26 TP2: 2.36
An opportunity to sell I wish you good luck
GARTLEY Point B: 61.8% can not touch 78.6% XA Point C: 38.2% to 88.6% AB Point D: 78.6% XA 127% ext AB Target: TP1 38.2% AD TP2 61.8% AD
SHARK: Point B: 61.8% XA Point C: 113% to 161% AB Point D: 161% to 224% BC 88.6% to 113% XC Target: 38.2% to 100% CD
Inspired by an indicator I found on stevehopwoodforex. com and the endless possibilities of tradingview. com I came up with this currency strength visualisation concept.
*Please hit the zoom-out button once* (or more if you're feeling wild)
This may look like a mess, but the last few "bars" on the chart are holding some useful information! I'm sure I'm not the first one on here to think of this. My apologies for the messy work though, because the chart gets scrambled when you move it, the text moves all over the place and the calculations are probably completely wrong, but I'm sure you get what I'm trying to do here. Trading currencies that are gaining strength against currencies that are losing strength is obviously a good way to go, so this is an attempt to illustrate the increase/decrease in strength of a currency compared to 7 others, to help filter out those bad trades and get us into good ones for many pips of profit.
Now check out the chart. How often a year does a currency significantly change direction? Who out there was/is still shoring the USD, AUD and CAD and buying the EUR, JPY and CHF on the hourly, 4-hourly and daily TF's right now?
I know I haven't. I have been and will be only buying CAD, AUD, USD and now also GBP and NZD and I will be only selling EUR, JPY and CHF until the direction significantly changes. Which could of course happen at any time for all I know and when it does we look to trade that currency only the other way and count the money we made on the long run we just had!
The strengthening and weakening of a currency as you can see can last for months. Realising this changed my trading forever.
My interpretation of the chart: Currencies that are significantly sloping away from eachother are candidates for trend trading. Currencies that run paralel to eachother are ranging and can be traded from the top of a band or channel to the bottom with confidence.
I hope this makes sense. Thoughts anyone?
CHF = Aqua Blue (light) EUR = Turqoise (darker) GBP = Blue (dark) AUD = Orange NZD = Gray CAD = Maroon Red USD = Red JPY = Yellow
PA is still in channel. Break to the downside has 2 targets, 2.07665 and 2.05053, that's if PA breaks the channel. Upper range break would target 2.13550 and perhaps 2.14570. Keep in mind the weekly chart where a pennant is forming and the bullish bat completion at 2.00 is in progress. https://www. tradingview. com/x/GZuHP8r5/
Not much to say, according to this monthly analysis this pair is at key level. If the the rate news helps we could see the start of a strong pullback/trendchange. Be prepared to entry because this pair does not wait anybody.
Online Trading Broker Comparison for New Zealand
Select a Broker helps you find, review, compare and select an online trading and investment broker in New Zealand. Begin trading, buying and selling stocks, shares, bonds, futures, commodities, currencies, forex, options, mutual funds, gold, oil, silver, ETF's and CFD's online, from your desktop or mobile.
Side-by-side online brokerage comparison enables you to easily chose the best deep discount, discount and prime broker in New Zealand for all your online trading and online investment needs.
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HY Markets is headquartered in London and is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom. Over 30 years of operational history and we are the trading platform of choice for investors. Aprende más
HY Options is authorized and regulated by CySEC. Clients can trade over 220 assets, including stocks, indices, commodities and currencies. Minimum deposit is $50 and withdrawals are processed within 1 business day. Aprende más
Comprehensive List of Online Brokers:
No1options is a leading binary options broker offering traders worldwide. No1options is well known for offering superior customer support. Whether you are new or a pro, this broker offers an all-inclusive trading experience.
ThinkForex is a global provider of foreign exchange trading and related financial services headquartered in Melbourne, ThinkForex is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) with AFSL #424700.
New Zealand
Forex regulation in New Zealand is a fairly new phenomenon. The authority responsible for Forex regulation today, the Financial Markets Authority, or FMA, was only formed in 2011, and for a long period of time, there were few consultancy firms that had the know-how to help clients apply for a Forex broker license in New Zealand.
This jurisdiction is, however, held in high regard by traders, banks, and other service providers, and is especially suitable for Forex companies with an interest in the Asia Pacific region and with a need for a Western Forex license. In many other Western jurisdictions (namely European Union member states) the bureaucracy and time involved in obtaining a Forex trading license is significantly higher, and in many cases business owners must then also base their companies in the often very troubled Eurozone. Historically, New Zealand has been a much more financially stable jurisdiction, with an extremely stable currency, while the business ethics are just as high as in Europe.
Additionally, the licensing process in the country is often very quick, around 3 months not being unusual at all.
Requirements on companies wishing to obtain a New Zealand Forex license
The Financial Markets Authority has set very specific rules and requirements for the companies that may obtain a Forex brokerage license in the country. Some of the most important (although not all) of these requirements include:
A registered company in New Zealand.
An office in New Zealand.
A compliance director.
A qualified (within the finance industry) local New Zealand resident to act as a local agent for the company.
Registering with the local New Zealand Disputes Tribunal that deals with customer disputes, for dispute resolution.
To maintain all appropriate financial and legal registers required in New Zealand.
Our experience in the region
Our lawyers have years of experience in servicing Forex companies, in several different jurisdictions, including with regards to New Zealand. We can therefore be of assistance both to Forex companies who are sure they need a New Zealand Forex license specifically, as well as to clients who are interested in a Western or Asia Pacific Forex license, but are not sure which Forex license would suit them best. Our experienced lawyers are happy to explain the differences between the different jurisdictions to any client needing this information, and are able to assist with the entire application process, not only in New Zealand, but in various other suitable jurisdictions as well, from EU member states to Hong Kong. Australia and Singapore .
We offer all potential clients interested in Western and Asia Pacific Forex regulation a free consultation, where the client will also receive a free price quote before any commitment is made. We therefore invite you to get to know our expertise for yourself before making any decision!
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Hay una gran cantidad de sistemas de comercio de divisas en línea que se anuncian para poder darle miles de pips en una sola semana sin perder. Eso suena como un trato maravilloso que probablemente podría gastar varios miles de dólares. Lo que no se conoce a usted es que realmente no hay garantía de que podría funcionar para usted. En realidad, hay un sistema aún mejor que puede utilizar para absolutamente libre. Es su propio sistema. Usted puede tomar el tiempo para desarrollar su propio sistema basado en su propio estilo de negociación y preferencia sin costo adicional para usted. Si no funciona, no se sentiría mal sobre cualquier inversión que hizo en un sistema de comercio de divisas que no le da resultados. No es difícil desarrollar su propio sistema de comercio de divisas. Sólo tienes que ser capaz de seguir las reglas que configuró para que funcione. Hay dos cosas que usted necesita tomar nota de si desea desarrollar un sistema de comercio que funciona para usted. Primero es que debe poder decirle las tendencias identificadas en el tiempo lo más pronto posible. Debe tener cuidado, ya que lo que podría parecer el comienzo de una tendencia podría ser sólo una casualidad. La segunda cosa a tener en cuenta es que su sistema.
Titan FX is a foreign exchange (forex), metal and commodities broker serving both institutional and retail clients across the globe.
Titan FX nace de la necesidad de un corredor de divisas estable, sin operaciones de negociación, que pueda atender a una base de clientes global.
Nuestro veterano equipo de administración y soporte está formado por corredores de forex de alta calidad con décadas de experiencia combinadas brindando las mejores condiciones comerciales posibles y soporte al cliente tanto para clientes minoristas como institucionales.
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Titan FX Limited is a registered Financial Services Provider in New Zealand under FSP388647. Our global headquarters and operational hub is located in Auckland, New Zealand. More information about our New Zealand Financial Services Provider registration can be found here .
Titan FX Limited is a registered International Business Company in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, IBC number 22933-IBC-2015.
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Risk Warning: Trading Forex and Derivatives carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with money you can afford to lose. Los derivados de negociación pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores, así que asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. A Financial Services Guide (FSG) and Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) for these products is available from Titan FX Ltd to download from this website or hard copies may be obtained by contacting any Titan FX office. The FSG and PDS should be considered before deciding to enter into any transactions with Titan FX Ltd. Titan FX Ltd is a registered New Zealand company number 5390661, New Zealand Financial Services Provider FSP388647, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines IBC No. 22933-IBC-2015. The PDS available on this website does not constitute an offer to any person of any interests to whom it would not be lawful to make such an offer. New Zealand and St. Vincent and the Grenadines residents are welcome to browse our website but please note due to regulatory limitations we are unable to accept any New Zealand or St. Vincent and the Grenadines resident as a client. The information on this website is not directed to residents of any country where FX and/or CFDs trading is restricted or prohibited by local laws or regulations.
&dupdo; 2016 Titan FX | NZ Company Number 5390661 | NZFSP 388647 | SVG IBC No. 22933-IBC-2015
New Zealand Dollar strength in the forex market
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Tag Archives: new zealand
New Zealand’s authorities have removed the AceForex forex broker from the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) . shows a list published on the country’s Companies Office.
According to its website, www. . the broker is headquartered in New Zealand, but also has offices in the US and Asia. It claims it is fully regulated and licensed, but, besides the FSPR registration number and information on membership in New Zealand’s Financial Dispute Resolution scheme, the broker does not give any clear information on its regulation status. Continue reading New Zealand authorities deregister the forex broker AceForex →
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New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority (FMA) issued on Wednesday a notice, warning that Suisse Ltd. . trading as ECN Markets . is not registered in New Zealand as a financial service provider.
Under the New Zealand legislation, entities are forbidden to offer financial services in the country if they have not been registered in the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR). Continue reading New Zealand’s FMA warns against unregulated ECN Markets →
ECN Markets fma new zealand Suisse
New Zealand’s regulator FMA has put the forex broker Mocaz on its warning list of unregistered companies. According to its website, the watchdog has received a complaint from an overseas resident that the regulatory information on the broker’s website is misleading. “Mocaz Financial Markets Limited is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand,” notes the FMA. Continue reading New Zealand’s FMA warns of the forex broker Mocaz →
broker fma forex Mocaz new zealand warning
New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority (FMA) added on Tuesday forex and contracts for difference (CFDs) broker DGM Service Markets . operating as DGMFX . to its list of unregistered businesses. The company falsely claims on its website, www. dgmfx. com . that it is a registered futures agent and entitled to hold client funds.
However, it was deregistered from New Zealand’s Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) in November 2014, and no longer is entitled to provide such services. Continue reading New Zealand’s FMA warns of unauthorized forex broker DGMFX →
DGM Service Markets DGMFX fma FSPR new zealand
New Zealand’s financial regulator FMA has put the forex brokers TigerWit and BelforFX on its warning list “Businesses to be wary of”.
According to the notice, TigerWit Prime Limited . operating under the trade name TigerWit is falsely claiming to be licensed, supervised and independently audited by New Zealand government agencies. The company is also falsely claiming that as a result of the supervision, its clients’ funds are safe and secure. Continue reading New Zealand’s FMA warns of TigerWit, BelforFX forex brokers →
belforfx brokers fma forex new zealand tigerwit
New Zealand’s business ministry issued on Wednesday a notice about the removal of 125 institutions and individuals providing financial services from the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) of investment companies authorized to operate in the country. The list of companies includes six forex companies – Capital Market Investments Ltd. . Concord Bay LP . Forex NZ 2000 Ltd . Halloway Group Ltd . Intercontinental Financial Services Corp. Ltd. ( IFSCL ), and Kretella Capital Holdings Ltd.
The reason for the deregistrations of the brokers, which took place in December 2015 and January 2016, was not disclosed. Continue reading New Zealand removes six forex companies from Financial Service Providers Register →
Capital Market Investments Concord Bay Forex NZ 2000 Halloway Group IKON Australia IKON Group Intercontinental Financial Services Kretella Capital Holdings new zealand Noafx
New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority (FMA) issued on Tuesday a warning that the company Capital Market Investments Limited . The regulator points out that on the website of its forex broker NoaFX the company claims it is registered in New Zealand as a financial services provider and a member of a financial dispute resolution scheme. “In fact, it is neither,” FMA says. “The company is not operating under the strict licensing and regulation requirements of New Zealand, as claimed.”
A check in New Zealand’s Financial Services Providers Register shows that Capital Markets Investments did have a license for financial services from 2013, but it has been discontinued in January 2016. Continue reading New Zealand’s FMA warns of unauthorized forex broker NoaFX →
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New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority (FMA), issued on Monday a warning notice against unregistered contracts for difference (CFDs) broker Fidelis International Trading .
The regulator said it has received complaints from overseas clients of the broker in relation to its inability to repay them in accordance with their instructions. The broker claims to be based in New Zealand but it has not been registered as a finiancial service provider in the country and does not fall under the regulation of any local authority.
On its website, Fidelis International Trading also provides office addresses in several other locations – Malaysia, Sweden and the Bahamas. However, it does not provide any information regarding registration, authorization, or licensing.
The broker provides trading in CDFs on stocks, bonds, commodities, indices, and others, as well as precious metals and energy futures.
Under the New Zealand legislation, entities are forbidden to offer financial services in the country if they have not been registered in the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR). Even if they have any required licenses or authorization, they need to be entered into the register if they want to operate in the country. This rule applies for both entities and individuals who work in New Zealand, as well as those who are based there.
Access to the register is available to the public through the website of the country’s business ministry and anyone can see which entities and individuals it includes.
The FMA warns investors to be cautious and not to trust their funds with unregistered investment service providers.
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It can be a complex and tiring experience obtaining a New Zealand broker license from the relevant regulatory authority. As a basic principle it is important to understand the rules and regulations which will affect your New Zealand broker firm in terms of activity and internal operations. It is therefore highly advisable to acquire the help and guidance from a professional consultancy that are qualified and experienced in all areas of New Zealand broker licenses and relevant legislation. A professional consultancy can help you administer the relevant documentation and application form to the regulatory body.
New Zealand Broker Firms
The New Zealand Securities Commission was the regulatory body responsible for accepting forex broker license applications and issuing them on approval of the application. New Zealand has adopted stringent legislation regarding the operations of all companies dealing with securities trading. This means that it is essential to obtain the relevant New Zealand broker license prior to engaging in forex activity. The New Zealand Securities Commission was first established un the Securities Act 1978 which stipulated the scope of authority for the Commission including its powers and general functions.
In May 2011 the Financial Markets Authority (New Zealand) replaced the Securities Commission. The Financial Markets Authority is a newly formed integrated financial regulator for the development and progression of the financial services industry in New Zealand.
The new integrated regulatory body is the relevant authority in which to submit all applications forNew Zealandbroker licenses and it is a necessary step to acquire a forex license for all force broker firms.
Obtaining a New Zealand Broker License
When applying for a New Zealand broker license it is essential that you not only have a fully formed company in New Zealand for the purpose of forex activity, but you must also pass the fit and proper test in association with obtaining a New Zeal and broker license. Certain documents are required for the application of a New Zealand broker license, including; company Memorandum and Articles of Association, business plan, documentation for internal and external operations of the company
We work with specialist consultants are highly experienced in all apects related to obtaining a New Zealand broker license, from the filing the initial application form, to ensuring the broker firm is compliant with relevant laws. Valsen will ensure your New Zealand broker license is acquired in a timely and professional manner and in accordance with the rules set out by the Financial Markets Authority.
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Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. Forex, Futures, and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex, Futures and Options markets. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Any adverts, opinions, news, research, analyses, prices or other information contained on this website, by ForexAdverts, its employees, partners or contributors, is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. ForexAdverts will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. Please remember that the past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results
New Zealand dollar wins the Oscar for Worst Performance
Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas
Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.
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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.
AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.
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Una garantía con un precio que depende o deriva de uno o más activos subyacentes.
Un asesor de política económica que promueve políticas monetarias que implican el mantenimiento de tasas de interés bajas, creyendo que.
Activos altamente líquidos mantenidos por instituciones financieras para cumplir con obligaciones a corto plazo. Coeficiente de cobertura de Liquidez.
La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.
Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.
NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
DEFINITION of 'NZD (New Zealand Dollar)'
The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the New Zealand dollar (NZD), the currency of New Zealand. The New Zealand dollar is made up of 100 cents and is often represented by the symbol $ or NZ$ to set it apart from other currencies based in dollars. The currency is also used in the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and the Pitcairn Islands.
Also known as the Kiwi.
BREAKING DOWN 'NZD (New Zealand Dollar)'
When New Zealand's currency was decimalized in 1967, the New Zealand dollar replaced the New Zealand pound at a rate if 2 dollars to 1 pound. Initially pegged to the United States dollar (USD), the New Zealand dollar went through a series of changes in the fixed exchange rate until March of 1985, when the currency was allowed to float freely.
The currency is often known as a kiwi because of the national bird found stamped on the one dollar coin.
La moneda es una forma generalmente aceptada de dinero, incluyendo monedas.
Retail stock offered directly to the public and available only.
Any type of financial institution that has received authorization.
El mercado en el que las monedas se negocian. El mercado de divisas es.
Un contrato negociado en bolsa para comprar o vender una cantidad especificada.
A slang term for the New Zealand dollar (NZD). It derives its.
Desconcertado por los tipos de cambio? Se preguntan por qué algunas monedas fluctúan mientras que otros se fijan? Este artículo tiene las respuestas.
The spot, futures and option currency markets can be traded together for maximum downside protection and profit.
Apertura de posiciones largas o cortas para cobrar en una tendencia es una de las maneras más simples para el comercio de divisas.
We go over some of the things you need to understand before you can trade currencies.
Trading less than a standard lot means getting in for less - and having less to lose.
Con su masivo programa de QE y la adopción más reciente de tasas de interés negativas, parece que el Banco de Japón está monetizando la deuda del gobierno japonés.
Estos ETFs de divisas se encuentran en niveles técnicos críticos o se aproximan a ellos. Eso significa oportunidades comerciales en un futuro próximo.
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Una crisis monetaria proviene de una disminución en el valor de la moneda de un país.
Conozca la legalidad de Bitcoin como una forma de pago en los Estados Unidos, así como cómo se produce y se refiere. Leer respuesta >>
Find out how the Netherlands fares in terms of economic strength and its standard of living, and understand why it is considered. Leer respuesta >>
Descubra el papel del Banco de la Reserva de la India, o RBI, y la cantidad de autoridad dada al gobierno. Aprende quién es. Leer respuesta >>
Descubra cómo funciona la tecnología blockchain y por qué es tan crucial para mantener las redes comerciales para monedas virtuales. Leer respuesta >>
Entender las cifras de divisas constantes, y explorar algunas de las razones por las que una empresa es probable que se beneficien de la utilización de informes. Leer respuesta >>
Conozca los beneficios clave de un país que se involucra en una política de depreciación de la moneda, como déficits comerciales menores, empleo. Leer respuesta >>
Una garantía con un precio que depende o deriva de uno o más activos subyacentes.
Un asesor de política económica que promueve políticas monetarias que implican el mantenimiento de tasas de interés bajas, creyendo que.
Activos altamente líquidos mantenidos por instituciones financieras para cumplir con obligaciones a corto plazo. Coeficiente de cobertura de Liquidez.
La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.
Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.
& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.
ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.
New Zealand migration data for October
Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas
Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.
2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)
ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.
AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.
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& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.
ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.
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La negociación con apalancamiento en contratos de divisas u otros productos fuera de bolsa en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos. Le aconsejamos que considere cuidadosamente si el comercio es apropiado para usted a la luz de sus circunstancias personales. Usted puede perder más de lo que invierte. La información en esta página web es de carácter general. Recomendamos que busque asesoramiento financiero independiente y asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados antes de operar. El comercio a través de una plataforma en línea conlleva riesgos adicionales. Consulte nuestra sección legal aquí.
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OANDA Corporation es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Distribuidor Minorista de Divisas con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. No: 0325821. Por favor refiérase a la ALERTA INVERSOR FOREX de NFA donde sea apropiado.
Las cuentas de OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC están disponibles para cualquier persona con una cuenta bancaria canadiense. OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC está regulada por la Organización de Regulación de la Industria de Inversiones del Canadá (OCRCM) y los depósitos de los clientes están asegurados por el Fondo Canadiense de Protección a los Inversores (CIPF)
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OANDA Japan Co. Ltd. Primer Director de Negocios de Instrumentos Financieros Tipo I de la Oficina Financiera Local de Kanto No. 2137 Número de abonado de la Asociación de Futuros Financieros del Instituto 1571.
Trading FX y / o CFDs en el margen son de alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos. Las pérdidas pueden exceder la inversión.
Новости Форекс Онлайн
Каждый, кто торгует на рынке Форекс, знает, что стоимость той или иной валюты зависит от множества факторов. Так, например, цена валюты зависит от макроэкономического положения страны, которой принадлежит эта денежная единица. Поэтому, чтобы трейдинг приносил прибыль, нужно постоянно просматривать экономические новости, а также уметь быстро разбираться в отчетах регуляторов.
Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам специальный раздел «Форекс-новости», в котором представлена непрерывная, регулярно обновляемая лента свежих новостей. Самые интересные новости помечаются как «Новость дня».
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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.
Ниже представлены последние Форекс-новости, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на котировки валют, — новости экономики, финансов, политики и валютных рынков.
Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.
Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 13:08:00
Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:34:00
Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:26:00
Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00
Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00
Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00
Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:39:00
Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:15:00
Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 08:23:00
ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00
Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00
Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00
Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:54:00
Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:53:00
Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:16:00
Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
December 3, 2008
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand cut interest rates by 150bp this afternoon to 5 percent. This is the largest interest rate cut for the central bank and brings their total easing since July to 325bp.
Although the degree of the rate cut was not that big of a surprise, the comments from RBNZ Governor Bollard were very interesting. Even though he said that further rate cuts may be warranted, he also indicated that recession in New Zealand may already be over. This is the reason why the New Zealand dollar rallied after the large rate cut.
The economy is still expected to contract until June but at least for New Zealand a bottom is near. We can only hope the same for the US. The 30 percent decline in the currency year to date is one of the primary reasons why the New Zealand economy will be able to recover quickly.
The combination of a weak currency and another 100bp of expected rate cuts will help to support the economy.
Think about what a strong dollar does to the US economy.
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Forex trading in New Zealand – facts to know in advance
It`s never too late to move out to another country – either to start a new job, or to start a whole total new life. But if you are a Forex trader and you don`t want to change that part of your life, and then you need to prepare to some changes in your financial activity, as well. Probably, you are fully aware of the fact that different countries have their own different rules as to financial trading and traders in general. You need to accept these laws and regulations, if you want to be an official trader and to avoid some troubles with the state or government agencies. What we are going to talk about today is the essence behind financial trading in New Zealand. See all things and facts you need to know about Forex in New Zealand now. All those Forex beginners from New Zealand might find the next information quite useful, too!
Forex trading in New Zealand – preliminary information
Forex trading in New Zealand is quite similar to trading in all other countries like Cyprus and UK, for instance. Wherever you are in the world, including in New Zealand, the rules for making trades are quite the same and usually, the brokers are very alike, too. This means that if you already have your own established Forex strategy, you can apply it here, in New Zealand with no doubt whether it will suit the local conditions. However, New Zealand has its individual rules and regulations regarding Forex trading and you’ll have to do your homework in advance – to learn more about them, to be aware what you can do and what you cannot do, to be extremely attentive for the details and brokers here. There are many options for trading Forex in case you are based in New Zealand. What really matters is choosing a method that suits you. Besides, if you find some difficulties in trading or you need to expand your knowledge and skills, you will be able to find some decent websites with such information that is usually offered for free and that will let you increase you daily or monthly profit.
What is the regulation of Forex brokers based in New Zealand?
Experts say that Forex regulation is missing in New Zealand and what we can see here is not exactly a plan or strategy for making things quite official and legal here, but a way to simplify traders to gain more profits. In general, there are three main regulating bodies here in the country. Each of them has its own mission and methods to influence Forex world in NZ. Check out more about these three New Zealand regulators now:
FSPR is the abbreviation behind Financial Service Providers Register. This is an agency that as you can guess by its name is responsible for the gathering and collecting data about all Forex brokers that are based and registered in New Zealand. But if agencies like this in other countries do offer both – official licenses and safety measures – Financial Service Providers Register is also in charge for the singing of the brokers.
FSCL is also well-known by its full name Financial Services Complaints. Here is the place, where both – traders and brokers – can fill in documents for making a claim, complain or even a suggestion. The agency has a whole bunch of measures that must be provided to all brokers that are based in New Zealand, respectively they need to be obeyed, too. But if some broker does operate thanks to a fraud or there is a problem with a trader`s activity, FSCL takes the whole responsibility to investigate the case and to make its punishment, if there`s guilt.
Last, but not least, FMA or Financial Markets Authority represents the main regulator of the whole Forex world here in New Zealand. If the previous two agencies have their own authorities to make something, to ban or to punish, Financial Markets Authority is the big leader among the three organizations. FMA can accept complaints, by the way, too, but it is also responsible for the right registration of the brokers. Transparency, though, looks to be the main mission Financial Markets Authority has acquired through the last few years and since then, the brokers in New Zealand have indeed, become fairer and cleared as to their rules, navigation, website support and performance of the trades.
Trading in New Zealand is safe, funny and really profitable. You will not make a mistake, if you try your luck and test your Forex skills here, because we do guarantee you, this is a country with really good brokers and even better regulation no matter how many people claim it`s missing.
Risk Warning - Your capital is at risk. Trade with caution, these products might not be suitable for everyone so make sure you understand the risks involved!
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Новости Форекс Онлайн
Каждый, кто торгует на рынке Форекс, знает, что стоимость той или иной валюты зависит от множества факторов. Так, например, цена валюты зависит от макроэкономического положения страны, которой принадлежит эта денежная единица. Поэтому, чтобы трейдинг приносил прибыль, нужно постоянно просматривать экономические новости, а также уметь быстро разбираться в отчетах регуляторов.
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Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.
Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 13:08:00
Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:34:00
Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:26:00
Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00
Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00
Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00
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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:39:00
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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:15:00
Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 08:23:00
ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00
Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00
Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00
Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:54:00
Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:53:00
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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:16:00
Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
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Mensaje de navegación
Best forex broker in new zealand, stock market for oil.
posted on 27-Mar-2016 15:31 by admin
A complete directory of all the Forex Brokers with offices in New Zealand. 6. Search website for. Broker Name Regulation Minimum Deposit EUR/USD spread Apply; New Zealand forex brokers are regulated by the New Zealand Securities Commission, the nation`s authority of financial oversight, in the framework of commodities and. Challenge — the Best Forex Brokers in New Zealand. Who is the best Forex broker in New Zealand. A new leader among New Zealand brokers.
Best forex broker in new zealand: Best Forex broker in New Zealand List of brokerage companies dedicated to provide online currency trading service for New Zealand citizens Pacific Financial. Forex Brokers Limited is a 100% New Zealand owned and operated foreign. Our overriding goal is to offer our clients the best rates all of the time. Best Forex Broker, Which One Do I Choose? Hi friends, It’s a fish market out there. Big fish, small fish. Subscribe to Forex New Zealand.
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What is leverage in currency trading: Australasia New Zealand Below is a list of online forex brokers which are incorporated or registered in New Zealand. Click on the links in the left column. Hi friends, It’s a fish market out there. Big fish, small fish, colourful ones, spiky ones and cute ones. Which forex broker should you choose?
New Zealand Dollar /US Dollar (NZD/USD)
THE NZD/USD rate is composed of the New Zealand Dollar "base currency" and the US Dollar "quote currency".
The New Zealand Dollar/US Dollar (NZD/USD) rate reflects the relation of the New Zealand Dollar trading against the US Dollar (1 NZD per x USD). For instance, If the NZD/USD quotes at 1.1000, then 10,000 New Zealand Dollars would equal 11,000 US Dollars (because 10,000 x 1.1 = 11,000). This simply means that 1 New Zealand Dollar buys you 1.1 US dollars.
Trading Characteristics Of The NZD/USD
One of the major currency pairs on the forex market.
Typical forex broker spread: 3-4 pips
Most active trading sessions: London and New York
5 Year Average Daily Range: 107 pips
Who trades the New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar? Central banks, financial institutions, retail traders.
Recommended level of forex experience: Advanced
Best trading sessions for daytraders: London and New York
Worst times to trade: Holidays and before major economic news events
Most common used NZD/USD forex charts: Daily, 4 Hour and 1 Hour
Best forex brokers to trade NZD/USD: Click here >>>
Forex trading strategies to trade New Zealand Dollar US Dollar: Click here >>>
Best forex trading system to trade New Zealand Dollar US Dollar: Click here >>>
NZD/US Dollar Historical Chart
Top 3 Economic Events That Move NZD/USD
FOMC Rate Decision + Press Conference
RBNZ Rate Decision
US Employment (Non Farm Payrolls)
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Forex: U. S. Dollar Gains Value Against N. Z. Dollar on Inflation Expectations in New Zealand
Tue, 23 Feb 2016 07:01:00 +0400
According to the results of the quarter survey released by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand earlier this week, the inflation expectations for the next 2 years appear to have shown negative dynamics in Q1 2016 and fell down to the lowest level in 22 years!
Indeed, the inflation expectations are going down. The previous survey ended up with 1.85% while the latest one dropped down to 1.63%. For the sake of comparison, the previous quarterly report showed negative dynamics as well by dropping from 1.51% all the way down to 1.09%. At the same time, the indicator showing the perception of money-and-credit conditions in the country has entered the red zone as well. It dropped from -59.70 down to -60.60.
Masterforex-V Academy reports that the New Zealand Dollar is still trading against its American counterpart within the scope of a pretty wide price range between 0,6896 and 0,6227. For now, the price is moving somewhere around 0,6622, the experts say. If you trade NZDUSD, make sure that you are monitoring the range borders. The thing is that once the price comes out of the range and consolidates there, we may well see a new momentum. Its direction s going to match the one in which the price has broken out of the range.
A Strong New Zealand Dollar – Currency Strength and Weakness for Thursday 26th June 2014
A Strong New Zealand Dollar – Currency Strength and Weakness for Thursday 26th June 2014
Hi Forex Trader,
I make my suggestions every day based on where I see the market heading over the next 24 hours. Use my analysis below to aid your trading and to help you keep on the right side of the market.
My suggestions are posted by 6pm EST each day.
Today is all about the New Zealand Dollar. Yesterday we saw a strong move back up again despite the bearish move on Tuesday. The currency is now looking very strong once again and is now trading with it’s longer term strength.
Overall there is strength in the NZD and AUD.
Overall there is weakness in the GBP, USD, JPY and CHF.
Trading Directions I am favouring for the next 24 hours
VERY IMPORTANT: These are not specific trades. Do not blindly place trades in the directions given above. Use your own trading strategy and look at taking setups that occur in the same direction as my daily analysis. If you don’t have your own trading strategy then email me here for help .
Here’s something to help you trade with low risk: AMAZING FREE TRADING TOOL . Download your own FREE copy of my MT4 trading tool which will help you trade with low risk per trade, remove much of the emotion involved with taking trades and take away the focus on making “Pips”.
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From Dairy Farmer To FOREX TRADER
Mixed Forecast for New Zealand’s Dairy Industry
The volatility in China’s markets is having its effect worldwide. One country feeling a major impact of China’s economic instability is New Zealand and specifically its dairy industry.
China has been New Zealand’s number one dairy buyer until recently but has scaled down its imports by 69 percent since the start of the year compared with 2014, cutting Beijing's share of the country's total dairy shipments to roughly 16 percent from 37 percent last year.
Besides the country’s current market slump and the uncertainty of future economic growth, the Chinese drop in dairy imports can be attributed to its buildup of surplus amounts of milk powder last year right before its economy began to slow.
Fonterra Cutting Jobs Globally
Fonterra, New Zealand’s dairy exporter has now announced that it will be cutting back on its production of daily products worldwide and is laying off more than 500 of its current 18,000 global employees. 11,500 of the total workforce are located in New Zealand.
Fonterra is the world's largest dairy exporter and it has been rapidly expanding its business in China. With a pullback in Chinese exports from New Zealand, Fonterra has decided that it is no longer financial viable to support the volume of its production there.
Dairy Prices Down
Dairy prices have been falling for nearly two years globally, dropping 11% Wednesday to a 12 1/2-year low at the latest global auction and catching the NZ government by surprise.
Minister for Primary Industries Nathan Guy remains optimistic but expects the next six to twelve months could be volatile. Although he was shocked the price had fallen so low, he is confident that prices would come back.
He told reporters, "I am concerned about the fall in the GDT [Global Dairy Trade] this week. It was expected to fall but perhaps not to the level of almost 11 percent and whole milk powder even being down to about 13 percent….Let's give ourselves some time to work this through. The outlook into 2016 and beyond is still looking very good for the dairy industries."
However, not everyone agrees with Guy’s assessment. Dairy Holdings chief executive Colin Glass, manager of the country's largest dairy enterprise, expects the situation to get worse for the industry before it gets better. He advised dairy farmers to reduce costs and prepare for tougher months ahead.
"There will be no cash coming in for any dairy farmer between now and October," él dijo. "It is the tightest in terms of cash flow the industry has seen since the early 90s.”
A pessimistic outlook is not limited to Guy. Ropere Consulting economist Peter Fraser believes that low dairy prices will be around for awhile.
"I think what we're looking at is structurally low dairy prices. The world at the moment is …awash with milk at the moment and that means that we've got plenty of other producers in the world that can actually increase production faster and at greater volumes than what (NZ) can," él dijo.
Cina Coren is a former Wall Street broker and financial advisor. She holds a Master's degree in Communications and spent many years writing for international news outlets and journalistic publications. Today, Cina spends most of her time writing internet articles and blogs, and reading various newspapers to stay on top of the news.
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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.
November 10th 2010
New Zealand: No Forex Intervention
Despite reaching a temporary stalemate, the currency war rages on, and individual countries continue to debate whether they should enter or watch their currencies continue to appreciate. Nowhere is that debate stronger than in New Zealand . whose Kiwi currency has fallen 37% against the US Dollar since its peak in early 2009, and over 15% since June of this year.
With most countries, the war cries are coming from the political establishment, who feel compelled to demonstrate to their constituents that they are diligently monitoring the currency war. This is largely the case in New Zealand, as Members of Parliament have argued forcefully in favor of intervention. Prime Minister John Key is a little more pragmatic: He “says his Government is concerned about the strength of our dollar, but is not convinced intervention would work…politicians who think intervention can happen without economic consequences, are fooling themselves.” Showing an astute understanding of economics, he pointed out that trying to limit the Kiwi’s appreciation would manifest itself in the form of higher inflation, higher interest rates, and/or reduced access to capital.
This is essentially the position of Alan Bollard. Governor of the Central Bank of New Zealand. He has insisted (correctly) that the New Zealand is being driven up, so much as its currency counterparts – namely the US Dollar – are being driven downward, by forces completely disconnected from New Zealand and way beyond its control. Thus, if New Zealand tried to intervene, it would quickly be overpowered (perhaps deliberately!) by speculators. Ultimately, it would end up spending lots of money in vain, and the Kiwi would continue to appreciate.
Mr. Bollard has pointed out that a stronger currency is not without its perks: such as lower (relative) prices for certain natural resources, such as oil. In addition, since New Zealand is largely a commodity economy, its producers are being compensated for an expensive currency in the form of higher prices for milk, wool, and other staple exports. While its other manufacturing operations have been punished by the expensive Kiwi, its economy is still relatively robust. Thanks to a series of tax cuts and the lowest interest rates in New Zealand history, GDP is forecast to return to trend in 2010 and 2011.
New Zealand’s concerns are understandable, and there is an argument to be made for preventing the Dollars that are printed from the Fed’s QE2 from being put to unproductive purposes in New Zealand. At the same time, New Zealand is not such an attractive target for speculators. Its benchmark interest rate, at 3%, is relatively low compared to developing countries. Its current account balance is projected to continue declining, perhaps down to -8%, which means that the net flow of capital is actually out of New Zealand. In addition, while the Kiwi has appreciated against the US Dollar, it has fallen mightily against the Australian Dollar en route to a multi-year low.
Going forward, there is reason to believe that the New Zealand Dollar will continue to appreciate against the US Dollar as a result of QE2 and a general sense of pessimism towards the US. The same is true with regard to currencies that actively intervene to prevent their currencies from appreciating. Still, I don’t think the New Zealand Dollar will reach parity – against any currency – anytime soon, and after the currency fracas subsides, it will probably trend towards its long-term average.
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2 Comments of “New Zealand: No Forex Intervention”
Sooner or later this intervention will come, especially because of the old saying that when a politician tells you one thing, you can be sure the reality is the other way around. The US Feds are stimulating the market by pumping-in money, the Japanese are eager to devalue their Yen in case the US stimulus will continue to devalue the USD, Australia recently had some interventions… NZD’s time will come, that’s for sure…
Reading the above suggesets that anyone exporting commodities is directly compensated for an appreciating currency by appreciating commodity prices. The reality on the farm in New Zealand is quite the opposite, particlarly sheep and beef where appreciating currency results in falling schedules as our product becomes too expensive for our overseas customers. With a NZ average, over the past twenty odd years, return on equity of 1.5% for a sheep and beef farm and 2.5% for the average NZ dairy farm, currency speculators may do very well out of the NZ dollar but the primary producer very rarely does. Theory is all well and good but reality is not always so clear cut.
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