Saturday, 28 October 2017

Jquery Forex Widget

Cómo utilizar la fábrica de widgets

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La fábrica de widgets es sólo una forma de crear complementos con estado. Hay algunos modelos diferentes que se pueden utilizar y cada uno tiene sus propias ventajas y desventajas. La fábrica de widgets soluciona muchos problemas comunes para usted y puede mejorar en gran medida la productividad, también mejora mucho la reutilización de código, lo que lo convierte en un gran ajuste para jQuery UI, así como muchos otros plugins con estado.

Es posible que haya notado que en este artículo usamos el espacio de nombres personalizado. El espacio de nombres ui está reservado para los complementos oficiales de jQuery UI. Al crear sus propios complementos, debe crear su propio espacio de nombres. Esto deja claro de dónde viene el complemento y si es parte de una colección más grande.

Por qué utilizar la fábrica de widgets?

Invocación del método Widget

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Capítulo 3: Widgets de la interfaz de usuario de jQuery


Al crear aplicaciones web ricas en el lado del cliente, algunos de los elementos visuales de la página, naturalmente, asumirán funciones, responsabilidades y estado. A medida que se agreguen más elementos a la página, la complejidad aumentará, por lo que es importante que el diseño admita una base de código que se puede mantener. Las soluciones sostenibles tienen al menos tres características importantes: tienen un diseño intencional, son modulares y tienen pruebas unitarias. Todas estas características deben jugar a las fortalezas de la plataforma, el lenguaje y las partes clave del medio ambiente.

El navegador web es la plataforma, JavaScript es el idioma y varias bibliotecas JavaScript representan partes clave del entorno. Entre otras ventajas, las bibliotecas como jQuery y jQuery UI pueden simplificar el código que escribes:

Disminuir la cantidad de código que necesita escribir y mantener.

Solucionar problemas típicos, como los problemas de compatibilidad de los navegadores.

Proporcionar consistencia para las interacciones, animaciones y eventos de Ajax.

Asistencia en la creación de una base de código mantenible a través de la modularidad.

Un concepto que es fundamental para las partes visuales de jQuery UI es el widget. De acuerdo con el proyecto oficial de jQuery UI, jQuery UI "proporciona abstracciones para interacción y animación de bajo nivel, efectos avanzados y widgets de alto nivel, creados en la parte superior de la jQuery JavaScript Library, que puede utilizar para crear aplicaciones web altamente interactivas . " Los widgets son objetos adjuntos a elementos de página que proporcionan servicios para administrar la vida útil, el estado, la herencia, el tema y la comunicación con otros widgets o objetos JavaScript.

Uno de los aspectos más valiosos de jQuery es que la extensibilidad está construida y bien definida. Esta extensibilidad se logra a través de la construcción de plug-ins de jQuery. A pesar de que tienen un número de características adicionales, además de las de un típico jQuery plug-in, es importante saber que un widget es un jQuery plug-in. Esto puede no ser obvio porque un widget se define de forma diferente, pero se utilizan de la misma manera que utiliza los métodos jQuery oficiales y la mayoría de los complementos personalizados. A veces un plug-in es suficiente y otras veces un widget es más apropiado. Cuando necesite aplicar un comportamiento o un estado a elementos individuales y necesite comunicarse entre elementos, los widgets proporcionan una serie de capacidades que de otro modo tendría que escribir usted mismo. Este capítulo ilustra estas capacidades. Consulte la sección "Lectura adicional" al final del capítulo para obtener más información sobre los complementos jQuery y cómo crearlos.

En este capítulo aprenderá:

Cómo definir y aplicar widgets.

Cómo administrar la vida útil de los widgets.

Cómo definir opciones predeterminadas que permitan reemplazar y modificar notificaciones.

Cómo utilizar las opciones para el comportamiento de desacoplamiento y facilitar las suscripciones de eventos.

Cómo utilizar métodos privados para mejorar la legibilidad del código.

Cómo definir y utilizar métodos, propiedades y eventos públicos.

Cómo heredar de un widget base.

Las tecnologías discutidas en este capítulo son jQuery Plug-ins y jQuery UI Widget Factory. Los ejemplos de código utilizados aquí en gran parte provienen del Widget QuickStart incluido con Project Silk.

Fundamentos de Widget

Si sabes cómo usar jQuery, sabrás cómo usar un widget. En términos prácticos, un widget jQuery UI es un complemento jQuery especializado. El uso de complementos facilita la aplicación del comportamiento a los elementos a los que están conectados. Sin embargo, los complementos carecen de algunas funciones integradas, como una forma de asociar datos con sus elementos, exponer métodos, combinar opciones con valores predeterminados y controlar la duración del plug-in. Los widgets tienen estas capacidades incorporadas.

Un plug-in puede tener las mismas características que un widget, pero debe agregar estas capacidades usted mismo. Sin embargo, antes de poder utilizar un widget, debe definirse. Una vez que se ha definido, se puede aplicar a los elementos. Los widgets se definen mediante la fábrica de widgets. Cuando se invoca la fábrica de widgets, crea un método de widget en el prototipo jQuery, $.fn. El mismo lugar que los plug-ins y otras funciones jQuery se encuentran. El método widget representa la interfaz principal para aplicar el widget a los elementos y usar el widget después de que se aplique. Este concepto importante se trata con mayor profundidad en "The Widget Method", más adelante en el capítulo.

A diferencia de otros capítulos, este capítulo utiliza el Widget QuickStart para los ejemplos de código en lugar de la Aplicación de Referencia de Mileage Stats (Mileage Stats). El objetivo del Widget QuickStart es habilitar el comportamiento del cliente para las palabras clave etiquetadas. Cuando un usuario se sitúa sobre una palabra clave, el navegador mostrará una lista emergente de enlaces populares para esa palabra clave desde el servicio de marcadores de favoritos de Delicious. com. La siguiente figura ilustra el QuickStart y los widgets correspondientes.

Se muestran los widgets de marcadores e infobox

La página logra esto mediante el uso de dos widgets:

Tagger agrega el comportamiento de volteo a las palabras clave etiquetadas.

InfoBox recupera los enlaces y controla el cuadro que los muestra.

Para obtener más información sobre el inicio rápido o para recorrer el proceso de creación, consulte el Capítulo 14, "Inicio rápido de Widget".

Definición de un widget

Las dependencias para un widget se pueden cumplir con referencias de script a las ubicaciones de la red de distribución de contenido (CDN) para jQuery y jQuery UI. Los widgets a menudo residen en su propio archivo. js y se envuelven en una función inmediata, como se puede ver en el siguiente ejemplo de código. Este contenedor crea un cierre de JavaScript, lo que impide que las nuevas variables tengan un ámbito global. Una sola solución debería permitir que no se cree más de un objeto global, de acuerdo con las prácticas JavaScript bien aceptadas.

El argumento jQuery al final del ejemplo de código siguiente se convierte en el argumento $ pasado, lo que le permite usar el símbolo $ común para representar la función jQuery. Como no existe un segundo argumento, el argumento indefinido se vuelve realmente indefinido. Por lo tanto, los argumentos $ e indefinidos restablecen su comportamiento esperado dentro del cierre en caso de que otro script definiera previamente estas variables como algo más.

La llamada a. widget invoca la fábrica de widget, que hace que el widget esté disponible para su uso. El primer argumento, qs. tagger. Es el espacio de nombre y el nombre del widget separados por un punto (namespace. name). El nombre se utiliza como el nombre del método widget colocado en el prototipo jQuery. El segundo argumento, llamado prototipo del widget. Es un objeto literal que define los detalles del widget. El prototipo del widget es la definición del widget, y se utiliza cuando el widget se aplica a los elementos. El prototipo se almacena directamente en el objeto jQuery bajo el espacio de nombres proporcionado: $.qs. tagger.

Uso de un widget

Una vez que se ha definido un widget, está listo para aplicarse a elementos DOM. Para aplicar el widget a los elementos emparejados, invoque el método de widget de la misma manera que lo haría con otros métodos jQuery. El siguiente código muestra cómo aplicar el widget tagger a todos los elementos span con un atributo de etiqueta de datos.

Debido a que el método widget se utiliza como la interfaz primaria del widget, no solo se llama al aplicar inicialmente el widget al elemento, sino que también se utiliza para los métodos de llamada y para leer y escribir opciones y propiedades en el widget. Cuando se aplican widgets a elementos, se crea una instancia del widget y se almacena dentro de cada elemento. Así es como la fábrica de widgets sabe si un widget ya ha sido conectado a un elemento.

Gestión de la vida

Hay tres fases de la vida de un widget que puedes controlar: creación, inicialización y destrucción.


La primera vez que se aplica el widget a un elemento, se invoca la función _create del widget. Los nombres de métodos precedidos de un subrayado tienen ámbito privado por convención, lo que significa que sólo esperan ser invocados desde dentro del widget. El siguiente código muestra el método _create en el widget infobox.

La variable se define para capturar una referencia al widget para que pueda ser accedida dentro del controlador de eventos mouseleave. Dentro del controlador de eventos se refiere al elemento que generó el evento, no al widget. Una alternativa a usar eso es usar la función jQuery. proxy. Esta función, de acuerdo con la documentación de la API jQuery en http://api. jquery. com/jQuery. proxy/. "Toma una función y devuelve una nueva que siempre tendrá un contexto particular". Cuando se utiliza con controladores de eventos, el widget se puede utilizar como contexto y event. target. Que normalmente se encuentra dentro del controlador de eventos, puede utilizarse para referenciar el objeto que generó el evento.

El método _create es el lugar más apropiado para realizar una serie de tareas comunes:

La adición de clases a varios elementos a los que se agrega el widget es la forma recomendada de aplicar el estilo, el diseño del tema y más al widget.

Almacenar referencias a elementos de acceso común puede aumentar el rendimiento cuando se utiliza un conjunto particular de elementos de una serie de métodos. Basta con crear variables de nivel de objeto para ellos una vez, y todos los demás métodos pueden usarlos. Esta es una práctica aceptada de rendimiento de jQuery.

La creación de elementos en el DOM es común para los widgets que tienen requisitos como animaciones, efectos, estilo, accesibilidad y compatibilidad entre navegadores. Como ejemplo, considere el elemento div. qs-infobox creado por el widget infobox.

La aplicación de otros widgets se recomienda durante la creación cuando el widget depende de otros widgets. Incluso si sus widgets no requieren el uno al otro, considere el uso de los widgets estándar de jQuery UI desde su interior para agregar comportamientos e interacciones útiles.


El método _init se llama después de _create cuando el widget se aplica primero a sus elementos. El método _init también se llama cada vez después cuando el widget es invocado sin argumentos o con opciones. Este método es el lugar recomendado para configurar una inicialización más compleja y es una buena manera de admitir la funcionalidad de restablecimiento del widget si es necesario. Es común que los widgets no implementen un método _init.


El método destroy del widget se utiliza para separar un widget de un elemento. El objetivo del método destroy es dejar el elemento exactamente como lo era antes de que se adjuntara el widget. Por lo tanto, no es de extrañar que las tareas comunes sean eliminar cualquier clase CSS del widget que se haya agregado al elemento, separar cualquier elemento del widget agregado al DOM y destruir cualquier widget que tu widget haya aplicado a otros elementos. Aquí está el método destroy para el widget tagger.

Definición de opciones

En el código anterior, si maxItems es el nombre de la opción que se está estableciendo, se llamará el método _resizeBoxForMaxItemsOf. En lugar de colocar una gran cantidad de código en el método _setOption, debe colocar la lógica en métodos privados. Esto le permite llamar a la lógica de otros lugares que lo necesiten, como _create. La última línea llama al método _setOption del widget base. Esto establecerá el valor de la opción y será útil para soportar un estado deshabilitado.

Todos los widgets admiten la noción de ser discapacitados, ya sea que decidan implementarlo o no. El valor booleano se almacena en this. options. disabled o $ (selector).widget ( 'option', 'disabled') si se está preguntando desde el exterior. A cambio de honrar esta opción (lo que significaría para la interfaz de usuario (UI) y el comportamiento de su widget) la fábrica de widget por defecto a false y gestionar algunas clases CSS relacionadas con el tema y la accesibilidad.

El método _setOption no se llama para las opciones pasadas en durante la creación del widget.

Funciones como opciones

Definir funciones como opciones es una manera poderosa de desacoplar el widget de la funcionalidad mejor ubicada en otro lugar.

Los widgets de Mileage Stats utilizan este método para publicar y suscribirse a eventos globales utilizando sus opciones de publicación y suscripción y obtención de datos del dataManager mediante la opción sendRequest. Para obtener más información sobre el motor pub / sub, consulte el Capítulo 8, "Comunicación". Para más detalles sobre el dataManager. Consulte el Capítulo 6, "Administración de datos del cliente y almacenamiento en caché".

Por ejemplo, en lugar de forzar al widget tagger a saber cómo obtener una referencia al widget infobox e invocar los métodos públicos en el widget infobox, los widgets pueden mantenerse libres de cualquier conocimiento mutuo pasando las funciones desde el inicio Script, ya que el script de inicio ya conoce ambos widgets. Para configurar esto, el widget tagger define las opciones activadas y desactivadas.

En los ejemplos de código anteriores, las opciones se definen dentro de la implementación del widget y se pasan durante la creación. Más adelante en este capítulo verá cómo se utilizan las opciones basadas en funciones como devoluciones de llamada para eventos.

El método Widget

Los objetos bien diseñados tienen interfaces públicas intencionales, intuitivas y enfocadas. Los widgets van un paso más allá y proporcionan un método único, denominado método widget. Que es toda la interfaz pública del widget. La acción que realiza el widget cuando llama a este método depende del número y tipo de argumentos proporcionados en la llamada. Además de crear e inicializar el widget, como se muestra anteriormente, el método widget también se utiliza para hacer lo siguiente:

Invocar métodos públicos

Leer y escribir propiedades públicas

Opciones de lectura y escritura

Métodos públicos

Los métodos públicos se definen en el prototipo widget, como se puede ver aquí en el widget infobox. Los métodos públicos son hideTagLinks y displayTagLinks.

Los widgets deben crearse antes de poder llamar a sus métodos. Las siguientes llamadas al widget de infobox suponen que el método widget ya ha sido llamado una vez para aplicar el widget al elemento body. Para llamar a hideTagLinks desde fuera del widget, utilice un selector jQuery para que coincida con el elemento y pase el nombre del método al método widget como su único argumento.

El método de opción cubierto anteriormente (en la sección "Definición de opciones") es un ejemplo de un método público. Cuando se le pasa un argumento, el método devolverá el valor de esa opción. Cuando se pasen dos argumentos, establecerá la opción especificada en el primer argumento al valor del segundo argumento. Al llamar al método de opción desde fuera del widget, pase el nombre del método como el primer argumento, el nombre de la opción como segundo y el valor como el tercer argumento, como se muestra aquí.

Los métodos públicos también pueden devolver valores colocando la expresión en el lado derecho del operador de asignación (=). Devolver un valor de los métodos en la infobox es razonable porque la infobox sólo está unida a un solo elemento. Pero tenga en cuenta que si llama a un método en un conjunto de elementos que contiene más de un elemento, el método sólo se llamará y se devolverá desde el primer elemento.

En los ejemplos hasta ahora, cada vez que se invoca el método widget, se está invocando en la instancia devuelta por la función jQuery, $ (selector). Que requiere acceder al DOM. La siguiente sección recomienda un par de alternativas.

Reutilización de una instancia

Cada vez que la función jQuery utiliza un selector para invocar el método widget, debe buscar en el DOM. Esto tiene un impacto negativo en el rendimiento y es innecesario porque los métodos de widget devuelven un objeto jQuery, que incluye el conjunto de elementos emparejados.

En lugar de usar un selector con el método jQuery cada vez que necesite llamar a un método en un widget, cree una variable cuando el widget esté inicialmente asociado a los elementos. Durante esta inicialización se accede al DOM, pero debe ser el único momento en que necesite acceder a él. En las llamadas posteriores, como la segunda línea del fragmento anterior, puede llamar al método del widget en la variable que creó y no accederá al DOM.

Uso del Pseudo Selector

En una situación en la que ni el selector ni la instancia están disponibles, todavía hay una manera de obtener todas las instancias de un widget en particular. Siempre y cuando conozca el nombre del widget, puede utilizar un pseudo-selector para obtener todas las instancias que se han aplicado a los elementos.

Un pseudo-selector comienza con dos puntos, seguido por el espacio de nombres y el nombre del widget separados por un guión. El pseudo-selector en el ejemplo anterior es: qs-infobox. Pseudo selectores tienen el potencial de aumentar el acoplamiento entre widgets, así que tenga en cuenta esto si va a utilizarlos.

Miembros Privados

Los métodos y propiedades privados tienen un ámbito privado, lo que significa que sólo puede invocar a estos miembros desde dentro del widget. El uso de miembros privados es una buena idea porque mejoran la legibilidad del código.


Métodos privados son métodos que comienzan con un subrayado. Se espera que se acceda directamente usando la palabra clave this. Los métodos privados son comunes y recomendados.

Métodos privados son sólo privados por convención y no se puede hacer cumplir. Esto significa que si un widget no se llama de acuerdo con la convención para llamar a métodos públicos (descritos más adelante), sus métodos privados todavía se puede acceder. La convención es fácil y consistente, y el subrayado hace que sea fácil distinguir entre la interfaz pública y privada.


Los métodos se designan como privados usando subrayados. A diferencia de los métodos, las propiedades del prototipo del widget son privadas de forma predeterminada; Ellos no son designados privados por el prefijo de un guión bajo. Las propiedades de la razón no necesitan subrayados es que no se puede acceder a ellos mediante el método widget.

Miembros estáticos

La variable displayResult. Se define en displayTagLinks porque este es el único método que lo utiliza. En nuestro cambio ficticio, digamos que el widget infobox necesita hacer llamadas Ajax desde otros métodos. Esto significa que la función displayResult tendrá que ser movida para que esté disponible para todos los métodos que lo necesiten. Definirlo como un miembro estático fuera del alcance del widget es una manera de hacer que esto suceda.



Si este widget se ha creado en otro lugar y desea cambiar su comportamiento de cambio de tamaño a una animación, un enfoque razonable sería heredar de a. container y anular su método de redimensionamiento. La herencia se logra pasando tres argumentos a la fábrica de widgets. El primer argumento es el espacio de nombres y el nombre del widget, el segundo es el prototipo del widget que desea extender y el tercer argumento es el objeto con el que desea extenderlo.

La única diferencia entre la firma anterior y la firma usualmente usada para definir widgets es la adición del segundo parámetro.

La herencia es una herramienta útil cuando se utiliza un widget que casi hace lo que desea que haga. En la versión 1.9 de jQuery UI, los widgets pueden heredar de sí mismos. Esto hace que sea fácil agregar funcionalidad a un widget para su aplicación sin necesidad de cambiar la implementación original. El método de bridge jQuery UI le permite conservar el nombre del widget original que se utilizará con su widget especializado.


El uso de jQuery UI widgets es una gran manera de agregar modularidad a las aplicaciones web del lado del cliente. Los widgets son objetos que se unen a elementos de página y proporcionan servicios para administrar la vida útil, el estado, la herencia, el tema y la comunicación con otros widgets o objetos JavaScript.

Las opciones dan a los widgets la capacidad de tener un estado que sea público, legible, escribible y convocable. Las opciones se combinan automáticamente con las opciones predeterminadas del widget durante la creación y la fábrica de widget admite notificaciones de cambio cuando cambian los valores de las opciones. Además, definir funciones como opciones es una manera poderosa de desacoplar el widget de la funcionalidad mejor ubicada en otro lugar.

Los widgets proporcionan un solo método que representa toda la interfaz pública del widget. Los widgets también permiten métodos privados que sólo se pueden invocar desde el widget.

JQuery soporta y extiende el modelo de eventos DOM y proporciona la capacidad de generar y manejar eventos personalizados que no están definidos en el DOM. Los widgets pueden activar y gestionar estos eventos y las opciones se pueden utilizar como devoluciones de llamada.

Finalmente, los widgets pueden heredar de otros widgets, y en jQuery UI versión 1.9, un widget puede heredar de sí mismo.

Otras lecturas

Para obtener más información sobre el inicio rápido o para recorrer el proceso de creación, consulte el Capítulo 14, "Inicio rápido de Widget".

Para obtener más información acerca del motor pub / sub, consulte el Capítulo 8, "Comunicación".


Ahora actualizado para trabajar con WordPress 3.7!

Así que, qué tan fácil es?

Instalar y activar el complemento.

Agregue su código jQuery al cuadro de texto "Custom jQuery Code" en la configuración de Plugin.

En el widget de publicación, página o texto, añada el código HTML correspondiente.

¡¡Eso es!!

Puede ajustar fácilmente otros ajustes como el tema de interfaz de usuario de jQuery utilizado para procesar los widgets jQuery, elegir qué scripts se agregan a su sitio y sobreescribir el CSS predeterminado.

Todos los temas predefinidos estándar jQuery son compatibles, o puede cargar su propio tema personalizado construido con el jQuery ThemeRoller. Consulte la página de preguntas frecuentes para obtener instrucciones detalladas sobre la carga de su propio tema personalizado.

No hay necesidad de meterse con los códigos secretos crípticos! Simplemente ingrese un código HTML limpio y válido y el Plugin hará el resto, agregando todos los scripts y estilos jQuery necesarios para usted.

Nota: Este complemento utiliza el CDN de Google para cargar el CSS para los temas oficiales de la interfaz de usuario de jQuery.

Por favor califique / revise este plugin si lo encuentra útil. Y vea nuestro sitio de desarrollo de WordPress para más Plugins y temas.

JQuery UI Widgets

A pesar de las posibilidades que ofrece HTML5, todavía hay una llamada para widgets personalizables que se pueden utilizar en sitios web y aplicaciones web. JQuery UI, un complemento popular para jQuery, está aquí para responder a esa llamada. Joe Chellman muestra cómo instalar el complemento, utilizar los widgets de acordeón y selector de fechas y añadir comportamientos que cambian la forma en que los elementos de página existentes responden a la entrada del usuario. Finalmente, aplicará los conceptos que ha aprendido a un proyecto típico que pueda ver proveniente de un cliente: un formulario de encuesta.

Este curso es una breve pieza complementaria de jQuery para diseñadores web. Vea ese curso para obtener información sobre cómo crear su conjunto de habilidades básicas de jQuery.


(Música) Hola, soy Joe Chellman, y bienvenido a jQuery UI Widgets. Esta es una pieza de acompañamiento corto a mi curso jQuery para diseñadores web, aquí en lynda. com. JQuery UI es un complemento personalizable para jQuery, la biblioteca de JavaScript más popular del mundo. En este curso estaremos viendo algunas piezas. En primer lugar, le mostraré cómo instalar y comenzar a usar jQuery UI. Veremos algunos de sus widgets de interfaz de usuario, contrastándolos con la necesidad de widgets de navegador. JQuery UI también incluye funciones que pueden mejorar los elementos que ya ha creado a través de interacciones y efectos visuales.

Veremos ejemplos de cada uno, destacando especialmente las áreas en las que jQuery UI mejora las ya potentes capacidades de animación del núcleo jQuery. Finalmente, implementaremos jQuery UI en una página web existente, mejorándola como si lo solicite un cliente. JQuery UI es uno de los complementos más populares para jQuery, y puede ayudarle a utilizar la interactividad útil a sus proyectos. Este curso le ayudará a sentirse cómodo con él para que pueda empezar a usarlo de inmediato. Comencemos con widgets de interfaz de usuario de jQuery.

Actualmente no hay preguntas frecuentes sobre los widgets de jQuery UI.

Cómo crear un widget web (usando jQuery)

Publicado el 15 de junio de 2010, actualizado el 10 de febrero de 2015, Comentarios

Necesitas ayuda con tu widget web o proyecto JavaScript? Obtenga más información sobre mi perfil y póngase en contacto conmigo.


He creado algunos widgets web para el Londonâ € ™ s Design Museum y aprendido algunas cosas útiles en el proceso. Aunque toda la información necesaria se puede encontrar en la web, no podría encontrar una guía muy completa sobre cómo hacer esto con jQuery por lo que decidí escribir este. I ¡¯ ll cubrir sólo las técnicas que son específicos de widgets web por lo que ya debe estar familiarizado con JavaScript, jQuery y el desarrollo web si desea seguir con facilidad.

Los puntos interesantes serán:

Asegúrese de que el código del widget no se acumule accidentalmente con el resto de la página,

Cargar dinámicamente archivos CSS y JavaScript externos,

Bypass browsers†™ política de un solo origen utilizando JSONP.

No te preocupes si todo esto no tiene sentido para ti, veremos en detalle lo que estas técnicas se utilizan en el contexto de la construcción de widgets web.

Qué es un widget web?

Un widget web es un componente, un "trocito de página web" que proporciona a otras personas para mostrar los datos procedentes de su sitio en sus propias páginas. Normalmente, un widget contiene una mezcla ligeramente compleja de HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Deseará esconder esa complejidad y hacerlo lo más fácil posible para que la gente incluya su widget en sus páginas.

Uso de widgets

El widget desarrollado en este tutorial puede incrustarse en una página web con sólo dos etiquetas HTML: una etiqueta de script para cargar el widget y una etiqueta de contenedor (normalmente una div) para indicar dónde queremos colocar el widget en la página:

That†™ s realmente todo lo que un propietario del sitio web tendría que incluir nuestro widget en sus páginas. El código referenciado con la etiqueta de script se encargará de descargar los diferentes elementos que componen el widget y actualizar el contenido del contenedor.

No puede ser aún más simple?

Es técnicamente posible crear un widget que no requiera un contenedor de destino utilizando document. write () dentro del código del widget. Aunque algunos proveedores de widgets usan ese enfoque y pueden reducir el código necesario en la página de host sólo con una etiqueta de script, creemos que no vale la pena porque:

Document. write () no se puede llamar una vez que se ha cargado una página. Esto significa que nuestro código de widgets debería ejecutarse inmediatamente cuando el navegador encuentre la etiqueta de script. Dado que queremos que este código recupere datos de nuestro servidor, esto podría causar que la carga de la página se interrumpa por un tiempo y haría que la página se sintiera lenta,

Mediante el uso de una etiqueta separada que contendrá el widget en la página, somos libres de colocar nuestra etiqueta de guión en cualquier lugar. Por ejemplo, podemos ponerlo en la parte inferior de la página, que es una práctica recomendada.

Aislamiento de código

Debido a que no se puede predecir qué código JavaScript se ejecutará en la página que utiliza nuestro widget, necesitamos una manera de asegurarnos de que no choca con ningún otro código JavaScript incluido en la página del host. Para ello, sólo incluimos todo nuestro código dentro de una función anónima y llamamos a esa función. Las variables que creamos en nuestras funciones no interferirán con el resto de la página.

Aquí está un ejemplo simple usando esta técnica:

Puede ver el resultado en su navegador. Como puede ver la variable foo definida en una función anónima doesn†™ t chocan con la variable foo global.

Siempre declare variables con var

Con el fin de evitar manipular las variables JavaScript definidas fuera de nuestro widget, debemos declarar todas nuestras variables con la palabra clave var, de lo contrario podríamos estar actualizando las variables existentes en vez de crear las propias. It†™ s de todos modos una buena práctica de usar var cada vez que usted crea una variable.

Cargando bibliotecas JavaScript

Si su widget utilizará una cantidad justa de JavaScript, es probable que desee utilizar un marco de JavaScript como jQuery. Puesto que no podemos confiar en tener jQuery cargado en la página del anfitrión, we†™ re que va a cargar jQuery dinámicamente usando JavaScript:

Primero creamos una variable local que mantendrá nuestra versión de jQuery. Entonces comprobamos la presencia de la versión de jQuery que necesitamos, de modo que no la descarguemos de nuevo si por casualidad ya está allí en la página del host. Aquí estamos siendo estrictos sobre el número de versión, pero si has probado tu código con varias versiones, puedes permitir que estas versiones también, o incluso usar una expresión regular para que coincida con un número de versión principal. Para cargar la biblioteca, simplemente creamos un elemento de script que apunta a la URL del archivo de biblioteca. En caso de que we†™ re trata de una página mal escrita que doesn†™ t tener una cabeza. Simplemente agregamos nuestra etiqueta de script al elemento de documento.

Por supuesto, queremos utilizar la biblioteca en nuestro código, pero antes de hacerlo, debemos estar seguros de que la biblioteca se ha cargado completamente. Lo hacemos mediante la definición de una función scriptLoadHandler que se llamará una vez que la biblioteca se haya cargado. Para la mayoría de los navegadores (Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, etc.) sólo necesitamos asignar esa función al atributo onload del elemento script. Internet Explorer antes de la versión 9, como a menudo, tiene su propia manera. Aquí se requiere que registramos un manejador onreadystatechange que llamará a nuestra función principal cuando el estado listo esté completo o cargado. Como la gente ha señalado en los comentarios, IE9 y soporte de Opera onload. Pero también todavía apoyan onreadystatechange. Por lo que nos aseguramos de que sólo usamos uno de ellos probando la presencia de un atributo readyState en la etiqueta de script, para evitar llamar a nuestro manejador de carga dos veces.

Por qué probar dos estados en el viejo controlador de onreadystatechange de Internet Explorer?

Una vez que el script esté listo para usar, Internet Explorer establecerá readyState para completarlo o cargarlo. Dependiendo de si se ha cargado desde la caché o se ha descargado de la red. Por ejemplo, si prueba sólo para cargado. La función principal won†™ t ser llamado si navega lejos de la página haciendo clic en un enlace y luego volver a él con el botón de atrás de su navegador.

En nuestra función scriptLoadHandler nos aseguramos de que jQuery se pueda usar con otras bibliotecas y también con otras versiones de sí mismo. La siguiente línea merece una atención especial:

Antes de que esta línea sea ejecutada, window. jQuery apunta a nuestra propia versión de jQuery que habría sobrescrito cualquier versión anterior de la biblioteca. Al llamar a window. jQuery. noConflict (true) restaura window. jQuery a su valor anterior y devuelve una referencia a nuestra versión recién cargada, que almacenamos en nuestra variable local. También restaura la variable $ a su valor antiguo, de modo que todavía podemos usar otra biblioteca como Prototype.

Por último, scriptLoadHandler llama a nuestra función principal en la que podemos utilizar nuestra versión de jQuery y construir nuestro widget.

Aquí hay dos ejemplos de esta técnica. En ambos ejemplos se ha cargado Prototype. La única diferencia entre los dos es que aquí se ha cargado otra versión de jQuery mientras que aquí se ha cargado la misma versión de jQuery.

Ahora que hemos tratado con la plomería subyacente, finalmente podemos llegar a la parte interesante.

Cargando datos de nuestro sitio

Dado que nuestro widget va a mostrar datos en la página del host como HTML, probablemente no es necesario usar un formato intermedio como XML o JSON para obtener datos de nuestro servidor. We can directly get HTML and update the content of the widget container using that HTML.

Let’s say our widget is going to display a list of headlines. The server can output a chunk of HTML such as:

If the host page was located in the same domain we could just use regular AJAX (or to be pedantic in this case AHAH ) to get this HTML and update the DOM. But in the context of a web widget, the host page and the server providing the widget’s data will usually be in different domains and browsers will simply not allow an AJAX request to be made to a different domain than the one which has served the page. This security restriction is know as the Same Origin Policy .

Luckily, there is a way around this: browsers allow to use script tags to include scripts from other domains. We can use this open door to get data from our server using a simple technique known as JSONP. The idea of JSONP is to create a script tag which will fetch JSON data wrapped into a function. If we create a script tag such as:

The content of http://example. com/widget/data. js will look like this:

We then define the function which will get the JSON data as a parameter:

Now the good news is that jQuery supports JSONP natively and will take care for us of creating a script tag, creating a callback function and pass the name of that callback to the server as a parameter. In this case the only data we’re interested in is the piece of HTML we want to insert in the widget container. On the server side, we will use that parameter to build a piece of JSONP such as:

Here is an example of generating JSONP on the server using Ruby on Rails:

In the client code, it will look like a normal AJAX call returning JSON.

Don’t forget to include a string such as callback=? in your URL, otherwise the server won’t receive the name of the callback as a parameter.

We are now able to retrieve HTML from our server and insert it in the widget container on the host page. We’re pretty much done, we might just want to add a bit of styling.

Loading CSS

To load our stylesheets, we just create a link tag using JavaScript:

Putting things together

Now that we’ve seen the different bits we need to build a web widget, we can put everything together and build a simple example. Here is the JavaScript code:

And here is an example of implementation on the server, using a simple CGI script written in Python:

Of course, real world widgets will be much more complex, both on the client and on the server, but hopefully you now have a better understanding of the basic steps involved.

Dealing with errors on host pages

Although the code above will work in a lot of cases, Shyam Subramanyan from Listly has reported an issue with using jQuery(document).ready in the main function. The problem can happen when the host page already has loaded jQuery and has its own jQuery(document).ready hooks. If there are any errors in any of the host page jQuery hooks, the one inside the widget main function will never get executed .

The solution Shyam suggests is to write custom code to test if the page is ready to host the widget. Instead of waiting for the whole document to be ready, only check for the presence of DOM elements or other JavaScript objects that your widget depends on. The code he’s been successfully using for Listly looks like this:

According to Shyam, this type of code has been working fine for Listly and more importantly, the widget typically loads much quicker especially in cases where the host page is heavy or has errors.


A lot of people have asked how to load plugins, so I’ve wrote a separate article about this .

Another question that comes often is how can you make your widget configurable. As suggested in the comments, if you want to minimize markup you could use the query string of your widget URL and add an id to the script tag. By doing this your script would be able to locate its own script tag, parse the query string of its own URL and configure itself. A more straightforward approach could be to simply add some invisible markup to the embed code of your widget. That’s how social sharing buttons typically do it.

I hope this tutorial has been of interest. Thank you everyone for reading and special thanks to Corey Hart for his valuable help with dynamic loading of jQuery. Make sure you browse the comments as some of them contain useful advice about how to make your widget customizable, how to reduce even further the size of the embed code, etc.

Need help with your web widget or JavaScript project? Learn more about my profile and contact me.

Use jQuery UI widgets in Dreamweaver

Widgets are small web applications written in languages such as DHTML and JavaScript that can be inserted and executed within a web page. Among other things, web widgets help provide a way to replicate desktop experiences on a web page.

jQuery UI widgets such as accordion, tabs, datepicker, slider, and autocomplete bring the experience of the desktop to the web.

For example, the Tabs widget can be used to replicate the tab feature of dialog boxes in desktop applications.

How to author HTML, CSS, jQuery, and PHP 5.4 (15 min)

Learn how the latest support for HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and PHP5.4 in Dreamweaver can help you author static, dynamic, mobile or responsive projects.

Insert a jQuery widget

When you insert a jQuery widget, the following are automatically added to the code:

References to all dependent files

Script tag containing the jQuery API for the widget. Additional widgets are added to the same script tag.

For more information on jQuery widgets, see http://jqueryui. com/demos/

For jQuery effects, external reference to jquery-1.8.24.min. js is not added because this file is automatically included when you add an effect.

Ensure that your cursor is at a location on the page where you want to insert the widget.

Select Insert > jQuery UI. and choose the widget that you want to insert.

If you use the Insert panel, the widgets are present in the jQuery UI section of the Insert panel.

Chapter 14: Widget QuickStart

This Widget QuickStart illustrates the way Project Silk uses the jQuery UI Widget Factory to create maintainable widgets that implement client-side behavior.

Business Scenario

Our team has been asked to enable cross-browser keyword lookup capabilities in our web pages by hyperlinking select keywords to popular websites. This feature will need to be added dynamically to all company web pages.

Another team has been tasked with tagging the keywords in the web pages. The words will be tagged dynamically, based on server-side business logic driven by agreements with third parties.

The focus of this QuickStart is to enable the client-side behavior for the tagged keywords. When a user hovers over a keyword, the browser will display a pop-up list of popular links for that keyword from the Delicious. com bookmarking service.


Project Silk includes the source code for the Widget QuickStart. To run the QuickStart, ensure you have an Internet connection and follow the steps below:

If you have not already installed Project Silk, download it from the Microsoft Download Center. To extract the download, run the. exe file. This will extract the source code and documentation into the folder of your choice.

Open the default. htm file from the \QuickStarts\DeliciousWidgetQuickStart folder using Windows® Internet Explorer® 9. After the file's content is displayed, you'll need to click on the Allow blocked content button at the bottom of the browser window to enable scripts to run. Blocking active content by default is a security feature of Internet Explorer 9.

Widget QuickStart (default. htm)

After allowing blocked content, you'll notice that the keywords are displayed in a new color and have been underlined with a dashed line, as pictured below.

Widget QuickStart after scripts are unblocked

Using your mouse, hover over an underlined keyword. A pop-up list with the ten most popular links for that keyword will be displayed. Notice that the keyword has been repeated in the title of the pop-up list.

One second after moving your mouse away from the keyword, the pop-up list will close unless your mouse is within the boundaries of the pop-up list.

If the keyword is on the left side of the page, the pop-up list will open to the right of the cursor. If the keyword is on the right side of the page, the pop-up list will open to the left of the cursor, as in the image below.

Pop-up list for the keyword "jQuery"

Move your mouse over the pop-up list. You can now click on a link, which will open in a new browser window.

Links from Delicious. com in the pop-up list

Moving your mouse outside the boundaries of the pop-up list will cause the pop-up list to close.

Conceptual View

This section illustrates the relationship of the jQuery UI widgets to the HTML page. A single infobox widget is attached to the page's body element. After it's attached, it creates a <div> element and dynamically adds it to the page's <body> element. Additionally, a tagger widget is attached to each keyword.

Relationship of the jQuery UI widgets to the HTML page

The HTML below reveals a keyword tagging strategy that takes advantage of HTML5 data attributes. Each of the keywords has been wrapped in a span tag with the data-tag attribute applied. In this scenario, the keyword wrapping was accomplished on the server side.

Attaching Widgets

Widget Initialization

The code snippet above first creates a variable for this called that within the closure, so the widget can be referenced within the mouseenter and mouseleave event handlers.

Recall that the infobox widget is attached to the body element. The element div. qs-infobox will contain the UI for this widget. It is stored in that. infoboxElement . attached to the body element, and bound to some events. The name variable holds the name of the widget and is appended to the name of the event it's binding to. This is a recommended practice when using jQuery; the reasons why will be explained later in the QuickStart.

Most of the time, widgets are attached to the element that they will control; however, there are times when a widget will need to create additional elements. In the above _create function, the infobox widget creates a div to hold the list of links. The default. htm HTML page could have been modified to include the div in the first place, making it unnecessary for the widget to add an additional structure. However, the code was written this way to illustrate a widget adding UI elements to an existing HTML structure.

Widget Interactions

An interesting challenge in this scenario is giving the user enough time to click the links without showing the pop-up list longer than needed. The implementation requires coordination between the two widgets.

Mouse Entering a Keyword Span

When the mouse enters the keyword span, the mouseenter event handler in the tagger widget is invoked. The name being appended to the event name is the name of the widget and is used as a namespace for the event binding. This is a recommended practice. Any string can be used as the namespace, but using the name of the widget allows you to tap into a feature of the widget factory described later in the QuickStart.

Otras lecturas

How to Add jQuery Tabber Widget in WordPress

Have you seen a tabber area on popular sites that allows you to see popular, recent, and featured posts with just one click? This is called the jQuery tabber widget, and it allows you to save space on user screen by combining different widgets into one. In this article, we will show you how to add a jQuery Tabber Widget in WordPress.

Why You Should Add a jQuery Tabber Widget?

When running a WordPress website, you can easily add items to your sidebars using drag and drop widgets. As your site grow, you might feel that you don’t have enough space in the sidebar to show all the useful content. That’s exactly when a tabber comes in handy. It allows you to show different items in a same area. Users can click on each tab and see the content they’re most interested in. A lot of big name sites use it to show popular article today, this week, and this month. In this tutorial we will show you how to create a tabber widget. However, we are not showing you what to add in your tabs. You can add basically anything you like.

Note: this tutorial is for intermediate level users and will require HTML and CSS knowledge. For beginner level users please refer to this article instead.

Creating jQuery Tabber Widget in WordPress

Let’s get started. First thing you need to do is create a folder on your desktop and name it wpbeginner-tabber-widget. After that, you need to create three files inside this folder using a plain text editor like Notepad.

The first file we’re going to create is wpb-tabber-widget. php. It will contain HTML and PHP code to create tabs and a custom WordPress widget. The second file we will create is wpb-tabber-style. css. and it will contain CSS styling for the tabs container. The third and the last file we will create is wpb-tabber. js. which will contain the jQuery script for switching tabs and adding animation.

Let’s start with wpb-tabber-widget. php file. The purpose of this file is to create a plugin that registers a widget. If this is your first time creating a WordPress widget, then we recommend that you take a look at our how to create a custom WordPress widget guide or simply copy and paste this code in wpb-tabber-widget. php file:

In the code above, we first created a plugin and then inside that plugin we created a widget. In the widget output section we added scripts and stylesheet and then we generated the HTML output for our tabs. Lastly we registered the widget. Remember, you need to add the content that you want to display on each tab.

Now that we have created the widget with PHP and HTML code needed for our tabs, the next step is to add jQuery to display them as tabs in the tab container. To do that you need to copy and paste this code in wp-tabber. js file.

Now our widget is ready with jQuery, the last step is to add styling to the tabs. We have created a sample stylesheet that you can copy and paste in wpb-tabber-style. css file:

That’s all. Now just upload wpbeginner-tabber-widget folder to your WordPress site’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory through FTP. Alternately, you can also add the folder to a zip archive and go to Plugins » Add New in your WordPress admin area. Click on the upload tab to install the plugin. Once the plugin is activated, go to Appearance » Widgets . drag and drop WPBeginner Tabber Widget to your sidebar and that’s it.

We hope that this tutorial helped you create a jQuery tabber for your WordPress site. For questions and feedback you can leave a comment below or join us on Twitter or Google+.

Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi. Page maintained by Syed Balkhi .

This is the second tutorial I have tried and for some reason the plugin file does not show up under the plugin directory on my site. I upload the file directly using FTP but when I log into my wordpress admin area nothing appears under the plugin’s tab. Por favor avise. Gracias.

Update: I zipped the file and uploaded it via the wordpress plugin interface. The file does not appear in my plugin’s folder on my FTP interface so I have zero clue where it show’s up. But I got it installed so thanks!

Thank you for the tutorial. However, I noticed that the title is missing when I add the widget to the widget area. How can I add the title space to input a title?

Gracias por esto. I was just wondering, how to add option, so that when I am viewing widget, I can simply paste links in it, in each tab?

For example: Tab 1 (option to rename it in widget options) – Text box below it in widget options(so that I can add text, links etc.)

Tab 2 (option to rename it in widget options) – Text box below it in widget options(so that I can add text, links etc.)

Tab 3 (option to rename it in widget options) – Text box below it in widget options(so that I can add text, links etc.)

Gavin Wilshen says:

Brilliant tutorial. Thanks guys!

It keeps giving me this error:

Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_NS_SEPARATOR, expecting T_STRING in /home/content/11/10826211/html/wp-content/plugins/wpbeginner-tabber-widget/wpb-tabber-widget. php on line 16

WPBeginner Support says:

Grant, we just checked the code again. The plugin activated just fine on our end.

Thanks man you’re a genius. I was just going to buy a premium plugin from codecanyon and then found this guide.

Why is it that when I install this plugin it is saying it needs to be updated, and the update is from a another developer & is over 3 years old?

WPBeginner Support says:

It should not do that. If you have changed the plugin name and it matches another plugin then WordPress would confuse it with the other plugin.

I didn’t change anything; I only did just what you showed above.

This is the plugin that WordPress thinks it is & is trying to update it to. http://wordpress. org/plugins/tabber-widget/

I just updated the plugin to version 2.0 & that (for whatever reason) got it to stop asking to update it to the other plugin. I’d try renaming & changing the other plugin info, but that was the only thing that seemed to work.

WPBeginner Support says:

The only reason we can think of is that you probably named the plugin file or folder to tabber-widget. php instead of wpb-tabber-widget. php which caused WordPress to confuse the plugin with this other one. The version trick is ok too until this other plugin releases 2.0+ so its bed to clear the confusion.

WPBeginner Support says:

We were unable to reproduce this. Do you have access to another WordPress site where you can try this, just to test that there is nothing wrong on your end?

This kind of defeats the purpose of WordPress being dynamic, doesn’t it? Hard coding text into a widget? Is there a way to pull dynamic content from the database? Us noobs don’t have much coding experience ya know…One would think there is a plugin that would do this…

WPBeginner Support says:

This tutorial is aimed at intermediate level users and the goal here is to show them how to create a tabber widget. For beginner level users, there are several built in template tags that can dynamically generate content inside each tab. Por ejemplo:

Display a list of your WordPress pages:

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Making Use of jQuery UI's Widget Factory

For a long time, the only way to write custom controls in jQuery was to extend the $.fn namespace. This works well for simple widgets, however, as you start building more stateful widgets, it quickly becomes cumbersome. To aid in the process of building widgets, the jQuery UI team introduced the Widget Factory, which removes most of the boilerplate that is typically associated with managing a widget.

The widget factory, part of the jQuery UI Core . provides an object-oriented way to manage the lifecycle of a widget. These lifecycle activities include:

Creating and destroying a widget

Changing widget options

Making " super " calls in subclassed widgets

Event notifications

Let's explore this API, as we build a simple bullet chart widget.

The Bullet Chart Widget

Before we build this widget, let's understand some of the building blocks of the widget. The Bullet Chart is a concept introduced by Stephen Few as a variation on the bar chart.

The chart consists of a set of bars and markers overlaid on each other to indicate relative performance. There is a quantiative scale to show the actual range of values. By stacking the bars and markers this way, more information can be conveyed without compromising readability. The legend tells the kind of information we are plotting.

The HTML for this chart looks like so:

Our widget, which we'll call jquery. bulletchart. will dynamically generate this HTML from the data provided. The final widget can be viewed on the demo page. which you can download from GitHub. The call to create the widget should look like so:

All of the values are in percentages. The size option can be used when you want to have several bullet charts placed next to each other with relative sizing. The ticks option is used to put the labels on the scale. The markers and bars are specified as an array of object literals with title. value and css properties.

Building the Widget

Now that we know the structure of the widget, let's get down to building it. A widget is created by calling $.widget() with the name of the widget and an object containing its instance methods. The exact API looks like:

jQuery. widget(name[, base], prototype)

For now, we will work with just the name and prototype arguments. For the bulletchart, our basic widget stub looks like the following:

It's recommended that you always namespace your widget names. In this case, we are using ' nt. bulletchart '. All of the jQuery UI widgets are under the ' ui ' namespace. Although we are namespacing the widget, the call to create a widget on an element does not include the namespace. Thus, to create a bullet chart, we would just call $('#elem').bulletchart() .

The instance properties are specified following the name of the widget. By convention, all private methods of the widget should be prefixed with '_'. There are some special properties which are expected by the widget factory. These include the options. _create. _destroy and _setOption .

Opciones. These are the default options for the widget

_create. The widget factory calls this method the first time the widget is instantiated. This is used to create the initial DOM and attach any event handlers.

_init. Following the call to _create. the factory calls _init. This is generally used to reset the widget to initial state. Once a widget is created, calling the plain widget constructor, eg: $.bulletchart() . will also reset the widget. This internally calls _init .

_setOption. Called when you set an option on the widget, with a call such as: $('#elem').bulletchart('option', 'size', 100). Later we will see other ways of setting options on the widget.

Creating the initial DOM with _create

Our bulletchart widget comes to life in the _create method. Here is where we build the basic structure for the chart. The _create function can be seen below. You will notice that there is not much happening here besides creating the top-level container. The actual work of creating the DOM for bars, markers and ticks happens in the _setOption method. This may seem somewhat counter-intuitive to start with, but there is a valid reason for that.

Note that the bars, markers and ticks can also be changed by setting options on the widget. If we kept the code for its construction inside _create. we would be repeating ourselves inside _setOption. By moving the code to _setOption and invoking it from _create removes the duplication and also centralizes the construction.

Additionally, the code above shows you another way of setting options on the widget. With the _setOptions method (note the plural), you can set mutiple options in one go. Internally, the factory will make individual calls on _setOption for each of the options.

The _setOption method

For the bullet chart, the _setOption method is the workhorse. It handles creation of the markers, bars and ticks and also any changes made to these properties. It works by clearing any existing elements and recreating them based on the new value.

The _setOption method receives both the option key and a value as arguments. The key is the name of the option, which should correspond to one of the keys in the default options. For example, to change the bars on the widget, you would make the following call:

The _setOption method for the bulletchart looks like so:

Here, we create a simple hash of the option-name to the corresponding function. Using this hash, we only work on valid options and silently ignore invalid ones. There are two more things happening here: a call to _super() and firing the option changed event. We will look at them later in this article.

For each of the options that changes the DOM, we call a specific helper method. The helper methods, createBars. createMarkers and createTickBar are specified outside of the widget instance properties. This is because they are the same for all widgets and need not be created individually for each widget instance.

All of the creation functions operate on percentages. This ensures that the chart reflows nicely when you resize the containing element.

The Default Options

Without any options specified when creating the widget, the defaults will come into play. This is the role of the options property. For the bulletchart, our default options look like so:

We start with a size of 100% . no bars and markers and with ticks placed every 10% . With these defaults, our bullet chart should look like:

So far, we have seen how to create the widget using _create and updating it using _setOption. There is one other lifecycle method, which will be called when you destroy a widget. This is the _destroy method. When you call $('#elem').bulletchart('destroy'). the widget factory internally calls _destroy on your widget instance. The widget is responsible for removing everything that it introduced into the DOM. This can include classes and other DOM elements that were added in the _create method. This is also a good place to unbind any event handlers. The _destroy should be the exact opposite of the _create method.

For the bullet chart widget, the _destroy is quite simple:

Subclassing, Events and More

Our bulletchart widget is almost feature complete, except for one last feature: legend . The legend is quite essential, since it will give more meaning to the markers and bars. In this section we will add a legend next to the chart.

Rather than adding this feature directly to the bulletchart widget, we will create a subclass, bulletchart2. that will have the legend support. In the process, we will also look at some of the interesting features of Widget Factory inheritance.

Adding a Legend

The Widget Factory supports subclassing of a widget to create more specialized versions. Earlier in the article, we saw the API for $.widget(). which had three arguments:

jQuery. widget(name[, base], prototype)

The second parameter allows us to pick a base-class for our widget. Our bulletchart2 widget, which subclasses bulletchart. will have the following signature:

There are few interesting things to note here:

We continue to namespace our widget name: nt. bulletchart2 .

The widget factory automatically puts the widget under the $.nt namespace. Thus, to reference our previous widget, we used $.nt. bulletchart. Similarly if we were to subclass one of the standard jQuery UI widgets, we would reference them with $.ui. widget-name

The widgetEventPrefix is a new property that we haven't seen before. We will get to that when we talk about events. The rest of the instance properties should be familiar.

Since we are adding more DOM elements with the legend, we will have to override the _create method. This also means that we need to override _destroy. in order to be symmetric.

Here, again, we see the same pattern as our earlier _create method. We create the container for the legend and then call _setOption to build the rest of the legend. Since we are overriding the _create. we need to make sure that we call the base _create. We do this with the call to _super. Similarly, in _destroy. we also see the call to _super.

Now you may be wondering: how does the widget know which super-method to call with a simple unqualified _super invocation? The smarts for that lie in the bowels of the widget factory. When a widget is subclassed, the factory sets up the _super reference differently for each of the instance functions. Thus, when you call _super from your instance method, it always points to the correct _super method.

Event Notifications

Since the bulletchart supports changing markers and bars, the legend needs to be in sync with those changes. Additionally, we will also support toggling the visibility of markers and bars by clicking on the legend items. This becomes useful when you have several markers and bars. By hiding a few of the elements, you can see the others more clearly.

To support syncing of the legend with the changes to markers and bars, the bulletchart2 widget must listen to any changes happening to those properties. The base bulletchart already fires a change event every time that its options change. Here is the corresponding snippet from the base widget:

Whenever an option is set, the setOption event is fired. The event data contains the previous and new value for the option that was changed.

By listening to this event in the subclassed widget, you can know when the markers or bars change. The bulletchart2 widget subscribes to this event in its _create method. Subscribing to widgets events is achieved with the call to this. element. on(). this. element points to the jQuery element on which the widget was instantiated. Since the event will be fired on the element, our event subscription needs to happen on that.

Note the event name used for subscribing: 'bulletchart:setoption'. As a policy, the widget factory attaches an event-prefix for events fired from the widget. By default, this prefix is the name of the widget, but this can be easily changed with the widgetEventPrefix property. The base bulletchart widget changes this to 'bulletchart:' .

We also need to subscribe to 'click' events on the legend items to hide/show the corresponding marker/bar. We do this with the _on method. This method takes a hash of the event signature to the handler function. The handler's context ( this ) is correctly set to the widget instance. One other convenience with _on is that the widget factory automatically unbinds the events on destroy.

More Tips

The Widget factory packs a few other niceties that you should be aware of.

Referencing the widget instance

So far, we have only seen one way of calling methods on the widget. We did this with $('#elem).bulletchart('method-name'). However, this only allows calling public methods such as 'option', 'destroy', 'on', 'off'. If you want to invoke those methods directly on the widget instance, there is a way of doing that. The widget factory attaches the widget instance to the data() object of the element. You can get this instance like so:

Additionally, if you want to get a hold of all bulletchart widgets on the page, there is also a selector for that:

Some special methods

There are a few special methods that you should be aware of, which are used less frequently: _getCreateEventData() and _getCreateOptions(). The former is used to attach event data for the 'create' event that is fired after finishing the call to _create.

_getCreateOptions is for attaching additional default options for the widget or overriding existing ones. The user-provided options override options returned by this method, which in turn overrides the default widget options.


That's a wrap! If you'd like to explore further, the references below should serve you quite well. Of course, the best source for information will always be source-code, itself. I would encourage reading the jquery. ui. widget source on GitHub.

jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support

jTweetsAnywhere stopped working since Twitter moved from API Version 1.0 to 1.1 and now turned off V1.0.

Due to personal reasons I was not able to work on my open source projects for the last 5 months. Therefor I couldn't update the plugin in time nor answer all your emails and requests. I really apologize for this.

I will try to supply a new release within the next weeks.

Since Twitter now requires applications to authenticate ALL requests with OAuth 1.0a or Application-only authentication the next version of jTweetsAnywhere will consist of the well-known client-side (updated) JavaScript and a server-side component (written in PHP). That means for all users of the plugin that you have to update the client-side script and supply the PHP script on your server.

Thanks for your understanding, Thomas

jTweetsAnywhere is a jQuery Twitter Widget that simplifies the integration of Twitter services into your site. With just a few lines of Javascript you can

Display tweets from users' feeds, lists and favorites (new in V1.3)

Show results from a Twitter search

Present auto-refreshing realtime/live tickers

Build pageable tweet feeds

Give your visitors the opportunity to Reply to, Retweet and Favorite your tweets (new in V1.3)

Integrate a customizable TweetBox into your site

Let your visitors follow you directly from your site

Handle secure authentication with Twitter

"jTweetsAnywhere is the best twitter plugin I've seen. very good documented and very easy to customize. Great work and thanks"

"@tbillenstein Using jTweetsAnywhere to bring to life a web app supporting my band's new release tomorrow, Thomas. Thanks."

Displays tweets from one or more users' feeds

Displays tweets from a user's list

Displays a user's favorite tweets (new in V1.3)

Displays the results of a Twitter search

Supports all Twitter search params

Supports Twitter's @Anywhere features

Has paging support in several variants - including endless-scroll - to display earlier tweets

Has auto-refresh support to build realtime/live tickers with no effort

Can supply Reply, Retweets and Favorite Actions for each tweet by the use of Twitter's Web Intents which makes it possible for users to interact with Twitter content in the context of your site, without leaving the page (new in V1.3)

Can integrate a customizable TweetBox into your site, so your visitors can update their status on the fly

Can add a Twitter "Follow Button" to your site

Can add a "Connect with Twitter" button to your site

Provides secure user authentication

Handles low level user login and signup procedures

Supports native retweets

Can display extended tweet attributes, like timestamp, source, geolocation and in-reply-to info

Can display profile images and usernames in tweet feeds

Automatically detects and marks up links in tweets

Automatically links #hashtags to Twitter search requests

Automatically links @username to Twitter profiles

Automatically shows Hovercards when hovering @username or profile images

Customize the style and layout of the widget with your own stylesheets

Overwrite the generated HTML markup by providing your own decorators

Supply your own visualizers to add UI effects

Write your own tweet filter to customize the tweet feed

Add your own listeners to get notfied on interesting events

Takes care of Twitter's rate limits, mainly in conjunction with the auto-refresh and paging features to avoid getting black-listed and therefor keep your visitors happy

Small code size for fast download

Does not interrupt the loading of your page

I18N: Currently supports english and german languages (new in V1.3)


1. Download the plugin

The downloadable zip archive contains the Javascript source file in it's original version, a fastloading minified version and a basic CSS file that serves as a sample for tweaking the UI.

Current Release: V1.3.1

2. Include the Javascript and CSS resources in your page's <head> sección

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.7.1.min. js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery. jtweetsanywhere-1.3.1.min. js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="jtweetsanywhere-de-1.3.1.min. js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform. twitter. com/anywhere. js? id=APIKey&v=1"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery. jtweetsanywhere-1.3.1.css" />

Include the jTweetsAnywhere script ( jquery. jtweetsanywhere-1.3.1.min. min. js or jquery. jtweetsanywhere-1.3.1.min. js ) and the basic Stylesheet ( jquery. jtweetsanywhere-1.3.1.css ). The CSS contains all tweakable elements and can be used as a starter for your own customizing.

You will need the jQuery library. jQuery Version 1.7.1 (minified) is recommended. You can also hotlink to one of the hosted versions, e. g. http://code. jquery. com/jquery-1.7.1.min. js

Twitter's @Anywhere features (like Hovercards, Tweet Box, Follow Button, etc.) are optional. If you don't need them, just skip the next paragraphs and continue with the next section. Keep in mind that you can integrate any kind of tweet feed into your site without the need of @Anywhere.

If you want to use Twitter's @Anywhere features. you must include Twitter's anywhere. js inside your <head> section. In order to start using @Anywhere, you have to register your site (application) and obtain an APIKey (also called Consumer Key) from Twitter. When registering, be sure to select "Read & Write" for the Default Access type.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform. twitter. com/anywhere. js? id=APIKey&v=1"></script>

Read this note for registration details and how to set up a local web server for testing purposes.

jTweetsAnywhere's I18N support is optional. If you want to use it, please include the adequate locale script, e. g.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jtweetsanywhere-de-1.3.1.min. js"></script>

3. Add a placeholder for the widget to your page

4. Add the Javascript that will populate the placeholder

5. View the results

6. Find more Samples on the Demo page

The Demo page shows a lot more samples of what can be done with the widget and how it can be tweaked to display the results you expect.

7. Find the code, unit tests, and all releases on Github

This is the preferred place to submit and discuss feature requests, bugs and issues.

8. Read the relevant Blog posts

In the Blog you can find additional informations, like release notes, etc. Please have a look at those.


This section describes all configurable plugin options.

Basic Configuraton Options

The user's name who's tweet feed or list feed is displayed. This param is also used when a Twitter "Follow Button" is displayed. Usually this param is a string, but can also be an array of strings. If an array is supplied (and the params 'list' and 'searchParams' are null), a combined feed of all users is displayed.

Default value: tbillenstein

Sample: 'tbillenstein' or ['twitterapi', 'ChromiumDev']

Demo: Some recent tweets and a Follow Button and Tweets from selected users

The name of a user's list where the tweet feed is generated from. The special list name 'favorites' can be used to display a user's favorited tweets.

Default value: null

Sample: 'ajaxians'

Demo: My Favorite Tweets. Tweets from a user's list

A single search param string or an array of search params, to be used in a Twitter search call. All Twitter Search Params are supported.

Default value: null

Sample: 'q=twitter' or ['q=twitter', 'geocode=48.856667,2.350833,30km']

Demo: Some tweets from around Paris, France.

The number of tweets shown in the tweet feed. If this param is 0, no feed is displayed. For user or list feeds the maximum count is 20, for search results the maximum count is 100.

Unlike in previous releases, since 1.2.0 jTweetsAnywhere is based on a tweets caching algorithm that will always deliver the requested count of tweets accepting that this request can only be fullfilled by calling Twitter more than once.

IMPORTANT: Please always keep in mind, that the use of the Twitter API is rate limited. Non-authenticated users are rated IP-based and you have only 150 calls per hour available. Every retrieval of tweets counts and so does for example hovering over a profile image to show the hovercard. jTweetsAnywhere will always check the remaining count of free API calls before actually calling Twitter to avoid black listing your visitor's IP.

Default value: 0

Identifies the locale for I18N support. The default locale is 'en'. To use this option you have to inlude the adequate locale script, jtweetsanywhere - -.js. p. ej. jtweetsanywhere-de-1.3.0.js

Default value: 'en'

Since: 1.3.0

Sample: 'de'

Demo: I18N Support

Each tweet that is loaded from Twitter will pass the tweetFilter. If the filter returns true, the tweet will be added to the tweets cache otherwise it is ignored. The default tweet filter alsways retruns true but you can supply your own tweet filter to customize the tweet feed.

Default value: defaultTweetFilter

Since: 1.2.0

Widget Parts Configuraton Options

A flag ( true/false ) that specifies whether to display a tweet feed or an object literal representing the configuration options for the tweet feed.

This flag works in conjunction with the count parameter: - if count equals 0, no feed is displayed, ignoring showTweetFeed - if count not equals 0 and showTweetFeed equals false, no feed is displayed - if showTweetFeed is an object literal the configuration options and their default values are:

Default value: true

Since: 1.1.0


Demos: Auto-refreshing Realtime Ticker and More Tweets. Loading More Tweets with Endless Scrolling. Paging Back and Forth. My Favorite Tweets. Extended Tweet Attributes

A flag ( true/false ) that specifies whether to display a Twitter "Tweet Box" or an object literal representing the configuration options for the "Tweet Box". The configuration options and their default values are:

Default value: false


Demo: A customized Tweet Box

A flag ( true/false ) that specifies whether to display a Twitter "Follow Button".

Default value: false

Demo: Some recent tweets and a Follow Button

A flag ( true/false ) that specifies whether to display a Twitter "Connect Button" or an object literal representing the configuration options for the "Connect Button". The configuration options and their default values are:

Default value: false

Demo: Connect Button and Login Info and Different sizes of the Connect Button

A flag ( true/false ) that specifies whether to display Login Infos.

Default value: false

Demo: Connect Button and Login Info

Decorator Configuration Options

Defines the sequence of the widget's components.

A decorator is a function that is responsible for constructing a certain element of the widget. Most of the decorators return a HTML string. Exceptions are the mainDecorator, which defines the basic sequence of the widget's components, plus the linkDecorator, the usernameDecorator and the hashtagDecorator which return the string that is supplied as a function param, enriched with HTML tags.

For details, see the implementations of the default decorators. Each default decorator can be overwritten by your own implementation.

Default value: defaultMainDecorator

Demo: Supplying your own Decorator

Returns the placeholder for the tweet feed (default is an unordered list).

Default value: defaultTweetFeedDecorator

Returns the tweet HTML. The default tweet is made of the optional user's profile image and the tweet body inside a list item element.

Default value: defaultTweetDecorator

Returns the profile image HTML. The default profile image decorator simply adds a link to the user's Twitter profile.

Default value: defaultTweetProfileImageDecorator

Returns the tweet body HTML. The default tweet body contains the tweet text and the tweet's attributes.

Default value: defaultTweetBodyDecorator

Returns the tweet text HTML. The default tweet text decorator optionally adds the tweet author's screen and full user name and marks links, @usernames, and #hashtags.

Default value: defaultTweetTextDecorator

Returns the tweet attributes HTML. The default tweet attributes section can contain the tweet's timestamp, source (via), geolocation, in-reply-to info and - if it's a retweet - the retweeter.

Default value: defaultTweetAttributesDecorator

Since: 1.1.0

Returns the tweet's Twitter Bird Icon HTML. From Twitter's developer docs: This Intent provides an unobtrusive way to link names of people, companies, and services to their Twitter accounts. The resultant popup prominently features the account's profile picture, bio, summary statistics, noteworthy followers, recent tweets and an easy-to-use Follow button. The default tweet Twitter Bird decorator returns a popup link to the tweet's author profile web intent.

Default value: defaultTweetTwitterBirdDecorator

Since: 1.3.0

Returns the tweet's timestamp HTML. The default tweet timestamp decorator does a little bit of Twitter like formatting.

Default value: defaultTweetTimestampDecorator

Returns the tweet's source HTML. The default tweet source decorator returns a link to the tweet's source.

Default value: defaultTweetSourceDecorator

Since: 1.1.0

Returns the tweet's geolocation info HTML. The default tweet geolocation decorator returns a link to maps. google. com marking the tweet's place.

Default value: defaultTweetGeoLocationDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the tweet's in-reply-to info HTML. The default tweet in-reply-to decorator returns a link to the replied to tweet, if the tweet is a reply.

Default value: defaultTweetInReplyToDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the tweet's retweeter info HTML. The default tweet retweeter decorator returns a link to the tweet's retweeter if the tweet is a retweet.

Default value: defaultTweetRetweeterDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the HTML for the tweet's action web intents tweetActionReplyDecorator. tweetActionRetweetDecorator and tweetActionFavoriteDecorator.

Default value: defaultTweetActionsDecorator

Since: 1.3.0

Returns the tweet's action reply web intent HTML. From Twitter's developer docs: This intent makes it easy for a user to tweet nearly anything from your site with a stylish #newtwitter-inspired Tweet Composer. The default decorator returns a popup link to the tweet's reply action web intent.

Default value: defaultTweetActionReplyDecorator

Since: 1.3.0

Returns the tweet's action retweet web intent HTML. From Twitter's developer docs: Retweets are a powerful way to enable your users to share your content with their followers. The default decorator returns a popup link to the tweet's retweet action web intent.

Default value: defaultTweetActionRetweetDecorator

Since: 1.3.0

Returns the tweet's action favorite web intent HTML. From Twitter's developer docs: Users favorite for a variety of reasons: when they love a Tweet, when they want to save it for later, or to offer a signal of thanks. The favorite intent allows you to provide this Tweet Action and follow up with relevant suggested accounts for the user to follow. The default decorator returns a popup link to the tweet's favorite action web intent.

Default value: defaultTweetActionFavoriteDecorator

Since: 1.3.0

Returns the tweet feed controls HTML if paging is activated. The default tweet feed controls decorator returns a 'prev-button' (via tweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator ) and a 'next-button' (via tweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator ) if paging mode equals 'prev-next' or a 'more-button' (via tweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator ) if paging mode equals 'more'.

Default value: defaultTweetFeedControlsDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the tweet feed controls prev button HTML. The default tweet feed controls prev button decorator returns the 'prev-button' markup.

Default value: defaultTweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the tweet feed controls next button HTML. The default tweet feed controls next button decorator returns the 'next-button' markup.

Default value: defaultTweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the tweet feed controls more button HTML. The default tweet feed controls more button decorator returns the 'more-button' markup.

Default value: defaultTweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the tweet feed autorefresh trigger HTML. The default tweet feed autorefresh trigger decorator returns the markup generated by the tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator ) inside a list item element.

IMPORTANT: the tweet feed autorefresh trigger will be added to the tweet feed element, so the element types returned by the tweetDecorator and the tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator must match.

Default value: defaultTweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the tweet feed autorefresh trigger content HTML. The default tweet feed autorefresh trigger content decorator returns the text 'n new tweets' inside a span element.

Default value: defaultTweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Returns the default placeholder for the @Anywhere Connect Button.

Default value: defaultConnectButtonDecorator

Returns the default placeholder for the LoginInfo.

Default value: defaultLoginInfoDecorator

Returns the LoginInfo content HTML. The default markup of the LoginInfo content: the user's profile image, the user's screen_name and a "button" to sign out.

Default value: defaultLoginInfoContentDecorator

Returns the default placeholder for the @Anywhere Follow Button.

Default value: defaultFollowButtonDecorator

Returns the default placeholder for the @Anywhere Tweet Box.

Default value: defaultTweetBoxDecorator

Adds the markup for links in tweets.

Default value: defaultLinkDecorator

Adds the markup for @usernames in tweets. if @Anywhere is present the task is left to them.

Default value: defaultUsernameDecorator

Adds the markup for #hashtags in tweets.

Default value: defaultHashtagDecorator

Returns the loading indicator HTML. The default loading decorator simply says: 'loading. '

IMPORTANT: the loading indicator will be added to the tweet feed element, so the element types returned by the tweetDecorator and the loadingDecorator must match.

Default value: defaultLoadingDecorator

Returns the error message HTML. The default error decorator simply says: 'ERROR: [error message]'

IMPORTANT: the error message will be added to the tweet feed element, so the element types returned by the tweetDecorator and the errorDecorator must match.

Default value: defaultErrorDecorator

Since: 1.1.0

Returns the no data message HTML. The default no data decorator simply says: 'No more data'

IMPORTANT: the no data message will be added to the tweet feed element, so the element types returned by the tweetDecorator and the noDataDecorator must match.

Default value: defaultNoDataDecorator

Since: 1.2.0

Formatter Configuraton Options

Formats the tweet's timestamp to be shown in the tweet attributes section.

Formatters are currently used for date format processing only. For details, see the implementation of the default formatters. Each default formatter can be overwritten by your own implementation.

Default value: defaultTweetTimestampFormatter

Since: 1.2.0

Formats the tweet's timestamp to be shown in the tooltip when hovering over the timestamp link.

Default value: defaultTweetTimestampTooltipFormatter

Since: 1.2.0

Visualizer Configuraton Options

Gets called each time a tweet element should be appended or prepended to the tweet feed element.

A visualizer is a function that is responsible for adding one or more elements to the DOM and thereby making them visible to the user. A visualizer might also be responsible to do the opposite effect: To remove one or more elements from the DOM.

For details, see the implementation of the default visualizers. Each default visualizer can be overwritten by your own implementation.

Default value: defaultTweetVisualizer

Since: 1.2.0

Gets called each time data is retrieved from Twitter to visualize the loading indicator. This visualizer is also used to hide the loading indicator.

Default value: defaultLoadingIndicatorVisualizer

Since: 1.2.0

Will be called if the autorefresh trigger should be visualized or hidden.

Default value: defaultAutorefreshTriggerVisualizer

Since: 1.2.0

Event Handler Configuraton Options

An event handler is a function that gets called whenever the event you are interested in, occurs.

The onDataRequest event handler will be called immediatly before calling Twitter to retrieve new data and gives you the opportunity to deny the call by returning false from the function. The default onDataRequest event handler simply returns true.

This feature might be used in conjunction with the paging feature, especially when using the "endless-scroll" paging mode, to avoid the exhaustion of remaining Twitter API calls, before the rate limit is reached. The stats parameter contains statistical infos and counters that you can examine to base your decision whether to return true or false.

Default value: defaultOnDataRequestHandler

Since: 1.2.0

Is called each time the plugin retrieved the rate limit data from Twitter. The actual rate limit data is contained in the stats object. The default onRateLimitData event handler does nothing.

Default value: defaultOnRateLimitDataHandler

Since: 1.2.0


Bugfix: Fixed an issue with tweets loaded in auto-refreshing mode might have wrong tweet-id. Thanks to Aaron Markie!

Feature: Added support for I18N ('en' and 'de' resources supplied). Feature: Added support for Twitter's Web Intents (Reply, Retweet, Favorite tweets). Feature: Added support for users' favorite tweets. Feature: Added configuration option locale . Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. autoConformToTwitterStyleguide (Sets options to confirm to Twitter's styleguide regulations). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showTwitterBird (Show/hide Twitter bird icon beneath the timestamp of a tweet, linking to the tweeter's MiniProfile Web Intent). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showActionReply (Show tweet's 'Reply' action: supplies a link to popup the tweet's Reply Web Intent). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showActionRetweet (Show tweet's 'Retweet' action: supplies a link to popup the tweet's Retweet Web Intent). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showActionFavorite (Show tweet's 'Favorite' action (supplies a link to popup the tweet's Favorite Web Intent). Feature: Added configuration option tweetDataProvider . Feature: Added configuration option rateLimitDataProvider . Feature: Added configuration option tweetTwitterBirdDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetActionsDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetActionReplyDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetActionRetweetDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetActionFavoriteDecorator . Bugfix: Fixed an issue with showing duplicate tweets in the feed while using the autorefresh: feature. Thanks to Adam Southorn! Bugfix: Fixed an issue to prevent interference with the standard widgets. js file for the Tweet button. Thanks to Brad Beebe! Bugfix: Fixed an issue with handling auto linking of @username and email addresses. Thanks to Brad Beebe! Bugfix: The retweeter's screen name was not displayed correctly. Test: 100+ Unit tests added, based on QUnit (Javascript Unit Testing Framework).

Feature: Support for Twitter's change to string representations of tweet IDs (Snowflake ). Twitter will switch to their new ID generator using 64bit unsigned integers on 26th November 2010. You should update jTweetsAnywhere to V1.2.1 before this date.

Feature: Support for auto-refreshing tweet feeds to build realtime/live tickers. Feature: Support for several paging modes to show more tweets (mode: 'more' | 'prev-next' | 'endless-scroll'). Feature: Native retweets support. Feature: Tweet filter support. Feature: Element visualizer support. Feature: Event handler support. Feature: Value formatter support. Feature: Tweets cache support to minimize rate-limited Twitter API calls. Feature: Taking care of Twitter's rate limit when loading data from Twitter. Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showTimestamp (show/hide/auto-refresh a tweet's timestamp'). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showProfileImages (show/hide a user's profile image'). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showUserScreenNames (show/hide a user's screen name'). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showUserFullNames (show/hide a user's full name. Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showGeoLocation (show/hide a tweet's geolocation attribute). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showInReplyTo (show/hide a tweet's in-reply-to attribute). Feature: Added configuration option tweetUsernameDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetGeoLocationDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetInReplyToDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetRetweeterDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetFeedControlsDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option noDataDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetTimestampFormatter . Feature: Added configuration option tweetTimestampTooltipFormatter . Feature: Added configuration option tweetVisualizer . Feature: Added configuration option loadingIndicatorVisualizer . Feature: Added configuration option autorefreshTriggerVisualizer . Feature: Added configuration option onDataRequestHandler . Feature: Added configuration option onRateLimitDataHandler . Cleanup: tweetProfileImagePresent is deprecated now. Use showTweetFeed. showProfileImages instead.

Feature: Added the tweet's permalink to it's timestamp. Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. showSource (show a tweet's source ("via") attribute). Feature: Added configuration option showTweetFeed. expandHovercards (initially show hovercards expanded). Feature: Added configuration option tweetAttributesDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option tweetSourceDecorator . Feature: Added configuration option errorDecorator . Cleanup: Removed the generation of the <img> element attributes. [ width="48" height="48" border="0" ]. in defaultTweetProfileImageDecorator and defaultLoginInfoContentDecorator. Width and height are now controlled in the jTweetsAnywhere CSS.

Fixed an IE issue with parsing the tweet timestamp.

jQuery Accordion The jQuery Accordion object displays collapsible content panels for presenting information in a limited amount of space.

jQuery Auto Complete AutoComplete can replace a standard editbox. It enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type.

jQuery Button The jQuery Button enhances the standard button to a theme button with mouseover and active styles. The button can be used as a submit button in a form or as a stand-alone button for navigation. .

jQuery Date Picker The jQuery DatePicker offers a sophisticated and feature-rich UI component for inputting dates into a form. .

jQuery Dialog A dialog is a floating window that contains a title bar and a content area.

jQuery Menu (Multi level) menu with mouse and keyboard interactions for navigation.

jQuery Progressbar The progress bar is designed to simply display the current % complete for a process. For example as part of a customized upload script or to display the status of an Online Survey. The value of progress bar is usually updated through JavaScript.

jQuery Slider The slider widget represents a value that is selected by dragging the thumb along the background.

jQuery Spinner Enhance a text input for entering numeric values, with up/down buttons and arrow key handling.

jQuery Tabs A tab control is a single content area with multiple panels. The user can click the tabs to switch between the panels.

jQuery Tooltips Customizable, themeable tooltips, replacing native tooltips. The tooltip supports text formatting and can be assigned to any object.

Artículo 1

The jQuery UI Widget Factory WAT?

corey frang

The jQuery UI Widget Factory is an HTML5 presentation designed to familiarise developers with basic approaches to debugging jQuery and JavaScript code. It also introduces many of the common pitfalls most people encounter at some point on their jQuery journey. It is always a work in progress!

Use the left ← and right → arrow keys or your mouse wheel to navigate.

ajpiano. com/widgetfactory

Easy Plugins Are Easy

It's easy to extend the jQuery prototype ( jQuery. fn ) to make a “plugin” that operates on sets of elements.

State of Confusion

Stateful plugins are not as straightforward, but really useful.

Reverse the plugin's effect?

Allow plugin users to react to events triggered by the plugin?

Change the plugin's effect after it has been applied?

Remember: only one function in the $.fn namespace!

Fine! But how can I even invoke "sub-methods?"

But that jQuery UI thing has lots of plugins that let users do all that stuff! Cómo?

You down with OOP?

Objects are a good way to organise code and maintain state

Works, but is not idiomatic. nor does it abstract common plugin tasks

The Manufacturing Business

The factory pattern is a way to generate different objects with a common interface.

The jQuery UI Widget Factory is simply a function ( $.widget ) that takes a string name and an object as arguments and creates a jQuery plugin and a "Class" to encapsulate its functionality.

Powers all the jQuery UI widgets, but it can stand alone

The widget factory provides a number of plugin conveniences

Creates your namespace, if necessary ( jQuery. aj )

Encapsulated class ( jQuery. aj. filterable. prototype )

Extends jQuery prototype ( jQuery. fn. filterable )

Merges defaults with user-supplied options

Stores plugin instance in. data()

Methods accessible via string - plugin( "foo" ) - or directly

Prevents against multiple instantiation

Evented structure for handling setup, teardown, option changes

Easily expose callbacks. _trigger( "event" )

Sane default scoping (What is this. )

Free pseudoselector! $( ":aj-filterable" )

Inheritance! Widgets can extend from other widgets

Let's Rotate These Tires

Building a simple filtering widget in almost no time flat

How do I use this thing?

I Can See Your Privates

Methods prefixed with an underscore are, by convention only . privado.

These methods cannot be accessed via a plugin's public API:

$( "#foo" ).filterable( "_hover" ) will not work

They are, however, accessible directly from the widget instance:

$( "#foo" ).data( "aj-filterable" )._hover() will

(1.9) $( "#foo" ).data( "filterable" ) widget name.

(1.10) $( "#foo" ).data( "aj-filterable" ) namespace-widget name

(1.11) $( "#foo" ).filterable( "instance" ) no more confusion

They are also accessible on the widget's prototype

$.aj. filterable. prototype._hover = function() ;

Clothing Optional

Provide an object at the options key to provide defaults.

This is akin to a familiar step from basic jQuery plugin authoring

In The Beginning.

Use the _create method to set up your widget. It is called the first time that the plugin is invoked on an element.

_trigger( "finger" )

The _trigger method fires an event the plugin user can. utilizar.

callbackName The name of the event you want to dispatch eventObject (Optional) An event object (or null). _trigger wraps this object and stores it in event. originalEvent The user receives an object with event. type == this. widgetEventPrefix + "eventname" uiObject (Optional) An object containing useful properties the user may need to access. Protip: Use a method like ._ui to generate objects with a consistent schema.

Getting Organised

Store distinct pieces of functionality as separate methods. If the user may need to invoke a function programmatically, expose it!


Plugin users can change options after a plugin has been invoked using $("elem").filterable("option","className","newName"); .

If modifiying a particular option requires an immediate state change, use the _setOption method to listen for the change and act on it.


Use the destroy method to revert an element back to its state from before plugin invocation.

A Cheesy Example

Toggle Filterable





Parmigiano Reggiano


One pound of each would cost $

State + Events = Extensibility

A good widget provides a solid base with callbacks for customisation.

It's. widget() all the way down

In 1.9, a widget can "inherit" from itself

This is the ideal way to extend widgets

I've got a bridge to sell you

$.widget. bridge is the mechanism that actually creates the plugin

Set/change which widget prototype exists on jQuery. fn

U and I can be friends

But not roommates

The ui namespace is reserved for official jQuery UI plugins

Just because you're using the widget factory doesn't mean you have to use ui

We'd kinda prefer if you didn't :)

More Resources

No problem, enjoy

Revisionist History

Cara Membuat Widget Follow Us Dengan jQuery di Blog, bagi anda yang pingin memikat pengunjung blog anda untuk mengikuti anda di Facebook, Twitter, atau berlangganan, coba widget yang satu ini, widget ini saya berinama widget " Follow Us " cara membuat nya sangat mudah, dan widget ini menggunakan jQuery untuk menambah keren tampilannya.

1. Log in ke Blog kamu.

2. Pilih Rancangan > Add Gadget > HTML/Java Script. Copy kode di bawah ini.

document. body. className = document. body. className. replace(&#39;loading&#39;, &#39;&#39;);

<script src='http://ajax. googleapis. com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery. min. js' type='text/javascript'/>

<p>Follow Us </p>

<li><a href="http://BLOG-NAME. blogspot. com/feeds/posts/default? alt=rss" id="rss" title="Follow Our Feeds">Rss</a></li>

<li><a href="http://feedburner. google. com/fb/a/mailverify? uri= blazer_blog " id="mail" title="Subscribe To Our News Letter">Mail</a></li>

<li><a href="https://www. facebook. com/ BLAZERBLOG " id="facebook" title="Be Our FaceBook Fan">Facebook</a></li>

<li><a href="http://twitter. com/ blazer_blog " id="twitter" title="Follow Us On Twitter">Twitter</a></li>

Ganti kode yang berwarna biru dengan id Feedburner anda.

Ganti kode yang berwarna merah dengan id Facebook anda.

Ganti kode kode yang berwarna ungu dengan id Twitter anda.

This is a scrolling popular widget for blogger. Make the 'popular post' in your blogspot scroll like an expert blogger. Just using ready widget in the blogspot and make them animate.

Just add gadget in the layout screen==> chose HTML/JavaScript ===> and Copy and paste java/html script bellow into the tab

Go To Blogger >>> Diseño

Click add a gadget

Choose Popular Posts Widget provided by blogger

Keep post number greater than 4

Save your widget

Now select an HTML/Javascript widget

Paste the following slide code inside it,

Put it side by side as in picture bellow

Copy / paste this code into your site

Copy / paste this code into your site

We're currently looking at translating our JavaScript project to TypeScript. Our application relies heavily on custom developed jQuery UI widgets.

In our current code base, we're using a deep copy mechanism to inherit from widget definitions allowing us, for example, to declare a generic TableWidget as well as an OrdersTableWidget which defines more specific functions.

Therefore, I'd like to define my widget definitions as TypeScript classes and then bind an instance of these classes to jQuery.

Furthermore, I'd like to denote my custom widgets as implementations of jQuery UI's Widget definition

so I'm able to use the following syntax in TypeScript:

I know I have to work with the definition file (from DefinitelyTyped ), however I have not yet found a reliable source explaining me how I should write custom jQuery UI Widgets in TypeScript. Has anyone got experience with this?

Any help greatly appreciated, as always!

I'm not sure you can write a class that implements the Widget interface, due to the lack of overloaded constructors. You could create a variable that is typed by the Widget interface.

A standard jQuery plugin would be represent in almost pure JavaScript and wouldn't use modules or classes as it ends up being wrapped up as part of jQuery, which itself isn't a module or class.

Here is an empty plugin called plugin that looks like any standard jQuery plugin, but you can see it takes advantage of the TypeScript type system and extends the JQuery interface to allow it to be called.

This would be called in the normal way.

So really, my answer is - you can't really do what you want because you are adding to the declared interfaces for jQuery rather than exposing them as modules. You could wrap the usage in a module, like an adaptor that abstracts the jQuery aspect away from the use in your TypeScript, or you can call your classes from inside the plugin, but the plugin or widget doesn't really fit into a module or class.

answered Jan 29 '13 at 9:51

I was afraid this would be the answer. Good point on the interface, though, definitely going to use that! I'll accept in a few days, maybe other opinions rise, but I guess I'll have to face the cruel truth ;) – Anzeo Jan 29 '13 at 10:01

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! & Ndash; Sohnee Jan 29 '13 at 10:39

It might help to have a base class in typescript from which other widget classes may derive. Its only purpose is to provide the base class semantic so you can access the base class'es members without having to resort to weak typing.

The trick is to remove all the members at runtime (in the constructor) -- otherwise you run into problems with the inheritance provided by the widget factory. For example, the option method would override the widget's original method which is not desired: we just want to be able to call it (in a statically typed way).

Then you can implement your own widget like this:

And finally, you can use your widget:

Highslide Form Widget For Dreamweaver

Lightbox Slideshow by VisualLightBox. com v3.1

The following image set is generated by JavaScript Window. Click any picture to run gallery.

Visión de conjunto

Popular LightBox and Thickbox, JavaScript widgets to show content in modal windows, are outdated at the moment. They are not updated since 2007. There are some great alternatives - colorbox, jQueryUI Dialog, fancybox, DOM window, shadowbox, but we highly recommend you to try VisualLighbox - Lighbox Alternative. VisualLighbox is packed with a dozen of beautiful skins, fantastic transition effects and free gallery generator software for Mac and Windows!

Top Features See all features. Highslide Theme

Flickr & Photobucket support

jQuery plugin or Prototype extension

Floating and smooth cross-fade transition

Slideshow with autostart option

Windows & MAC version

XHTML compliant

Zoom effect with overlay shadow

Rounded corners of overlay window

Large images fit to browser window

A lot of nice gallery themes

Image rotating and hi-quality image scaling with anti-aliasing

Automatic thumbnail creation

Adding caption

Built-in FTP

How to Use See all features. Light Window On Load

Step 1. Adding images to your own gallery.

From the Images menu, select Add images. . Browse to the location of the folder you'd like to add and select the images. You can also use Add images from folder. and Add images from Flickr options.

Visual LightBox JS will now include these pictures. Or you can drag the images (folder) to the Visual LightBox window. The image is copied to your pictures folder and automatically added to your website gallery.

If you have included the photos that you do not wish to be in your web gallery, you can easily remove them. Select all images that you wish to remove from photo gallery, and select Delete images. from the Images menu. You can pick and choose pictures by holding the CTRL while clicking the pictures you like.

Step 2. Adding caption.

When you select an image you'll see the various information about it, such as:

Caption - you can enter any comment or text about the image in the website photo gallery. When you add images from Flickr its name will appear in caption automatically. You're able to use some common html tags (such as: <b>, <i>, <u>, <span>, <a>, <img> and so on..) inside your caption to highlight some text or add links.

Path, Size - for each image, you will see the file name, full folder path; file size and date of last change.

Step 3 - Editing capabilities.

In this website gallery software you can easily rotate your pictures using " Rotate Left " and " Rotate Right " buttons.

Right click on the picture and select " Edit images.. " item to open the selected picture in your default graph editor. You can adjust the color of pictures, as well as fix red-eye and crop out unwanted parts of an image.

Step 4. Gallery properties.

Change the name of your album, the size and quality of your pictures with jQuery Thickbox Alternative. From the Gallery menu, select Properties or use " Edit Gallery Properties " button on the toolbar.

On the first tab of the Gallery Properties window you can change the name of your photo album and enable/disable the following properties: Slide Show . Auto play Slide Show . Zoom effect . Overlay Shadow . You can also set the Overlay shadow color and select the Engine you want to use (jQuery or Prototype + script. aculo. us).

On the second tab of the Gallery Properties window you can select the thumbnail you want to use, set the Thumbnails Resolution . Thumbnails Quality . Thumbnails Titles . Select Thumbnails Format (save in PNG or JPG format). Specify the Number of columns in you photo album and the Page color .

On the third tab of the Gallery Properties window you can select the template, Image resolution and Image quality of your pictures and change the Watermark .

You can set up the various sizes for exported images.

Control the quality of output PNG or JPEG format image by defining output " Image quality " and " Thumbnail quality " parameters (0%. 100%).

Step 5 - Publishing of the jQuery Thickbox Alternative.

When you are ready to publish your website photo album online or to a local drive for testing you should go to " Gallery/Publish Gallery ". Select the publishing method: publish to folder or publish to FTP server .

publish to folder . To select a local location on your hard drive, just click the Browse folders button and choose a location. Then click Ok. You can also set " Open web page after publishing " option. publish to FTP server . The FTP Location Manager window enables you to define a number of connections for use when uploading your web site album to an FTP.

You are able to add a new FTP site by clicking " Edit " to the right of the " Publish to FTP server " drop down list. FTP Location Manager window will appear. Now type in a meaningful (this is not the actual hostname) name for your site and fill in the FTP details in the appropriate fields. You will have to type in your hostname, e. g. dominio. The FTP port is normally located on port 21 thus this has been prefilled for you already. If your web site uses another port, you will have to enter it here.

Type in your username and password for the connection. If you do not fill in this information, Visual LightBox is unable to connect to your site and thus not able to upload your gallery to website. If this site enables anonymous connections, just type in anonymous as the username and your e-mail address as the password.

You might want to change the Directory as well if you need to have your uploaded images placed in e. g. " www/gallery/ ". You can specify it in the FTP Folder field on the Publish Gallery window.

Notice: Write the name of the folder where your website gallery will be placed on the server. Notice that you should specify this field; otherwise your website album will be uploaded into the root folder of your server!

Step 6. Save your photo gallery as project file.

When you exit jQuery Thickbox Alternative application, you'll be asked if you want to save your project. The project consists of the pictures you choose to put on your web photo gallery and all your settings. It's a good idea to save the project, because that will allow you to change the project in case you decide to do something different with future galleries. So click Yes, then enter a name for your project. To select the location of your project, just click the Browse folders button and choose a different location. Then click Save.

Step 7 - Add Visual LightBox inside your own page.

Visual LightBox generates a special code. You can paste it in any place on your page whereyou want to add image gallery.

* Export your LightBox gallery using Visual LightBox app in any test folder on a local drive. * Open the generated index. html file in any text editor. * Copy all code for Visual LightBox from the HEAD and BODY tags and paste it on your page in the HEAD tag and in the place where you want to have a gallery (inside the BODY tag).

<head> . <!-- Start Visual LightBox. com HEAD section --> . <!-- End Visual LightBox. com HEAD section --> . </head> <body> . <!-- Start Visual LightBox. com BODY section --> . <!-- End Visual LightBox. com BODY section --> . </body>

* You can easily change the style of the templates. Find the generated 'engine/css/vlightbox. css' file and open it in any text editor.

html floating window center Highslide Form Widget For Dreamweaver

Download JavaScript Window See all features. Nextgen Gallery Visual Lightbox

DHTML Popup Free Trial can be used for free for a period of 30 days.

If you would like to continue using this product after the trial period, you should purchase a Business Edition. The Business Edition additionally provides an option to remove the VisualLightBox. com credit line as well as a feature to put your own logo to images. After you complete the payment via the secure form, you will receive a license key instantly by email that turns the Free Trial Version into a Business one. You can select the most suitable payment option: PayPal, credit card, bank transfer, check etc.

javascript pop up window transparency

Support See all features. Javascript Access Child Window

For troubleshooting, feature requests and general help contact Customer Support. Make sure to include details on your browser, operating system, Visual LightBox version and a link (or relevant code). asp net popup windows size

Feedback See all features. Highslide Into Iframe

* I just tried the application, It is wonderful idea. Like you said in the website "few clicks without writing a single line of code" because most of the people is not web designers".

* I am thrilled with what this tool can do for me thanks for all the hard work that must have gone into it.

* I would like to say that Visual LightBox is a stunning lil program! Its almost too good to be true i'd say! I've been looking for tutorials to create a lightbox gallery, but just couldnt come right. Im so glad i found Visual LightBox! window createpopup when minimized

* First of all, I love you Visual LightBox. I think it's beautiful! I purchased the lightbox "business edition" yesterday, and I’m very happy how easy it is to use. Found this to be one of the fastest ways to get a gallery on the web. Gracias.

FAQ See all features. Javascript Dom Open Modal Window

Q: How can I set the number of thumbnails columns?

A: Open the generated 'engine\css\vlightbox. css' in any text editor and specify the width for your gallery, for example:

Change this value to have a different number of columns.


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Cara Membuat Sidebar Akordion dengan JQuery di Blog | Sidebar akordion memang sangat menarik untuk di pasang di blogger, keunikannya widget-widgetnya yang muncul hanya 1, maksudnya widget paling atas muncul pertama kali saat blog di buka, widget yang ke 2 ke 3 ke 4 dan seterusnya, disembunyikan, maksudnya yang muncul hanya judul-judulnya saja, jika kurang jelas lihat gambar di bawah ini.

Sebelum mencoba artikel ini ada baiknya template sobat di back up dulu, untuk memasang sidebar akordion sobat harus mengenal ID sidebar dan ID sidebar h2 masing-masing, untuk lebih jelasnya lihatlah gambar dibawah ini :

ID #sidebar h2 ( judul widget di sidebar ) :

Langkah-Langkah Membuat Sidebar Akordion :

Pertama-tama masuklah ke halaman editor HTML template Anda, lalu temukan kode </head> (kode javascript ini dengan ID #sidebar-wrapper :

<script src='http://ajax. googleapis. com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery. min. js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ $(function() // Sembunyikan semua tubuh widget (tutup semua panel) $(' #sidebar-wrapper. widget-content').hide(); // Tambahkan class 'active' pada elemen <h2> pertama // kemudian tampilkan elemen berikutnya dengan efek. slideDown(), sehingga panel akordion paling atas akan tampak terbuka $(' #sidebar-wrapper h2 :first').addClass('active').next().slideDown('slow'); // Saat elemen <h2> yang berada di dalam elemen #sidebar-wrapper diklik. $(' #sidebar-wrapper h2 ').click(function() if($(this).next().is(':hidden')) // Sembunyikan semua panel yang terbuka dengan efek. slideUp() $(' #sidebar-wrapper h2 ').removeClass('active').next().slideUp('slow'); // Lalu buka panel yang berada di bawah elemen ini (elemen <h2> yang diklik) dengan efek. slideDown() $(this).toggleClass('active').next().slideDown('slow'); > >); >); //]]> </script> Demo : http://dte-dummy. blogspot. com/

Jika mau bisa dibuka lalu ditutup lagi pakai kode ini : <!-- Sidebar Akordion dengan JQuery dari Blog Krizeer (www. yoga-tc. blogspot. com) --> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ // sidebar $(function() #sidebar-wrapper. widget-content').hide();$(' #sidebar-wrapper h2 :first').addClass('active').next().slideDown('slow');$(' #sidebar-wrapper h2 ').css('cursor','pointer').click(function() #sidebar-wrapper h2 ').removeClass('active').next().slideUp('slow');if($(this).next().is(':hidden')) else >)>); //]]> </script> Demo : http://demo-anak-layangan. blogspot. com/

Jika di template sobat sudah memasang jQuery, jangan copy kode di atas, karena satu template hanya memasang satu jQuery, jika lebih beberapa widget tidak akan berfungsi.

Tidak berhasil? Oke, mungkin Anda mempunyai sidebar dengan ID yang berbeda. Coba periksa kembali template Anda dan temukan baris kode yang menggambarkan deretan widget sidebar blog Anda. Kurang lebih tampilannya seperti ini: <div id=' sidebar-wrapper-2 '> <b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'> <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Kategori' type='Label'/> <b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='Entri Populer' type='PopularPosts'/> <b:widget id='Stats1' locked='false' title='Statistik' type='Stats'/> <b:widget id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Komunitas' type='HTML'/> <b:widget id='HTML4' locked='false' title='Facebook Suka' type='HTML'/> </b:section> </div> Atau seperti ini dengan memakai ID #sidebar <div id=' sidebar '> <b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'> <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Kategori' type='Label'/> <b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='Entri Populer' type='PopularPosts'/> <b:widget id='Stats1' locked='false' title='Statistik' type='Stats'/> <b:widget id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Komunitas' type='HTML'/> <b:widget id='HTML4' locked='false' title='Facebook Suka' type='HTML'/> </b:section> </div> Saya rasa artikel ini sudah cukup jelas, jika ada yang mau ditanyakan, silahkan

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Map Widgets for jQuery

Map Widgets for jQuery

Welocally Map Widgets for jQuery Makes Google Maps Easy

Quickly create stunning highly styled jQuery and Google Maps v3 based maps for your next business directory, real estate guide, or travel site project. Included 2 power widgets and 3 themes with custom markers and original PSDs. Saves 60 hrs of work, installs in minutes.

Welocally Maps Quick Widgets is a set of jQuery based javascript widgets that make it easy to create highly styled customized maps using Google Maps API v3. Its perfect for creating business directory websites, travel sites, real estate guides or any website where you want to go beyond the look and feel of Google Maps and showcase real world places.

The download package includes a working demo of both widgets, and all three themes with a guide on how to use them and style them for websites.

Simplifies the Google Maps v3 API

2 Widgets Included, Place Widget and Interactive Multi Place Widget

3 Themes with custom marker and icon photoshop files included

Package includes working demos with installation and styling guides

We have packaged up two widgets to help you make location aware website quickly, with a unique style and flair

What is a Welocally Place? The widgets use a data model based on JSON based places. Simply put, a place is all the relevant facts about a real world location, like its name, location, phone number, and website. This data is then used to set the map location and create place cards or marker maps.

Place Widget The Place Widget is a pin card style widget that makes it easy to showcase a business, real estate listing, or travel destination integrated directly with your content.

Multiplace Widget The multiplace widget is a fully interactive map widget, when users click on map markers it highlights the location with all the details of the place your site is showcasing. No more gigantic map balloons, or a map that looks like everyone else’s. Category maps, travel maps, destination guides, foodie sites. Its all easier with Google Maps Quick Widgets by Welocally.

Cloud Enabled with Google Docs

Now you can put your places in the cloud with support for making publicly published Google Docs spreadsheets your cloud places database (only sold on binpress). Want to put a place on many sites and manage it in one place? (Multisite or Developer license) By using your Google Docs spreadsheet as the places database you now have a single source of truth with no databases required!

makes a map that looks like…

Google Docs Cloud Enabled Place Keep all the places you care about sharing on one spreadsheet, when you update that row in the database the place info gets updated too.

Create a Custom Places Map with Google Docs Spreadsheets Want a custom map in the cloud with just the places you care about? Remove any place from the spreadsheet and the map automatically recenters itself. All cloud places are instantly updated when you edit the spreadsheet.

Support Site Available

Welocally wants to provide great support and build a developer community, so we have created support site for our products so you can bring up detailed technical questions. We request that you go there for technical support so people can use the comments section for simple comments about the product.

How To Add Hide Widgets On Certain Pages, Categories And Posts In WordPress

How many of us want to hide or show widget on certain posts or categories or visitors coming from certain websites and its quite essential to show up your affiliate ads or a poll based upon the a particular page or a category. I am not gonna write a code for these functions rather I found a pretty cool WordPress plugin named Widget Logic that adds the ability to hide or show widgets on your WordPress blog.

So this is not actually a tutorial, but a tip to add some logic to the widgets that are used on your WordPress blog. The functions of this plugin uses the WordPress conditional tags .

Once you have installed the plugin, you can see the Widget Logic text box added to all the widgets and now using the functions you can add conditional tag to hide or show the widgets on certain pages or categories or posts. If you are not much aware of WordPress conditional tags, you can have a look at it here

To make this post pretty helpful I have added some common tags that hides or shows widgets and here we go.

is_single() to display the widget only on single pages

is_home() to display the widget only on home page

is_single(12) to display the widget on the post ID 12. The post ID is nothing but a unique number that was allocated to a blog post. So how to find the post? Simple one of my fellow blogger have blogged about it, just head over there.

!is_home() to display the widget on all the places except the homepage.

strpos($_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’], “google. com”)!=false to display the widget for visitors who comes through Google. You can try the same step to replace Google. com with Facebook. com if you want to have a greet message for Facebook users.

is_single(‘Blogger Tips’) to display the widget on the post titled Blogger Tips. This indirectly helps you in adding a suitable affiliates ads for certain pages.

is_page(‘contact’) to display the widget only on a particular page contact. You can change the value “contact” to any page name of your wish.

is_category(array(5,9,10,11)) to display the widget only for certain category classified by category numbers*. You can even use single category numbers to hide or show widgets.

is_user_logged_in() to display the widget only for logged in users.

*To know category numbers in WordPress head to the category page in your Wp admin and click on edit on any of the one category. Look into your address bar to find the category ID.

If you are looking for more conditional tags drop in your comments.

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Thanks for this info, it has finally let me organize my sidebar after months of unlucky search.

I do have a question though. I wanted to use the “is_home()” condition but it didn’t work - I assume that the reason is that my home page (landing page) is actually unnamed in the admin panel. It is the only way I could think of of not haviing 2 home pages. Since there is no”home” page the condition can’t perform. Is there anyway around this?

thanks, Federico maitravelsite. com

PS I have now set it up for some things to only show in the single pages, but it would be better if they should in all but the home (landing) page

Hye there, my questions is how to ignore widget in certain category i have try to put”!is_category(16) but did’t works..please help.

remove the. and try it with is_category(16) it will work

Hi can I have the same widget twice in the sidebar and tell one to show up on one page and the other one on another one.

Its a gallery widget and I want different specific thumbnails on different pages.

I want the same widgets on all pages but with different information.

Use this statement is_single(Your Page ID) to add different information on same widget. Replace “Your page ID” with the respective page ID

One of the most valuable plugins i’ve found to date. Been researching for months to get this feature and your plugin made something that seems so hard so simple. Thanks much I will donate.

This is brilliant! Muchas gracias. I was trying to display a login box only on the members category page. This will do the trick nicely. Aclamaciones. .-= Mike Haydon´s last blog. Use WordPress Plugins WP YouTube &amp Youtube Thumbnailer Together =-.

Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. Got it all up and working fine on one of my websites. I’m sure there could be a lot of uses for this when optimizing a blog. .-= Buzz´s last blog. T-Mobile Kids Talk Free Promotion =-.

jQuery UI Widgets vs. HTML5

Overlapping Functionality

input[type=date] vs. datepicker

input[type=number] vs. spinner

input[type=range] vs. slider

<datalist> vs. autocomplete

<progress> vs. progressbar

With recent advances in the HTML5 specification and implementations there's actually several native controls that now perform the same task we've been using JavaScript to create for years.

Native on left, UI widget on right

Leaves developers with a decision to make.

How did we get here?

Most of this conflicting functionality occurs on form controls.

Limited Number of Form Controls

Form Controls

Up until a year ago this representing the entirety of building blocks available to build native web forms.

Middle 4 are buttons.

Which is crazy because these controls were save to use 15 years ago.

The entire profession of UX became a thing.

These form controls do provide the optimal means of collecting user input for all forms on the internet.

We figured out JavaScript

Went from a language used to perform image rollovers to one that was capable of creation really robust widgets and interactions.

We made better UIs

These got popular. Discovered there was really a need for these controls.

They got standardized


Know from download statistics that it's by far the most popular widget jQuery UI provides.

How do we create these?

Let's talk about the native picker first.

input[type=date] Support

http://caniuse. com/#feat=input-datetime

Why use input[type=date]?

min / max / step attributes

Hooks into the constraint validation API


To Summarize.

Those are the most popular.

Problem isn't specific to jQuery UI.

Native Features


Dependency Free

User Agent Optimized Input

Hooks into Other Native Functionality

Lack of browser support

Not styleable / themeable

Not customizable

Not extensible

Because of lack of extensibility these controls don't play nice with UI widgets.

UI Widgets vs. Native Elements

You have to pick one or the other.


Future Solutions

Add a new shadow root to a <input>

Not implemented anywhere yet.


Future Solutions

Custom elements are part of web components specification.

Eventually, custom form elements will be possible.

Not part of the specification yet.

How jQuery UI can help

stepUp() / stepDown()

Range Orientation

Spec currently recommends using the height / width to determine the orientation of the slider. - webkit-appearance: slider-vertical;

Sane Orientation API

https://twitter. com/scott_gonzalez/status/316991019193335809


http://trends. builtwith. com/javascript/jQuery-UI

Want to Help?



Add wss widget to your website, blogs, etc. Use simple HTML code below:


<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/wssautotrader-winning-solution-EURUSD-small-widget. gif" alt="WSSAutoTrader EURUSD" /></a>


<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/wssautotrader-winning-solution-EURUSD-medium-widget. gif" alt="WSSAutoTrader EURUSD" /></a>


<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/wssautotrader-winning-solution-EURUSD-large-widget. gif" alt="WSSAutoTrader EURUSD" /></a>

<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/wsspivot-winning-solution-EURUSD-small-widget. gif" alt="WSSPIVOT EURUSD" /></a>

<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/wsspivot-winning-solution-EURUSD-medium-widget. gif" alt="WSSPIVOT EURUSD" /></a>

<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/wsspivot-winning-solution-EURUSD-large-widget. gif" alt="WSSPIVOT EURUSD" /></a>

<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/WSS943-winning-solution-EURUSD-small-widget. gif" alt="WSS943 EURUSD" /></a>

<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/WSS943-winning-solution-EURUSD-medium-widget. gif" alt="WSS943 EURUSD" /></a>

<a title="Winning Solution System" href="http://winningsolutionsystem. com"><img src="http://winningsolutionsystem. com/chart/WSS943-winning-solution-EURUSD-large-widget. gif" alt="WSS943 EURUSD" /></a>


Social Media

Expert Advisor

Forex Signal

Corredor de Forex

Forex VPS

All Kendo UI widgets are registered as jQuery plug-ins. which allows them to be instantiated on a jQuery object instance. The jQuery plug-in method is formed by the widget name in Pascal case, prefixed with kendo as in kendoGrid and kendoListView. The methods for mobile widgets are prefixed with Mobile to avoid collisions with their desktop counterparts as in kendoMobileTabStrip. kendoMobileButton and kendoMobileListView .

Some Kendo UI widgets have specific requirements about the element types they should be instantiated on. For more details and working examples, check the source code in the respective widget demo and API reference .

While it is theoretically possible to initialize several different Kendo UI widgets from the same DOM element, this is not recommended and may lead to undesired side effects.

It is strongly recommended to initialize Kendo UI widgets from HTML elements, which are part of the DOM tree. Creating widgets from document fragments may cause undesired side effects or Javascript errors.

The example below demonstrates how to instantiate a Kendo UI AutoComplete.


A similar approach is used for all other widgets, with the widget name being spelled in PascalCase. The widget initialization method follows the jQuery plugin paradigm and returns the jQuery object of the same DOM element used for widget creation. In other words, it does not return the widget instance, and the instance should be obtained via the jQuery data() method .

If the jQuery object includes more than one DOM element, a separate widget will be instantiated for each.

The example below demonstrates how to instantiate multiple buttons with a single jQuery selector.


The jQuery convention of returning the selected DOM element from most methods applies to the widget initialization methods. This allows jQuery methods to be chained.

The example below demonstrates the chain jQuery method calls after the widget instantiation plug-in method.


It is theoretically possible to initialize a Kendo UI widget, which is inside an iframe. from the context of the parent page. This may work in specific scenarios, but is not officially supported. For example, widgets that render popups may not be able to display them.

You can configure a Kendo UI widget by passing a configuration object (key/value pairs) as an argument to the jQuery plugin method. Each widget supported configuration options and events are listed in the respective widget API reference. The configuration object may also contain event handlers that will be bound to the corresponding widget events.

The example below sets the height. columns and dataSource configuration options of the Grid widget.


When using a Kendo UI server-side wrapper (as the server-side wrappers are automatically initialized) or when a widget is being created in an event handler executed multiple times, it is possible to initialize a widget on the same DOM element more than once. In such a scenario, do not try to recreate a widget instance when the goal is to get the instance object.

A common mistake is to recreate a widget instance when the goal is only to get the instance object. Duplicate initialization is not supported and results in unexpected side effects.


In order to check whether a widget instance already exists for a certain DOM element, use the standard way to obtain the widget instance. If the returned value is undefined. then the widget instance does not exist.


Other articles on getting started with Kendo UI:

Copyright y copia; 2002-2016 Telerik Inc. All rights reserved.

Beautiful Scrolling Recent Posts Widget for Blogger

Blogger. com is an easy platform for creating free blogs and making them stunning. Actually, now you can stylize your blog with tons of free widgets by different \designers. Now You’re not alone; there are thousands of great guys [including me, lol] who are just working for you.

We previously shared some beautiful widgets about blogger blogs and thus we’re coming up with another stylish widget which is Recent Posts Scrolling Widget. This widget will give your a blog a new dynamic look which will be looking awesome. This widget is built-in jQuery and JavaScript.

And this is not a simple static widget, this is a dynamic widget which works like charm on your blog. Your recent posts will be looking great with this new widget.

Now let’s start adding this beautiful widget to your blogger blogs..

Go to Blogger Dashboard

Now Template >> HTML >> Proceder

And find <head> tag inside your template by using CTRL+F

Right after <head> tag insert following jQuery link

<script src=’//ajax. googleapis. com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery. min. js’ type=’text/javascript’></script>

Save your template And you’re done…

Adding the widget to blogger

Now after adding the JavaScript library into your blog’s HTML section, do the following to add this cute widget into your blog:

Go to Blogger >> Layout >> Add Gadget >> Select an HTML/JavaScript Gadget

Copy the following code and paste inside an HTML/JavaScript widget

<style type=”text/css” media=”screen”> <!– /* ========== Scrolling Recent Posts Widget By helperblogger. com ======== */ #helperblogger-widget overflow: hidden; margin-top: 5px; padding: 0px 0px; height: 385px; > #helperblogger-widget ul width: 295px; sobrecarga oculta; list-style-type: none; padding: 0px 0px; margin: 0px 0px; > #helperblogger-widget li width: 282px; padding: 5px 5px; margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px; list-style-type: none; Float: ninguno; height: 80px; sobrecarga oculta; background: #fff url(https://lh6.googleusercontent. com/-A6a829gqfDQ/T-3xppy6MlI/AAAAAAAACFE/RrOao4P11Uk/s1600/helperblogger. com-post. jpg) repeat-x; border: 1px solid #ddd; > #helperblogger-widget li a text-decoration: none; color: #4B545B; font-size: 15px; height: 18px; sobrecarga oculta; margin: 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px 0px; > #helperblogger-widget img float: left; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 15px; background: #EFEFEF; Frontera: 0; > #helperblogger-widget img - webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease; - moz-transition: all 0.5s ease; transition: all 0.5s ease; padding: 4px; background: #eee; background: - webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#eee), color-stop(0.5, #ddd), color-stop(0.5, #c0c0c0), to(#aaa)); background: - moz-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #ddd 50%, #c0c0c0 50%, #aaa); - webkit-border-radius: 4px; - moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; - webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.7); - moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.7); box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.7); > #helperblogger-widget img:hover - moz-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-350deg); - webkit-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-350deg); - o-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-350deg); - ms-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-350deg); transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-350deg); - webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255,0,0,.4), inset 0 0 20px rgba(255,255,255,1); - moz-box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255,0,0,.4), inset 0 0 20px rgba(255,255,255,1); box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255,0,0,.4), inset 0 0 20px rgba(255,255,255,1); >.spydate overflow: hidden; font-size: 10px; color: #0284C2; padding: 2px 0px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 0px; height: 15px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, verdana, sans-serif; >.spycomment overflow: hidden; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #262B2F; padding: 0px 0px; margin: 0px 0px; > /* ========== Scrolling Recent Posts Widget By helperblogger. com ======== */ –> </style> <script language=’JavaScript’> imgr = new Array(); imgr[0] = “https://lh6.googleusercontent. com/-kPPx1sCN4Pg/T-3xq72pLeI/AAAAAAAACFM/IdO7GsyUvGM/s1600/no-thumbnail. png”; imgr[1] = “https://lh6.googleusercontent. com/-kPPx1sCN4Pg/T-3xq72pLeI/AAAAAAAACFM/IdO7GsyUvGM/s1600/no-thumbnail. png”; imgr[2] = “https://lh6.googleusercontent. com/-kPPx1sCN4Pg/T-3xq72pLeI/AAAAAAAACFM/IdO7GsyUvGM/s1600/no-thumbnail. png”; imgr[3] = “https://lh6.googleusercontent. com/-kPPx1sCN4Pg/T-3xq72pLeI/AAAAAAAACFM/IdO7GsyUvGM/s1600/no-thumbnail. png”; imgr[4] = “https://lh6.googleusercontent. com/-kPPx1sCN4Pg/T-3xq72pLeI/AAAAAAAACFM/IdO7GsyUvGM/s1600/no-thumbnail. png”; showRandomImg = true; boxwidth = 255; cellspacing = 6; borderColor = “#232c35”; bgTD = “#000000”; thumbwidth = 50; thumbheight = 50; fntsize = 15; acolor = “#666″; aBold = true; icon = ” “; text = “comments”; showPostDate = true; summaryPost = 40; summaryFontsize = 10; summaryColor = “#666″; icon2 = ” “; numposts = 10; home_page = “ http://www. bestbloggercafe. com /”; limitspy=4; intervalspy=4000; </script> <div id=”helperblogger-widget”> <script src=’//code. helperblogger. com/recent-posts-spy. js’ type=’text/javascript’></script> </div>

Just replace the URL “http://www. bestbloggercafe. com” with your own blog address and save the widget. That’s all done. And now view your blog with a new stylish addition. Disfruta!

Nota . This widget is originally shared by Rahul And we just reshared it for you. Thanks Rahul.

jQuery UI Widgets on Blog Pages

A little while ago I covered some important aspects of using the jQuery UI library inside of WordPress admin pages in the post entitled: jQuery UI in WordPress 3 Admin Pages .

This time, however, we will be focussing on how to add jQuery UI widgets into your WordPress posts/pages in a reusable way. All this will be wrapped up an a Plugin for portability. The Plugin will be uploaded to the WordPress. org Plugin repository and should be live soon, so you will be able to download it and use it on your own WordPress sites.

If you have ever tried to get jQuery, and in particular jQuery UI widgets, working on the front end of your WordPress site you may have had trouble getting everything configured correctly. You may have even had some measure of success but want to learn more. In fact, this post shows just how easy it is to get jQuery UI widgets up and running with the minimum of fuss.

Specifically we will cover how to:

Register and enqueue the jQuery, and jQuery UI libraries into your theme header correctly.

Add simple shortcode functions for each widget type.

Insert the shortcode and associated HTML code in a post/page to create the UI widget.

Let’s get started..

To start off with you will need to create a new Plugin file. Give the file name the same name as your Plugin name. Fill in the header information as usual. For this Plugin I have simply added:

/* Plugin Name: jQuery UI Widgets Plugin URI: http://www. presscoders. com/plugins/jquery-ui-widgets/ Description: WordPress Plugin to make it super easy to add-in jQuery UI widgets to your posts/pages via a shortcode. Version: 0.1 Author: David Gwyer Author URI: http://www. presscoders. com */

Next I have defined a named constant to store the path to the Plugin directory:

This just makes it easier to reference our Plugin directory with a short, descriptive, named constant.

We need to now define an action hook to run upon page initialisation, as follows:

We can now flesh out the callback function to run when the hook is triggered:

The ‘init’ action hook is triggered on admin pages too, but we only want it to add jQuery and jQuery UI on our blog pages. This is the purpose of the if(!is_admin()) statement. Once we can be assured our jQuery libraries will only be inserted into blog pages only we can register, and enqueue them. WordPress can then take care of adding them to the correct place in the head section of our site pages.

We want to use the jQuery library that ships with WordPress so we simply enqueue it (no need to register it as this is one of many JS libraries registered by default in WordPress). The jQuery UI library that we want to use is an external library, so this needs to be registered before it is enqueued. This is achieved by the following line of code:

Notice the last argument array('jquery'). This array defines the dependencies of the jQuery UI library. In short it will ensure that the JavaScript library with the ‘jQuery’ handle will be loaded before the jQuery UI is. It is not enough to add the jQuery libraries in the order you want them in the code file. You may run into trouble later on. Especially if you have many Plugins also adding jQuery libraries. To save yourself any problems, it is best to always make use of dependencies to guarantee they are loaded in the right order when the page loads in the browser.

In case you are wondering why we are using this particular jQuery UI file, it is really for simplicity and convenience. WordPress ships with several jQuery libraries including some jQuery UI but they are spread over more than one file and they don’t include everything. This one file stored on the Google API server has all the jQuery UI widgets contained inside, plus all the effects too (such as the accordion ‘bounceslide’ effect, for example)!

So, we have two jQuery libraries registered and enqueued, it is necessary to now do the same with two CSS style sheets. The first stylesheet is the main one that styles all the jQuery UI widgets, and this is registered and enqueued in a similar manner to the jQuery core, and UI libraries. The other style sheet is a custom one used to tweak the one returned from the Google API. This is necessary because (as you will no doubt find out yourself), depending on the them you have installed, you may find that your theme overrides certain elements that make your jQuery UI widgets look less than their best. An example of this is when using the Twenty Ten theme with the Plugin. The Twenty Ten CSS for the h3 tag was causing problems with rendering of the accordion widget, by adding a 20px margin to the bottom of every h3 tag. There is a slight issue with the font-size. these are both corrected in the custom style sheet. You will notice that we load the custom style sheet with the jQuery UI style sheet as a dependency to make sure it loads afterwards. Otherwise, changes to our custom one would have no effect if it was added to the page header first!

You should always use the custom style sheet to tweak to jQuery UI styles rather than from your main theme style sheet. Your main theme style sheet won’t be guaranteed to load after the jQuery UI style-sheet (in fact it probably won’t) so it is not a good idea to try and override the jQuery UI widget style from here. Just make sure to use the provided style sheet to customise the jQuery UI widget, if you need to, and you will be fine. If you are using another WordPress theme other than Twenty Ten than you might want to delete the contents of the custom CSS file and add to it as necessary (you might not even need to).

When one of your WordPress pages has loaded, view the page source and check the jQuery libraries (and style sheets) have loaded, and are in the correct order. Here is a screen shot similar to what you should see:

Right, so we have jQuery, and jQuery UI loading properly. Now it is time to use it! To insert the jQuery UI code for a specific widget on a post/page we will define a shortcode that will embed the code in the exact place we need it. It is then simply a matter of adding the associated HMTL code for the widget to render it to the page.

We will define three shortcodes, one for each type of widget we wish to display. The three we will implement are the accordion, tabs, and date picker widgets. To define shortcode for these widgets we need to add shortcode definitions to register it with the shortcode API.

The first argument will be the name that will be added to a post/page. So, for instance, to add the tabs jQuery UI widget script to a page we would add [jQuery-UI-tabs] to the post/page edit screen.

Finally, it is just a case of adding in the callback function definitions that are used to output the jQuery UI script in place of our shortcode when the page loads. The three shortcode callback functions are defined as:

Save the Plugin and upload to your WordPress installation, and then activate it.

Now, let’s see it in action.

Insert a shortcode in the post/page, after which you will need to add the HTML code for the UI widgets. To get you started you can simply copy the demo code from the jQueryUI. com website. For example, to get the HMTL for the accordion widget, go to:

and click on ‘View Source’ under then demo of the accordion. You can get the HTML source code for the other widgets by clicking on the left hand menu to load the widget you want. Don’t copy the code including the script tags, only the html contained in the div tags for the demo.

Copy the HTML into your post/page and save. View the post/page in a browser to see the jQuery UI widget displayed. The three screen shots below show the accordion, date picker, and tabs widgets in action.

In case you didn’t know it you there are many default different themes you can use with your jQuery UI widgets. You can even define your own but that is for another post! Take a look here to view all the different themes available for your jQuery UI widgets:

On the left hand side of the page click on ‘Gallery’ then scroll up/down to see all of the available theme style. Click on the preview squares (small date picker images) to see it used for all the jQuery UI widgets on the right hand side of the page. This is a nice way to quickly experiment with different theme styles.

You can very easily make your own jQuery UI widgets use a theme of your choice by editing a line in the Plugin code. Firstly pick a theme you want to try, and remember its name. For example lets change the style to the ‘Start’ theme.

In your WordPress admin panel go to Plugins -> Editor, and find the line of code in the jquid_init() function:

table sorter

This widget will only work in tablesorter version 2.8+ and jQuery version 1.7+.

Please do not use this widget in very large tables (it might be really slow) or when your table includes multiple tbodies .

In v2.25.4. the zebra widget is reapplied to the table after opening a collapsed group.

In v2.24.1

Added "group-text" group type to the Header Class Names. This class name will use the all of the text from the cell (this would essentially be the same as using "group-word-999").

Updated this demo to use the new "weekday-index" parser when the date column is set to "group-date-weekday", and to use the "time" parser when the date column is set to "group-date-time". It is not the most efficient because changing parsers requires an "update".

In v2.24.0

This widget now works properly when used with a pager that has the `removeRows` option set to `true`.

Added group_time24Hour (set 12 vs 24 hour time) & group_dateInvalid (group header text) options.

Improved compatibility of the group widget with jQuery Globalize.

The group_months option will now accept a zero or one-based array or object of month names.

The group_week option will now accept an object using three-letter English weekday abbreviations as a key.

The group_time option will now accept an object using "am" or "pm" as a key.

For more detail, see the description column for the option in the Options section below.

For information on how to load & use Globalize, see the Globalization section below.

In v2.23.3

Added group_forceColumn & group_enforceSort options for force column grouping.

Updated method used to save collapsed groups, so any previously collapsed groups will be ignored after this update.

In v2.22.0. group headers are now keyboard accessible using Tab ; and pressing Enter while the header has focus will toggle the group header, or use Shift + Enter to toggle all groups.

In v2.21.0

Added group_checkbox option to allow setting the parsed text from the "parser-input-select. js" checkbox parser.

Fixed an issue with the filter widget overriding the "group-hidden" class name.

In v2.15.6. added group_saveGroups & group_saveReset options. More details are included in the "Options" section.

In v2.14. added group_dateString option. More details are included in the "Options" section.

In v2.13. added group_separator option & group-separator-# header class name. To see this in action, check out the file type parser demo .

In v2.12. added group_callback & group_complete options. See options section below for details.

In v2.11.

The grouping widget now works across multiple tbodies.

Added group-false header option which disables the grouping widget for a specific column.

Added the group_collapsed option - get more details in the options block below.

You can now toggle all group rows by holding down the Shift key while clicking on a group header.

This widget now works properly with the pager addon (pager addon updated).

Clicking on any of the sortable header cells will cause the column below it to sort and add a group header.

Group widget default options (added inside of tablesorter widgetOptions )

¡PROPINA! Click on the link in the option column to reveal full details (or toggle |show |hide all) or double click to update the browser location.

Remember collapsed groups ( v2.15.6 )

This option saves the currently collapsed groups, using the group name.

Collapsed groups are saved by column and group class name, so that the groups can be dynamically changed and still remember the correct collapsed groups. Try changing the group names (using the sliders) in the demo below & then collapsing some groups several times; go back to previous groups and it will remember which groups were collapsed.

Because the group name is saved, groups with a number range (e. g. "group-number-10"; see the "Numeric" column below) will show a different range depending on sort direction; in this situation, each sort direction is saved independently.

This option requires the $.tablesorter. storage utility contained within the jquery. tablesorter. widgets. js file.

Element used to clear saved collapsed groups ( v2.15.6 )

This option should contain a jQuery selector string or jQuery object pointing to an element to be used to reset (clear) the list of collapsed groups.

You can also clear the saved collapsed groups by calling this function: $.tablesorter. grouping. clearSavedGroups(table); (table would be either the table DOM or table jQuery object).

This option requires the $.tablesorter. storage utility contained within the jquery. tablesorter. widgets. js file.

Allows you to add custom formatting, or remove, the group count within the group header. Set it to false or an empty string to remove the count.

*NOTE* The value that replaces the placeholder only counts the number of visible rows.

When the group-separator class name is added, it uses the setting from this option to split the table cell content for grouping v2.13 .

If your content has mixed separators (e. g. images/cats/burger-time. jpg ), you can set this option to use a regular expression:

Use this function to modify the group header text before it gets applied.

It provides various parameters ( txt, col, table, c, wo ) to make it work for any of the table columns and data. See the comments in the example below for more details.

txt - current text of the group header.

col - current table column being grouped (zero-based index).

table - current table (DOM).

c - table configuration data from table. config .

wo - table widget options from table. config. widgetOptions .

data - group & row data. Esto incluye:

data. group - (String) Current Group Name. Same as txt .

data. column - (Number) Current column. Same as col .

data.$row - (jQuery object) Row at the start of a group (group header is inserted before this row).

data. rowData - (Array) Parsed data from data.$row ; data. rowData[ c. columns ] contains raw row data & any associated child rows.

data. groupIndex - (Number) Do not change - Current group header index.

data. groupClass - (Array) Do not change - Class name applied to the header cell, e. g. 'group-letter-1' .

data. grouping - (Array) Do not change - This is the data. groupClass split into its components, e. g. ['group','letter','1'] .

data. savedGroup - (Boolean) Do not change - Value is true if the group is collapsed & saved to storage.

data. currentGroup - (String) Do not use This value is immediately replaced by the group_formatter returned value.

Use this function to further modify the group header to include more information (i. e. group totals). Parameters include ( $cell, $rows, column, table ). See the example below for more details v2.12.

$cell - current group header table cell (jQuery object).

$rows - current group rows (jQuery object).

column - current table column being grouped (zero-based index).

table - current table (DOM).

* When sorting some columns, different group headers with the same group name may exist. To make these columns sort specifically by the group you want, you'll need to modify the parser.

Before v2.24.1, this demo only used the "shortDate" parser on the date column, so when "group-date-week" or "group-date-time" were set, group headers would repeat.

jQuery Globalize

These instructions are specific to jQuery Globalize.

Here is a demo showing how all the code comes together; there is no official site with JSON files available to load into the demo, so only the required snippets of CLDR data are included in the demo.

Make sure to include files from:

jQuery Globalize:

Process CLDR data into usable formats.

Install from npm ( npm install globalize cldr-data ), bower ( bower install globalize ), or

Download from https://github. com/jquery/globalize .

Depending on the data in your table, you'll need to pick which modules to include; currently for the date module, you'll need to load the number module first (ref ).

Here is an example of how to load all files from Cdnjs (make sure to use the most recent version):


Needed by Globalize to traverse CLDR data.

Install from npm ( npm install cldrjs ), bower ( bower install cldrjs ), or

Download from https://github. com/rxaviers/cldrjs .

You will likely need to include all files: cldr. js. event. js. supplemental. js and unresolved. js .

Here is an example of how to load all files from Cdnjs (make sure to use the most recent version):

CLDR data:

Needed by Globalize & cldrjs.

Install from npm ( npm install cldr-data ), bower ( bower install cldr-data ), or

Find the latest version from here: http://cldr. unicode. org/index/downloads

And download the files from here: http://unicode. org/Public/cldr/ (it is really hard to find this page).

For more information on which json files you'll need to include, check out these instructions .


The next step is loading the CLDR data into Globalize; please see this page for more details.


Use Globalize with tablesorter & the group widget inside of the group_dateString callback function.

The group_months. group_week & group_time options were modified to work with CLDR data.

group_months option will work with either a zero-based array of month names (basic use), or an object with a key using a one-based indexed with a month name value pair (the CLDR format; see the "months" comment in code example below).

group_week option will work with either a zero-based array of weekday names (basic use), or an object with a key using three letter abbreviations of English weekday names with a localized weekday name value pair (the CLDR format; see the "days of week" comment in the code below).

group_time option will now accept an object using "am" or "pm" (both lower case) as a key.

The group_dateString callback function was updated with two additional parameters to allow access to table data. See the "Options" section above for more details.

Check out this demo using the code below

(includes subtotals) Animals column:

Page Header


jQuery Dashboard Widget

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jQuery UI AutoComplete Widget with ASP. NET MVC

In this post I am showing you how to use jQuery UI Autocomplete widget with ASP. NET MVC. The Autocomplete widget provides suggestions when you type some text into the text field. This is very useful when you provide search box to find data, so lets start using it in Fresh ASP. NET MVC website.

Visión de conjunto

From the jQuery UI website, Autocomplete, when added to an input field, enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering.

By giving an Autocomplete field focus or entering something into it, the plugin starts searching for entries that match and displays a list of values to choose from. By entering more characters, the user can filter down the list to better matches.

Autocomplete can be customized to work with various data sources, by just specifying the source option. A data source can be:

an Array with local data

a String, specifying a URL which returns Json formatted data

a Callback

What you will need?

To use jQuery UI widgets you will need jQuery UI library, you can download the latest version from here. Please make sure that you select the Autocomplete checkbox in the widgets section while downloading. After unzip, the library folder structure looks something like this:

From here we are interested in CSS and JS Folder. CSS folder contains the theme files [images and stylesheet] which you selected while downloading, in JS folder you will find JavaScript files which are required to work with jQuery UI.

Setting up project

I am assuming that you have Visual Studio 2010 Express or higher installed along with SQL Server 2008 Express or higher. I am using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on my machine both are freely available from Microsoft. I like Microsoft products very much.

Open Visual Web Developer 2010 Express from start menu and create new ASP. NET MVC 2 Empty Web Application project from the installed templates, you now have a working project.

Now add jQuery UI library to the newly created project.

Add images folder and jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom. css file from the CSS folder to the Content folder in the project then add both JavaScript files from JS folder to the Scripts folder.

Your solution explorer window may look like this:

In this MVC application I’ll use AdventureWorks LT 2008 R2 database to show data in jQuery UI Autocomplete widget. To work with the database I’m also adding ADO. NET Entity Data Model [edmx] file in the Models folder, I am adding only Customer table from the AdventureWorks LT 2008 R2 database.

Lets add our Data Model in the project, right click on the Models folder and select add new item, select ADO. NET Entity Data Model from the list of items in the Add New Item dialog and name it AdventureWorksDB. edmx . Follow the wizard and add connection to the AdventureWorks LT 2008 R2 Database or any other database that you have on your machine and add table that you want to work with, but you have to change some code according what you have selected.

If you done exactly as described then we have our Data Model ready to work in the Models folder. Now add Controller in the project, just right click on the Controller folder and click Add Controller, name the controller as you want I name it HomeController:

Now we have to add HomeController’s Action method which returns Json formatted data of Customers Object from the AdventureWorks database.

Here is the Action Method which is called by the Autocomplete widget and returns Json formatted data.

In the above code for the HomeController there are two Action methods, Index() which is created by default and GetCustomers(string term) which is used to get Json formatted data. In the GetCustomers(string term) you see we passed parameter “ term ” of string type, which is passed as a Request variable from the Autocomplete widget and is used to get data based on it.

Before working with the Entity Data Model we first need to add a using C# statement in the HomeController to get reference to the Models just like that:

Move to the GetCustomers(string term) Action method, I declared a variable db of type AdventureWorksEntities which have all our Data Objects programmed in it by the Entity Framework, I then defined a variable customers and shape the required data by using LINQ to Entities, remove duplicate entries by calling Distinct() Extension method and finally return customers as a Json.

Ok, we now have our Controller ready for the Autocomplete widget, finally we have to add a View for the Index() Action method, to add a view simply right click anywhere in the HomeController’s Index() Action method and click Add View context menu item this is the easiest way to add View. Follow the options as shown in the image below for Add View.

I didn’t add any Master View page to the project yet that’s why I didn’t checked Select master page checkbox, if you have one added already then you can check it.

Visual Web Developer adds Index View as Index. aspx in the Views/Home folder and opened it for editing. In the Index. aspx view page add the following code in the head section which are required to add Autocomplete suggestion feature to the text fields.

After adding above references add the following HTML code in the body section which adds a label and text input control which acts as a Autocomplete widget. Finally add the following javascript code in the head section to bind the Autocomplete widget to the text input field.

We are done here with Autocomplete widget, now build and run the application by pressing F5 . If all goes well then you are presented with application running in the default internet browser, to test Autocomplete widget just type two or more letters in the input field and the results will show instantly. see the screenshot below:

I hope you have successfully implement Autocomplete widget as described above. jQuery UI Autocomplete widget has a few options to set as desired, you can have a look on it by going here .

Hope this works!

Free Forex and Currency Data Widget

FinancialContent has created and made available a free currency conversion widget. This widget shows the exchange rates of the Euro, Yen and British Pound Stirling to the US Dollar (USD).

Our data service carries live exchange rates on the world's currencies. Contact us today to add more currencies to this free widget.

This widget can be added to any website. Just copy the JavaScript below the widget, place it in a div and use it on any page of your site or blog. For more information on integrating widgets within your website, read the documentation page .

To add this widget to any webpage, copy the JavaScript code below:

To get your own ad-free, customized version of this widget, contact us today using the form below

&dupdo; Copyright 2016 FinancialContent Services, Inc.

Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us

The Best Of jQuery Image Galleries & Sliders

j Query is a compact JavaScript library that bring out interaction between HTML and JavaScript. It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC. jQuery simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. A large number’s of users and companies including Google. Mozilla, Digg, Technorati and WordPress using jQuery libraries

jQuery image galleries and sliders are very common on websites for displaying images and photos. Today we’ve arrange a good list of jQuery image galleries and sliders that you want to get in on your website.

SlideDeck comes with a gorgeously designed skin. It’s very Easy to Implementation with a few lines of code. Its also available for WordPress blogs as a plugin.

ThickBox is a webpage dialog widget written in jQuery Library. It’s used to display single image, multiple images, inline content and AJAX based content in a single dialog widget with easy navigation.

This plugin is simple, unobtrusive, elegant, and no need extra markup with overlay images on the current page with the power of jQuery’s selector.

Nivo Slider is also a jQuery based plugin with great features. It’s available in 9 unique transition effects, Keyboard Navigation and Simple and clean.

CU3ER Image Slider comes with 3D transitions between slides. It use XML file to load the images.

Coin Slider is a jQuery image slider comes with unique effects, Flexible configuration, Auto slide and Navigation box facility.

With this jQuery Plugin you can be Slides anything, Navigation tabs are built and added dynamically.

It’s come with Slick effect that no needed Flash Player. It’s just a 2K in size and Cycles items via slide show.

Economic Calendar

Updated global market announcements dates and times, including filters for volatility and country. Use the filters to change the date range or markets that you want to see.

You can also add the calendar easily to your own site or blog using the code below the calendar.

Add an Economic Calendar like the one above to your site using the following code…

An economic calendar is a list of upcoming market announcements that are expected to influence market and asset prices. Traders that trade on news strategies or fluctuations in market conditions use the calendar to know when events are happening that will affect prices and volumes.

One of the most important indicators for economic events is the expected volatility of the event. This refers to how much the announcement is expected to affect the market. The higher the volatility, the more important the event is considered to the market. Before a major announcement and obviously afterwards, trader behavior changes as a result. Experienced traders use the knowledge of upcoming events to take advantage of expected changes in trading volume and behavior.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is the opinion of the authors and is not necessarily based on factual data or actual legal decisions. TradeOpus y sus empleados no aceptan ningún tipo de responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la dependencia de la información proporcionada en este sitio web. See our Privacy Policy here

Risk Disclosure: Trading in the financial markets comes with varying levels of risk. Es responsabilidad del comerciante reconocer los riesgos involucrados. Traders should never risk more money then he can afford to lose. TradeOpus and it's employees don't retain any responsibility for any trading losses traders may face as a result of using the data or advice contained in this website.

In accordance with FTC guidelines, TradeOpus. com has financial relationships with some of the products and services mention on this website, and TradeOpus. com may be compensated if consumers choose to click these links in our content and ultimately sign up for them.

TradeOpus es su autoridad para el comercio de opciones binarias. En TradeOpus ofrecemos información actualizada en el mundo de las opciones binarias, incluyendo revisiones exhaustivas de brokers. Google+

Design Chemical

Updated: 18th January 2012

This plugin allows you to easily create multiple jquery vertical accordion menus using the custom menus function, available in Wordpress 3.0.

The accordion menu can handle any number of sub-menus and features include the option to select either “hover” or “click” to activate the menu, add a count showing the number of links under each menu item & auto-expand menu based on the current page.

Also Check Out Our Premium WordPress Plugins:

Demo Accordion Menu

Download The Plugin


Upload the plugin through ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ interface or upload ‘jquery-vertical-accordion-menu’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directorio

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

If you dont yet have a custom menu, create one in the Menu area.

In the widgets section, select the jQuery accordion menu widget and add to one of your widget areas

Select one of the available custom menus from the dropdown list

Your theme must be able to support custom menus


Accordion menus can be added to your site using either widget areas or shortcodes (available starting version 3.0)

Before you can configure the accordion menu you require a Wordpress custom menu – either use an existing menu or set one up via the menu option in Wordpress admin.

Note: that in order for the accordion effect to work the menu must have at least 2 levels .

Create Your Vertical Accordion Menu Using Widgets

Either use an existing widget in your Wordpress theme or create a new widget area in the required location.

For more information on how to add a new widget to your Wordpress theme see our follow up Wordpress tutorial – “Adding A Widget Area To Your Theme Files” .

To create your accordion menu drag the jQuery Accordion Menu widget to the widget area and select your custom menu from the drop down menu.

Configuring Your Accordion Menu Widget

The widget has several parameters that can be configured to help cutomise the vertical accordion menu:


Selects the event type that will trigger the menu to open/close

Note: care should be taken when selecting the hover event as this may impact useability – adding a hover delay and reducing the animation speed may help reduce problems with useability

Auto-close open menus

If checked this will allow only one menu item to be expanded at any time. Clicking on a new menu item will automatically close the previous one.

Save menu state (uses cookies)

Selecting this will allow the menu to remember its open/close state when browsing to a new page.

Auto Expand Based on Current Page/Item

If selected the menu will use the inherent Wordpress menu system for identifying the users current page and automatically expand the sub-menus. Useful if users browse to pages via other links.

Disable parent links

If selected, any menu items that have child elements will have their links disabled and will only open/close their relevant sub-menus. Do not select this if you want the user to still be able to browse to that item’s page.

Close menu (hover only)

If checked the menu will automatically fully close after 1 second when the mouse moves off the menu – only available if event type is “hover”

Show Count

Check this box to display a count of the number of links under each menu heading.

Class Menu

If you want to create your own skin and have more control over the menu styling you can enter your own CSS class name. If you are unsure about this setting or want to use the default Wordpress class (menu) leave this field blank.

Class Disable

Input the CSS class of any parent menu items that you want to disable – p. ej. if you add a custom CSS class of “menu-disable” in the Wordpress menu editor page to a menu link that you dont want open/close then enter “menu-disable” in this field.

Leave the field blank if you want all menu items to use the accordion features.

Hover delay

This setting adds a delay to the hover event to help prevent the menu opening/closing accidentally. A higher number means the cursor must stop moving for longer before the menu action will trigger.

Animation Speed

The speed at which the menu will open/close


Several sample skins are available to give examples of css that can be used to style your accordion menu.

Create Your Vertical Accordion Menu Using Shortcodes

The minimum requirement for adding a menu using a shortcode is to include the name of the menu that you want to use for the vertical accordion – the name must match one of the menus created in the Wordpress menu admin page.

To add a menu using shortcodes use the following code:

The above shortcode would add the menu “Test Menu” with the default accordion settings (see below)/

Optional shortcode parameters for customising the menu (refer to widget settings above for information):

event – click/hover (default = click)

auto_close – true/false (default = false)

save – true/false (default = false)

expand – true/false (default = false)

disable – true/false (default = false)

close – true/false (default = false)

count – true/false (default = false)

menu_class – optional (default = menu)

disable_class – optional (no default)

hover – 600

animation – slow/normal/fast (default = slow)

skin – black/blue/clean/demo/graphite/grey (default = No Theme)

Example of custom menu using shortcodes

To add an accordion menu using the “hover” event, save state on, parent links disabled, include count of child links and auto-expand to show current page:

Using shortcodes in template files

Creating A Custom Skin

For a blank CSS template and more information on how to create a custom skin for this plugin see FAQ – Creating a custom skin for the wordpress jQuery vertical accordion menu plugin .

preguntas frecuentes

Many issues that can crop up with installing and using the plugin with different themes have also been covered in our comments section. Please also check previous comments and FAQ for further information/tips.

For plugin customisations or additional support please contact us for a quotation.

Demo Accordion Menu

Download The Plugin

Top Currency Converter v1.0

Top Currency Converter – a jQuery Plugin that creates a Currency Converter Widget. Top Currency Converter allows to Convert Currencies using Real-time Updated rates. Easy to integrate for any website. Autocomplete, Text based Calculator and 10 Different Styles are just some of the features included, to make the use of Top Currency Converter Easy and Powerful.


jQuery UI Bootstrap - A New Bootstrap-inspired Theme For Your Widgets

January 1, 2012

I recently released the first version of a new project called jQuery UI Bootstrap - a Twitter Bootstrap inspired theme for UI widgets. For a demo of the theme or to download it, hop on over to the project homepage .


Bootstrap was one of my favorite OS projects to come out of 2011 and I found myself regularly using it a base for a number of projects, both at work and otherwise. However, whilst planning out the user-interfaces for some new projects at AOL, I ran into a problem :

We wanted to use jQuery UI for widget development but also wanted to use it alongside Bootstrap. Bootstrap has a great visual design for everything from buttons to tabs and would provide us with an excellent base theme we could iterate on as projects progressed.

As some of you may know, not only wasn't there a Bootstrapped theme available for jQuery UI but if you added both it and Bootstrap to a page, you would quickly find that a number of CSS styles for UI widgets would break due to collisions. This isn't at all a fault of the Bootstrap project - it wasn't created to be used with jQuery UI, however, a solution was required.

What is jQuery UI Bootstrap?

jQuery UI Bootstrap offers a clean implementation of the Twitter Bootstrap design as a jQuery UI theme that can be applied to widgets. It also includes a 'cleaned up' version of Bootstrap which *can* be used alongside this particular theme (and possibly others) without needing to worry about styles colliding.

As a demonstration, why not take a look at the project's homepage. - both the intro area and download buttons are using Bootstrap for theming whilst everything else is using a jQuery UI for theirs. The benefit of this is that you're free to use everything from Bootstrap's wells to grids for your page layout and the jQuery UI theme for interactive widgets.

It's a solution which (I hope) others find useful.

The project is still quite early on in development, but you can already use a number of components (buttons, button sets, horizontal sliders, tabs, modal windows, date-pickers) in production with some confidence it should all work. Tweaking is still being done for things like buttons with icons and third-party widgets, but I'll be sure to post up any progress up on GitHub so the community can use the theme too.

Frequently asked questions

What browsers does the theme target?

At present: Chrome 15+ (supports 13/14 too), Opera (stable + next), Firefox 5+, Safari 5+, IE 8+. yo

Is the theme compatible with Wijmo?

The initial release shows a proof-of-concept implementation of the Bootstrap menu styles applied to the Wijmo menu. Chris Bannon is currently working on a fork of jQuery UI Bootstrap with the goal of adding improved Wijmo support (to this and other components) and I'll be sure to announce once that work has been merged in.


If you have any ideas or issues you'd like to submit about the project, please feel free to do so either in the comments section below or on GitHub .

A quick thanks to everyone on Twitter that provided me feedback on the theme over the past week. You really helped me get a sense of what needed to be tweaked for 0.1 and I appreciate it.

Engineer at Google working on open web tooling


Full cross-browser compatibility

Fully accessible even when javascript is turned off, as a pure css menu

Search engines optimized

Clear unordered list (LI and UL HTML tags) structure

Easy to setup and update

Fantastic animation and transition effects

Multiple pre-desinded color schemes

Completely customizable styling with CSS

Powered by jQuery

Extremely small - 3kb uncompressed

Related Menus - Ajax Slide Down Menu

• Full source code

• This menu style (Style 13)

• All 6 color schemes

• Instant delivery by email

• Full source code

• All menu styles

• All color schemes

• Instant delivery by email

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Live Forex Charts Widget

Enhance your website’s user experience. Place Free Live Forex Charts Widget on your website and let your visitors monitor live quotations of the World's Most Popular Currencies in different time frames: from 5 minutes to 1 week.

The Widget shows the historical movements of the market stretching back over the years. The Chart will keep you up-to-date on the Currency Market around the world.

In addition, IFC Markets offers the following specialized Live Charts:

How to set Live Charts Widget on your website

Click on “Show/Hide Instruments” button and select the instruments you want to show

Select the widget language

Click on "Get the code" button and copy the code

Paste the code on your website (exactly where you want the widget to appear)

We have a rel="nofollow" tag towards the bottom of the code. If you would like to give us credit for using our widget, as the editor of your site, you can remove this tag: rel="nofollow". By removing the rel=”nofollow” tag, you help us keep these widgets FREE. ¡Gracias!

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How to add jquery 3d slider in Wordpress widget?

Q: I use you wowslider. It's amazing! I successfully added shortcode on my Wordpress page. But I want to put your slideshow in the right sidebar now. How might I get a shortcode slider to work in a text-widget in the sidebar?

A: You should install a special plugin that allows to add php code into text widget firstly. For example, "daikos-text-widget": http://wordpress. org/extend/plugins/daikos-text-widget/ After that go to wowslider -> All Sliders

and click on "Excerpt view" button at the top right corner. Additional line "for templates" with php code will appear under line with shortcode.

You should add this php code into "daikos-text-widget", for example:

Design Chemical

Wordpress Plugin – jQuery Slick Menu Widget

Updated September 26th 2011

The jQuery Slick Menu plugin creates sticky, sliding menus from any custom Wordpress menu available with Wordpress 3.0. Using this plugin you can add links/menus for items that you want to highlight and always be available for your users.

The plugin can handle multiple slick menus on each page and the location of each widget menu can be easily configured using a combination of the “location” and “offset” options available in each slick menu’s widget control panel.

The menu plugin also includes the feature to open/close the sliding menu panel using external text links, which can be added to the content using shortcodes.

Also Check Out Our Premium WordPress Plugins:

jQuery Slick Menu Demo

Download The Plugin


Upload the plugin through `Plugins > Add New > Upload` interface or upload `jquery-vertical-mega-menu` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

In the widgets section, select the jQuery Slick Menu widget and add to one of your widget areas

Select one of the WP menus, set the required settings and save your widget


In order to use the slick menu plugin you will need the following:

A Wordpress custom menu

Either use an existing menu or set one up via the menu option in Wordpress admin.

Widget area

Either use an existing widget area in your Wordpress theme or create a new widget area. The location is not critical since the plugin automatically removes the menu from the widget location in the page and sets it according to the location and offset settings.

For more information on how to add a new widget to your Wordpress theme see our follow up Wordpress tutorial – “Adding A Widget Area To Your Theme Files” .

Create Your Slick Menu

To create your sticky sliding menu go to the widget admin page and drag the “jQuery Slick Menu” widget to the desired widget area. Then select your custom menu from the drop down list in the widget control panel.

Click “save” to activate the widget.

Configuring Your Widget

The widget has several settings, which can be used to customise your slick menu:

Tab Text

Enter the text that you would like to use for the jquery slick menu tab.


This is the location of where you want the slide out menu to appear in the browser window. There are 6 different locations to choose from:

Top Left – menu slides down from the top of the browser window

Top Right

Bottom Left – menu slides up from the bottom of the browser window

Bottom Right

Left – menu slides out from the left of the browser window

Right – menu slides out from the right of the browser window


The number of pixels that the slick menu is positioned from the edge of the browser window –.e. g if location is “Top-Left” and offset is 50 the menu will be positioned along the top, 50 pixels from the left of the browser edge.

Auto-Close Menu

Check this option to automatically close any open menus when the user clicks anywhere in the browser

Animation Speed

The speed at which the sliding menu will open/close


12 different sample skins are available to either use “out of the box” or to use as examples of css for styling your own slick menu. 4 of the skins match those used in the Slick Contact Forms Plugin .

Note: For the actual menu styling inside the slick box the menu will follow your theme file styles. The skins will style the slider tab and the slick box.


The plugin also includes the ability to open and close the sliding menu using external links, embedded in your website content. These can be added to the page using shortcodes:

Default link, which will toggle the sliding menu open/closed with the link text “Click Here”

Toggle the sliding menu open/closed with the link text “Open Menu”

Open the menu with the default link text “Click Here”

Close the sliding menu tab with the default link text “Click Here”

Close the menu tab with the link text “Close Sliding Menu”

preguntas frecuentes

For a complete list of questions and answers please check out our jQuery Slick Menu Frequently Asked Questions section.

Many issues that can crop up with installing and using the plugin with different themes have been covered in our comments section. Please check previous comments for further information/tips.

Demo jQuery Slick Menu

Download The Plugin

If you liked the slick menu widget you may also like:

jQuery Automated Twitter Feed Widget

Scroll tweet searches on your web site!

I really like cool little widgets. They can be a lot of fun to put together (or dis-assemble if you are deciphering someone else's code) and a lot of fun to use. The jQuery Automated Twitter Feed widget (as seen on the home page of this site) is one of those cool little widgets.

In just a few lines of code this little widget demonstrates several key jQuery and JavaScript concepts that you will find yourself using over and over again. The code is divided into two distinct parts, getting the JSON (Javascript Object Notation, http://www. json. org ) data from Twitter and then animating the information. You can download the code or follow along in the code examples provided here.

Digging into the JSON

Before you start building the widget I'd like to give you a little insight to the data that is being retrieved. JSON is really just a lightweight data format that is used in JavaScript to describe objects. Data for an object is typically described in name/value pairs and arrays.

Here is the JSON for just one tweet using the #jQuery hashtag as the search term (all identifiers have been muddled for this article):

You can see there are several name/value pairs here and looking closely you can easily identify certain things about this tweet, like the name of the user who posted the tweet ("from_user") and the body of the tweet ("text") which are highlighted. Both of these items are members of the "results" array. You will use this information to build your JSON parsing widget.

Getting the tweets

The next order of business is to get the tweets that will be displayed in the widget. Twitter requires that the URL for this be very specific to make sure that JSON is returned. To get tweets with the hashtag #jquery the URL is http://search. twitter. com/search. json? rpp=75&callback=?&q=%23jquery

The query string of the URL, rpp=75&callback=?&q=%23jquery . is made up of the following parts:

rpp=75 - tells Twitter that you want to retrieve 75 tweets

callback=? - tells Twiiter that the data needs to be retunred as JSONP, because this is a cross-site request

q=%23jquery - tells Twitter that we are searching for the #jquery hashtag. %23 is the URL encoding for the pound sign.

result_type=recent - let's Twitter know that you are looking for the most recent tweets on the subject.

The URL is entered into jQuery's getJSON() function and the function's callback method is set up to receive the returned JSONP in the variable data.

Once the JSONP information is returned you will setup a loop that will go through each tweet. While looping through each tweet you will grab the data that you need, parse the data, then append the formatted data to an element in your web page that has an id="tw" Here is the completed code to perform those actions:

Set up the loop first, giving the loop an iterator to use for each tweet. Since you are looking in the results array you get the length of that array, data. results. length. to determine when to stop the loop.

The person (or auto-bot) that created the tweet is assigned to the variable tweeter. Next the text of the tweet is contained within the variable tweetText. Now you can easily manipulate the text of the tweet.

The first manipulation of the tweet text is to make sure that it is only 140 characters long. I did this because I have seen text returned in the JSONP data that, on accasion, was longer than 140 characters. This was due to a bug on Twitter that has since been fixed, but I have left the code in place. The next three lines of code use regular expressions to replace words in the tweet with proper hyperlinks using JavaScript's replace() method.

The line tweetText = tweetText. replace(/http:\/\/\S+/g, '<a href="$&" target="_blank">$&</a>'); replaces all text beginning with 'http' into a true hyperlink to the URL. Next the words beginning with the '@' sign are replaced with a hyperlink that points to the URL for that Twitter user. Last, all of the hashtags in the Tweet are properly transformed to links that can be clicked by the web site visitor to cause a search on Twitter.

The last line of code formats each tweet as an HTML list item and uses the jQuery append() method to add the newly created list item to the unordered list having id="tw". You will notice that the Twitter user's profile image is included and will be set up as a link to that Twitter user's profile.

Formatting the scroller

The HTML this widget is pretty simple. You need a container for the scroller and the HTML unordered list.

The CSS for the scroller is pretty simple too, but there are some items that you will want to pay particular attention to. I tweaked line 3 in the CSS to set the height of the container so that you cannot see any portion of the tweet below the last one in the container. You will have to tweak this number if you desire the same effect. The overall height of the container will be affected by the size of the font used in the web page along with other factors.

Line 10 of the CSS sets a negative top to the container. This is important because the jQuery used to move the tweets will place the last tweet in the list in this space before scrolling. In other words there will be a tweet waiting in the wings ready to be scrolled into view. The container has its overflow property set to hidden so no tweets outside of this box can be seen.

Animating the scroller

Now it is time to add the jQuery function that will animate the scroller. The code is really compact and lightweight, only requiring a few lines to do its job.

The first line of code assigns the height of one the HTML list items to the variable itemHeight. The amount to move the unordered list is calculated by adding the item height to the top of the unordered list item.

Once the calculation has been performed the jQuery animate function is called on the unordered list, moving the list downward by one tweet. Once this is complete the animation function's callback method is invoked. Within the callback the last item in the list is moved to the top position in the list, ready to be scrolled into view. Finally the top position of the unordered list is reset so that the process can be run again.

All of the animation functionality is contained within a function called autoScroll(). This function is called by the last line in the code block using JavaScript's setInterval method. The setInterval method expects two arguments, the name of the function on which to set an interval and the duration of each interval in milliseconds. I set that time to be 6 seconds as it gives users enough time to read and comprehend each tweet that is scrolling by.

Adding functionality

Now that you have the basics of the Twitter scroll widget down you may want to extend its functionality. Here are some ideas:

Pause the feed whn the user hovers over the widget, then restart the animation when the mouse leaves the widget.

Periodically retrieve new tweets to update the data

Open the Twitter page for the tweet when the item is clicked on in the scrolling list

Add reply and retweet functionality for each tweet in the list

Add a jQuery triggers to the widget save action

Widget Customizer: Improve support for dynamically-created inputs.

Re-work how and when widget forms get updated.

Replace ad hoc hooks system with jQuery events,

Add widget-updated / widget-synced events for widget soft/hard updates.

Enter into a non-live form update mode, where the Apply button is restored when a sanitized form does not have the same fields as currently in the form, and so the fields cannot be easily updated to their sanitized values without doing a complete form replacement. Also restores live update mode if sanitized fields are aligned with the existing fields again.

Note: jQuery events are *not* final yet, see #19675 .

#9 @ westonruter 2 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by ocean90. ​ View the logs .

#11 @ renak-zillow 2 years ago

It's nice to see the widget-updated/widget-synced/widget-added events in the customizer. Will those be implemented into the Widgets admin page as well?

#12 @ ocean90 2 years ago

Widgets: Trigger jQuery events for widget updates.

widget-added when a widget is added to a sidebar

widget-updated when a widget is updated

A jQuery object of the widget is passed along to the event handler. Same events are used in the Widget Customizer, see [27909] .

#13 @ ocean90 2 years ago

put a grid in your life

Plug in to the grid

This is it, the mythical drag-and-drop multi-column grid has arrived. Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid. It is on par with sliced bread, or possibly better. MIT licensed. Suitable for children of all ages. Made by Ducksboard .

It's so sweet we like to call it drag-and-drool.




Include dependencies

Gridster is currently written as a jQuery plugin, so you need to include it in the head of the document. Download the latest release at jQuery .

HTML Structure

Class names and tags are customizable, gridster only cares about data attributes. Use a structure like this:

Grid it up!

Gridster accepts one argument, a hash of with configuration options. See the documentation for details.

Using the API

To get hold of the API object, use the jQuery data method like so:

Add a new widget to the grid

Remove a widget from the grid

Get a serialized array with the elements positions

Creates a JavaScript array of objects with positions of all widgets, ready to be encoded as a JSON string.


How To Build a Tabbed Ajax Content Widget using jQuery

Blogs are usually full of different posts all with varying degrees of popularity. Readers don’t always know how to find related posts without using the search feature. It helps to build smaller widgets right into the page that can automatically sort through content based on different criteria.

In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can build a sidebar-based tabbed ajax widget to display related blog posts. Many times these widgets feature some type of thumbnail image, along with other metadata like the author and publication date. I’ve kept things real simple mostly focusing on the jQuery animations. Take a peek at my live demo to understand what the final outcome should be.


First I am creating a new blank HTML5 document with a couple related files. The first is a local copy of jQuery and the second is a styles. css stylesheet. This will include some page resets along with the generic layout formatting.

The overall webpage is built to appear like a very simple weblog. The left-hand content uses some filler Ipsum to look like blog posts. While in the sidebar you will find a small widget using 3 top links organizing newest, popular, and random articles.

I really like this design because it is sleek and conforms nicely into any layout. It would not require much effort to extend the design into more colorful examples to fit your own project. We also use a coordinated CSS class of. active to check which tab of content is being displayed at any given time.

CSS Page Styles

Aside from my typical resets I have also included a new Google Webfont named Crete Round for our headings. The div IDs #left and #sidebar are both set to fixed widths floated within a clearfix container. This also means the widget itself has been set to a fixed width. It should be noted that mobile users may not even want to use this widget, and you might consider hiding it beyond a certain device width using media queries.

The actual navigation links are centered in their own heading element. If you wanted to use tabs it would require some type of border, or possibly a box shadow surrounding the link. I’ve instead opted to use a simple background effect on hover which sticks to the active link. Also the full tabbed posts widget is fixed at 250px width for the sake of this demo.

Now this block of code shouldn’t come as any surprise. Everything can be styled nicely if we include floating elements with a clearfix container. The biggest difference comes within each content section of the page. I am using three divs with the class. tabcontent and they each contain an unordered list of links.

The first div is always displayed on pageload because it focuses on the “newest” posts. As you click between links it’ll auto-hide the main content in order to show the new list. Generally this would require additional classes but I’ve opted to instead write inline CSS styles for display:none . This helps when dealing with jQuery’s fadeIn() and fadeOut() methods that use inline styles anyways.

Tabbed Content with jQuery

In any website this widget is basically useless without some JavaScript to handle the dynamic content switching. It isn’t too overly-complicated so anybody with some familiarity in jQuery should be able to follow along. I have broken down my script into two blocks of code so that it is easier to understand.

When somebody clicks on any of the anchor elements within. navlinks we first prevent the default action from loading. We simply do not want the HREF value loaded into the address bar. I’m then checking if the clicked link already has a class of. active then we know it’s already displayed and we don’t need to do anything. If the clicked link is already active then the jQuery return command will end the function immediately without processing any further codes.

Otherwise the link is not active and we begin the transition process. My widget is fairly circumstantial based on IDs I’ve written into the code myself. You should update these ID values based on your own code samples and which labels can work well for your project. currentitm is a variable targeting the current link while currentlist targets the currently-active container div. tabcontent . which each use their own unique identifier.

We then generate new variables which should be displayed after the animation finishes hiding the old content. newitm pertains to the new link while newlist targets the new div container. The switching process is very easy by using addClass() and removeClass() coupled with the jQuery fading methods.

One point worth noting is the fadeOut() method has to complete before the fadeIn() animation will be called. To ensure this happens I have written a callback function which only runs after the fade out completes. Then inside this callback function we can execute the display of our new tab content list, all of which should complete animating within less than 60 seconds.


I usually love finding these smaller related widgets in sidebar designs because they show just how much is possible in modern blog layouts. CMS engines like WordPress have open APIs that allow you to build these widgets from custom-coded SQL queries. I have been really impressed with modern design trends and I would expect these widget ideas to continue advancing further into the future.

Organize jQuery Widgets with jQuery. Controller

Do you like organized code and hate nested functions that are impossible to reuse? Want to be able to extend plugins and widgets? Do you want these widgets to clean themselves up after they are removed? ¡Estupendo! JavaScriptMVC - extracted jQuery. Controller is the easiest and most robust way to build jQuery widgets.


Extendable widgets.

Deterministic and debug-able code.

Auto cleanup.

Namespaced widgets.





Using controller is easy. Extend $.Controller with the name and methods of your widget. Methods that look like “ event ” O & # 8220; selector event ” are bound (or delegated) when a new controller is created. The init method is called after the events are bound.

The following creates a tab widget.

There are a few important things to notice:

Creating a Controller class creates a jQuery plugin with the underscored class name. In this case, it created the tabs plugin: $("#tabs").tabs();

The tabs() plugin creates a new Tabs instance on each element matched by the selector. The tabs instance is created with the element and any parameters passed to tabs(). In this case it is called like new Tabs(el) .

When an instance of Controller is created, events are bound, this. element is set to the Controller’s element, and init is called to setup the widget.

Extending Widgets

Many jQuery widgets suffer from an “everything-but-the-kitchen-sink” mentalidad. They pack every conceivable type of related functionality. This causes software bloat and slower load times for users. The root problem is the lack of a standard way to organize and extend widgets.

Controller fixes this problem by using Class. The following extends the Tabs widget above to make history enabled tabs.

By using Controller, we are able to keep functionality bloat to a minimum while providing a base class for future complex functionality.

Deterministic Code

Have you ever tried understanding someone else’s jQuery code? You’ll probably see a nested mess of anonymous callback functions wrapped in a self calling anonymous function. Despite there being as many jQuery widgets as there are atoms in the universe, there isn’t a great way to organize jQuery functionality.

If you’re working on a big project, or with other developers, unorganized code can create a big problem real fast. You need code that is deterministic – if you see functionality expressed in the page, you know where that functionality is expressed in code.

Controller provides this by organizing all entry points to a widget (methods and events) and adding the controller’s name to the element’s className. We’ll break these down in the next two sub-sections; but the result is if something happens on the page, say an “ li ” in a “.tabs ” element is clicked, you know to look for “ li click ” in a Tabs controller.

Organized Methods and Events

Controllers’ prototype properties organize public methods and event handlers. This makes finding ‘where stuff gets happens’ in a widget really easy. For example, if you wanted to activate the last tab in a Tabs, you could call:

But the REALLY clever thing about controller is how it organizes event handlers. By naming a function like “ event ” O & # 8220; selector event “, Controller knows to listen for those events. Event handlers are self labeling! We typically refer to these methods as actions .

Controller even lets you parameterize actions, making it possible to configure the event or selector when the controller is created. And, with the jquery. controller. subscribe. js plugin, you can listen to OpenAjax messages. The following are example actions:

Controller Element Label

Controllers label their element’s className with their name. For example, after a HistoryTabs controller is added to the #historytab element, it would look like:

You can also see all controllers on an element with $("#foo").data('controllers') .

In summary, Controller organizes functionality so it is easy to find. It provides a flexible but orderly way to organize widgets.

Auto-magic Cleanup

If you’re building a JavaScript application, removing a widget from the page is almost as important as adding one. Unfortunately, the vast majority of jQuery plugins are designed to enhance a static page and this important feature is ignored. Typically, the only way to remove a widget is to remove its element. Even when the element is removed, the widget is often still bound to other objects such as the document which causes errors.

Controller makes cleaning up widgets easy, and in most cases automatic. It also lets you remove a controller without removing the element.

In the previous section, we showed how controller auto-binds actions. Controller also auto-unbinds those actions when the controller is destroyed. A controller can be destroyed in two ways:

The controller’s element is removed from the page with jQuery manipulators like. remove(). html().

The controller’s destroy method is called like:

Controller also provides bind and delegate methods that allow you to listen to events on elements outside the controller’s element. These event handlers will automatically be removed when the controller is destroyed.

The following controller displays “Click to Hide” and hides itself when the document is clicked.

When a 'hider' element is removed, or destroy is called on a CloseOnClick controller, the controller’s event handlers are unbound, removing the document click handler.

If your widget has made any modifications to the element, overwrite the destroy function to set things back to their original state.

The following sets back the original contents of the element:


It’s important to keep plugins from stomping on each other. If you create a Controller with a namespace, it includes the namespace in the jQuery plugin. Por ejemplo:

This isn’t exactly namespacing and not 100% protection against collision. But in practice, we’ve not had any problems.


Controller is JavaScriptMVC’s, and by extension, Bitovi’s secret-sauce. It helps us build functionality in a robust and repeatable way. It’s hard to express the amazing feeling walking onto a project with 50 controllers I have never seen and instantly start contributing and fixing bugs.

Controller also helps us develop faster because we don’t have to invent a new pattern for every widget.

Controller is not for all jQuery plugins. If you are building something very small, unlikely to be extended, or DOM related, controller is probably not the best fit. But if you find yourself needing to organize your team’s jQuery code around a proven pattern, take Controller for a spin.

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FusionCharts gives you complete flexibility to customize the charts according to your wish. You can centrally control the cosmetics of your charts like background color, plot colors, fonts etc. with our advanced theming engine.

With extensive event handling capabilities, control how your charts behave under different scenarios. Right from data loading to chart rendering, user interactions to error handling, choose from a growing list of 100+ events to micro control your charting experience.

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With FusionCharts, it is very easy to download/export all your JavaScript charts to the format of your choice - JPEG, PNG, PDF or SVG. All you need to do is include a single line of code.

Both client-side and server-side exporting is supported.

jQuery UI 1.8 Widget Factory

jQuery UI 1.8 is set to have its final release any moment now and with it comes an updated Widget Factory. If you haven’t used the widget factory before it’s a great piece of code that does the generic jQuery plugin type of things for you. You can read more about the widget factory in this older post I did about it.

In jQuery UI 1.8 the Widget Factory gets a few very welcomed changes. First default options are no longer defined outside of the widget, you now add an options property to the object you are passing $.widget and it will take care of merging your defined default options with the options the plugin gets initialized with. This also means that in order to set global default options on the core jQuery UI widgets you need to now use $.ui. foo. prototype. options rather than $.ui. foo. defaults. Also you no longer have to define getter methods like you did in 1.7. In 1.8 any method that returns a value other then the plugin instance ( this ) or undefined it will assume it’s a getter and return that value. This is sweet because now you can define a method that is a chainable setter and a getter. The option method now returns the full options hash when called without any paramaters.

The _init method has been renamed to _create and a new _init method was created. Yes go ahead and read that again I had to do a double take too. Basically _create is now called only once when the plugin is first initialized and should contain all the logic to set up the widget. The new _init method gets called every time the plugin gets called without passing a name of a method. So when you do: $(‘.selector’).dialog( ); the first time both _create and _init get called. If you call that again later only _init will be called. This was created to fix a misunderstanding many people were having with the dialog plugin. Many people were calling $(‘.selector’).dialog(); and a dialog would open up, then later in the code they wold call the same thing and expect the dialog to popup. By having _init be called every time there is not a method provided it lets the dialog decide if it should open back up if it’s called again.

The _setData method got renamed to _setOption to fit better with what is actually happening. Destroy now handles removing all widget-namespaced events for the plugin that are bound to this. element or this. widget(). Meaning name space your events and you don’t have to do the extra work of cleaning them up.

One very sweet thing is now you can create a new widget that extends an existing widget. Just by doing something like: $.widget(‘myCustomAccordion’, $.ui. accordion, ); which makes it very easy to create a custom widget that can expand upon and use functionality that is already in another jQuery UI plugin. (The date picker still does not use the widget factory yet so it can not be extended like this).

There are a few other changes but these are the ones that perked my attention. If you want more information check out the Upgrade Guide for 1.8 and check out Scott Gonzalez’s jQuery UI example code for migrating the widget factory from 1.7 to 1.8. If you’re including the jQuery UI core in to your page and not using the jQuery UI Widget Factory to create your plugins you should start asking yourself WHY?

If you’re including the jQuery UI core in to your page and not using the jQuery UI Widget Factory to create your plugins you should start asking yourself WHY?

$.widget(‘myCustomDatePicker’, $.ui. datepicker, ); doesn’t seem to work with jquery ui 1.8.6.

I’m getting ‘c’ is not a constructor. Which I assume is a reference to $.ui. datepicker (which is also not a constructor).

Does this mean that the datepicker is not compatible with the new widget factory?

@lee Sorry my example was bad because the datepicker doesn’t use the widget factory yet. It’s something that has been on the todo list for a while but just hasn’t happened yet for the jQuery UI team. I updated the example to use the accordion. $.widget(‘myCustomAccordion’, $.ui. accordion, <>);

Thanks for your prompt reply, I will have to investigate alternate approaches

I just trouble with this problem. And I’m using dialog widget wiht 1.8.2. What I had do: import all the min. js dialog depends. Such like:

And every time I get ‘c is not a consructor’. Then I import jquery. widget. js (not min file). Helped with FireBug, I found the argument in this function: $.widget = function( name, base, prototype ); name is ‘draggable’. So, delete the import of draggable. js. It is working now.

Last modified February 10, 2015.

This page is obsolete; current versions are on my github pages at github. bililite. com/extending-widgets. html. This page is being kept here for historical purposes.

Avoiding Bloat in Widgets

A while back, Justin Palmer wrote an excellent article on "Avoiding Bloat in Widgets ." The basic premise (no suprise to anyone whose ever dealt with object-oriented programming) is that your widgets should not do everything possible; they should do one thing well but be flexible enough to allow others to modify them.

He describes two ways of extending objects: subclassing and aspect-oriented programming (AOP). Subclassing creates new classes, while AOP modfies the methods of a single object. Both can be useful.

So let's make Palmer's Superbox widget (it just moves randomly about the screen with mouse clicks):

I've factored apart a lot of the code, so we have plenty of "hooks" to use to extend the method without copying code. Note that none of the code refers to "superbox" directly, so we can create subclasses that don't know the superclass's name.

Experiment 1 (Click Me)

Subclassing Widgets

Note that jQuery UI 1.9 incorporates most of these ideas, so you may not need to use $.ui. widget. subclass at all; it is built in. Use $.widget('ui. subclass', $.ui. baseclass);. See my post on this.

The widget factory ( $.widget ) allows you to use one widget as the base for another, but that's not the same as subclassing; it copies all the methods from one widget to the next.

So let's use real inheritance to make a new class, supererbox. that moves rather than jumps to its new location. I'll use Richard Cornford's variation on Douglas Crockford's prototypal inheritance pattern to simplify subclassing (you could use a fancier one like Dean Edward's Base. or manipulate prototype s yourself). I'll use Dean Edward's technique for calling overridden superclass functions .

And create an empty "base" widget class.

And add a method to create subclasses that inherit from the base.

And use it like this to create a new, subclassable superbox and a subclass of that:

The function signature is $.namespace. widget. subclass(name <String>, [newMethods <Object>]*). where you can use as many newMethod objects as you want. This lets you use mixin objects, like $.ui. mouse. that add a specific set of methods.

We now have a new widget called supererbox that is just like superbox but moves smoothly.

Experiment 2 (Click Me)

Calling Superclass Methods

If we want to use the superclass methods in our method, we use this._super :

Experiment 3 (Click Me)

Aspect Oriented Programming

Aspect oriented programming allows the user of an object to modify its behavior after it has been instantiated. New methods don't so much override the old ones as supplement them, adding code before or after (or both) the original code, without hacking at the original class definition.

We'll add methods for widgets that are stolen straight from Justin Palmer's article:

And now we can use these methods in our code.

For example, let's say we have a cool plugin to make an element pulsate (I know, UI has a pulsate method that does this):

And we'll create a supererbox object, then make it pulse before moving:

Experiment 4 (Click Me)

Or even make it pulse before and after moving:

Experiment 5 (Click Me)

Note that we didn't create any new classes to get this new behavior; we added the behavior to each object after the object was created.

Note that I did not use the widget factory directly. It may be possible to make this more efficient, but I haven't analyzed the code in jQuery UI 1.8 closely enough.


Fantastic article. I feel +20 smarter now.

inktri | March 7, 2009 at 2:12 pm | Permalink

I’m having a problem extending a widget pre-defined in jQuery UI. I’ve tried this: $.ui. widget. subclass(‘ui. dialogSubclass’, $.ui. dialog. prototype); but I get an error in the UI js file: (this. uiDialogTitlebarCloseText = c(“”)).addClass(“ui-icon ui-icon-closethick”).text(m. closeText).appendTo is not a function.

Danny | March 8, 2009 at 8:21 am | Permalink

@inktri: That looks right, but I haven’t used ui. dialog so I don’t know anything about its internal code. Looking at the dialog code, there’s a line about this. uiDialogTitlebarCloseText = $('<span/>') but it ought to work. I don’t know what the c("") is from.

Ethan | April 2, 2009 at 5:12 am | Permalink

Gracias. good job. I am going to implement the inheritance in this way.

Jeremy | April 21, 2009 at 10:50 am | Permalink

This is very useful but I am having some trouble with the inheritance pattern. Let’s say I subclass a button class that I made (ui. button) to be a menubutton (ui. menuButton) that pops open a menu. The button superclass has a disable function that menubutton inherits. Later, I want to disable all the buttons but $(‘.Button’).button(‘disable’); doesn’t disable any of the menu buttons. I have to do: $(‘.Button’).menuButton(‘disable’); which means I cant use the menuButton as the superclass. But when I grab all the buttons that way I don’t know which one I have. Have you run into this? Any ideas for a workaround?

Jeremy | April 21, 2009 at 12:36 pm | Permalink

Okay, some more digging and it looks like the problem is the way the widget factory stores the reference to the widget in $.data. It uses the widget name as the secondary key so calling disable method like this: $(‘.Button’).button(‘disable’) leads to a $.data(element, ‘button’) call to get the instance. If it is actually a menuButton that call returns nothing.

Changing ui. core to use a static key like ‘instance’ fixes the problem and I all my inheritance starts working.

What I can’t figure out is what is gained from using the widget name as the key??

Danny | April 22, 2009 at 7:19 pm | Permalink

@Jeremy: You’re right; but it’s a feature, not a bug :). The idea is that you could have multiple widgets associated with a single element (say, $(selector).draggable().datepicker() so each needs its own key. One workaround (with its own set of potential problems) would be to set the ‘button’ data in the _init method: $.ui. widget. subclass(‘ui. button’, _init: function() > Now all subclasses will explicitly set the data with the ‘button’ key

Jeremy | May 6, 2009 at 4:53 pm | Permalink

Hmm… I still think of it as a bug. Inheritance is really important to me (much more important than being able to have compound widgets as you suggest was the reason for the “feature”) and it seems fundamentally broken right now. I guess I will try your solution rather than mine of modifying ui. core but I really hope there will be an elegant way to extend widgets soon. Maybe you could work your solution into your widget subclassing function??

@Jeremy: I hear you; I originally implemented it your way but changed when this way turned out to be more useful for what I wanted to do. You could modify the $.ui. widget. subclass function; before the for (key in proto) if (proto. hasOwnProperty(key)) switch (key) var _init = proto._init; proto._init = function() ; This will make each base class add data under its own name. I think that will work. Buena suerte. –Danny

I have been writing a series of widgets and I want to a method that is bound as an event like. bind(“click”, , this. method) then in the this. method i can access the widget instance like method: function(event) this works ok. next i want to write a child widget class which has its own this. method bound as an event in the same way. but this time i want to call the super classes event method from inside the new method, i have discovered that method: function(event) does not work, is this possible to fix?

Danny | May 12, 2009 at 3:22 pm | Permalink

@Jon: The _super method is magic; the subclassing code scans the methods for calls to it, and if found, creates a function that changes _super to refer to the superclass’s method. That means that you can’t use it in a function that is defined later. You have to call the superclass method directly: $.ui. superclass. methodName. apply(this, arguments). which does the same thing but is more verbose. –Danny

Thanks for your help, it gave me somewhere to start looking, but $.ui. mysuperclass is a function (the constructor?) and doesnt have any of my widget methods.

function (element, options) var self = this; this. namespace = namespace; this. widgetName = name; this. widgetEventPrefix = $[namespace][name].eventPrefix || name; this. widgetBaseClass = namespace + “-” + name; this. options = $.extend(<>, $.widget. defaults, $[namespace][name].defaults, $.metadata && $.metadata. get(element)[name], options); this. element = $(element).bind(“setData.” + name, function (event, key, value) >).bind(“getData.” + name, function (event, key) >).bind(“remove”, function () ); >

Danny | May 13, 2009 at 7:53 am | Permalink

@jon: I think I missed a phrase in there. Try: $.ui. mysuperclass. prototype. methodName. apply(this, arguments) –Danny

Jeremy | May 20, 2009 at 5:24 pm | Permalink

Just got back to this. Anyway, what you suggest seems to work (name should just be the second part of the name) but there are definitely issues. The one I am most bothered by is that every level of subclassing will result in a copy of the parent’s functions being added to $.data. So, if I subclass a widget that has a disable method 4 times there will be 4 disable methods hanging around.

You mention that the way you ended up implementing it was more useful – I would be interested in hearing why.

Danny | May 20, 2009 at 7:38 pm | Permalink

@Jeremy: You are right about name ; it should be name[1] . The widget methods are part of the object’s prototype; they do not get copied when subclassed. That’s the part of the beauty of prototype-based inheritance. So: $.ui. widget. subclass('ui. thing1', >); $ui. thing1.subclass('ui. thing2, >); does not copy method1 ; $().thing2('method1') calls thing1 ‘s method1 . In terms of copying the $.data, each this. element. data(name[1], this); does not create a new copy of this ; it just adds a new element to the data pointing to the same this. So even if you subclass 4 times, when you execute _init the this. element. data line is referring to the same this (the widget object) 4 times, assigning a new name to the data each time. The way I implemented it, the widget object is only assigned to the data under its own name, not the parent classes. This allows me to use multiple widgets on the same element. –Danny

Ethan | June 16, 2009 at 8:06 pm | Permalink

Hey Danny, I ‘ve been using the way you implement inheritance for a while, it is amazing. however, I come across a problem when I override Function. prototype. toString to be : Function. prototype. toString = function() ;

After I did this, this regular expression [test(function() ). /\b_super\b/. /.*/; ] doesn’t work correctly so that in the conditional expression below would return a false, then finally the ‘this._super’ mechanism is gone.

regular expression: [test(function() ). /\b_super\b/. /.*/;

conditional expression: $.isFunction(proto[key]) && $.isFunction(superproto[key]) && OVERRIDE. test(proto[key]) here the OVERRIDE. test(proto[key]) always return false when i override the Funtion. prototype. toString method

due to i am not good at regular expression at all, i have no idea how to fix this. how can I solve this?

Danny | June 17, 2009 at 8:51 am | Permalink

@Ethan: The purpose of the regular expression is to see if _super is used, because if it is not, it’s inefficient to set it up in every widget. If you’re hiding the source (not sure why, but it’s your program) then that won’t work. Remove the && OVERRIDE. test(proto[key]) entirely. Each method will now go through a closure to create _super. so it may be slower, but it will work. –Danny

Ethan | June 25, 2009 at 4:22 am | Permalink

Thanks a lot Danny. Ahora entiendo. Aclamaciones. -:)

i tried to extend jQuery Tabs with the AOP method. Without succes.

Could you provide a working example in a zip? Like you did for the superclass method. Would be very helpful to understand.

Danny | July 5, 2009 at 9:14 pm | Permalink

@Felix: The code above is working with AOP. You can see other examples of it in the end of my post about flexcal . To get it to work with an existing widget, you would have to add the methods to the widget prototype. Try:

before you use $().tabs() . –Danny

Soheil | September 3, 2009 at 8:03 am | Permalink

Hey Danny, Thanks for the useful tutorial. I’m writing some widgets and would like to make subclasses, or inherit from the jQuery’s ui library components. p. ej. I want to have a “pager” component which is a subclass of jQuery’s ui. tabs, and I would like to override the _init() or _tabify() methods in order to create a new look for my “pager” component. If I got your tutorial right, I’ll have to copy-paste all the “ui. tabs. js” codes into a new file like “ui. tabs. subclassable. js” (because I don’t want to change the original files) and use $.ui. widget. subclass(‘ui. tabs’, <>) instead of $.widget(‘ui. tabs’, <>) … now I have a problem with this, every time a new version of ui. tabs. js is released I’ll have to change the file or copy-paste codes into subclassable file again. Is there any way to avoid this? I mean is there a way for using subclasses without changing the original ui library files? Thanks…

Soheil | September 3, 2009 at 11:21 am | Permalink

about my previous comment; I tried this: $.widget(“ui. pager”, $.extend(<>, $.ui. tabs. prototype, ); It is working… so why should we use this subclass widget? Isn’t it easier just to extend the widget and override some of the methods?

Danny | September 3, 2009 at 11:35 pm | Permalink

@Soheil: You are right; there isn’t much difference between $.ui. widget. subclass ('ui. pager, $.ui. tabs. prototype, ) (using my code) and $.widget('ui. pager', $.extend(<>, $.ui. tabs. prototype, )). The advantages are:

Slightly shorter

Ability to use _super rather than $.ui. tabs. prototype. methodName

Actually uses the prototype chain rather than copying, so changes to $.ui. tabs. prototype and $.ui. tabs. defaults are reflected in $.ui. pager

The aspect-oriented code you could mix in to your derived widget, just as with $.ui. mouse . Bottom line: you may find it useful; I certainly have. If you want to use it to subclass existing widgets, I would first do $.ui. widget. subclass('ui. subclassabletabs', $.ui. tabs. prototype) and then $.ui. subclassabletabs. subclass('ui. pager', ) to get all the advantages.

Soheil | September 4, 2009 at 9:03 am | Permalink

Thnaks Danny, that’s nice…

@inktri: @danny and for anyone trying to use this to extend jquery ui. dialog i’ve found that you’ll need to fix the. text(undefined) being thrown by the line mentioned in your comment.

for what it’s worth, it’s line 122 in v1.7.2 of ui. dialog. js from

text(options. closeText) to. text((options. closeText || ”)),

maybe you can explain why exactly extension fails on this internally.

i understand that. text(undefined) is returning a null therefore. appendTo() doesn’t exist and error, but what’s going on here under the hood?

Thanks for the great article, i’ve learned tons tonight. With this small fix i’m able to extend the ui. dialog also

Danny | February 19, 2010 at 12:17 pm | Permalink

@andrew: Though I haven’t looked at it directly, I suspect we’ve got a problem that exists in many of the overloaded jQuery functions. text('foo') sets the text and returns a jQuery object while. text() returns the text. text(undefined) is probably interpreted as. text() and doing the wrong thing. That’s my guess. –Danny

Gran artículo. I found it really helpfull.

I think that this part is incorrect: “The astute reader will have noticed that level is a class variable; the same variable is used for every green3 object. This is clearly not what we want; each instance should have its own copy”

It looks to me that jQuery UI create an instance of our prototype for each object. So you coul safely use this. level, and it will be a different variable for each object.

I noticed this because some jQuery UI widgets just store variables using this. name_variable. For instance, the accordion widget save the headers elements as “this. headers”

Thanks anyway for this great article, it’s so usefull that there should be an official copy on the jQuery UI doc

Danny | February 28, 2010 at 4:17 pm | Permalink

@Valentino: I think you actually meant this comment for the Widget Tutorial. Notwithstanding that, there’s a subtlety here about how javascript handles prototypal inheritance: level is a variable in the prototype . so it is not copied into each instance. this. level refers to the prototype’s level. which is shared with all instances. the general rule: when I refer to this. foo. Javascript searched the object for a property named foo. then the object’s prototype, then the prototype’s prototype, etc. If nothing is found, a new property is created in the individual object. –Danny

Christoph | March 12, 2010 at 4:54 am | Permalink

Hey Danny, just a minor quirk I encountered, when using Dojo Shrinksafe compression (don’t ask me why ;).

In the line: widget. subclass = subclass; The “subclass” function reference is treated as an internal variable, and thus hashed to: widget. subclass = _10;

Which of course fails at runtime. I fixed that by using the namespaced function ref:

Other than that, works great.

Danny | March 14, 2010 at 1:38 am | Permalink

@Christoph: That’s got to be one of those quirk about named functions that is so inconsistent between javascript implementations. This one works in all the major browsers but evidently Dojo’s Shrinksafe parses the javascript differently. Thanks for the heads up! (And why were you using Dojo? I had to ask. ) ) –Danny

alpha | March 24, 2010 at 2:52 pm | Permalink

very nice tutorial. I got a issue when a call to destroy is made: $.widget. prototype. apply is not a function any clue?

Danny | March 24, 2010 at 9:01 pm | Permalink

@alpha: jQuery UI 1.8 just came out and broke everything. I’m going to have to rewrite this, sometime over the next two weeks, to use the new widget factory. I think it will be better, but don’t count on anything working (or go back to jQuery 1.7.2) until then. –Danny

I can’t seem to catch any events I trigger in these widget subclasses. I call this._trigger as usual but can not seem to catch the event in the normal way.

Danny | July 13, 2010 at 8:28 pm | Permalink

@Lee: I haven’t had any problems with event triggering, but I may not be using the code the same way you are. Can you post some more details? –Danny

@Danny: Hopefully this bit of code sums it up:

$.ui. widget. subclass(‘ui. superwidget’, _init: function() // can’t catch this this._trigger(‘anevent’);

// can catch this this. element. trigger(‘superwidgetanevent’); > >);

And creation and binding: $(‘#test’).bind(‘superwidgetanevent’, function() console. log(‘an event happened’) >); $(‘#test’).superwidget();

Danny | July 22, 2010 at 4:04 pm | Permalink

@Lee Unfortunately, my life is kind of busy now, but I’ll try to take a look at this. It looks like it ought to work, but there may be something going on where the event handler is being bound before the subclass really exists, so it’s binding to the superclass. Danny

Nice work man. Thanks for sharing jQuery UI Widgets.

darkside | September 15, 2011 at 4:18 pm | Permalink

@inktri You should use $.extend(true, …, …) for recursive extending objects

Nolege | January 7, 2013 at 7:13 pm | Permalink

Worked Great for 1.8. Breaks for new 1.9 release. Just letting you know because I upgraded and need to fix the changes. Gracias.

Danny | January 7, 2013 at 9:39 pm | Permalink

@Nolege: I suspect that’s because 1.9 adds a _super method of its own, though it is not as sophisticated as mine—you have to explicitly give it the name of the method. Did you fix it? I hope that all I would have to do is to change my _super to $super or something. Google Library API is still serving 1.8.7, so I don’t feel the pressure yet.

Have you gotten it to work? Qué hiciste? –Danny

Danny | January 8, 2013 at 8:53 am | Permalink

@Nolege: I fixed it. Turns out 1.9’s _super method is my method; I’d been in contact with Scott Gonzalez a while back and he incorporated many of my ideas. So that’s not the conflict. The problem is that 1.9 changed to use the prototype passed to $.widget (the documentation always required that second parameter, just before this having it undefined did not throw an error), so just change any $.widget('name') to $.widget('name', <>) and you’re done. Creo. –Danny

Vikram Lele | December 31, 2013 at 11:21 pm | Permalink

Thanks for an excellent article on widget subclassing.

I still have a bit of a confusion about how to achieve “virtual” function effect here. For example, in the subclass code

$.ui. widget. subclass(‘ui. superbox’, _init: function() var self = this; this. element. click(function() self. move(); >); >,

you have hooked the click again in the subclass. This is actually already hooked in the base widget. So, is there a way to provide a new implementation of move() in the derived widget and make it work without explicitly hooking into click once again?

Danny | January 1, 2014 at 10:58 am | Permalink

@Vikram Lele: The base widget, $.ui. widget that is created with $.widget('ui. widget',<>); does not hook into the click event. The only click handler is in the first subclass, $.ui. superbox. created with the code you quoted above. All of its subclasses just override move() but rely on the same event handler.

I think your confusion is looking at the sample code at the very top of the page, when I create $.ui. superbox without using the subclassing code. That’s just a sample of how to create a simple widget; the code you quote is supposed to replace that. Note that the actual code is almost identical.

Hope this helps, –Danny


[…] jQuery UI Widget inheritance | f vrier 13, 2010 Je n’ai trouv que tr s peu de ressources sur le web illustrant cette technique. Ma seule trouvaille fut celle-ci. […]

[…] ui factory. Insbesondere w re wohl die ui. progressbar f r dich interessanter. ui developer guide extending ui widgets richtig gutes Tutorial auf deutsch: ui factory am Beispiel einer canvas map I ui factory am […]

[…] Hacking at 0300. Extending jQuery UI Widgets (tags: extending jquery-ui widget howto) VN:F [1.9.6_1107]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes) […]

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jQuery AJAX Validation Contact Form with Modal + Slide-in Transition

Due to popular demand, here is a tutorial on how I created one of the more complicated pieces of machinery on my new site: the contact form. A lot of different techniques went into this, and I have a few people/places to thank for some of the original code that inspired my final product: primarily Design Shack for their tutorial on creating a slide-in contact form with ajax, Zachstronaut for his code on scrollable same page links (used all over my site, but most effectively on the contact link in my footer), and Yens Design for a quick how-to on creating the modal pop-up background darkening effect (surprisingly extremely easy to do with jQuery).

All you need is jQuery. No plugins are necessary for this to work, and it is only 2kb of extra code in addition to the jQuery library. This also works on all browsers, IE6 and up.

For a demo of what we are creating you need not go any further than the contact form at the top of this website, as well as the contact link in the footer, or you can go here. I’ve packaged all the files for your easy editing and applying to your own personal needs (please just don’t reuse my images. that would be a bit arse-like of you). I did include all of the same styling that I used on this form, to make it easier for me to write this tutorial and just in-case someone wanted to peak into how I pulled off some of the CSS.


I’m going to assume you know what you are doing with HTML. If you don’t, well then. this is NOT the post to start with! Moving on.

The PHP:

Our mail. php breakdown:

The comments on this more or less speak for themselves. First we are getting the variables that are passed to the file from the javascript (NOT the HTML, that’s why the ID’s of the inputs don’t match up. I had to change email to e-mail so that it didn’t conflict with the comment forms on the blog posts). Also, the function nl2br() helps to replace any new lines that the user enters onto the ‘message’ textarea with line breaks so that you get a properly formatted e-mail.

Next, we define variables for the date, subject, body, and headers for the standard PHP mail() function.

After the mail() function is finished executing, you will see in our javascript that we will replace the form & loader with #mail_response so that the user gets some comfy feedback that we got their message! I see way too many folks leave out user confirmation on their contact forms, and that is just plain silly. Don’t leave your users in the dark!

I would also recommend putting some form of PHP spam protection in here as well. Another post, another time perhaps.

The CSS:

I did not include the CSS styling that I used for appearances, only what was necessary to get this functional. For everything that I used to create the form, please download the source files .

And our CSS rundown / explanation:

.container is just used for positioning everything in the middle of the page, and the position:relative property lets us absolute position the elements inside of the div.

#contactFormContainer is absolute positioning the whole contact form, this div is also necessary so that the. contact button moves with the contact form, and the z-index puts it above the darken div.

#contactForm Contains the form as well as all other content inside of it (loading bar, background, etc.) and is hidden until the. contact button is pressed.

The span s are hidden until a user tries to submit the form without properly filling out all of the fields. You will see why each one has its own class when we take a look at the scripting.

#backgroundPopup is placed at the bottom of the page in the HTML (it needs to be OUTSIDE of any container or else it won’t work right in IE6). This is the div that will appear and have its opacity changed when the. contact button is pressed. Make sure its z-index is above everything, but below the #contactFormContainer .

The Javascript:

PLEASE NOTE: The following javascript is a little clunky and not very well optimized. For a much cleaner version of the validation portion of this script, please visit my post The Simple, Quick, and Small jQuery HTML Form Validation Solution .

Oh joy, lots and lots of javascript explainin’ to do:

$(document).ready(function() <>); is the necessary jQuery function required to kick off anything that runs after the page is loaded. All our code will be placed inside of this.

Here we are defining the function contact that will run each time a link with the class. contact is pressed, using jQuery’s selectors:

This allows us to give that class to any link to execute the function that opens the contact form. What this function is doing is first determining whether the form is hidden or not, and if it is then it will slide the form down, and then change the opacity of the #backgroundPopup div as well as fade it in.

This script grabs any anchor on the page with a same page link (e. g. #something), determines the distance between it and the destination, and then creates a scrolling transition. You can edit the speed at which it transitions by changing the ’500′ on the line $(‘html, body’).animate( , 500); .

I know there is a better way of doing this, but in the interest of time I quickly put this together. This is a nice long if statement that checks each required input field on the form to see if they are filled in properly or not. Doing it this way is definitely not a problem if you only have a couple of required fields, but if you have several than this will need to be rewritten. There are jQuery plugins out there that offer much more extensive validation functionality, but it was not necessary for what I wanted to accomplish with this simple form. If the field in question is not filled in correctly, then the corresponding error message (those spans we made earlier) is shown and return:false; stops the form from being submitted.

If all of the fields are correct, then we run the script that hides the form, shows the loading bar until the ajax variable passing to the mail. php script is complete, and then set a timer that waits ’2000′ until it closes the whole thing. If you’d like to demo this action, please do not use the form on my website unless you want to say something to me; you can demo the form that sends a message to nowhere here .

Keep in mind, this was one of my first forays into really screwing around with jQuery/javascript using some of my own code, so I’m sure things are not perfect, and a veteran may look at some of my scripting with a bit of “wtf?” on their face. If you do get that face, please let me know of a more optimal way of doing something, and I will definitely update the code and give you credit. If you have any questions, as usual please leave them in the comments here!

Ahora que?

Comentarios Recientes

Parag. Hey Joren! Made some small changes. Shaved off some of your js code. Added placeholder is place of value.

Dragos. Hi, this post is awesome! as a html beginner I found very useful this post! thanks a lot! But please, help me.

mexican dating. Its like you read my mind! You appear to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or.

deny. Hi Joren I tried to upload server but can not send messages on my mail.

web designer malaysia. Great share. From the common jquery like slider, image gallery to ajax effect you have listed.

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Customize Popular Posts Widget in Blogger with CSS

By Zeeshan | March 27, 2014

Blogger’s blogs each element is customize-able with CSS and JavaScript. There are many widgets in Blogger that you might want to customize or make them looking more beautiful. And one of theme is Popular posts widget in Blogger. So our today’s trick is very simple and about blogger popular widget customization. This widget comes in all default and custom blogger templates. Initially it is just simple and has no attraction. But, by using today’s trick you can make it more attractive and eye catching.

How to Change Popular Posts widget in Blogger?

lets start the things to do in this tutorial. Follow simple steps below in order to change your popular posts widget in Blogger:

Log-in to your blogger dashboard

Go to the blog’s Template page

Click HTML >> Proceder

Now search for this code: ] ]> by using CTRL+F

Just above/before ]]> paste the below codes

popular-posts ul. popular-posts ul li list-style-type: none; margin:0 0 5px 0px; padding:5px 5px 5px 20px! important; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius:10px; - moz-border-radius:10px; - webkit-border-radius:10px; >.popular-posts ul li:hover border:1px solid #6BB5FF; >.popular-posts ul li a:hover text-decoration:none; >.popular-posts. item-thumbnail img webkit-border-radius: 100px; - moz-border-radius: 100px; border-radius: 100px; - webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0. 4); - moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0. 4); box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0. 4); >

Save your blog’s template and you’re done!

How to add a popular widget in Blogger?

To add the popular posts widget in blogger just go Layout >> Add a Widget and add the popular posts widget from the widget list and make any setting as you want. See below picture for example:

If you want to show the first line of your popular posts then tick the Snippet check box and also the image thumbnail will show the image of the post, select number of posts you want to show in the widget and also you can select the period of time for the popular posts as showing like: all time, last 30 days and last 7 days. After adding the widget you can drag it any where on your blog, but if you keep it on side bar, it would be looking attractive.

Your Thoughts: The widget is just simple to add, and can also be more customized. If you have questions about this widget do let me know by commenting below this post.

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NIce Post zeeshanbro

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Useful jQuery Image Sliders and Galleries Tutorials 

Uses of image sliding for website designing are increasing every moment. To customize the sites especially to showcase featured articles and products in the front page, image sliders are just what the designer’s need. Search online and you will get a list of stunning jOuery image sliders and tutorials for creating your own. jQuery has certain highlighted features that are to be highly esteemed. Easy to use, jQuery sliders also provide few easy to download plugins. jQuery image tutorials are professionally designed and with time you can improve your knowledge.

The official WordPress Blog Stats plugin makes integrating W3Counter with a WordPress self-hosted blog easy. The plugin adds W3Counter's real-time stats to the WordPress admin dashboard, and adds a sidebar widget for integrating the tracking code into the blog's theme.

In addition to making it easy to view your stats and add the tracking code to your blog's theme, the plugin also makes use of W3Counter's Visitor Labeling feature. Whenever someone leaves a comment on your blog, their name is stored in a cookie by WordPress to fill in the comment form on future visits.

The plugin passes on the author's name to W3Counter, where it will show up in your "Who's Online" reports instead of an IP address. Clicking on the name will show you the browsing history of that commentor on your blog.

Important: To use this plugin, you should be running the latest version of WordPress. If you are not, please upgrade WordPress first.

After activating the plugin, click "W3Counter" under your "Settings" menu to configure it.

Add the tracking code to your sidebar by dragging the W3Counter widget into your sidebar on the "Widgets" page under the "Appearance" menu.

Handling UTF-8 in PHP, JavaScript, and Non-UTF8 Databases

Dealing with characters outside the ASCII range on the web is tough. It’s tough in other environments too, but particularly for web applications since text needs to move through so many places without being mangled — from user input, through JavaScript, into and out of PHP and string manipulation functions, into and out of databases. If you’re not careful, the text you start with isn’t what you’ll end up with after you’re done handling it. That was the case with W3Counter for a long time, but not any longer. I’ll tell you how. Unicode is the preferred method of representing text outside the ASCII range, which includes text from virtually all non-English languages. Unicode maps characters to integers, and includes a large range of characters, many more than Windows-1252 or ISO-8859-1, the most common character sets used for English documents. Luckily there’s another character set, UTF-8, which can represent Unicode and has wide operating system and browser support. Handling UTF-8 in HTML

The first step in capturing and displaying non-English text is to deliver your webpages with the UTF-8 encoding. This tells the browser to interpret the text of the webpage as UTF-8 sequences, allowing it to display characters UTF-8 can encode that other character sets can’t. There are two places your page tells the browser what encoding to use — the Content-Type HTTP header, and the Content-Type meta tag. On an Apache 1.3.12 or later server, you can set what content-type header will be sent by default with the AddCharset, AddType, or AddDefaultCharset directives. These can be set in a. htaccess file if you’re on shared hosting and don’t have access to the server’s main configuration file. You can also specify the character set in a meta tag: <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ /> If you’re using IIS, you can find the content-type setting for each file type under the “Headers” menu in the properties of your web site. Handling UTF-8 in JavaScript

JavaScript internally works with all text in Unicode, so it’s going to handle UTF-8 encoded text properly without any extra care. However, in the context of web application development, JavaScript is often used to pass off data to server-side scripts. Whether it’s done through rendering HTML (such as constructing an iframe URL) or through AJAX calls, you may need to send text as a parameter in a URL’s query string. You’ll often see escape() used to prepare the string for use in a URL; it escapes characters like the ampersand that would otherwise result in a malformed URL. However, escape() doesn’t handle characters outside the ASCII range correctly, so the receiving script won’t be able to interpret them. You simply can’t use escape() on Unicode text. Luckily, all recent browsers support two new JavaScript functions, encodeURIComponent() and encodeURI(). These functions are safe for UTF-8 text, encoding them with the proper escape sequence, as well as everything escape() did to make sure the text is usable in a URL. The encodeURI() function encodes entire URIs — so it leaves characters such as & intact. encodeURIComponent() encodes strings to be individual parameters of a URI, so it encodes all characters except

*()’. In short, if you’re using escape(), use encodeURIComponent() instead. If you’re worried about breaking compatibility with very old browsers, you can test for the existence of the function before using it: if (encodeURIComponent) else Handling UTF-8 in PHP

Internally, PHP uses ISO-8859-1/Latin-1 encoding. This character set is much smaller and incompatible with Unicode, which makes handling UTF-8 text difficult. Use of most string functions in PHP will result in the interpreter handling the text as Latin-1, and your output looking like garbled junk. PHP provides amultibyte string function library if your host has compiled it into their PHP build, although it’s sometimes difficult to use and doesn’t provide equivalents to all the string functions PHP normally provides. PHP handles integers just fine, and Unicode is just a mapping of characters to integers. We can take advantage of that, using some handy functions Scott Reynen has written, to deal with the incoming UTF-8 text. He provides several functions that work well together, allowing you to convert strings to Unicode, convert Unicode to HTML entities for display on a webpage, and do simple string manipulation. Storing UTF-8 in Non-UTF-8 Databases

The beauty of Scott’s unicode_to_entities_preserving_ascii() function is that it turns UTF8-encoded text into a string that is represented entirely with ASCII characters. All of the chracters outside the ASCII range are turned into their HTML escape sequences, like &#1575;. That means you don’t need your database tables to be set to the UTF-8 character set, which on shared hosting, you may not have the ability to do, and it’s not often the default. This is useful even if your output format isn’t HTML. Now that you have a way to get the text into the database without losing non-English characters, you can convert it back after you get it out for use elsewhere in your app. PHP has a built-in function which will handle this part for you: html_entity_decode. $original_string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_NOQUOTES, ‘UTF-8′); The caveat, of course, is that you can’t search or sort on those strings in the database properly. If you need those abilities, you need to ensure the database, the table, the columns, and the connection are all set to the UTF-8 character set, and that you don’t use any non-multibyte-safe functions on the strings before inserting or after retrieving them. And there you have it: Handling non-English text in your web applications even in a shared hosting environment.

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MetaTrader 5 - Examples

Marvel Your MQL5 Customers with a Usable Cocktail of Technologies!


MQL5 provides programmers with a very complete set of functions and object-oriented API thanks to which they can do everything they want within the MetaTrader environment. However, Web Technology is an extremely versatile tool nowadays that may come to the rescue in some situations when you need to do something very specific, want to marvel your customers with something different or simply you do not have enough time to master a specific part of MT5 Standard Library. Today's exercise walks you through a practical example about how you can manage your development time at the same time as you also create an amazing tech cocktail.

This tutorial is showing you how you can create a CSV file from an awesome web-driven GUI (Graphical User Interface ). Specifically, we will create the news calendar used by the EA explained in Building an Automatic News Trader article. The web technologies we are going to work with are HTML5, CSS and JQuery. This exercise is especially interesting for MQL5 developers who already have some Web knowledge or want to learn some of those technologies in order to combine them with their MQL5 developments. Personally I had the opportunity to work in recent years with JQuery, HTML5 and CSS, so I am very familiar to it all. All this is known as the client side of a web application.

Figure 1. Cocktails. Picture distributed by mountainhiker under a Creative Commons License on Flickr

This month, I have no material time to study Classes for Creation of Control Panels and Dialogs. so I have preferred to take the approach explained in Charts and diagrams in HTML. That's why I opened the thread EA's GUIs to enter data .

1. The Cocktail of Technologies

The HTML language and the Web were born in 1989, not a long time ago, to describe and share some scientific documents in the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). HTML was originally conceived as a communication tool for the scientific community. Since then, the HyperText Markup Language has been constantly evolving in order to share information among people all over the world. I don't want to bore you with some history of science and technology, but just remember this information.

So, in the beginning, as developers took HTML and made it their own to make cool things, they used to write the HTML code, the CSS style code and the JavaScript all in one single document. They mixed everything and soon realized that they had to adopt a philosophy of separating things so that web applications worked with less errors. That is why today we always separate the structure (HTML), the visual presentation (CSS) and the behavior (JavaScript) when working on the client side of a web app. Whenever you want to do an exercise like today's, you should know these three interdependent technologies.

2. And What About Usability?

Usability means easy to use. It means how easy it is to learn to use something, how efficient it feels to use it, how easily you can go wrong when using something, or how much users like to use that thing. Let's briefly recall. We are developing a web-driven GUI so that our customers can make a news calendar for our MQL5 product, the EA explained in Building an Automatic News Trader article. The aspect of usability is important because we are integrating a number of technologies. But we have to be careful, all this has to be transparent to the user! We will succeed when our customers use our web-driven solution and they end up saying, 'How cool has been using this product!", "How I love it!"

Our GUI design follows a number of known usability guidelines:

It has a light background color and a dark font color in order to make the text readable.

The font size is large enough so that the text can be read by a normal audience.

The icons are not alone, but go along with its corresponding text description.

The links are underlined and are blue. This makes them visible.

3. The Web GUI for Creating a CSV of News

This exercise's entire code is available in news-watcher-csv. html . This is what we will deliver to our customer together with our EA. By the way, I recommend you first take a look at that file which I will explain in detail below.

3.1. Loading the Behavior Layer (JS) and the Display Layer (CSS)

The Google Hosted Libraries is a content distribution network for the most popular open-source JavaScript libraries. You can take from Google's servers the JS libraries you need so that you don't have to copy them on your machine for working with them, your web app will request Google in the first HTTP request the libraries you specify. This is the approach taken by this exercise in order for the browser to load the JQuery library and its corresponding CSS.

We load all the necessary stuff in the document's header tag:

Nevertheless, we also include the CSS and the JavaScript of jquery. timepicker. the widget that allows customers to select a specific time. This is because there are no silver bullets! JQuery UI does not come with any visual widget for selecting times of a day out of the box, so we have to resort to this third party component. The files jquery. timepicker. css and jquery. timepicker. min. js are not available on Google's servers, so we must copy them on our local machine and reference them in the HTML document.

This may be uncomfortable for our customers, so in the context of this exercise I recommend you first upload these two files to a reliable public server and then point them from your HTML document, just as we do with the JQuery library which is hosted on Google. The fewer files see our customers, the better. Remember what we discussed earlier regarding usability! This is left to you as an improvement exercise. In any case, keep in mind that all this assumes that our customer has an Internet connection in order to use this GUI.

3.2. JQuery Widgets Used in Our GUI

Our GUI contains the following JQuery visual controls. Remember that all this is already programmed in this JavaScript framework! Please, have a look at the official documentation to deepen your knowledge in JQuery and JQuery UI. I will explain a little later how the main jQuery program works.

This control allows users to easily enter a particular date.

Figure 2. jQuery datepicker

This plugin helps users to enter a specific time. It is inspired by Google Calendar.

Figure 3. jQuery timepicker. This extension is written by Jon Thornton

This is for reordering the news in a list or grid using the mouse.

Figure 4. jQuery sortable

This control is for showing some content in an interactive overlay. Usability purists do not recommend it because it is a little intrusive to the user. It also forces users to carefully move their hands to interact with it, so people with motor problems may feel uncomfortable interacting with a jQuery dialog, however, this widget can be used in some contexts. I am aware of this. Improving this Graphical User Interface so that the CSV content is displayed in a somewhat less intrusive way is left as an exercise for you.

Figure 5. jQuery dialog

3.3. The Marvel, Adding Custom Value to Your Product

Maybe you, either as a freelancer or as a company, are offering solutions based on MT5 and have a database storing your customers' preferences for marketing issues. In that case, you can take advantage of that information to customize your web-driven GUI:

Figure 6. You can incorporate a Scarlatti clip so that Bob can create his calendar in a relaxed environment

In this example your customer Bob loves Domenico Scarlatti, the famous Italian/Spanish Baroque composer, so you incorporate a Scarlatti clip so that Bob can create his calendar in a relaxed environment.

3.4. Our GUI's JQuery code

Please, now open the file news-watcher-csv. html and observe the three parts that we discussed earlier in this tutorial. Remember that a client web app consists of presentation (CSS), structure (HTML) and behavior (JavaScript/jQuery). With all this in view you will easily understand what the jQuery program does.

The main jQuery program is a snap. First of all, it makes a small fix in YouTube's iframe so that the document's HTML5 code can properly validate. Then, the app initializes the widgets that we discussed earlier, and finally programs the behaviour of both the button for adding news and the link for creating the CSV content. ¡Eso es!

The jQuery code above dynamically manipulates the HTML structure below:

Finally, it goes without saying that the presentation layer is the following CSS which is clearly separated from the other two layers:

This simple presentation layer can also be improved, for example, by writing a CSS code that takes into account all mobile devices. Currently this is possible with CSS3 media queries and responsive web design but there is no space enough in this article to explore this technique, so it is left as an exercise for the reader.


Web Technology is an extremely versatile tool nowadays that may come to the rescue in some situations. Today we have created a web-based Graphical User Interface for creating a news calendar in CSV format to be used by the Expert Advisor that we already developed in Building an Automatic News Trader article.

HTML5, CSS and JQuery are the main web technologies we have worked with. All this is known as the client side of a web application. We also briefly discussed the need to always think of the person who will use the interface, making a brief note on issues of usability.

*Very important notes . The HTML5 code of this tutorial has been validated through the W3C Markup Validation Service to guarantee a quality product, and has been tested in recent versions of Chrome and Firefox browsers. IE8 is becoming obsolete, please do not run this exercise in that browser. jQuery 2.0 doesn’t support IE 6, 7 or 8. The three files of this tutorial are sent in txt format because MQL5 does not allow sending HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please, download them and rename news-watcher-csv. txt to news-watcher-csv. html . jquery. timepicker. txt to jquery. timepicker. css and jquery. timepicker. min. txt to jquery. timepicker. min. js .

Control Captivate Within Captivate

I received an email from a fellow Captivate Developer asking if it was possible to have a Main Cp swf control another “demo” swf inserted as an animation. Specifically she wanted the “demo” swf to send a message to the Main swf to move on to the next slide. YES… THIS IS POSSIBLE. pizza pizza!

Cómo? Through JavaScript awesomeness (of course!). Where’s the BEEF.

Simply place a button on the demo slide and set it to execute this JavaScript:

function nextSlide() var objCP = document. Captivate; objCP. cpEISetValue(‘rdcmndNextSlide’, 1); >

OR you can have this done automatically by placing the JS code on a slide entry or exit action. It’s up to you.

Why does this work? document. Captivate resolves to the MAIN swf so you can control it using rdcmndNextSlide. or any movie control variable. You could even pass user variables to the Mains swf this way. That should get your wheels turnin’

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My partner and I absolutely love your blog and find a lot of your post’s to be precisely what I’m looking for. Can you offer guest writers to write content available for you? I wouldn’t mind writing a post or elaborating on many of the subjects you write about here. Again, awesome website!

Speaking of an SWF talking to another… if this is too off subject-my apologies. Â Could a Quiz developed in Captivate be inserted into Presenter and that score be shared for LMS recording purposes?

@JRA: Â Out of the box… no. Â With a developed widget, possibly.

Que sigue?

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<script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ jQuery. cookie = function (key, value, options)

// key and at least value given, set cookie. if (arguments. length > 1 && String(value) !== "[object Object]") options = jQuery. extend(<>, options);

if (value === null || value === undefined) options. expires = -1; >

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style='border: none; sobrecarga oculta; margin-top: -19px; width: 402px; height: 230px;'></iframe><center> <span id="linkit">Powered by Burptech - <a href="http://www. burptech. com/2014/03/add-facebook-like-popup. html">FB Like Box widget</a></span></center> </div> </div> <!-- Facebook Popup Widget END. -->

Inicio & raquo; Woocommerce Extensions » Ultimate WooCommerce Brands Plugin v1.5

Ultimate WooCommerce Brands Plugin v1.5

Ultimate WooCommerce Brands Plugin v1.5 Download

Version 1.5 – Mega Update (06.08.2015) Added – New “items_limit” option in shortcode_mg_brands_slider_wp shortcode to limit number of items in Brands Slider Added – New “items_in” option in shortcode_mg_brands_slider_wp shortcode to show only selected brands by ID in Brands Slider Added – New “group_items” option in shortcode_mg_brands_list_wp shortcode to allow you show brands listing without grouping by letters Added – Dropdown Brands list display type for Brands List Widget Added – Use any custom position for Brand display in category or product page using your own JQuery CSS selector for new plugin settings options Added – WordPress 4.3 support for widgets Updated – Theme Documentation Fixed – WordPress security/XSS vulnerabilities Fixed – Translation fixes

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Pluralsight – Extending Bootstrap with CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery [60 MP4, Exercise Files] English | Size: 703.43 MB (737,595,831 bytes ) Category: Tutorial This course will use a step-by-step approach for showing the student how to build several UI widgets using HTML, HTML5, CSS/CSS3, and Bootstrap. The overall project for this course is a simple Music Site that shows how to build all these UI widgets. There will be step-by-step demos for each module to illustrate the concepts of building custom UI widgets. We will use Visual Studio 2013 to build the HTML, however, any editor can be used as we will not be using any Microsoft-specific technology. The concepts in this course can be applied equally to PHP, MVC, Web Forms, or any web development system. At the end of the course the student will have built several ready-to-use UI widgets they can incorporate into their own web projects right away. [Read more…]

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Page events order in jQuery Mobile – Version 1.4 update

If you want to have full control over your jQuery Mobile application first thing you need to learn is page events, their sequence, order and how to properly use them. Even more, you need to understand when they will trigger, at wait point and how to delegate them. Last year I covered almost everything related to jQuery Mobile page events, now time has come to do it all over again.

Note: If this tutorial was helpful, need further clarification, something is not working or do you have a request for another Ionic post? Furthermore, if you don't like something about this blog, if something is bugging you, don't like how I'm doing stuff here, again leave me a comment below. I'm here to help you, I expect the same from you . Feel free to comment below, subscribe to my blog, mail me to dragan. gaic@gmail. com. or follow and mention me on twitter (@gajotres ). Thanks and have a nice day!

PD. If you want my help, if possible (even if it takes you some time to do that), create a working example I can play with. Use Plunker for AngularJS based questions or jsFiddle for jQuery/jQuery Mobile based questions.


Up to this point of jQuery Mobile 1.4 page events worked on per page basis, basically you would bind a page event to a certain page div and wait for it to trigger. Page event sequence order looked like this:

This way of page event handling is now deprecated ( Note: because of community outcry deprecation process was moved to jQuery Mobile 1.5), according to jQuery Mobile developers, old way of page handling was just a temporarily solution.

When jQuery Mobile 1.4 rolled out it brought us some major changes to page event handling, mainly pagecontainer widget. Almost every page event was renamed and incorporated into mentioned widget, some like pagebeforecreate . pagecreate were left intact. New page event sequence order looks like this:

New page event sequence order

mobileinit – The very first event that fires – even before. ready(), it fires after loading core jQuery and before loading core jQuery Mobile.

pagebeforecreate – First event to occur before page is loaded into the DOM. This is an excellent event if you want to add additional content to your DOM. This is because at this point DOM content is still intact and jQuery Mobile is waiting to enhance page markup.

pagecreate – Second event to occur if page is still not loaded into the DOM. It marks that page is loaded into the DOM and can also be used in same fashion just like pagebeforecreate . This event is replacement for pageinit event which no longer exists (currently is deprecated).

pagecontainerbeforehide – This is excellent event if you want to do something before page is hidden or before next page can be shown.

pagecontainerhide – Unlike previous one this page even will trigger after pages is hidden, used page template will determine is this page completely removed or just marked not-active (in case of multi-HTMl template this page is removed from DOM, unless it is marked for cashing).

pagecontainerbeforeshow – This event will trigger just before page is shown, it is also an excellent time to bind other events, like click etc.

pageremove – At this point page is shown. This event should be used for jQuery plugins that require precise page height cause only at this point page height can be calculated correctly.

pagecontainerremove – This event is triggered when page is about to be removed from the DOM, it will work only in case of multi-HTML template when page cashing is turned off.

pagecontainerbeforeload – This event will trigger when pageload function is used but before page is successfully loaded.

pagecontainerload – Just like previous event, but this one will trigger only on a successful page load.

pagebeforechange – This page event will trigger when changePage function is triggered but before page transition process. It will trigger even during normal transition because changePage function is called automatically each time page is about to be changed (I just wanted to clarify this, changePage don’t need to be executed manually for this event to work). Must be bound to the document object, it will not work bound to a page div.

pagechange – Just like previous one, but this one will trigger on successful page change status.

pagecontainerbeforetransition – Alternative version of pagebeforechange event, you should switch to this one over time because I think pagebeforechange is also going to be removed

pagecontainertransition – Alternative version of pagechange event, you should switch to this one over time because I think pagechange is also going to be removed

Features Progress Theme Features

Wide/Boxed Progress Layout

Progress theme comes in a boxed or a wide layout, and can easily be switched in the admin panel. The layout style will be applied throughout the entire site. When you have the boxed version activated, you can choose to have the background be a custom image, a pattern or a solid color! Progress comes with 36 pre-defined patterns to choose from.

Visual Composer Content Builder

Visual Composer by WPBakery for WordPress will save you tons of time working on the site content. Now you’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes! It’s build on top of the Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery UI framework – get the best from world leading experts!

Parallax Slider

With Parallax LayerSlider by kreatura you can create as many layers and sublayers as you want. You can use images or any other HTML elements, including Flash movies as layers. The script is very user-friendly, you can add global settings or local (per slide) settings to each layer or sublayer. You can change delay times, easing types, durations and much more with the WYSIWYG editor!

Advanced Admin Panel

With Advanced Theme Options Panel, you can customize just about any part of your site quickly and easily. Change the colors site wide with the backend color picker, select any of the 500+ google fonts for all headings and body copy, upload custom backgrounds, organize your homepage layout, create sidebars and so much more!

Custom Post Types

Custom post types make it easy to customize your content for each section. You can choose a left or right sidebar, choose to include the top page title bar, portfolio post can either be a full width post with the project details and description below the full width image. Also you can sort portfolio items. Portfolio posts also have many attributes for you to list for each item, the standard ones are; Project Date, Categories, Client and Project url. Easily embed videos or create beautiful slideshows for both portflio and blog posts.

Custom Widgets

We’ve included 6 custom widgets that you can easily drag and drop to activate and customize – Recent Porfolio, Blog Posts List, Twitter Feed, Flickr Photostream, Video and Testimonials.

Unlimited Color Options

Progress theme includes a backend color picker in the theme options that allows you to easily change the color throughout the entire theme. Simply select the color picker and pick a new color, or insert a hex or rgb number and the new color value will be implemented throughout the entire site.

Sidebar Generator

Progress allows you to create an unlimited number of sidebars from the Theme Options Panel. It allows you to assign a custom sidebar to every single page. And you can always use the default ones as well.

High Risk Warning . Forex, Futures, and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy or Sell currencies, futures, or options. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Website owners and affiliates will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

by eppoh on Jumat, Juni 21, 2013 no comments

Karena masih banyak orang mengeluhkan bagaimana cara membuat daftar isi pada widget atau sidebar secara sederhana dan mudah dimengerti pemula (newbie), namun tidak muncul pada widget atau beberapa saat kemudian Daftar Isi-nya jadi kosong alias tidak amapu mengakses isi blog kita.

Biasanya sang pemula, hanya bersifat co-pas, padahal widget tersebut menggunakan java script orang lain, maka jika suatu ketika blog orang tersebut terkena suspend atau java script-nya dihapus atau rusak, maka dengan sendirinya Daftar Isi kita tidak mampu membaca lagi hasil postingan kita.

Kali ini saya akan memberikan beberapa macam java script Daftar Isi, silahkan dicoba satu persatu, dan pilih mana yang dirasa paling sesuai.


Log in ke akun blog sobat.

Pada dashboard blogger, klik Tata Letak (layout).

klik Tambah gadget (add gadget) --> HTML/Javascript

Silakan beri judul pada widget.

Copy dan pastekan html - script dibawah ini ke dalam kotak javascript.

Catatan: Jika sudah ada widget terdahulu namun daftar isi-nya tidak muncul, tinggal klik saja gadget tersebut, lalu hapus script/html yang lama dan pastekan dengan html yang anda pilih

<div style="background: #FFFFFF ; no-repeat scroll 0 0; border:1px solid #272622 ; color: ##110B26; height:400px ; overflow:auto; padding:10px; width:100% ;"> <div id="cl_option"> Cargando. </div> <div id="cl_content_list"> </div> & Lt; script tipo = "texto / javascript" & gt; var jumlah_kata_dalam_ringkasan = 200; </script> <script src="http://tateluproject. googlecode. com/files/DaftarMenuOtomatis. js"> </script> <script src="http:// colomero. blogspot. com /feeds/posts/default? alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=onLoadFeed&amp;max-results=999 "> </script></div>


Background : #FFFFFF; border:2px solid #272622 ; adalah warna yang bisa diganti disesuaikan dengan blog anda

height:400px ; dan width:260px ; adalah tinggi dan lebar widget - bisa diganti disesuaikan dengan tinggi dan lebar sidebar blog anda

Url ini. "http:// colomero. blogspot. com / silahkan ganti dengan url blog anda.

6. Lalu save atau simpan.


Lakukan no. 1 s/d 5 seperti cara Daftar Isi vers-1 . lalu:

<div style="background-color: transparent ; border: 1px solid #ACC3E2 ; height: 300px ; width: 100% ; overflow: auto; "> <script src="http://sites. google. com/site/itinformationclub/daftar_isi. js"></script> <script> var numposts = 1000; var showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 100; var standardstyling = true; </script> <script src=" "http:// nugarro. blogspot. com /feeds/posts/default? orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;max-results=999&amp;callback=showrecentposts"></script> </div>


Background - color: transparent ; border:2px solid #272622 ; adalah warna yang bisa diganti disesuaikan dengan warna blog anda

height: 300px ; dan width: 100% ; adalah tinggi dan lebar widget - bisa diganti disesuaikan dengan tinggi dan lebar sidebar blog anda

Url ini. "http:// nugarro. blogspot. com / silahkan ganti dengan url blog anda .

6. Lalu save atau simpan.


Lakukan no. 1 s/d 5 seperti cara Daftar Isi vers-1 . lalu:

<div style="border: 1px solid #cccccc ; margin: auto; overflow: auto; padding: 3px; text-align: left; height: 400px;width: 100%; "> <div align="center"> <span style="font-size: medium;"> Myblog Contents </span></div> <script src="http://julak-project. googlecode. com/files/dafisiscroll%20.js">

</script><script src=" http://colomero. blogspot. com /feeds/posts/default? max-results=9999&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script></div>


border: 1px solid #cccccc ; adalah warna yang bisa diganti disesuaikan dengan blog anda

height: 400px;width: 100%; adalah tinggi dan lebar widget - bisa diganti disesuaikan dengan tinggi dan lebar sidebar blog anda

Myblog Contents bisa diganti sesukanya

Url ini. " http://colomero. blogspot. com / silahkan ganti dengan url blog anda.

6. Lalu save atau simpan.


Lakukan no. 1 s/d 5 seperti cara Daftar Isi vers-1 . lalu:

<div style="overflow:auto;height:250px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #eee"><script src=" https://html-scripts. googlecode. com/files/feeds. js "></script> <script src="http:// eppoh. blogspot. com /feeds/posts/default? max-results=9999&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"> </script>

Ganti Alamat eppoh. blogspot. com dengan url / alamat blog anda.

Ganti https://html-scripts. googlecode. com/files/feeds. js dengan kode daftar isi dibawah ini :

Berdasarkan Label. https://html-scripts. googlecode. com/files/feeds-labels. js

Berdasarkan Tanggal. https://html-scripts. googlecode. com/files/feed-dates. js

Berdasarkan Artikel terbaru. https://html-scripts. googlecode. com/files/feeds. js

6. Klik tombol SAVE . Lalu lihat hasilnya di Blog.


Lakukan no. 1 s/d 5 seperti cara Daftar Isi vers-1 . lalu:

Ganti URL http://nama_blog. blogspot. com dengan alamat blog Anda lalu simpan.


Web Content Intern


The ForexTime (FXTM) Web Content intern is responsible for the upkeep of all FXTM websites. The successful candidate will implement new pages and edit existing website pages as well as landing pages.


Minimum 1 year of web development/deployment experience

Excellent English written and verbal communications skills

An analytical mind - loathing contradictions and illogicalness, whilst being able to quickly and comprehensively grasp patterns, principles and structures

Having a good knowledge of the trading/forex industry is considered an advantage

Analysing the market trends and recommending changes to online marketing strategies

Focused, self-driven, professional

Highly interested in the latest web technologies

Excellent communication and presentation skills

A hands-on team player

Hard worker, disciplined, highly organised, detail-oriented and enthusiastic

Responsabilidades y deberes

Experience using Drupal CMS (or similar content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, etc.), HTML5, CSS3, and cross-browser testing.

Familiarity with key Drupal site-building modules such as Views, Features, Context, Panels, Display Suite, etc.

Ability to convert wireframes (created on Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator and other design programs) documents into dynamic, responsive websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery.

Focus on quality design, usability, and user experience (UX).

Excellent communication and collaboration skills and attention to detail.

FT Global Limited está regulada por el IFSC con los números de licencia IFSC / 60/345 / TS e IFSC / 60/345 / APM.

Las transacciones de tarjetas se procesan a través de FT Global Services Ltd, Reg. No. HE 335426 y domicilio registrado en Tassou Papadopoulou 6, Flat / office 22, Ag. Dometios, 2373, Nicosia, Chipre, una filial de FT Global Ltd.

Trading Forex y CFDs implica un riesgo significativo y puede resultar en la pérdida de su capital invertido. Usted no debe invertir más de lo que puede permitirse perder y debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados. Los productos de apalancamiento comercial pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Antes de operar, tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia, objetivos de inversión y busque asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario. Es responsabilidad del Cliente comprobar si está autorizado a utilizar los servicios de FT Global Limited en base a los requisitos legales en su país de residencia. Por favor lea la información completa de riesgo de FXTM.

FT Global Limited does not provide services to residents of the USA, Belize, Japan, British Columbia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and the countries of the European Economic Area.

&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www. facebook. com/tr? id=1459261824389679&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;ev=PixelInitialized" /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;

The name Forex Trading is none that we have all heard. Most of the times, we are lost wondering exactly what it means. But more often than not, it is known that there is a money and profit element involved in it.

What is forex trading exactly?

Forex trading as the name hints is a form of trading, that is, doing business, selling and buying in order to make profits. It is basically a market place where people exchange different currencies. However, one of its unique aspects is that it does not have a physical market place. If you are asking yourself why there is a need to exchange foreign currencies, the answer is pretty simple. Business around the globe is always going on and hence there is the inevitable need to harmonize the currencies for that purpose. Suppose you go to a foreign country and there is really this item you want to purchase, only to find it impossible to because the currency you have is unknown to those people? Very annoying indeed. Thanks to forex trading you can tour the world all you want and get to buy anything you like in the proper currency.

Characteristics of forex trading

& # 8226; It is very large - it is said to probably be the largest market today in the world. This is associated to the constant need to exchange currencies in order to trade and do business. & # 8226; It is liquid - this is solemnly because the exchange rates are always changing. It is hard to predict it unless you are an expert who has been trading for several years like Ezekiel Chew. & # 8226; It has the largest trading value annually, even over the stock market. & # 8226; It does not have a central marketplace. This is because forex trading is one electronically Over the Counter (OTC) and hence the transactions are computer generated through a network around the globe. & # 8226; There is no opening and closing hours in this market. It is open 24 hours a day, which makes it very active.

History of forex trading

Everything has a reason as to why it came into existence or how it started. You may wonder how the whole world had a pressing need for the exchange of currency. Back in the 18th century, specifically in 1875, the gold standard monetary system was established. It was the major step toward the development of forex trading. Countries used to attach their currencies to be equal to a given ounce of gold, which became the first standardized way of currency exchange.

World War I and II shake the gold monetary system, because some countries, especially in Europe, did not have enough gold to exchange and they were printing money to complete the military projects. This was not good for them.

It was not until the year 1944 that the Bretton Woods System was put in place in USA. It led to the formation of fixed exchange rates and eventually, the US dollar replaced the gold standard. It was the only currency that would be backed by gold. Over, it was short lived because in 1971 the U. S. decided not to exchange gold for its dollars held in foreign reserves.

In 1976, the floating foreign exchange rate was introduced and it was widely received worldwide. It has developed ever since, to what we know today.

How to start in forex trading

This is a very profitable market that anyone willing to can join and make big money. I would strongly recommend you to visit the Asiaforexmentor on its website (http://www. asiaforexmentor. com/ ). This is a very professional site with an experienced forex trader and mentor. Ezekiel Chew trades millions of dollars and he has been in the business for so long that nothing is new to him.

What does the Asia forex mentor teach?

It is pretty obvious that if you are new to the market, you are not conversant with its environment and its changes. Asia forex mentor will help you understand forex trading in depth and appreciate each and every aspect of the market. The team of experts will share with you the How’s and the Why’s of trading successfully which they have accomplished for the past more than 14 years. They will help you realize that it is indeed possible to trade successfully in the business.

What does the course entail?

Asia forex mentor has a combined module of what Ezekiel Chew has been through as a forex trader. The reality of the market is explained from its advantages to disadvantages. He will share with you what most experts may not be readily willing to share, including the price he has paid for some common mistakes in the market for the many yearshe has traded. Further, the course takes into account the price action use by banks and institutions, which is the trend nowadays. It will help you understand it better. Forextrading strategies are also explained as well as the entire forex trading system. You will learn how the mentor has traded through the system and made huge profits constantly, which is why you want to enter the market. You will be taught the whole truth about the practical forex trading course . which will equip you with the skills and knowledge to overcome the challenges. You will also be warned on how to avoid using robots or other untrustworthy alert signals which are sold elsewhere. This will surely make you wiser as you go through the jargon.

Specialized courses taught by the Asia forex mentor

In summary, the course list includes:-

& # 8226; All price action materials • Forex trading strategies & system developed by the mentor over many years. & # 8226; Money management • Risk management • Trading Psychology • How to trail your profits and let it run • How to remove your emotions in trading • How to cut your losses • A simple formula to learn and understand the market • The Asian Mentor’s 5 Super A trades inside • The Road to Millions Formula that has never been revealed before.

Can I take an online course?

The Asia Mentor has an online course that is accessible to people from every corner of the world. They have a unique physical Home study Program. All you need to do is email them your details and you will be taken through it smoothly.

Now you know where to go if you want to start out on forex trading. In fact, the market is always changing and even if you are an experienced trader, the Asia Forex mentor will help you learn how to maximize your profits, he is a keen person ready and willing to help his students excel in forex trading. Visit them today and book your classes with them for the coming year. You need to hurry because the seats are limited and the demand is quite high. You will learn from the best.

Forex Trading System – The Correct Way to Trade

Are you a parent who is interested in teaching your children the importance of time management? If you are, good for you. Time management is a skill that all children should learn, as it may have a significant impact on their future. Unfortunately, many parents do not take the time to teach their children the importance of proper time use. In fact, some parents don't even realize the importance of time management themselves.

Despite the fact that you are certain that you want to teach your child the importance of time management and ways that they can manage their time, you may be unsure as to how you can go about doing so. The approach that you decide to take should depend on your child's age. Please continue reading on for a few helpful tips.

For toddlers and preschoolers . you can use a timer, like a kitchen timer . This is a fun approach to take, as you are essentially creating your own time management game. What you can do is time your child while they complete an easy task. These tasks can be anything from cleaning their room, getting ready for bed, getting washed up for dinner, and so froth. Just make sure that you set a timer with enough time for your child to reasonably do what you are asking of them.

How to Teach Your Children About Time Management

With toddlers and preschoolers . it is important to remember that your child is still young. It isn't always a good idea to discipline them for taking longer than you expected them to take. Just be sure that you talk to your child about picking up their speed and give them easy to understand tips on how they can go about doing so. At this age, be sure to reward your child for beating the time. This reward can be a simple praise, a hug, or a sticker.

As for elementary school aged children , a timer can still be used, but some children do tend to outgrow this approach. Just be sure to talk to your children about time management, its importance, and the consequences for regularly being late. At around the age of eight or so, children are better able to understand what happens when they don't make proper use of their time.

For teenagers . it is important to talk to your child. You will also want to set a good example. Depending on the circumstances at hand, it may also be a good idea to discipline your child. This is actually important to do with schooling. For example . if your teenager isn't able to get their homework done or if they don't study for a test, they may end up with bad grades. After a few warnings, consider limiting the amount of time that your teenager is able to spend with their friends or the amount of television they are able to watch. Doing this, even just temporarily, is likely to teach your teenager an important lesson about time management and the elimination of distractions.

In keeping with teaching a teenager the importance of time management, it is important to not just take away privileges, but to also provide education . Make sure that your teenager understands the importance of time management. In college, your child will be responsible for studying, doing their homework, and other important tasks and they will not have you there to help guide them. The same will be true for the workplace. Unfortunately, this is where many young adults run into problems. Don't let your son or daughter fall victim to poor time management.

As you can see, there are a number of easy ways that you can go about teaching your child the importance of time management, as well as tips that you can share with them. Regardless of your children's ages, the lesson of managing time is one that should be taught. In fact, the sooner that you start teaching your children how to properly manage their time, the better the results will likely be in the long run.

The software tool . Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most versatile tools that the huge software giant has given to us. Business has already discovered the power of this amazing tool. But there are a lot of lessons plans that would benefit from the tools and resources that PowerPoint can offer to make your lessons more fun and interesting for your students. But you have to know how to use it for maximum advantage even before you start designing your slide slow.

Almost everybody has seen PowerPoint used and witnessed what a fun and creative presentation tool it is. You can take classes to learn how to use PowerPoint and to tap the power of the amazing animation and graphics tools it has to present information to your students. This is why PowerPoint is such a great tool for teaching. It gives you the chance to supplement what might have been a boring lecture with some colorful and quickly moving slides that will keep your kids riveted throughout your presentation.

Teaching With Powerpoint (images via wikipedia. org)

PowerPoint is also easy to use . The genius of Microsoft is that they do facilitate us in using this great tool by making it so easy to take advantage of all of PowerPoint's fantastic tools. In a classroom setting, PowerPoint alone could represent one of the biggest revolutions in how to present information to students in a long time. But it's a good idea to think through how to use the tool and have some ground rules for how to use it so you get the maximum value from PowerPoint without becoming abusive of its powers.

When designing the way you will use PowerPoint as a teaching tool, don't give in to the temptation to let the slideshow do all the work of teaching for you. Remember that PowerPoint is great as long as it is a supplement to your lecture or presentation to your students. The best kind of PowerPoint slide presentation uses bullet triggers to take you through your lecture but you do all the work of actually teaching your students. When it comes to putting a large amount of information on a PowerPoint slide, in a word, don't. This will lead to reading the slide presentation to your students which will become boring causing you to lose the "punch" you hoped PowerPoint would bring to this lesson plan.

Another tip when working with PowerPoint in an educational setting is to never turn your back on your students. You need to have eye contact with them at all times when you are teaching. So know your presentation well so you don't have to turn and look at the screen during the course of the lesson.

PowerPoint gives you the ability to use a timer fiction so the slides change on their own after a set period of time. This is a slick function but one that few actually use. And in your setting of trying to integrate PowerPoint into your teaching, you should avoid the timer function as well. The only way this function can work is if you are in a teaching situation where there is no chance there will be an interruption or a delay. And since in a classroom setting you can almost guarantee interruptions in your presentation, the timer function then would become your worst enemy rather than a good tool to help you.

Maintain a consistency to the design of your PowerPoint slides. This means using one single color or background scheme for the entire show. Consistency also applies to the motion of bulleted lists. There are dozens of presentation styles for bulleted lists that PowerPoint supports. You can have your bullet points fly in from the side, bounce in or fade in from nothing to something and then fade away again.

Avoid the temptation to use a different effect on each slide. By establishing one text management strategy, you will avoid creating a PowerPoint lesson that is distracting and disjointed. And by using common sense and good advice in how to put together your PowerPoint lesson plan . you will create a resource for that lesson that can be a valuable part of your teaching arsenal for years to come.

PowerPoint Online just click on here https://office. live. com/start/PowerPoint. aspx

Are you an individual who finds it difficult to manage your time at work or at home or at both places? If you are, you may be looking for information on how you can make better use of your time. You will likely be pleased with all of your options, as there are a number of different steps that you can take. A few successful time management techniques that have worked for others, just like you, are touched on below. One of the most successful time management techniques is that of goal setting. Goals provide many with an important source of needed motivation, as they give you something to specifically aim for. Whether you set a long-term goal, such as improving the management of your time in general, or a short-term goal, such as showing up for work on time, goals are important. However, make sure that the time management goals you do set for yourself are realistic.

Creating daily to do lists is another one of the many ways that you can go about making better use of your time. In fact, after time has passed, you may not even need to use a daily to do list. For the time being, a to do list can help make sure that you stay focused and on task. It can also help create a new routine for yourself, one where you are better aware of your time and what must be done.

In addition to creating a simple to do list, you are also urged to prioritize. In fact, prioritizing combined with daily to do lists is the best form of time management. Whether your to do list is for the home or work, take a close look at all of the tasks you need to complete. Which tasks are more important? To reduce stress, add those with the most urgency to the top of your to do list.

Another successful time management technique is one that is very easy, but many people have a hard time doing it. This time management technique is just saying no. It is important to remember that there are only a limited number of hours in the day. No matter how much time and effort you put into staying focused and on task, there are still some things that you may not get accomplished. That is why you should never take on more than you reasonably believe that you can handle.

If you do find yourself saying yes to completing an extra project at work or taking on too many responsibilities at home, it is important to remember that you can ask for help. In fact, knowing when to ask for help is an important component of time management. You can ask your friends, children, or romantic partner for help around the house. You may also want to call upon the services of a professional housecleaner. In the workplace, consider outsourcing your work to another employee, if you are able to do so without getting into trouble.

Staying organized is another easy, yet effective and successful time management technique. In fact, did you know that time management and organization go hand in hand? They do. If you are organized, you will spend less time searching for lost or misplaced items or other important work documents. The more organized you are at both home and work, the easier it will be for you to manage your time.

Having a blog can be a great way for you to practice your writing and to allow others to find out more about you and to get to know you better. Moreover, in this day and age of Internet businesses, a blog can be a great way for you to make money.

In a system called affiliate marketing, you can get commissions whenever people click on ads that are posted on your site. In this way, you not only enjoy writing, you also get to make money from it. Of course, the only way that you can get money through this method is to get more visitors to your blog, and to have great content that everyone will want to avail of.

One way for you to get more visitors is to find an email group that you can use to promote your blog. An email group or mailing list is a great marketing vehicle: you can get in touch with a lot of people who have the same interests as yours, you can find a lot of people who may even have the same attitude as yours, and you can get the word out faster on a product or service that you like. In this same manner, you can get the word out much faster on your blog, and you may be able to spread the word if you know how to talk to people in your email group.

But how do you find the email groups? Here are a few tips that you may want to use as you search for a mailing list that will allow you to talk to a lot of people, keep in touch with people with whom you share interests, and have a lot of fun in promoting your blog!

What are your interests

Many email groups are built around common interests, be they movies, music, crafts, or even romance and love. List down all your interests. You can start with your hobbies, then your favorite songs, artists, movies, books, authors, and actors. You can use these interests as keywords when searching for email lists. Nearly all email list networks have a searchable database that you can use when looking for groups for you to be a member in. This way, you can be more sure to find people who have the same interests as yours.

What is your blog about

Use keywords about your blog in order to find more email groups. For instance, if you have a blog about pets, you may want to look for email groups that talk about pets, feeding pets, grooming pets, veterinarian and vet visits, and just animals in general. You can be as specific as you like: there are whole mailing lists for proud owners of certain breeds of dogs, or for people who like a certain kind of reptile. You can also be as general as you like. However, you may have a harder time with large groups, as they can be filled with people who do not read carefully through all the posrs.

Spread yourself evenly, but not too thin

The disadvantage with having too few mailing lists to be a member in is that you will also have fewer contacts in your network and a smaller range, as though you were putting all your eggs in one basket. The disadvantage with having too many mailing lists, however, is that they are much harder to manage on your part, and you could end up getting a lot of emails but not getting to respond quickly enough.

Are you a woman who is looking to improve your sex life? If you are, you may automatically start thinking of new ways for you to experiment in the bedroom. Of course, trying new things will likely prove to be successful, but did you also know that there is a much easier and much more relaxing approach that you can take? There is and that approach is called yoga.

So yoga and sex? If you are wondering what the connection is, you are not alone. Many women automatically think that there can't be a connection there. This is because exercise and sex often aren't too activities that are used in the same sentence. But, it is important for you to know that yoga can help you have better sex.

In fact, do you have any idea how many people recommend yoga for improved intimacy? A lot of people do. These people include women, just like you, their sex partners, fitness instructors, and medical professionals. If all of these people say there is a connection between better intimacy and sex, they must be right.

What it is important to remember is that being fit in general is likely to give you more self-confidence. When your self-confidence levels are high, your satisfaction in the bedroom will automatically increase. It will still actually increase even if the sex doesn't change at all! How amazing is that?

Practicing yoga and exercising in general can also give you a better awareness of your body . This is important to having a good sex life. You may notice things about your body when you do aerobics, yoga, or just stretch. You can begin to better understand your body, its flexibility, and your limits. This alone can help to improve your sex life.

The art of yoga relies on body awareness, body movement, and breathing. Many experts claim that these three components are important to having healthy intimacy levels. In fact, did you know that your sex life with yoga will improve even if it wasn't your goal or the main purpose for you taking up yoga? That is also pretty neat.

As previously stated . when you have better body awareness, you are more likely to enjoy sex. Body awareness is one of the many foundations that yoga is built on. Being aware of your body can help to give you a better image of yourself, which can, in turn, increase your sex drive and ignite passion.

As for the breathing of yoga . it is so much more than just taking a breath while sitting on the couch at home. The breathing that yoga calls for actually helps to make your spine and your pelvis stronger. What does this mean for intimacy? It can result in better action and movement. You may find yourself being able to have sex longer. Your ability to try new sex positions successfully also improves.

Despite the fact that yoga is often referred to as a “woman's workout,” No lo es. More men are starting to enjoy yoga now than before. Por qué? Perhaps, it has to do with what yoga can do for your sex life. After all, all men and women want to achieve maximum pleasure in the bedroom. If your boyfriend or husband is one of those men, and they should be, convince them to try yoga with you. You may very will find yourself going at it in the shower or heading to the bedroom immediately following a yoga session.

Qajk. Com - Info

Suggestions Summary

Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 5 blocking script resources and 10 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML. Remove render-blocking JavaScript :

http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/default/scripts/jqtouch. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile//functions/web-app. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/default/scripts/ocmx-mobile_jquery. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:

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Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 227.4KiB (65% reduction).

Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 61.2KiB (65% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/ could save 40.4KiB (74% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/css/dashicons. min. css? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 17.2KiB (39% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/draggable. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 13.6KiB (73% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/parent-style. css could save 13.2KiB (77% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 11.9KiB (70% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/jquery. form. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10-2014.06.20 could save 9.2KiB (61% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/orange-light/style. css? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 8.7KiB (79% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10-20121105 could save 8.6KiB (***% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/scripts. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 8.4KiB (72% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/default/scripts/jqtouch. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 8.4KiB (72% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/default/scripts/ocmx-mobile_jquery. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 5.1KiB (***% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/widget. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 4.2KiB (62% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 4KiB (57% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/core. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 2.1KiB (54% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/mouse. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 2.1KiB (67% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/effects. css could save 1.6KiB (77% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/social-media-widget/social_widget. css? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 1.5KiB (75% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox. css? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 1.3KiB (62% reduction). Compressing https://partner. shareaholic. com/partners. js? location=http%3A%2F%2Fqajk. com%2F&canonical=http%3A%2F%2Fqajk. com%2F&site=86e1b19c87a621550e1ac78cf957735e could save 1.3KiB (61% reduction). Compressing https://ssum-sec. casalemedia. com/usermatch? s=183725&cb=https%3A%2F%2Fengine. adzerk. net%2Fudb%2F9604%2Fsync%2Fi. gif%3FpartnerId%3D1%26userId%3D&C=1 could save 1.1KiB (***% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/wp-embed. min. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 752B (50% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/css/styles. css? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 630B (57% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-magic/templates/css/styles. css? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 604B (57% reduction). Compressing http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile//functions/web-app. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 529B (50% reduction).

Reduce server response time

In our test, your server responded in 1.1 seconds. There are many factors that can slow down your server response time. Please read our recommendations to learn how you can monitor and measure where your server is spending the most time.

Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/effects. css (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/orange-light/layers/action-bg. png (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/orange-light/layers/bg. png (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/orange-light/layers/headerorange-bg. png (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/orange-light/layers/newsprite. png (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/parent-style. css (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/wp-hit-counter/designs/Extra%20Small/zero/1.gif (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/wp-hit-counter/designs/Extra%20Small/zero/2.gif (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/wp-hit-counter/designs/Extra%20Small/zero/4.gif (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/wp-hit-counter/designs/Extra%20Small/zero/8.gif (expiration not specified) http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation. gif (expiration not specified) https://csm2waycm-atl. netmng. com/cm/ (expiration not specified) http://cdn. viglink. com/images/pixel. gif? ch=1&rn=0.64955***513645023 (15 seconds) http://cdn. viglink. com/images/pixel. gif? ch=2&rn=0.64955***513645023 (15 seconds) http://clickcdn. shareaholic. com/api/vglnk. js (15 seconds) http://dsms0mj1bbhn4.cloudfront. net/assets/pub/shareaholic. js (10 minutes) http://www. google-***ytics. com/***ytics. js (2 hours)

Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

Los siguientes objetivos de toma están cerca de otros objetivos de toma cercanos y pueden necesitar un espacio adicional alrededor de ellos.

The tap target <a href="">Frank Breinling</a> and 13 others are close to other tap targets . The tap target <a href="http://qajk. co…a-forex-robot/">What You Shoul…A Forex Robot</a> and 10 others are close to other tap targets.

Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and *** time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 14.6KiB (22% reduction).

Minifying http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/default/scripts/jqtouch. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 6.6KiB (56% reduction). Minifying http://qajk. com/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10-20121105 could save 3.1KiB (26% reduction). Minifying http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/default/scripts/ocmx-mobile_jquery. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 2.4KiB (34% reduction). Minifying http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/scripts. js? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 2KiB (18% reduction). Minifying http://clickcdn. shareaholic. com/api/vglnk. js could save 523B (3% reduction) after compression.

Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and p*** times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 11.6KiB (42% reduction).

Minifying http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/parent-style. css could save 6.7KiB (40% reduction). Minifying http://qajk. com/wp-content/plugins/obox-mobile/themes/orange-light/style. css? ver=a83187ea87d29fa561aa4838792ddb10 could save 4.9KiB (45% reduction).

Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and p*** times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 5.5KiB (11% reduction).

Minifying http://qajk. com/ could save 5.5KiB (11% reduction).

Size content to viewport

The contents of your page fit within the viewport. Learn more about sizing content to the viewport .

Avoid landing page redirects

Use legible font sizes

The text on your page is legible. Learn more about using legible font sizes .

Prioritize visible content

You have the above-the-fold content properly prioritized. Learn more about prioritizing visible content .

Optimize images

Your images are optimized. Learn more about optimizing images .

Configure the viewport

Your page specifies a viewport matching the device's size, which allows it to render properly on all devices. Learn more about configuring viewports .

Avoid plugins

Your page does not appear to use plugins, which would prevent content from being usable on many platforms. Learn more about the importance of avoiding plugins .

Avoid app install interstitials that hide content

Your page does not appear to have any app install interstitials that hide a significant amount of content. Learn more about the importance of avoiding the use of app install interstitials .

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Casino WordPress Themes To Discover

There are a couple of different directions you can follow when launching a casino affiliate site. Some of them better than the others, though.

You might, for example, simply pick a free, generic theme, cheap hosting plan, and have a new site within hours, but this doesn’t quite set you for any future success…

The thing with themes is that people – your audience – can tell right away if they’re dealing with a professional who’s aiming at running a top quality site, or just someone who tries to make some money on the side. Yes, your theme can tell a lot about you.

That’s why it’s crucial to pick something of really high quality. Unfortunately, you can’t do it for free, but an expense of $50 isn’t exactly big either when we’re talking launching a business, is it?

Therefore, here’s our roundup of some nice WordPress themes that can work really well for a casino affiliate site.

Made is a nice, clean theme that can be perfect for a review site (if that’s the angle you want to take with your affiliate site). It provides four different ways to rate the offers you’re reviewing:

Apart from that, you also get:

two unique skins,

unlimited color schemes,

a set of background images,

both HD-optimized and mobile-optimized designs,

customer support,

custom TinyMCE shortcode buttons (for easy content creation),

16 custom widget panels,

4 custom menus, and much more.

Price: $50 (one site license).

Continuum is a feature-rich magazine theme for WordPress. Magazine sounds like a big deal, but you can, in fact, use it to create a site sharing all kinds of information (news and advice) related to casino games and online gaming.

The theme also has a built-in reviewing system, which can always come handy for an affiliate.

Other features provided:

3 custom menus,

19 widget areas,

magazine-styled features like: breaking news . in the spotlight . related content . and so on,

11 custom widgets,

jQuery content sliders,

custom shortcodes,

built-in advertising network (can be really handy for affiliates),

8 page templates, and more.

Price: $45 (one site license).

This theme provides a very clean design that’s perfect for an honest affiliate site. You can easily customize everything via the provided admin panel. For instance, one thing you should do is change the header image to a more casino-related one. This one action alone will give you an instance casino affiliate site.

Among the features you’ll find:

featured posts slider,

custom typography with full Google Fonts support,

7 widgetized areas,

18 predefined color styles to choose from.

Also, all themes at WooThemes have built-in SEO options, and are cross-browser compatible.

Price: $70 (standard license).

Spectrum has a professional, yet dynamic design that can introduce some life to your site. It’s a classic magazine theme with lots of widget areas and boxes for displaying various types of content. A casino affiliate can use this possibility to showcase different offers, promotions, as well as casino advice and tutorials.

Among the features you’ll find:

10 predefined color styles you can change with one click,

custom homepage featuring 7 widgetized zones,

dynamic slider,

custom widgets for things like Twitter, ads, search, and others.

Price: $70 (standard license).

Ratius is a very well-prepared review/magazine theme. The design is clean, easy-to-grasp, and responsive. Casino affiliates can easily use it to create a multipurpose site featuring all kinds of information about online gaming. You don’t have to focus on just reviews, or just news with this thing.

fully customizable homepage through an easy-to-use interface,

built-in rating system,

clean presentation of pros and cons for each product reviewed,

extensive typography panel,

HTML5 supported,

Facebook widgets and comments,

slider manager,

image resizer options,

sidebar manager, and much more.

Price: $50 (one site license).

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Donde reside el sitio o su webmaster. Número total de usuarios que han añadido esta cuenta de Twitter a sus listas. La fecha de creación de la cuenta de Twitter. Número total de Tweets. Mide la cantidad de sitios web que hablan con su público de medios sociales. Un enlace de cuenta de Twitter se puede encontrar en la página de inicio o en el archivo robots. txt. La URL de la página de cuenta de Twitter encontrada. Número total de Seguidores. Mide qué tan grande es la audiencia de las redes sociales. La descripción de la cuenta de Twitter describe el sitio web y sus servicios a los usuarios de redes sociales.

Things to do in order to optimize Social Media Impact

Be sure social media are well visible on your page: you can use our widget

Add a keywords meta tag specifying which keywords are related to your site

Incorage your visitors in expressing their opinion in social media

Freeware: Widgets

PaperPlane Smart Launch 1.0 PaperPlane Smart Launch is a free launcher program aka. shortcut manager which gives you an iPad-like desktop to quickly access your most used apps, open a recent file, visit a website URL, play your favorite game, or open any shortcut, in one place. PaperPlane Smart Launch is a free launcher program aka. shortcut manager which gives you an iPad-like desktop to quickly access your most used apps, open a recent file, visit a website URL, play your favorite game, or open any shortcut, in one place.

HTMLresourceKit 1.0 The HTMLresourceKit is a library of Widgets written in PHP wich make building LAMP web-applications much easier. There is a simple table widget to browse through the data, a form widget with autovalidation and also a treemenu widget. The HTMLresourceKit is a library of Widgets written in PHP wich make building LAMP web-applications much easier. There is a simple table widget to browse through the data, a form widget with autovalidation and also a treemenu widget.

Flashy Widgets 0.2 A Flash-based desktop widget engine similar to the Yahoo! widget engine. It can use any Flash movies, even if they are on-line! Each Widget uses much less memory than the Yahoo! Widgets. A Flash-based desktop widget engine similar to the Yahoo! widget engine. It can use any Flash movies, even if they are on-line! Each Widget uses much less memory than the Yahoo! Widgets .

WP Kit CN 8.10.29 The excerpt algorithm can be customized. InstallationUnpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. The excerpt algorithm can be customized. InstallationUnpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

dhtmlwidgets 1.0 dhtmlwidgets is a collection of DHTML Widgets including a calendar style date picker, div popups, a html SELECT combo box dropdown replacement that does not overlap other blocks, and other Widgets . It uses a PHP API (simple function calls).dhtmlwidgets is a collection of DHTML Widgets including a calendar style date picker, div popups, a html SELECT combo box dropdown replacement that does not overlap other blocks, and other Widgets . It uses a PHP API (simple function calls).

Entering accented characters in Tkinter widgets 1.3 This module provides two standard Tkinter Widgets . Entry and ScrolledText, modified for text editing with key bindings that allow entering accented letters, umlauts, etc. Accent bindings are defined in the Diacritical. accent table. This module provides two standard Tkinter Widgets . Entry and ScrolledText, modified for text editing with key bindings that allow entering accented letters, umlauts, etc. Accent bindings are defined in the Diacritical. accent table.

Common HTML GUI Widgets 0.2.0 Common HTML GUI Widgets is a&nbsp;library for PHP that is used in every website that uses PHP and MySQL. It may speed up production of websites. It makes coding easier and aids the benefit for possible RAD envionment programs. Common HTML GUI Widgets is a&nbsp;library for PHP that is used in every website that uses PHP and MySQL. It may speed up production of websites. It makes coding easier and aids the benefit for possible RAD envionment programs.

PHP::HTML 0.5.1 PHP::HTML is a&nbsp;set of HTML classes to help creating complex documents in a clean and automated way. Widgets . which are based on the classes can make the task of building a web site&nbsp;a very easy one. PHP::HTML is a&nbsp;set of HTML classes to help creating complex documents in a clean and automated way. Widgets . which are based on the classes can make the task of building a web site&nbsp;a very easy one.

GWanTed 0.7.0 GWanTed is a programming set of tools that enables the use of GWT in any web page regardless of the technology the web page is programmed in. GWanTed is a programming set of tools that enables the use of GWT in any web page regardless of the technology the web page is programmed in.

N-Button Lite 1.2 N-Button lite version creates up to 8 Widgets to control RS232&Network related devices without any programming. It supports Serial Port/USB and Network connection between PC and devices. N-Button lite version creates up to 8 Widgets to control RS232&Network related devices without any programming. It supports Serial Port/USB and Network connection between PC and devices.

Globe7 Globe7 is a tiny application integrated with Soft Phone, IM, Videos, Games, News and many more opt-in Widgets like Live TV, Live Radio, Astrology, Forex, Movies, Pets, Recipes, Sports for your complete entertainment, information and communication. Globe7 is a tiny application integrated with Soft Phone, IM, Videos, Games, News and many more opt-in Widgets like Live TV, Live Radio, Astrology, Forex, Movies, Pets, Recipes, Sports for your complete entertainment, information and communication.

Widget Kamera CCTV Blog

Yuk pasang kamera pengintai di blog sobat. Kamera pengintai CCTV umumnya di pasang di area publik tapi kali ini kita pasang di blog untuk mengintai pengunjung yang datang ke blog kita seperti yang terpasang pada postingan artikel ini. ngga usah terlalu serius sob, hehehe :)) cctv ini cuma widget blog yang menampilkan informasi IP Address pengunjung dan informasi system OS yang digunakan pengunjung.

Ga usah takut terekam kamera karena cctvnya cuma tampilan widget. Selain menampilkan informasi IP widget ini juga dilengkapi dengan banner CopyScape agar pengunjung yang datang tidak sembarangan melakukan kegiatan copy-paste artikel tanpa dilengkapi dengan kode sumber. yaa cuma sekedar banner peringatan sich tapi lumayanlah bisa sedikit memberikan pengetahuan kepada pengunjung blog bahwa plagiat itu suatu tindak kejahatan moral. kecuali artikel yang diambil sudah berubah 80% dari teks asli artikel kita.


cctvCam = " http://3.bp. blogspot. com/-jSQiTz9Sb3U/VNCzuviqU6I/AAAAAAAAFf4/DGE-4Xw95fE/s1600/cctv1.gif "; merupakan link gambar cctv.

cctvCamView = " right "; merupakan lokasi letak cctv, untuk posisi di kiri silakan ganti kode " right " tersebut dengan kode " left ".

Klik "Save" dan lihat hasilnya.

Pilihan Gambar CCTV :

CCTV 1 URL. http://3.bp. blogspot. com/-jSQiTz9Sb3U/VNCzuviqU6I/AAAAAAAAFf4/DGE-4Xw95fE/s1600/cctv1.gif

CCTV 2 URL. http://2.bp. blogspot. com/-Ji3g_FswE7c/VNCzupsLDKI/AAAAAAAAFf0/IMauZRm0fiQ/s1600/cctv2.gif

CCTV 3 URL. http://3.bp. blogspot. com/-_k-Rmsmc_II/VNCzuQt_aTI/AAAAAAAAFfw/OIJxJcDPzoM/s1600/cctv3.gif

Oke sobat monosbit jangan lupa kritik dan sarannya yaa biar postingan berikutnya semakin unik dan menarik. Buat yang masih bingung dengan pemasangan widget ini. monggo ditanyakan lewat kotak komentar, email, facebook ataupun twitter monosbit. happy blogging.

About Me

I’m Stephen Antoni, a trader/programmer based in Jakarta. I begin my career in financial industry in 2005 as broker for FOREX and futures, while trading my own funds. I had simple profitable strategies that were employed during 2005-2006 to exploit movement of the news. But after 2007 the news is hardly predictable, thus i had to research alternative systems from then onwards.

My programming skills include; PHPMySQL, Objective C, and C.

During my research i was only trading on demo, while designing and programming websites for a living. My skill-sets finally converge in 2010, that is trading the financial instruments and programming. Thus i begun my career as programmer for automated trading systems, specifically MT4.

A profitable system does not need to be complicated. It can be simple, but requires constant optimization

I have strong conviction that any system imaginable that is logically sound can be programmed and perform tasks as well as it’s human counterpart would. I believe even the most complex system are based on some rules, and therefore programmable. My current pursuit is to excel in next-gen programming platform that utilizes neural network.

FOREX Web Trader Application / Front-End Web Developer Needed Aktuální


Shark Software is a business-to-business company focused on research and development of end-to-end software solutions for our partners.

The project under work is a trading client for an Israeli company called ForexManage, provider of advanced, real-time risk management and FX trading technologies for financial institutions including banks, brokers and corporate finance. The client will be part of the flagship product of the company.

Want to join a project that seeks to revolutionize the way foreign exchange trading is done? Join us now and become part of that future!

recently graduated, at the start of your career?

front-end web developer, looking for an interesting job?

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great research & development focused team for interesting projects

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All relevant skills and experience will be tested during interviews.

Fill the following quiz/form to apply for the position

Mám zájem o tuto nabídku

Using Events

Real-time gauges are used when a single value is of interest and has to be monitored constantly. For example, if you want to monitor the forex rate, you can use a real-time gauge to display the current currency value, at every set interval. Based on the rates, if you intend to trade or take suitable action, you can use events to track the updates and trigger appropriate functions.

To know more about how to configure a real-time gauge, click here .

FusionCharts Suite XT offers two real-time events:

The realtimeUpdateComplete() Event

This event is triggered every time the gauge updates itself with new data, in one of the following ways:

through JavaScript API methods [ setData(). feedData(). setDataForId() ]

through user interaction (Angular and Linear gauges provide an edit mode in which the

user can directly update the value on the gauge)

A real-time thermometer gauge configured to listen to the realTimeUpdateComplete() event is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..

The gauge displays the current temperature at Central Cold Store. When the temperature changes, the event realTimeUpdateComplete() is triggered. Consequently, the gauge and the annotation are updated.

A brief description of the realTimeUpdateComplete() event is as follows:

Developing Apps for Windows 8

Windows 8 promises to be a very popular OS. Hence, there can’t be a better time to start developing new apps. One advantage of developing apps right now is, you have lesser competition. Once the final version is released, you will be hard pressed to create apps that will decently sell on the global market. Hence, it can be now or never for many developers. So make hay while the sun shines (rather, make money while the opportunity lasts!)

Microsoft has brought about some changes in the way apps will be made for the metro-styled interface. Amidst request from the developers who told Microsoft after the release of the Developer Preview that they wanted to render their apps quickly in DirectX while also making use of the Metro user interface. Microsoft has now added three new XAML types for supporting a large range of DirectX features. According to them;

With the Consumer Preview, you can now smoothly integrate XAML and DirectX 11 in the same Metro style app to create a fast and fluid experience. For example, you can now create a DirectX game and use XAML to process input, create graphics for heads-up displays and menus, or bind to your app’s data model.

Microsoft has also added more improvements for Blend to make HTML apps for Windows 8 and support for a PlayReady Metro API for DRM features in apps. There’s also added support for debugging apps in the Consumer Preview version, including some new features for the Simulator such as adding 1024×768 resolution support, also in case of Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS), where (among many improvements) Microsoft has simplified the navigation model. Inclusion of the Windows 8 Animation Library, which is designed to take full advantage of independent animations to make it easier than ever to create a fast and fluid Metro style design.

We will soon update this post with more latest wallpapers, and Windows 8 Themes which you can install on previous Windows systems. In the meantime, consider trying out the new OS for free at Microsoft Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Do share with us your experience, and how you feel about the OS. Cheers :)

jQuery is a concise and fast JavaScript library made by John Resig in the year 2006 with a pleasant objective that is write less, do more. It simplifies the traversing of the HTML document, animating, event handling and Ajax interactions for instant web development. It is important to know that jQuery is a toolkit of the JavaScript, which is designed to simplify a lot of tasks or operations by writing less code. There are so many core features which are supported by the jQuery such as event handling, DOM Manipulation, AJAX support, latest technology, lightweight, animations, cross browser support and many others.

jQuery is an open source software tool, available free of cost. It is approved under the MIT License. The syntax of the jQuery is proposed to make it simpler for navigating a document, creating animations, selecting DOM components, handling events and developing Ajax applications. It also offers abilities for professional and interactive developers to make plug-ins on the pinnacle of the JavaScript library. This permits web and app developers to make abstractions for animation and low level interaction, high level theme capable widgets and highly developed effects.

How to install jQuery?

If you are a developer, then it is easy for you in order to understand the way of downloading the jQuery. This is very easy to do necessitate setup for using jQuery library. It is important to follow below mentioned 2 important steps for downloading jQuery :

Firstly, you have to visit the download page for grabbing the latest version available.

Next, you need to place the downloaded file, jquery-1.3.2.min. js in a website directory, example /jquery.

The jQuery does not need any specific installation process and very identical to JavaScript.

Five jQuery Scripts are mentioned below:

1. jQuery noConflict() Method

This method releases the grab on the $ shortcut identifier in order to provide a chance to many other scripts so that these can use it effectively and simply. Of course, you can still make use of jQuery, easily by writing the complete name rather than the shortcut. Coding of this jQuery script is mentioned below:

jQuery(document).ready(function() jQuery(“button”).click(function() jQuery(“p”).text(“jQuery is still working!”); >); >);

jQuery is fixed with a method of getting Script for loading one script, managing the result can be accomplished in a number of ways. It is one of the in-built methods of loading one script that offers benefits, if you would prefer to lazy load a plug-in and many other types of scripts. Have a look on how to use it, mentioned below:

jQuery. getScript(“/path/to/myscript. js”, function(data, status, jqxhr)

do something now that the script is loaded and code has been executed

3. Make and get back nested objects with jQuery

You can as well create nested objects with jQuery and also retrieve them. In this, you can put in the functionality to the object of jQuery. The JavaScript of jQuery is the equivalent method to get and set. You will make use of an obj method in this case. A coding is mentioned below:

// Utility method to get and set objects that may or may not exist

var objectifier = function(splits, create, context)

var result = context || window;

for(var i = 0, s; result && (s = splits[i]); i++)

result = (s in result. result[s]. (create. result[s] = <>. undefined));

// Gets or sets an object

jQuery. obj = function(name, value, create, context)

var splits = name. split(“.”), s = splits. pop(), result = objectifier(splits, true, context);

return result && S (result[s] = value). undefined;

return objectifier(name. split(“.”), create, context);

4. Get ready.$(document).ready()

With this, you can queue up a line of events and have them implement after the DOM initialization. Coding is mentioned below:

5. Loading jQuery

To utilize jQuery, you need to download it initially and put in the application’s static folder and then make sure it is loaded. You need a layout template, which is utilized for all pages in which you need to insert a script statement to the <body> bottom for loading jQuery. Have a look at example:

<script type=text/javascript src=”

url_for(‘static’, filename=’jquery. js’) >>”></script>

[HELP] Javascript Jquery tidak bekerja di widget

Para mastah dan mimin, maaf y klo thread yang ane buat ini kurang berkenan. ane masih nubie, ane mau tanya-tanya soal javascript yang ga bekerja dengan semestinya

pada blog ane, ane pasang jquery dari om abu-farhan. com

Spoiler for content

Alhamdulillah, finally I made modification the widget from Bloggertricks. com and animation Simple Spy. Simple Spy style taken from Scarlet theme, results for wordpress can be found in this blog. View as below, For the demo on the blogger click :

For bloggers put into Sidebar Gadget(add gadget) select html, copy all html below to that gadget:

Quote: <scr1pt src="http://ajax. googleapis. com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery. min. js" type="text/javascript"></scr1pt> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> <!--

#spylist overflow:hidden; margin-top:5px; padding:0px 0px; height:350px; > #spylist ul width:220px; sobrecarga oculta; list-style-type: none; padding: 0px 0px; margin:0px 0px; > #spylist li width:208px; padding: 5px 5px; margin:0px 0px 5px 0px; List-style-type: ninguno; float:none; Altura: 70px; sobrecarga oculta; background:#fff url(http://i879.photobucket. com/albums/a. ogger/post. jpg ) repeat-x; border:1px solid #ddd; >

#spylist li a text-decoration:none; color:#4B545B; Font-size: 11px; height:18px; sobrecarga oculta; margin:0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 2px 0px; > #spylist li img float:left; margin-right:5px; background:#EFEFEF; border:0; >.spydate overflow:hidden; font-size:10px; color:#0284C2; padding:2px 0px; margin:1px 0px 0px 0px; height:15px; font-family:Tahoma, Arial, verdana, sans-serif; >

spycomment overflow:hidden; font-family:Tahoma, Arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size:10px; color:#262B2F; padding:0px 0px; margin:0px 0px; >

imgr = new Array(); imgr[0] = "http://i43.tinypic. com/orpg0m. jpg"; imgr[1] = "http://i43.tinypic. com/orpg0m. jpg"; imgr[2] = "http://i43.tinypic. com/orpg0m. jpg"; imgr[3] = "http://i43.tinypic. com/orpg0m. jpg"; imgr[4] = "http://i43.tinypic. com/orpg0m. jpg"; showRandomImg = true;

boxwidth = 255; cellspacing = 6; borderColor = "#232c35"; bgTD = "#000000"; thumbwidth = 70; thumbheight = 70; fntsize = 12; acolor = "#666"; aBold = true; icon = " "; text = "comments"; showPostDate = true; summaryPost = 40; summaryFontsize = 10; summaryColor = "#666"; icon2 = " "; numposts = 10; home_page = "http://www. raudhatulmuhibbin. org/"; limitspy=4 intervalspy=4000 </scr1pt> <div id="spylist"> <scr1pt src='http://scriptabufarhan. googlecode. com/svn/trunk/recentpostthumbspy-min. js' type='text/javascript'></scr1pt> </div>

Note :If your template already have a jquery do not put again, just copy after it

Html from above a few things could be replaced :

1. homepage address

Quote: #spylist ul width:220px; sobrecarga oculta; list-style-type: none; padding: 0px 0px; margin:0px 0px; > #spylist li width:208px; padding: 5px 5px; margin:0px 0px 5px 0px; List-style-type: ninguno; float:none; Altura: 70px; sobrecarga oculta; background:#fff url(http://i879.photobucket. com/albums/a. ogger/post. jpg ) repeat-x; border:1px solid #ddd; >

from above style/css, you can change : width

anchura. 220px; width:208px:

customize base on your template and

Customize the colors of backuground

thumbwidth = 70; thumbheight = 70;

Match your needs

4. How many post you will show

Base on what you need to show

*ganti scr1pt "1=i" docum3nt "3=e" wr1te "1=i"

atau bisa agan lihat selengkapnya dimari

scr1pt tersebut sudah ane pasang dan berkerja dengan baik, kemudian ane juga memasang widget dtree

Spoiler for dtree

di atas kode tag </head>

Quote: <link rel="StyleSheet" href="http://sites. google. com/site/t4belajarblogger/js_t4belajarblogger/dtree. css" type="text/css" /> <scr1pt type="text/javascr1pt" src="http://sites. google. com/site/t4belajarblogger/js_t4belajarblogger/createdtree. js"></scr1pt>

Tambahkan widget dengan kode berikut

Quote: <h2>Menu Blog Ini</h2>

<p><a href="javascr1pt: d. openAll();">Buka Semua</a> | <a href="javascr1pt: d. closeAll();">Tutup Semua</a></p>

d. add(0,-1,'T4belajarblogger'); d. add(1,0,'Folder 01','#.html'); d. add(2,1,'Sub Folder 01',' #.html'); d. add(3,2,'Sub/file Sub Folder 01',' link anda. html'); d. add(4,0,'Folder 02',' #.html'); d. add(5,4,'Sub Folder 02',' #.html'); d. add(6,5,'Sub/file Sub folder 02',' link anda. html'); d. add(7,0,'Folder 03',' #.html'); d. add(8,7,'Sub Folder 03',' #.html'); d. add(9,8,'Sub/file Sub folder 03',' link anda. html','Pictures I\'ve taken over the years','','','img/imgfolder. gif'); d. add(10,0,'File[non-folder]',' link anda. html'); d. add(11,0,'File[non-folder]',' link anda. html'); d. add(12,0,'File Single',' link anda. html','','','img/trash. gif');

*ganti scr1pt "1=i" docum3nt "3=e" wr1te "1=i"

atau bisa dilihat selengkapnya dimari

sudah ane coba dan berjalan dengan baik. namun, saat kedua widget ane pasang berbarengan, salah satu widget tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik.

yang udah ane coba - update lib jquery ke versi terbaru, namun script dari "recent post thumbspy" dari om abu-farhan ga bekerja - ane coba cari kemungkinan jquery yang bntrok menggunakan Jquery. noConflict() namun sudah dicoba sejauh ini ane blum menemukan bentrok trsebut dengan kurangnya pengetahuan bahasa pemrograman jquery.

ane udah googling kesana kemari dan tidak menemukan petunjuk, jadi dengan memohon sekali kepada para suhu disini agar memberikan sedikit uluran tangannya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut

Lazy loading for Javascript

In a previous post, I was discussing how to lazy load a Facebook widget. so that it loads only when really needed. I have put my thoughts further, and come up with a general way to lazy load any kind of JavaScript snippet.

I always take for example the Facebook widgets, which are always very heavy and load many files (include JS, CSS and images).If that widget is not in the viewport when your visitor loads your page at the beginning, and if it’s visible only after he scrolls, then you can tweak the performances of your page by lazy loading that widget. Note that it works for any kind of JavaScript snippet that would have a visible effect only after the user scrolls your page down.

In this post, I’ll introduce my jQuery plugin and show you a demo of how it works, but I’m not going to go very deep into the interior mechanisms (for that, see the Google Code page ).

Example: how to lazy load the Facebook Like Box

Let’s say you have a Facebook Like Box in your page, and it’s located far in the page, so far that the user needs to scroll before seeing it on his screen. The code given by Facebook is that one:

<script>(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "//connect. facebook. net/en_US/all. js#xfbml=1"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); >(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="http://www. facebook. com/platform" data-width="292" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="false"></div>

This script will of course load the widget right away when the page initially loads. Let’s say the placeholder (the fb-like-box div) is located far and you want to lazy load it only once the user scrolled down enough to have it in viewport. The only thing you need to change is this:

$('.fb-like-box').lazyloadjs(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "//connect. facebook. net/en_US/all. js#xfbml=1"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); >)(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk');

Basically, you just have to surround the JavaScript code by this $('.fb-like-box').lazyloadjs(. );

The selector (.fb-like-box ) must be the placeholder of your widget, which is a div in our case. This placeholder will be watched until it gets into the viewport. The lazyloadjs() function accepts only one argument, which must be a pointer to a function (either a named function or an anonymous function would do). Once the placeholder gets into the viewport, the function you give in parameter will be executed.

Actually, in this special case of the Facebook Like Box, we need to adapt the given snippet to the following:

$('.fb-like-box').lazyloadjs(function() var d = document; var s = 'script'; var id = 'facebook-jssdk'; var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "//connect. facebook. net/en_US/all. js#xfbml=1"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); >);

Por qué? Because the previous construction function()<>(); was calling the function right away after its definition and returning its result, instead of returning a pointer to that function. And we don’t want that function to be executed right away, we absolutely want it to be executed only when needed, later.

Second point, my plugin doesn’t allow you to use parameters in your function, so you need to make special adjustments for that too.

And voilà. Most of the time you will probably not need to modify your JavaScript snippet to lazy load it, but bare in mind that you MUST give a reference to a function to lazyloadjs() .

Live example

The Facebook widget below only loaded when you scrolled down enough to see it in your viewport 😉 Don’t believe me? Go back up, refresh the page and start to scroll down again…

Gercek on November 21, 2011

Is there a way to make it work with Twitter embed code? & Lt; code & gt;

new TWTR. Widget( version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 6, interval: 5000, width: 210, height: 207, theme: shell: background: '#adcff4', color: '#0862a2' >, tweets: background: '#cde5ff', color: '#444444', links: '#0862a2' > >, features: scrollbar: false, loop: false, live: true, hashtags: true, timestamp: true, avatars: false, behavior: 'default' > >).render().setUser('google').start();

Yes Gercek, it can work with the Twitter widget, just that way:

& Lt; code & gt; $('.twitter-box').lazyloadjs(function() new TWTR. Widget( version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 6, interval: 5000, width: 210, height: 207, theme: shell: background: '#adcff4', color: '#0862a2' >, tweets: background: '#cde5ff', color: '#444444', links: '#0862a2' > >, features: scrollbar: false, loop: false, live: true, hashtags: true, timestamp: true, avatars: false, behavior: 'default' > >).render().setUser('google').start(); >); </code>

Provided that you have an HTML element with the CSS class "twitter-box" somewhere in your page.

Sergio on January 10, 2012

I tried your code but it displays the following error :

$(".fb-like-box").lazyloadjs is not a function

Do you have any suggestions?

Is "$" the name for your jQuery object or is it another one? Do you use another JS library at the same time like PrototypeJS? In that case, the name of your jQuery object is usually "jQuery" instead of "$".

Other possibility, do you include the lazyloadjs. js file before or after trying to call "$(“.fb-like-box”).lazyloadjs"?

Sergio on January 10, 2012

The problem was in the file path lazyloadjs. js

I was using relative path, switched to the absolute path, everything worked perfectly.

Am glad to hear it :-) Keep up the good work

hey very great script but i could not figure out how it work on blogger(blogspot) i tried this script in post but unfortunately i am not successful can u tell me what i did worng ?

(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "//connect. facebook. net/en_US/all. js#xfbml=1"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); >(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

jQuery('.fb-like-box').lazyloadjs(function() var d = document; var s = 'script'; var id = 'facebook-jssdk'; var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "//connect. facebook. net/en_US/all. js#xfbml=1"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); >);

You code looks good sudhir, could you tell me if you see any error in the JS console? maybe my guess is that jQuery is not included in blogspot? I never used blogspot personally.

hey thanks for your reply i add three scripts before body tag

$(&#039;.fb-like-box&#039;).lazyloadjs(function() var d = document; var s = &#039;script&#039;; var id = &#039;facebook-jssdk&#039;; var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = &quot;//connect. facebook. net/en_US/all. js#xfbml=1&quot;; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); >);

and in my post i add

so facebook like box is appearing in my post but it is not deferring till scrolling when i check console it give me error

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'lazyloadjs'

can you tell me what should i do to make it work. You can see my blog where i implement your code.

i will wait for your reply thanks :)

lol i sorted it out i included jquery twice in template so it was giving me error but thanks for your great script i was searching this kind of script on web from many months and tried lot of scripts but non was so good as your

ah good thing you sorted it out :)

Michael on February 11, 2013

Thank you for this code!

Can I make this work inside a widget? I have the facebook code loaded in an iframe. If I try to load html5 code provided by facebook it won't load on my screen. And if I can load it in a widget somehow, how do I call your function and where an my server do I copy your script to?

As you might have understood, I'm a noob when it comes to coding etc. However, I would very much like to make this work, because the long loading of the social widgets is realy irritating.

Hi Michael, I don't think that would work with the iframe Facebook widget, since my piece of code executes Javascript.

However you could try something like

(and replace with the correct class name and correct iframe snippet)

Free HTML code generator for video.

Many owners of the websites or blogs are often looking for the decision to place the video on their websites and blogs, are constantly faced with problems. If you're just interested in the issue to post your video on your website or blog, you've come to the right place. Of course, you can quickly load vidiofail on youtube. com

However, this solution does not suit many. I want to get the video without any advertising, and restrictions and to put it, without creating unnecessary difficulties. But there are many difficulties for self-installation is not complete, the plugin is not compatible, then the scripts are in conflict, the video format is not read. But the decision really is, and it's right here. We present to you a special online code generator for the video player. Generator based on technology Flash, and create a simple code that is easy to insert into your site and everything, no problems, no matter what the engine is running on your site.

Web Development - Java & JavaScript Software

AnyGantt JS Gantt Charts, Dashboards 7.8.0 AnyGantt is a flexible, cross-platform and cross-browser JavaScript based data-visualization library that allows you to utilize power of animation and ultimate interactivity, and is an ideal tool.

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License: Shareware Platform: Linux

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JavaScript Framework Shield UI 1.7.18 The ShieldUI JavaScript UI Framework offers various JavaScript/HTML5 components for streamlined development. Each individual control in the ever-expanding product offering boasts excellent.

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License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 4.1 MB Cost: $399.00

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File Size: 942.0 KB Cost: $79.00

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File Size: 1.4 MB Cost: $79.00

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License: Freeware Platform: Linux

File Size: 22.7 KB

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License: Freeware Platform: Windows

File Size: 4.0 KB

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Software Terms: jquery spellcheck, jquery spell check, Jquery, Spell, Check, Javascript

License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 1.0 MB Cost: $89.00

CKeditor SpellCheck 1.1.141211 Nanospell is the alternative, ad free 'CKEditor Spell check' plug-in. See an online demo with javascript source-code at http://ckeditor-spellcheck. nanospell. com/#try. Nanospell has free.

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License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 765.0 KB Cost: $79.00

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License: Freeware Platform: Windows

File Size: 12.4 MB

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License: Freeware Platform: Mac

File Size: 237.0 KB

jsFromValidator 3.3.0 The jsFromValidator is an easy-to-setup script for form validation which enables you to handle the whole form validation process without writing any JavaScript code.

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License: Shareware Platform: Linux

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File Size: 1.9 MB

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License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 39.5 KB Cost: $9.90

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License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 1.2 MB Cost: $170.00

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License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 1.2 MB Cost: $170.00

Webix Accordion 1 Javascript widget that allows you to place multiple panels of content in a space-saving manner. With this widget, you can hide areas of information and activate them with one simple click.

Software Terms: Javascript, Accordion, Javascript Accordion, Webix, Widget, Content, Web, Interface, Panel, Collapse

License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 1.2 MB Cost: $170.00

Sky jQuery Touch Carousel v1.0 Sky jQuery Touch Carousel is a jQuery carousel plugin with rich set of features. It is responsive, touch-enabled, fast and smooth. It can be easily integrated into your own web projects.

Software Terms: Touch, Jquery Touch Slider, Jquery Carousel Plugin, Javascript Carousel, Jquery Scroller, Ipad, Iphone, Android, Touch Carousel, Touch Plugin

License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 25.0 KB Cost: $10.00

ZZEE DHTML Menu 2.1.0 ZZEE DHTML Menu is a library for Javascript and PHP that you can use to create familiar dropdown menus like in desktop applications. ZZEE DHTML Menu is fairly easy to install and embed into your.

Software Terms: Dhtml, Javascript, Menu, Menus, Dropdown, drop down, Php, zzee, webmaster software, Windows Software

License: Shareware Platform: Linux

File Size: 62.0 KB

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jQuery Jquery collapsible div issue - please help! JavaScript

Collapsible Forum Containers. The forum containers on [1] are collapsible, i. e. you can The list of forums and forum containers (categories) is a single long table

Forum Index " XOOPS Themes and Templates Support forums " Theme and template troubleshooting " Collapsible Inline Notifications 1 Posted on: 2006/1/29 1:22 Collapsible Inline Notifications. I am using the fiblue3d theme, with colors

An expandable/collapsible content pane. Applicable when content must be displayed within jQuery selector or the DOM reference to become the container of the component

Help needed jQuery and collapsible sections Developers Help needed jQuery and collapsible sections. User Name. Remember Me? Contraseña. FAQ. Members List. Calendario. Mark Forums Read. Developers Feel free to discuss in this forum any technical issues you encounter when customizing the software

Is there some sort of css code or perhaps a template to make galleries collapsible? --Light Daxter - Talk 19:48, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

Forum List | Topic List | New Topic | Search | Registrarse | User List | Log In For example if you had 5 collapsible menus and the second and fourth menu were open then store 01010 = 10 in session[:menu_state] = 10. Pass session[:menu_state] to your JavaScript on each request and use that

Wikidot. com Community Site - new forum threads. Indent whole sections under heading. Collapsible Hidden Code. Table Bug? Definition Lists display. Custom domain sites "do not exist" in IE. Where did it go. Using Jquery on wikidot - YES it works! Indent whole sections under heading

php foreach ($forums as $child_id => $forum). > - List item one List item two List item three accordion( ); Get or set the collapsible option, after init

jQuery. Descargar. Documentation. Blog. Comunidad. Mailing List. Tutorials. Demos. Plugins. Desarrollo. Source Code. Bug Tracking. Recent Changes

When the document loads, jQuery will scour the page for anchor tags () with class collapsible (Hi!). Upon finding these tags, jQuery will search for the div that they are responsible for the "list-view" in OS X. In the same regard, a. collapsible. active

I required this for one of my project and later on I have rewritten it completely to make it more generic and easier for jQuery Lovers. SelectAll is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create the function to check and clear all checkbox in a list quickly and easily

jQuery Sample: Collapsible List. A collapsible list using jQuery. Item 1. Item 2. Item 21. Item 22. Item 221. Item 222. Item 223. Item 224. Item 225. Item 23. Item 24. Item 25. Item 3. Item 4. Item 41. Item 42. Item 43. Item 44. Item 45. Item 5. Item 1. Item 11. Item 12. Item 13. Item 131. Item 132. Item 133. Item 1331

In this list includes Form Validation, Form Submission without refreshing a page, Jquery Accordion Menu, Modal Window Tutorial, Vertical JavaScript to turn the nested lists into a collapsible tree. And, while being at it, list

jQuery is probably something I would consider a designer's best friend. It turns a complex language like javascript into something that can be utilized for great visual effects on web pages with simple syntax. Creating something like a

Drupal does a great job in using collapsible fieldsets. But, wouldn't it be great to be able to use this jQuery feature on other sites? Well, here's your plugin. In this tutorial, we will build a simple page, and then enable the collapsible fieldset on it. View the Demo

Treeview – Expandable and Collapsible Tree jQuery Plugin - Open Source Resources for Web Developers Treeview is a lightweight and flexible jQuery Plugin which transforms an unordered list into an expandable and collapsible tree

This is ideal for language selection list and things of the sort. JQuery Link Favicon. This amazing little script will add the favicon of the website JQuery Collapsible Breadcrumbs, as its name suggests, implements a collapsible breadcrumb

jQuery | 0Delicious Twitter Reddit Digg Loading In the previous post (part1) I have talked about how to create a Collapsible List with jQuery. I want in this current post to talk about how to animate the display of the Collapsible List with toggle

Collapsible definition lists with jQuery. Here's a lightweight snippet for creating a collapsable defintion list. A client wanted a way to present a large page of text with some sections collapsed. The site is also built in CMS so I wanted a

jquery collapsible menus simple tutorial. 85613 Responseshttp%3A%2F%2Fvisionmasterdesigns. com%2Ftutorial-collapsible-menus-using-jquery%2FTutorial+%3A+Collapsible+Menus+using+jQuery2008-11-13+07%3A00

Lazy Loading jQuery Collapsible Panel in ASP. Net Using JSON, The collapsible panel in my previous article is fully loaded with the contents when the page is intially rendered to the client. It will be better and light weight when we actually load

Collapsible Menu. A simple, yet attractive sliding menu. With jQuery, example_menu. expand_all. collapse_all. example_menu ul

Opera Developer Community article: jQuery: Write less, do more Here, a new li element is added to a high score list before the current third li element

Jquery Collapsible Menu. jQuery Menu is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to Make superior, cross-browser, fast-loading web menus. jQuery Drop Menu Customized

Display a collapsible list of subpages in a post using shortcode, as a sidebar widget, or anywhere else in the template using a PHP function. jQuery Archive List Widget. A simple jQuery widget for displaying an archive list with

The jCollapisble plugin takes any nested list (OL or UL that have children) and coverts it into collapsible threads. jCollapisble is a JQuery plugin that takes any nested list (OL or UL that have children) and coverts it into collapsible threads

JQuery: Animated Collapsible List. April 15, 2009 — Ed Foh. The more you use JQuery, the more intuitive it becomes, as well as easier and enjoyable. I extracted this example from a book I'm reading, and I will provide links at the end of this post to aid understanding

CheckTree is a jQuery plugin that helps you to modify a standard ordered list into collapsible and checkable hierarchical tree with easy step. Based on

jQuery UI is the official jQuery user interface library. It provides interactions, widgets, effects, and theming for creating Rich Internet Applications

Create Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI. Collapsible Drag and Drop Panels Using jQuery. Collapsible Drag and Drop Panels Using jQuery. AJAX Multiple File Upload Form Using jQuery. AJAX Multiple File Upload Form Using jQuery. Create Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI

At Filament Group, we build elegant communications and interactions that help people understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of media - from web sites to wireless, to interactive exhibits and print. jQuery. progressive enhancement. usability. Collapsible content areas

SELECT code FROM SQL function javascript() <> $(jquery) Friday, June 23, 2006. jQuery Sample: Collapsible List. jQuery Sample: Collapsible List is a sample of how to do a collapsible list using jQuery

Transformer Popup Window

Tentu anda sudah kenal dengan bumble-bee salah satu jagoan transformer yang bisa berubah menjadi mobil sport camaro dengan warna kuningnya yang menawan. Bumblebee merupakan salah satu letnan yang paling dipercaya sama Optimus Prime. Meskipun ia bukan yang terkuat dari Autobots, Bumblebee memiliki keteguhan hati, tekad dan keberanian. Dia dengan senang hati akan memberikan hidupnya untuk melindungi orang lain dan menghentikan Decepticons.

Nah. sobat blogger sesuai dengan tema postingan artikel, saya coba untuk membuat widget menggunakan karakter bumble-bee untuk memikat pengunjung di blog sobat. Widget ini dibuat dengan sedikit sentuhan jquery dan javascript sederhana. Widget Transformer Popup Window saya buat untuk memfokuskan informasi yang ingin ditampilkan seperti informasi tentang browser yang digunakan pengunjung, informasi IP adress, Informasi RSS feed ataupun informasi lainnya yang ingin sobat berikan di blognya. Seperti pada contoh yang ada di postingan artikel ini. gimana kerenkan. oke dech langsung aja ke TKP dan coba di praktekin di blog sobat.

Login ke blog anda.

Klik Template kemudian klik edit HTML .

Cari potongan kode " </body> " pada template blog sobat (tekan CTRL + F pada keyboard anda untuk menampilkan kotak pencarian guna mempercepat pencarian).

Copy - Paste kode berikut ini tepat di atas kode " </body> " atau bisa juga dipasang pada kotak gadget blog.

Silakan sobat taruh kode html atau javascript yang sobat inginkan diantara batas kode seperti yang ada dibawah ini. Terlebih dahulu sobat hapus kode yang ada diantara batas kode.

<!-- Start Kode Script Anda --> <!-- Hapus kode dibawah ini dan taruh kode anda --> Kode HTML atau Javascript <!-- Hapus kode diatas ini dan taruh kode anda --> <!-- End Batas Kode Script Anda -->

Apabila sobat membutuhkan tampilan dengan lebar lebih dari 300px silakan sobat sesuaikan kode inline style CSS width pada kode HTML diatas.

Apabila masih ada kesulitan dalam menerapkan widget ini silakan anda tuliskan permasalahan anda di kotak komentar.

Article last update. 31-08-2015

Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat. Terima Kasih.

BMAG is a Magazine Responsive Blogger Template, it is clean and compatible with many devices, It’s perfect for creating your magazine or blog using blogspot, no need to coding as it is very customizable.

Full List of Theme Features

Current version 2.0.3

Fully Responsive Design

PowerFull Admin Panel Check it

Theme Option. Translator / Boxed Style Switcher / Image Scroll Animation New

Unlimited Colors & Fonts

Fully customizable Design

Search Engine Optimized (SEO)

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9 Home Layout Boxs Style with shortcodes New

Main Intro Posts with two options (recent or random)

Cool news ticker widget with two options (recent or label name)

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Adsense Ready with new widget to add ads inside posts

jQuery and CSS3 Effects

Social Counter widget

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Preview posts ready

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LTR / RTL Switcher From OneClick New

Related posts under posts

Full Images Quality

Suppor youtube thumbs

Random Posts / Recent Posts / Recent Comments widgets with shortcodes

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Tabs Widgets

Custom Widgets

Threaded Blogger Comments

Error 404 Page

Posts shortcodes

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faceook like box with shortcode

All theme widgets and options are easy to customize no need to use codes

Blogger, Disqus and Facebook comments in tabs using shortcode options

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Show/hide home pagination for recent posts from theme options panel

Buyers Reviews

Important Notes for buyers

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After install theme please make sure that “home layout” sections is empty and follow documentation to know how you can use it

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[TheStar] Ringgit lower at opening

KUALA LUMPUR: The ringgit opened lower against the US dollar today on a technical correction after registering strong gains last week, a dealer said.

At 9.08am, the ringgit was quoted at 4.0700/0750 versus the US dollar from 4.0500/0560 last Friday.

A dealer said improving oil prices and positive sentiment on Bursa Malaysia last week helped lift the ringgit.

Meanwhile, the ringgit was also lower against other major currencies.

It depreciated against the Singapore dollar to 2.9926/9979 from Friday’s 2.9801/9865 and weakened against the yen to 3.6525/6580 from 3.6395/4658.

The local unit slid against the British pound to 5.8816/8904 from 5.8381/8475 and fell against the euro to 4.5885/5958 from 4.5611/5695. & # 8212; BERNAMA

jQuery(document).ready(function () jQuery(“body”).on(“click”, “a. inlinestorybox”, function (e) var inlineStoryBoxUrl = jQuery(this).attr(‘href’); e. preventDefault(); ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘SP_ParselyStoryBox’, ‘click’, inlineStoryBoxUrl, ‘hitCallback’: function () > >); window. location. href = inlineStoryBoxUrl; >); >);

More in Business

var shareURL = jQuery(“meta[property=’og:url’]”).attr(“content”); var title = jQuery(“.headline”).text().trim(); var description = jQuery(“meta[property=’og:description’]”).attr(“content”); var imageURL = jQuery(“meta[property=’og:image’]”).attr(“content”); var sections = jQuery(“meta[name=’sections’]”).attr(“content”); var otherTags = jQuery(“meta[name=’other tags’]”).attr(“content”); var gigyaSocial = new gigya. socialize. UserAction(); var tags = “”;

if (typeof otherTags != ‘undefined’) if (otherTags. indexOf(‘,’) != -1) var sectionsArray = sections. split(‘,’); var otherTagsArray = otherTags. split(‘,’); for (x = 0; x < otherTagsArray. length; x++) for (i = 0; i < sectionsArray. length; i++) if (sectionsArray[i].trim() == otherTagsArray[x].trim()) break; > else tags = tags + ',' + otherTagsArray[x].trim(); descanso; > > > > tags = sections. trim() + tags; > else if (typeof sections != 'undefined') tags = sections. trim(); >>

gigyaSocial. setTitle(title); gigyaSocial. setDescription(description); gigyaSocial. setLinkBack(shareURL);

var gigyaSocial_params_FB = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: "gigya-share_bottom_FB", showCounts: 'none', shareButtons: "Facebook", buttonTemplate: ' & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_FB); var gigyaSocial_params_TW = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_TW”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “Twitter”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_TW); var gigyaSocial_params_GO = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_GO”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “Googleplus”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_GO); var gigyaSocial_params_LN = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_LN”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “LinkedIn”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_LN); var gigyaSocial_params_EM = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_EM”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “Email”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_EM);

var gigyaSocial_params_FBm = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_FB_m”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “Facebook”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_FBm); var gigyaSocial_params_TWm = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_TW_m”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “Twitter”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_TWm); var gigyaSocial_params_GOm = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_GO_m”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “Googleplus”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_GOm); var gigyaSocial_params_LNm = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_LN_m”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “LinkedIn”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_LNm); var gigyaSocial_params_WAm = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_WA_m”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “WhatsApp”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_WAm); var gigyaSocial_params_EMm = userAction: gigyaSocial, tags: tags, containerID: “gigya-share_bottom_EM_m”, showCounts: ‘none’, shareButtons: “Email”, buttonTemplate: ‘ & # 8216; > gigya. socialize. showShareBarUI(gigyaSocial_params_EMm);

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Auto Slide Gallery Jquery

Lightbox Slideshow by VisualLightBox. com v3.1

The following image set is generated by Javascript Photo Gallery. Click any picture to run gallery.

Visión de conjunto

Popular LightBox and Thickbox, JavaScript widgets to show content in modal windows, are outdated at the moment. They are not updated since 2007. There are some great alternatives - colorbox, jQueryUI Dialog, fancybox, DOM window, shadowbox, but we highly recommend you to try VisualLighbox - Lighbox Alternative. VisualLighbox is packed with a dozen of beautiful skins, fantastic transition effects and free gallery generator software for Mac and Windows!

Top Features See all features. Include Gallery On My Website

Flickr & Photobucket support

jQuery plugin or Prototype extension

Floating and smooth cross-fade transition

Slideshow with autostart option

Windows & MAC version

XHTML compliant

Zoom effect with overlay shadow

Rounded corners of overlay window

Large images fit to browser window

A lot of nice gallery themes

Image rotating and hi-quality image scaling with anti-aliasing

Automatic thumbnail creation

Adding caption

Built-in FTP

How to Use See all features. Scrolling Web Gallery Creator

Step 1. Adding images to your own gallery.

From the Images menu, select Add images. . Browse to the location of the folder you'd like to add and select the images. You can also use Add images from folder. and Add images from Flickr options.

Visual LightBox JS will now include these pictures. Or you can drag the images (folder) to the Visual LightBox window. The image is copied to your pictures folder and automatically added to your website gallery.

If you have included the photos that you do not wish to be in your web gallery, you can easily remove them. Select all images that you wish to remove from photo gallery, and select Delete images. from the Images menu. You can pick and choose pictures by holding the CTRL while clicking the pictures you like.

Step 2. Adding caption.

When you select an image you'll see the various information about it, such as:

Caption - you can enter any comment or text about the image in the website photo gallery. When you add images from Flickr its name will appear in caption automatically. You're able to use some common html tags (such as: <b>, <i>, <u>, <span>, <a>, <img> and so on..) inside your caption to highlight some text or add links.

Path, Size - for each image, you will see the file name, full folder path; file size and date of last change.

Step 3 - Editing capabilities.

In this website gallery software you can easily rotate your pictures using " Rotate Left " and " Rotate Right " buttons.

Right click on the picture and select " Edit images.. " item to open the selected picture in your default graph editor. You can adjust the color of pictures, as well as fix red-eye and crop out unwanted parts of an image.

Step 4. Gallery properties.

Change the name of your album, the size and quality of your pictures with jQuery Thickbox Alternative. From the Gallery menu, select Properties or use " Edit Gallery Properties " button on the toolbar.

On the first tab of the Gallery Properties window you can change the name of your photo album and enable/disable the following properties: Slide Show . Auto play Slide Show . Zoom effect . Overlay Shadow . You can also set the Overlay shadow color and select the Engine you want to use (jQuery or Prototype + script. aculo. us).

On the second tab of the Gallery Properties window you can select the thumbnail you want to use, set the Thumbnails Resolution . Thumbnails Quality . Thumbnails Titles . Select Thumbnails Format (save in PNG or JPG format). Specify the Number of columns in you photo album and the Page color .

On the third tab of the Gallery Properties window you can select the template, Image resolution and Image quality of your pictures and change the Watermark .

You can set up the various sizes for exported images.

Control the quality of output PNG or JPEG format image by defining output " Image quality " and " Thumbnail quality " parameters (0%. 100%).

Step 5 - Publishing of the jQuery Thickbox Alternative.

When you are ready to publish your website photo album online or to a local drive for testing you should go to " Gallery/Publish Gallery ". Select the publishing method: publish to folder or publish to FTP server .

publish to folder . To select a local location on your hard drive, just click the Browse folders button and choose a location. Then click Ok. You can also set " Open web page after publishing " option. publish to FTP server . The FTP Location Manager window enables you to define a number of connections for use when uploading your web site album to an FTP.

You are able to add a new FTP site by clicking " Edit " to the right of the " Publish to FTP server " drop down list. FTP Location Manager window will appear. Now type in a meaningful (this is not the actual hostname) name for your site and fill in the FTP details in the appropriate fields. You will have to type in your hostname, e. g. dominio. The FTP port is normally located on port 21 thus this has been prefilled for you already. If your web site uses another port, you will have to enter it here.

Type in your username and password for the connection. If you do not fill in this information, Visual LightBox is unable to connect to your site and thus not able to upload your gallery to website. If this site enables anonymous connections, just type in anonymous as the username and your e-mail address as the password.

You might want to change the Directory as well if you need to have your uploaded images placed in e. g. " www/gallery/ ". You can specify it in the FTP Folder field on the Publish Gallery window.

Notice: Write the name of the folder where your website gallery will be placed on the server. Notice that you should specify this field; otherwise your website album will be uploaded into the root folder of your server!

Step 6. Save your photo gallery as project file.

When you exit jQuery Thickbox Alternative application, you'll be asked if you want to save your project. The project consists of the pictures you choose to put on your web photo gallery and all your settings. It's a good idea to save the project, because that will allow you to change the project in case you decide to do something different with future galleries. So click Yes, then enter a name for your project. To select the location of your project, just click the Browse folders button and choose a different location. Then click Save.

Step 7 - Add Visual LightBox inside your own page.

Visual LightBox generates a special code. You can paste it in any place on your page whereyou want to add image gallery.

* Export your LightBox gallery using Visual LightBox app in any test folder on a local drive. * Open the generated index. html file in any text editor. * Copy all code for Visual LightBox from the HEAD and BODY tags and paste it on your page in the HEAD tag and in the place where you want to have a gallery (inside the BODY tag).

<head> . <!-- Start Visual LightBox. com HEAD section --> . <!-- End Visual LightBox. com HEAD section --> . </head> <body> . <!-- Start Visual LightBox. com BODY section --> . <!-- End Visual LightBox. com BODY section --> . </body>

* You can easily change the style of the templates. Find the generated 'engine/css/vlightbox. css' file and open it in any text editor.

window javascript parameters Auto Slide Gallery Jquery

Download Javascript Photo Gallery See all features. Web Photo Gallery Code Iis

Javascript Photo Gallery Free Trial can be used for free for a period of 30 days.

If you would like to continue using this product after the trial period, you should purchase a Business Edition. The Business Edition additionally provides an option to remove the VisualLightBox. com credit line as well as a feature to put your own logo to images. After you complete the payment via the secure form, you will receive a license key instantly by email that turns the Free Trial Version into a Business one. You can select the most suitable payment option: PayPal, credit card, bank transfer, check etc. dhtml window in js

Support See all features. Png Girls Photo Album

For troubleshooting, feature requests and general help contact Customer Support. Make sure to include details on your browser, operating system, Visual LightBox version and a link (or relevant code). javascript external popup window

Feedback See all features. Web Albums Scripts

* I tried Visual LightBox and for me its a very cool and usefull application. Its so easy to manage my galleries and it looks very nice.

* I have installed Visual LightBox to trial. All good, loving it. I want to get an business version of your great programm. I love it - soo easy to use!!

* I have just bought this product and think it is great. As it is extremely easy to use it is something I could get my clients to purchase to upload their own portfolio and latest projects etc. sliding window popup javascript

* I LOVE your free Lightbox2 software tool and will purchase the business version shortly. I have seen the Lightbox JS effect used with video tutorials and I was hoping you have a version for video that I can purchase. Video LightBox: http://videolightbox. com

FAQ See all features. Impressive Javascript Slideshow

Q: I would like to have a few galleries in one website and even on one page.

A: To create several galleries on your page you should change following parameter in A tag for different galleries:

For example, for the first gallery you should set rel="lightbox_vlb" :

<!-- Start Light Box Alternative. com BODY section --> <div id="vlightbox"> <a rel="lightbox_vlb" href="data/images/dscn6831.jpg" title="dscn6831" > <img src="data/thumbnails/dscn6831.png" ><span></span></a> <a rel="lightbox_vlb" href="data/images/dscn6823.jpg" title="dscn6823"> <img src="data/thumbnails/dscn6823.png"><span></span></a> <a id="vlb" href="http://Light Box Alternative. com">Photo Gallery For Web by Light Box Alternative. com v2.0</a> </div> <!-- End Light Box Alternative. com BODY section -->

and for the second gallery rel="lightbox_vlb1".

<!-- Start Light Box Alternative. com BODY section --> <div id="vlightbox"> <a rel="lightbox_vlb1" href="data/images/img_0501.jpg" title="img_0501"> <img src="data/thumbnails/img_0501.png"><span></span></a> <a rel="lightbox_vlb1" href="data/images/img_0481.jpg" title="img_0481"> <img src="data/thumbnails/img_0481.png"><span></span></a> <a id="vlb" href="http://Light Box Alternative. com">Photo Gallery For Web by Light Box Alternative. com v2.0</a> </div> <!-- End Light Box Alternative. com BODY section -->


Captura de pantalla



Exploring the tree frog possibilities of using CSS and javascript jQuery Auto-Photo-Slide. 23rd March 2010. Previous. Siguiente. Copyright ©2010 stu nicholls - stunicholls. com. Next Demonstration Next Demonstration. Información. Extending the jquery previous sliding gallery to add an dropline auto-run feature

Images are the layouts best option to add life in a gallery website. But plain simple images are now outdated. Splashy, layouts for images are the web design current hot trends in web designs

jQuery slideshows or galleries take a grouping grouping of images and turn it into an vector flash-like image/photo gallery Pikachoose is a photos lightweight Jquery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play

Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the slideshow best way to showcase your horizontally images/photos to your wedding dresses readers. There are a design Pikachoose is a creativity lightweight Jquery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play

Enlazar. jQuery Morphing Gallery Tutorial " Description. In this collections tut nice slide show. http://dulceblu. com/blog/2010/01/18/15-amazing-jquery-galleries/ 15

The the gallery s3Slider jQuery plugin is made by example of jd`s smooth slide show script. Pikachoose is a slideshow lightweight Jquery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play. 17] EOGallery. EOGallery is a jquery web animated slideshow gallery maid with jQuery

I've recently been searching around the photoshop brushes web looking for jQuery slideshows to implement into my sliders web designs. So to save you time of doing the pixel design same here's the markup

jQuery is becoming present in more Web 2.0 sites. jQuery slideshows or galleries take a demo grouping of images and turn it into an marketing flash-like image/photo

Images are the web resource best option to add life in a resource library website. But plain simple images are now outdated. Splashy, layouts for images are the extensions current hot trends in web

Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the photo effects best way to showcase your flash photo slideshow images / photos to your slideshow readers. This slider post is a photos showcase of 20 best jQuery slideshow / photo gallery plugins

Free Slideshow Creator! Dhtml Auto Slide. Make professional automate web photo gallery for your dhtml code library web site with Flash SlideShow Maker! Download jQuery Photo Gallery See all features show and enable/disable the auto slide following properties:Slide Show title, Auto play Slide

Example 2 - No auto slide. Example 3 - Random auto slide. Slideshow gallery with thumb - jQuery (images) Example 1 - Thumbs bottom Without open in lightbox. Example 5 - Thumbnails over the jquery image. Flash gallery (supports

Auto-Scaling Image Slider With jQuery. 15 Aug. Usually, many of the image slider ready-to-use image sliders (check the free web resources best ones in the galleries category) require a speed specific width-height for a image gallery good looking output. If your templates set the slider to auto-create slide numbers, show prev-next buttons

When it comes to jQuery slideshow we are talking about flexibility and more flexibility. jQuery slideshow features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects

jQuery slideshow script that rotate images with a image slideshow fade in/out effect. Controls allow the mouse rolls user to play/pause or step through to a jquery specific image within the typography gallery

So here, I am going to provide the picture gallery best jQuery Image Gallery Plugins that will help you to add an gallery designs artistic and professional image galleries and slide shows to your slider website. 1 – Galleria: Galleria is a web solutions JavaScript image gallery unlike anything else

jQuery image galleries and sliders are very common on websites for displaying images and photos. A web design good list for jQuery image galleries and sliders is here. Coin Slider is a photos jQuery image slider comes with unique effects, Flexible configuration, Auto slide and Navigation box facility

slide. Kaiten browser. Submitted by officity on May 11, 2011 - 5:53am. What is Kaiten? Kaiten is a jquery jQuery plug-in which offers a kaiten new "The div elements Wall" is the navigation model ultimate interactive media gallery for your transition effects site

This padding product slider' is similar to a nowrap straight forward gallery, except that there is a slider to navigate the pb jQuery already has the script src plugins to create these ui library effects so we don't have to go about creating them ourselves from scratch

I have collected 14 jquery photo gallery and slider plugins. They transform a freebies group of photos into gallery or slider with animation effect and some of them include captions too

11 Amazing JQuery Gallery is a web designers collection of some jquery tool or plugin to make the thumbnails website more interesting and attractive, very useful for web designers or web developer to develop websitenya. So, immediately use the ajax various tools or plugins

Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the jquery javascript library best way to present your thumbnails images to readers. With jQuery, we can create these easy slider effect easily by using its lightweight plugins. This tutorials article shares 15 jQuery plugins to do so

Jquery Image Fade Slideshow. Photo album builder allows you to create and publish rich, interactive web photo galleries for your slides website. javascript auto popup on mouse over

Call Jquery UI to enable many different additional transition types and easing methods. Pikachoose is a carousels lightweight Jquery Image Gallery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play. Pikachoose is designed to be easily installed,

jQuery Slider Plugin is an downloads easy-to-use and powerful software used to create jquery slider gallery. Simply with photos, music, transition effects and jquery vertical slider templates that we prepared

Nivo Slider Nivo Slider is the transaction most awesome jQuery image slider, manual and auto slide transaction with cool effect. jqFancyTransitions Awesome jQuery Sliders and Galleries Nivo Slider Nivo Slider is the programming tutorials most awesome jQuery image slider, manual and auto slide transaction with cool

EasyDNNgallery 3.6 (image, audio & video gallery) by EasyDNNsolutions. com - DotNetNuke 5 Modules - Snowcovered. com - 17 different view types with many customizable display features. Supports: Ajax, lightbox, jQuery, slideshow, flash, mp3, HD

Here you'll have more than 35 different unique jQuery Javascript solutions for beautiful image galleries and great ways to display your display solutions images with light code

via If you haven't already, check out http://addyosmani. com/blog/ - great resource with articles on javascript, jQuery and.

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Ver también

11 Amazing JQuery Gallery is a modal window collection of some jquery tool or plugin to make the stylish gallery website more interesting and attractive, very useful for web designers or web developer to develop websitenya. So, immediately use the custom photo various tools or plugins

The showcase s3Slider jQuery plugin is made by example of jd`s smooth slide show script. Pikachoose is a photo gallery lightweight Jquery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play. 17] EOGallery. EOGallery is a div scroll web animated slideshow gallery maid with jQuery

Call Jquery UI to enable many different additional transition types and easing methods. Pikachoose is a image gallery lightweight Jquery Image Gallery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play. Pikachoose is designed to be easily installed,

jQuery slideshows or galleries take a slider grouping of images and turn it into an image gallery flash-like image/photo gallery Pikachoose is a jquery lightweight Jquery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play

Images are the photo slideshow best option to add life in a web design website. But plain simple images are now outdated. Splashy, layouts for images are the psd current hot trends in web designs

Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the implementation best way to showcase your photo gallery images/photos to your design readers. There are a jquery Pikachoose is a javascript image lightweight Jquery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play

This ui library product slider' is similar to a products straight forward gallery, except that there is a js slider to navigate the jquery jQuery already has the plugins to create these nowrap effects so we don't have to go about creating them ourselves from scratch

Here you'll have more than 35 different unique jQuery Javascript solutions for beautiful image galleries and great ways to display your jquery images with light code

Enlazar. jQuery Morphing Gallery Tutorial " Description. In this easy slider tut nice slide show. http://dulceblu. com/blog/2010/01/18/15-amazing-jquery-galleries/ 15

Exploring the search terms possibilities of using CSS and javascript jQuery Auto-Photo-Slide. 23rd March 2010. Previous. Siguiente. Copyright ©2010 stu nicholls - stunicholls. com. Next Demonstration Next Demonstration. Información. Extending the search form previous sliding gallery to add an skeleton auto-run feature

Jquery Image Fade Slideshow. Photo album builder allows you to create and publish rich, interactive web photo galleries for your image slideshow website. javascript auto popup on mouse over

jQuery Slider Plugin is an jquery easy-to-use and powerful software used to create jquery slider gallery. Simply with photos, music, transition effects and jquery vertical slider templates that we prepared

I have collected 14 jquery photo gallery and slider plugins. They transform a slider group of photos into gallery or slider with animation effect and some of them include captions too

When it comes to jQuery slideshow we are talking about flexibility and more flexibility. jQuery slideshow features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects

jQuery image galleries and sliders are very common on websites for displaying images and photos. A technology news good list for jQuery image galleries and sliders is here. Coin Slider is a interaction jQuery image slider comes with unique effects, Flexible configuration, Auto slide and Navigation box facility

EasyDNNgallery 3.6 (image, audio & video gallery) by EasyDNNsolutions. com - DotNetNuke 5 Modules - Snowcovered. com - 17 different view types with many customizable display features. Supports: Ajax, lightbox, jQuery, slideshow, flash, mp3, HD

slide. Kaiten browser. Submitted by officity on May 11, 2011 - 5:53am. What is Kaiten? Kaiten is a container jQuery plug-in which offers a transition effects new "The footer Wall" is the slider ultimate interactive media gallery for your menus site

jQuery slideshow script that rotate images with a minimalistic fade in/out effect. Controls allow the navigation controls user to play/pause or step through to a gallery specific image within the typography gallery

I've recently been searching around the typography web looking for jQuery slideshows to implement into my design web designs. So to save you time of doing the photography same here's the design news

Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the flash photo slideshow best way to showcase your lightbox images / photos to your slideshow readers. This image gallery post is a tutorials showcase of 20 best jQuery slideshow / photo gallery plugins

Free Slideshow Creator! Dhtml Auto Slide. Make professional automate web photo gallery for your auto web site with Flash SlideShow Maker! Download jQuery Photo Gallery See all features show and enable/disable the flickr following properties:Slide Show title, Auto play Slide

jQuery is becoming present in more Web 2.0 sites. jQuery slideshows or galleries take a overlay images grouping of images and turn it into an jquery flash-like image/photo

Auto-Scaling Image Slider With jQuery. 15 Aug. Usually, many of the free web resources ready-to-use image sliders (check the download best ones in the customizable galleries category) require a specific width-height for a internet explorer good looking output. If your auto set the slider to auto-create slide numbers, show prev-next buttons

Images are the slideshow best option to add life in a web resource website. But plain simple images are now outdated. Splashy, layouts for images are the jquery current hot trends in web

So here, I am going to provide the rs web best jQuery Image Gallery Plugins that will help you to add an web solutions artistic and professional image galleries and slide shows to your cycle website. 1 – Galleria: Galleria is a gallery designs JavaScript image gallery unlike anything else

Nivo Slider Nivo Slider is the transition effects most awesome jQuery image slider, manual and auto slide transaction with cool effect. jqFancyTransitions Awesome jQuery Sliders and Galleries Nivo Slider Nivo Slider is the transition most awesome jQuery image slider, manual and auto slide transaction with cool

Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the lightweight best way to present your slideshow photo gallery images to readers. With jQuery, we can create these gallery effect easily by using its photo gallery plugins. This fancy slideshow article shares 15 jQuery plugins to do so

Example 2 - No auto slide. Example 3 - Random auto slide. Slideshow gallery with thumb - jQuery (images) Example 1 - Thumbs bottom Without open in lightbox. Example 5 - Thumbnails over the gallery image. Flash gallery (supports

Jquery Simulation Select

The idea is great but it is not very robust in the way is parses Cabrillo files. I had to.

Worker friendly, one is able to use it well. Como estudiante, me ha ayudado.

This is the best application works for Outlook express email to convert DBX data into PST file.

I used this software on dos mode, it was good. Ahora voy a probarlo en Windows. Espero que lo haga.

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It saved my life. A staff officer cannot live without this tool. Please keep on developing

Nice program please keep it up and upgrade it for next time.

My english is very weak so it is a very helpful app for me as I can see the meaning of the words.

Vi muchos tutoriales de pftrack. It is an excellent software I ever seen.

Popup Window Jquery Minimize Maximize

Lightbox Slideshow by VisualLightBox. com v3.1

The following image set is generated by JavaScript Window. Click any picture to run gallery.

Visión de conjunto

Popular LightBox and Thickbox, JavaScript widgets to show content in modal windows, are outdated at the moment. They are not updated since 2007. There are some great alternatives - colorbox, jQueryUI Dialog, fancybox, DOM window, shadowbox, but we highly recommend you to try VisualLighbox - Lighbox Alternative. VisualLighbox is packed with a dozen of beautiful skins, fantastic transition effects and free gallery generator software for Mac and Windows!

Top Features See all features. Jqm Dialog Templates

Flickr & Photobucket support

jQuery plugin or Prototype extension

Floating and smooth cross-fade transition

Slideshow with autostart option

Windows & MAC version

XHTML compliant

Zoom effect with overlay shadow

Rounded corners of overlay window

Large images fit to browser window

A lot of nice gallery themes

Image rotating and hi-quality image scaling with anti-aliasing

Automatic thumbnail creation

Adding caption

Built-in FTP

How to Use See all features. Jquery Window History Forward

Step 1. Adding images to your own gallery.

From the Images menu, select Add images. . Browse to the location of the folder you'd like to add and select the images. You can also use Add images from folder. and Add images from Flickr options.

Visual LightBox JS will now include these pictures. Or you can drag the images (folder) to the Visual LightBox window. The image is copied to your pictures folder and automatically added to your website gallery.

If you have included the photos that you do not wish to be in your web gallery, you can easily remove them. Select all images that you wish to remove from photo gallery, and select Delete images. from the Images menu. You can pick and choose pictures by holding the CTRL while clicking the pictures you like.

Step 2. Adding caption.

When you select an image you'll see the various information about it, such as:

Caption - you can enter any comment or text about the image in the website photo gallery. When you add images from Flickr its name will appear in caption automatically. You're able to use some common html tags (such as: <b>, <i>, <u>, <span>, <a>, <img> and so on..) inside your caption to highlight some text or add links.

Path, Size - for each image, you will see the file name, full folder path; file size and date of last change.

Step 3 - Editing capabilities.

In this website gallery software you can easily rotate your pictures using " Rotate Left " and " Rotate Right " buttons.

Right click on the picture and select " Edit images.. " item to open the selected picture in your default graph editor. You can adjust the color of pictures, as well as fix red-eye and crop out unwanted parts of an image.

Step 4. Gallery properties.

Change the name of your album, the size and quality of your pictures with jQuery Thickbox Alternative. From the Gallery menu, select Properties or use " Edit Gallery Properties " button on the toolbar.

On the first tab of the Gallery Properties window you can change the name of your photo album and enable/disable the following properties: Slide Show . Auto play Slide Show . Zoom effect . Overlay Shadow . You can also set the Overlay shadow color and select the Engine you want to use (jQuery or Prototype + script. aculo. us).

On the second tab of the Gallery Properties window you can select the thumbnail you want to use, set the Thumbnails Resolution . Thumbnails Quality . Thumbnails Titles . Select Thumbnails Format (save in PNG or JPG format). Specify the Number of columns in you photo album and the Page color .

On the third tab of the Gallery Properties window you can select the template, Image resolution and Image quality of your pictures and change the Watermark .

You can set up the various sizes for exported images.

Control the quality of output PNG or JPEG format image by defining output " Image quality " and " Thumbnail quality " parameters (0%. 100%).

Step 5 - Publishing of the jQuery Thickbox Alternative.

When you are ready to publish your website photo album online or to a local drive for testing you should go to " Gallery/Publish Gallery ". Select the publishing method: publish to folder or publish to FTP server .

publish to folder . To select a local location on your hard drive, just click the Browse folders button and choose a location. Then click Ok. You can also set " Open web page after publishing " option. publish to FTP server . The FTP Location Manager window enables you to define a number of connections for use when uploading your web site album to an FTP.

You are able to add a new FTP site by clicking " Edit " to the right of the " Publish to FTP server " drop down list. FTP Location Manager window will appear. Now type in a meaningful (this is not the actual hostname) name for your site and fill in the FTP details in the appropriate fields. You will have to type in your hostname, e. g. dominio. The FTP port is normally located on port 21 thus this has been prefilled for you already. If your web site uses another port, you will have to enter it here.

Type in your username and password for the connection. If you do not fill in this information, Visual LightBox is unable to connect to your site and thus not able to upload your gallery to website. If this site enables anonymous connections, just type in anonymous as the username and your e-mail address as the password.

You might want to change the Directory as well if you need to have your uploaded images placed in e. g. " www/gallery/ ". You can specify it in the FTP Folder field on the Publish Gallery window.

Notice: Write the name of the folder where your website gallery will be placed on the server. Notice that you should specify this field; otherwise your website album will be uploaded into the root folder of your server!

Step 6. Save your photo gallery as project file.

When you exit jQuery Thickbox Alternative application, you'll be asked if you want to save your project. The project consists of the pictures you choose to put on your web photo gallery and all your settings. It's a good idea to save the project, because that will allow you to change the project in case you decide to do something different with future galleries. So click Yes, then enter a name for your project. To select the location of your project, just click the Browse folders button and choose a different location. Then click Save.

Step 7 - Add Visual LightBox inside your own page.

Visual LightBox generates a special code. You can paste it in any place on your page whereyou want to add image gallery.

* Export your LightBox gallery using Visual LightBox app in any test folder on a local drive. * Open the generated index. html file in any text editor. * Copy all code for Visual LightBox from the HEAD and BODY tags and paste it on your page in the HEAD tag and in the place where you want to have a gallery (inside the BODY tag).

<head> . <!-- Start Visual LightBox. com HEAD section --> . <!-- End Visual LightBox. com HEAD section --> . </head> <body> . <!-- Start Visual LightBox. com BODY section --> . <!-- End Visual LightBox. com BODY section --> . </body>

* You can easily change the style of the templates. Find the generated 'engine/css/vlightbox. css' file and open it in any text editor.

pop up window in asp Popup Window Jquery Minimize Maximize

Download JavaScript Window See all features. Lightbox Window From Timer

Support See all features. Highslide Post

For troubleshooting, feature requests and general help contact Customer Support. Make sure to include details on your browser, operating system, Visual LightBox version and a link (or relevant code). assign left to popup window

Feedback See all features. Javascript Window Disable Close Button

* I just tried the application, It is wonderful idea. Like you said in the website "few clicks without writing a single line of code" because most of the people is not web designers".

* I tried Visual LightBox and for me its a very cool and usefull application. Its so easy to manage my galleries and it looks very nice.

* I tried Visual LightBox and for me its a very cool and usefull application. Its so easy to manage my galleries and it looks very nice. popup box

* I LOVE your free Lightbox2 software tool and will purchase the business version shortly. I have seen the Lightbox JS effect used with video tutorials and I was hoping you have a version for video that I can purchase. Video LightBox: http://videolightbox. com

FAQ See all features. Thickbox Html Errors Struts

Q: I would like to center all the thumbnails and I cannot figure out how. Can you please help?

A: Try to use <div> tag or <table> tag to center your thumbnails. Light Box Alternative generates a special code. Just paste it in <div> tag. You can also place in <dierates a special code. Just paste it in <div> tag. You can also place in <div> tag your iframe. And then use the alignment that you ned.


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Social Profile atau Profil Sosial yang sering digunakan agar dapat meningkatkan pengunjung dari berbagai pengguna sosial media seperti. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedlin, Google+ dan lainnya. Jejaring sosial termasuk juga salah satu teknik SEO dengan memanfaatkan Social Profile yang dapat menarik visitor (pengunjung), dan hal ini merupakan hal yang wajib dimanfaatkan oleh setiap blog dalam meningkatkan kuantitas visitornya.

Nah, itulah sedikit ringkasan tentang Social Profile, bagi anda yang mungkin agar Social Profilenya blog-nya semakin banyak yang nge-Like / nge-Follow sebaiknya anda memakai widget blog dibawah. Widget Social Box ini merupakan gabungan dari beberapa jejaring sosial seperti. Facebook Like Box, Twitter Button, Google+ Badge dan Blog Follower yang sudah sedikit saya modifikasi.

Baca Juga. Tutorial Memasang Tombol Share di Blog

Cara Memasang Social Box di Blog . yaitu :

# 1. Cari kode </body> dan letakkan kode berikut tepat diatasnya :

<script>(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) return; js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "//connect. facebook. net/id_ID/all. js#xfbml=1"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); >(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script> <script>!function(d, s,id) >(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script> # 2. Pasang kode dibawah ini di menu Tata Letak (Dasbor > Tata Letak > Tambahkan Widget > HTML/Javascript > Letakkan kode dibawah ini di kolom tersebut dan klik Simpan)

<div style='margin:0px 0px -10px;'><div style='margin:0px 0px -5px;'><div style='background:#ddd;border:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:1px solid transparent;padding:8px 6px 6px;height:27px'> <div style='margin-right:5px;float:left;padding:0px 6px'><a href="http://www. blogger. com/follow-blog. g?blogID= IDblogAnda " target="_blank" title="Ikuti Blog Ini"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent. com/-Jn4_yo4mGeU/USdy6OX859I/AAAAAAAAArc/C-BZWQC8SeM/w47-h20-no/index. png" alt="Ikuti Blog Ini" title="Ikuti Blog Ini" /></a></div><div style='padding:0px 13px 0px 0px;float:left;'><a class='twitter-follow-button' data-lang='id' data-show-count='false' data-show-screen-name='false' href='https://twitter. com/ Username '>Ikuti</a></div> <div style='padding:0px 0px 4px 0px;margin-right:0px;float:left'> <div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-annotation="none"></div> </div></div></div> <div style='padding:2px 5px 1px 0px;border:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:none;background:#ffffff'><div class="fb-like-box" data-href="https://www. facebook. com/ username " data-width="292" data-show-faces="false" data-stream="false" data-show-border="false" data-header="true"></div></div> <div class="g-plus" data-height="69" data-href="//plus. google. com/ idGoogle+ " data-rel="publisher"></div></div> <div id="fb-root"></div> Keterangan : - Untuk Kode yang berwarna Biru adalah ID blog anda. Cara mencarinya anda cukup membuka dasbor/postingan di blog anda dan akan terlihat di URL nya. lihat di link addres Browser anda.

- Untuk kode yang berwarna Merah adalah username/nama pengguna twitter anda. - Untuk kode yang berwarna Kuning adalah nama pengguna fanpage facebook blog anda - Untuk kode yang berwarna Hijau adalah ID Google+ anda

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2 Hiển thị widget ở những trang nhất định

17:11 Gain Capital

Trên blog bạn thường có nhiều Widget, và việc hiển thị chúng cũng làm mất thời gian khi load trang. Bây giờ mình giới thiệu cách tùy chỉnh cho nó hiển thị ở những nơi bạn muốn hiển thị. Nó sẽ giúp bạn có thể sắp xếp các widget ở các trang mà bạn muốn để trang blog hay web của bạn trông thẩm mĩ hơn. Để thực hiện thủ thuật này. trước tiên bạn phải xác định được Widget id của widget đó như hình bên dưới:

1. Đăng nhập blog 2. Vào chỉnh sửa code HTML (edit code HTML) 3. Chọn mở rộng mẫu tiện ích (Expand Widget Templates). 4. Tìm đọan Widget id bạn muốn chỉnh (vd:HTML3) Code thường có dạng mhư bên dưới

<b:widget id=' HTML3 ' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'> <!-- only display title if it's non-empty --> <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'> <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2> </b:if> <div class='widget-content'> <data:content/> </div>

<b:include name='quickedit'/> </b:includable> </b:widget>

☼ Sau khi đã biết được "Widget" đó thì chúng ta sẽ tùy chỉnh hiển thị chúng bây giờ bạn hãy chọn nơi để hiển thị "Widget" đó, bạn chỉ việc thêm code màu đỏ vào đúng vị trí như bên dưới

I. Chỉ cho phép widget hiển thị ở trang chủ

<b:widget id=' HTML3 ' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'>

<b:if cond='data:blog. url == data:blog. homepageUrl'>

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty --> <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'> <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2> </b:if> <div class='widget-content'> <data:content/> </div>

II. Chỉ cho phép widget hiển thị ở từng bài viết:

<b:widget id=' HTML3 ' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'>

<b:if cond='data:blog. pageType == "item"'>

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty --> <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'> <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2> </b:if> <div class='widget-content'> <data:content/> </div>

III. Chỉ cho phép widget hiển thị ở những trang nhất định:

<b:widget id=' HTML3 ' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'>

<b:if cond='data:blog. url == " Link của bạn "'>

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty --> <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'> <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2> </b:if> <div class='widget-content'> <data:content/> </div>

Bạn hãy thay code màu xanh trên thành đường link mà bạn muốn widget đó hiển thị ( ví dụ:http://www. traidatmui. com/2010/03/chen-google-translate-vao-blogger. html ). Khi bạn chọn đường link như vậy thì khi bạn click đến link đó widget mới hiển thị, còn những đường dẫn khác widget đó sẽ không hiển thị

IV. Hiển thị ở trang label nhất định

<b:widget id=' HTML4 ' locked='false' title='test 1' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'>

<b:if cond='data:blog. url == " http://www. traidatmui. com /search/label/ Advanced blogger "'>

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty --> <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'> <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2> </b:if> <div class='widget-content'> <data:content/> </div>

Bạn hãy thay dòng màu xanh ( http://www. traidatmui. com ) thành địa chỉ blog của bạn và dòng ( Advanced blogger ) thành tên nhãn bài viết của bạn.

00:06 Gain Capital

Bài viết trước mình đã có giới thiệu bạn cách thực hiện thủ thuật Cuộn góc Peel cho blog với css và JQuery. Hôm nay cũng cách cuộn góc cho trang như vậy nhưng chúng ta sẽ ứng dụng flash cho hiệu úng này. Với hiệu ứng flash này có về blog bạn sẽ trông đẹp hơn, cuộn góc trông mượt hơn. Bạn có thể xem hình ảnh bên dưới hoặc click demo để thấy rỏ hơn.

DEMO >> http://client-gaincapital-tradingcentral. blogspot. com/

Hình ảnh ban đầu chưa rê chuột

1. Đăng nhập vào tài khoản BLogger 2. Vào phần thiết kế (Design) 3. Chọn thêm tiện ích (Add gadget) 4. Thêm 1 phần tử HTMl/Javascript và thêm vào nó code bên dưới

& Lt; script tipo = "texto / javascript" & gt; var ppimg = new Image(); ppimg. src = '';

var ppo = new Object(); ppo. ad_url = escape(" http://www. traidatmui. com/ "); ppo. small_path = "http://www. swfcabin. com/swf-files/1292894738.swf"; ppo. small_image = escape(" http://lh3.ggpht. com/_BTztXRwC9ik/TRAYA4xvBUI/AAAAAAAAF3Q/TuAufrM7zwo/small. jpg "); ppo. big_path = 'http://www. swfcabin. com/swf-files/1292894665.swf'; ppo. big_image = escape(" http://lh4.ggpht. com/_BTztXRwC9ik/TRAVLUNaQPI/AAAAAAAAF3A/d9wbY-FMkF0/s576/peel. png ");

ppo. small_width = '100'; //độ rộng phần cuộn khi chưa rê chuột ppo. small_height = '100'; //độ cao phần cuộn khi chưa rê chuột ppo. small_params = 'ico=' + ppo. small_image; ppo. big_width = "450"; //độ rộng phần cuộn khi rê chuột ppo. big_height = "450"; //độ cao phần cuộn khi rê chuột ppo. big_params = 'big=' + ppo. big_image + '&ad_url=' + ppo. ad_url; </script>

<script src=" http://traidatmui-tips. googlecode. com/files/flash_peel. js " type="text/javascript"></script>

☼ Chỉnh code: - Link màu xanh là phần bạn nhìn thấy ban đầu, khi chưa rê chuột vào phần cuộn góc. - Link màu tím than là phần ảnh bạn nhìn thấy khi phần ẩn bạn rê chuột vào phần cuộn đó, nói cách khác đây là phần nằm bên dưới phần cuộn góc. - Link màu đỏ đậm là link cho phần cuộn góc, khi người dùng click vào đây nó sẽ dẫn đến địa chỉ được thiết lập trong phần này. Bạn thay thành link mà bạn muốn.

5. Sau khi chỉnh sửa xong, bạn save tiện ích lại.

Chúc bạn thành công

0 Ẩn bài viết ở trang chủ

19:35 Gain Capital

Thực ra việc ẩn bài viết ở trang chủ ta phải dùng một thủ thuật khác với thủ thuật ẩn widget, nếu dùng thủ thuật ẩn widget thì bài viết không được ẩn hoàn toàn. Vì thế mình sẽ dùng CSS kết hợp lệnh <b:if> để ẩn nó.

Đây là thủ thuật đơn giả nên mình sẽ không post hình minh họa kết quả. Trước tiên thực hiện bạn phải xác định id của widget " Bài đăng trên blog ", thông thường nó đều có id là " Blog1 ". ( xem trong code template ( mở rộng mẫu tiện ích ) )

Sau khi xác định đc id này, ta thực hiện các bước sau: 1. Vào bố cục 2. Vào chỉnh sửa code HTML 3. Chèn đoạn code bên dưới vào sau dòng code ]]></b:skin>

<style> <b:if cond='data:blog. url == data:blog. homepageUrl'>

# Blog1 display:none; visibility:hidden; >

4. save template.

Chúc các bạn thành công.

You don't need to specify that content-type on calls to MVC controller actions. The special "application/json; charset=utf-8" content-type is only necessary when calling ASP. NET AJAX "ScriptServices" and page methods. jQuery's default contentType of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is appropriate for requesting an MVC controller action.

The data is correct as you have it. By passing jQuery a JSON object, as you have, it will be serialized as patientID=1 in the POST data. This standard form is how MVC expects the parameters.

You only have to enclose the parameters in quotes like " " when you're using ASP. NET AJAX services. They expect a single string representing a JSON object to be parsed out, rather than the individual variables in the POST data.

It's not a problem in this specific case, but it's a good idea to get in the habit of quoting any string keys or values in your JSON object. If you inadvertently use a JavaScript reserved keyword as a key or value in the object, without quoting it, you'll run into a confusing-to-debug problem.

Conversely, you don't have to quote numeric or boolean values. It's always safe to use them directly in the object.

So, assuming you do want to POST instead of GET, your $.ajax() call might look like this:

Woothemes Resort v1.1.5 for WordPress Theme

Woothemes Resort v1.1.5 for WordPress Theme

This business theme sports a clean, simple color palette with an ever present fixed header navigation, whilst it’s modular structure means you can create a very custom homepage layout. With WooCommerce support you can add shop facilities with ease, and WooDojo support means you can easily add social media widgets and further functionality. The options are limitless.

2015.09.29 – version 1.1.5 * Fix – Fixes styling in the component widget. includes/sidebar-init. php, style. css

2015.09.14 – version 1.1.4 * Fix – Updates Widget contructors and update functions for security purposes. includes/widgets/*

2015.06.04 – version 1.1.3 * Tweak – Updated prettyPhoto to version 3.1.6. includes/js/jquery. prettyPhoto. js

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Learn how to dynamically populate a dropdown list from the selection made in another dropdown list. This can be done straight from Ultradev without even having to go into the source

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Mobilising websites: building a WRT widget for the Forum Nokia website How to create animated images in Web Runtime widgets. How to create GIF animation

So finally our semester has come to an end and with it, our project as well. This will be a short recap of the whole project from beginning to end. The jQuery library for Javascript was used extensively for the interactive and animated aspects of the design, as well as many jQuery plugins to

So - there wouldn't be an animated dropdown, but the headings themselves would take you to an exhibit. Tali. AUSTRALIA. 2009-11-03 02:45:58. Permalink as the djuve and various other exhibits use the 1.3.2 jquery, the thickbox example under Formats stalls. you cover it pretty well in the descriptions

http://pixopoint. com/forum/index. php? topic=592.0. There are a few bugs in it yet, but it may be worth trying until a new official if you didn't have the animated Superfish option activated (which is what uses jQuery in the plugin) then let

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Emak Mertua aku masih lagi solid bentuk tubuh badannya, dengan kedua-dua tetek yang besar, dan bontotnya sedikit tonggek dan untuk makluman anda semua, Emak Mertua aku ni sememangnya berketurunan Punjabi Muslim. Namanya adalah FAIZAH FAZAL MUHAMMAD, umurnya adalah 45 tahun saja dan aku berumur dalam 26 tahun, dan aku memanggilnya dengan panggilan “Mama Izah”.Selama aku tinggal bersamanya selepas berkahwin dengan bini aku, aku selalu mengambil kesempatan mencuri-curi pandang selain dari bergurau mesra dengan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah ni dan juga bini aku. Kadang-kadang tu aku sambil membuat lakonan tercuit di tempat-tempat yang boleh memberahikan seperti di kedua-dua teteknya bila bergurau tu, yang mana boleh mendatangkan batang kote aku jadi terpacak di sebalik pengetahuan mereka berdua. Dan kadang-kadang bila aku main seks dengan bini aku pun aku bayangkan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah ni. Ok la bagi memendekkan cerita, kisah aku dan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah ini berlaku di suatu malam semasa aku balik dari bekerja. Bila aku sampai di hadapan rumah pada lebih kurang jam 8:30 malam (aku ingat malam itu malam Selasa),aku dapat lihat dari tepi jalan rumah Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bagaikan sepi saja, tiada orang seperti hari-hari biasa. Betullah sangkaan aku bila aku memberi salam, aku terdengar sambutan salam Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu begitu sayu dari dalam bilik tidurnya, dan dia menyuruh aku membukak pintu dengan kunci yang aku ada. Aku pun terus saja membukak dan masuk dan terus saja aku bertanya kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dari luar bilik tidurnya.

“Niza Bee (bini aku) pergi ke mana, Mama…. ”aku bertanya kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu sambil-sambil memandang ke arah dapur.

“Dia keluar dengan adik kau pergi ke rumah Mak Ucunya kat Bukit Mertajam…. Pukul 11:30 malam nanti dia baru balik, Ucu kau hantar…. ”jelas Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dari dalam bilik tidurnya. Sayu saja suaranya terdengar dari dalam bilik tidurnya tu.

“Mama sorang aje ker…. ”aku bertanya lagi kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

“A’aa…. ”pendek jawab Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu kepada aku.

“Malam ni aku punya peluang dah untuk memuaskan batang kote aku, dan akan aku gunakan peluang yang ada…. ”maka di kepala aku berfikir sekarang.

Dan aku pun terus saja menuju ke bilik tidur Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang pintunya memang tak terkunci. Aku pun masuk terus, dan aku tergamam bila aku melihat Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu sedang berkemban dengan hanya tuala yang terlalu pendek, hanya menutup pangkal kedua-dua teteknya hingga pangkal pehanya, sedang bersolek selepas mandi. Aku hanya menelan air liur sahaja bila melihat keadaannya itu.

“Ape yang Zack pandang Mama macam tu…. ”Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bertanya kepada aku bila melihat aku berpandangan begitu.

“Ermmm…erm…tak…takde ape-ape, Mama…cuma Zack geram bila lihat Mama macam tu…. ”aku beranikan menjawabnya walaupun tergagap-gagap.

Serta-merta Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu melekapkan tangannya ke arah towelnya di bahagian lubang cipapnya, malu agaknya bila aku berkata demikian. Aku pun terus saja menghampiri Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Seperti biasa aku akan mencium kedua-dua pipinya sebelum keluar atau balik ke rumah seperti jugak aku lakukan pada bini aku, tapi kali ini aku cium Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu agak lama sikit dari biasa dan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu merasa pelik dengan tingkahlaku aku kali ini.

“Nape Mama lihat Zack hari ini lain macam aje dengan Mama…. ”Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu kemudiannya bertanya kepada aku sambil merenung aku. Aku hanya diamkan diri buat seketika. Lantas aku tarik saja tangan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu menghampiri aku dan aku pun berbisik ke telinga Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan aku pun beranikan diri untuk berkata sesuatu kepadanya. Dek kerana keinginan nafsu seks aku pada masa itu sedang mula bergelora, aku luahkanlah perasaan aku kepadanya.

“Hari ini Zack benar-benar geram bila melihat Mama begini…. Mama tengok la Zack punya batang kote ni…. ”ujar aku sambil menunjukkan ke arah batang kote aku yang sedang menonjol di dalam seluar slack aku. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu hanya tersenyum sahaja melihatnya sambil bertanya dan berkata kepada aku.

“Habis tu Mama boleh buat ape dengan benda Zack tu…. Niza kan ada, nanti Zack main seks la dengan bini Zack tu…. ” Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bertanya dan berkata kepada aku.

“Apenye nak main, Mama…. Zack dah 3-4 hari tak dapat lubang cipap Niza tu, Mama…. Boleh tak Zack nak dapatkan sesuatu daripada Mama malam ni…. ”dengan berani aku katakan kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu, nekad sekali. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu tergamam dengan permintaan aku itu, bagaikan tak percaya dengan kata-kata aku itu.

Di dalam Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu tergamam, tangan aku dah pun mengapai pinggangnya lalu aku rapatkan tubuh yang agak sexy itu ke tubuh aku. Terus saja aku mengucupi bibir Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah yang mongel tu.

“Eeerrrmmm…ermmm…. ”Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu ingin berkata sesuatu dan menolak aku, tapi aku terus saja memeluknya dengan erat sekali. Di saat itu aku dapat rasakan kedua-dua ulas bibir Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu mula terbukak dan kesempatan itu aku ambil, terus saja aku memasukan lidah aku untuk menjalankan peranan bagi memberahikan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan aku sendiri.

Beberape minit saja aku berbuat demikian, Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah aku tu telah aku rasai bagai telah melayani kehendak aku itu. Aku pun pantas sahaja melakukannya terus, dan kini mendapatkan pulak balasan dari Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Lidah aku disedutnya, terasa suamnya lidah Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Aku dapat rasakan jugak kocakan dada gementar nafas Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu berdenyut-denyut di dada aku. Aku biarkannya begitu.

“Hemmm…ermmm…sedappppnye, Mama…. ”aku berbisik ke telinga Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu sesudah sahaja aku melepaskan dari kucupan di bibirnya. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu hanya senyum sinis sahaja. Dengan perlakuan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu, membuatkan keinginan nafsu seks aku terus memuncak. Batang kote aku sudah la tak boleh nak cakap macam mana lagi. Jika nak diukur la, mungkin tegak dah 90 darjah. Tak la panjang sangat batang kote aku, tapi mencapai 6 inci panjang dengan lilitannya lebih kurang 2 1/2 inci bagaikan bergerak-gerak untuk dilepaskan keluar.

Kini aku mengapai tangan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dengan lembut dan aku bawa ke katil serta membaringkannye terus. Yang menghairankan aku masa itu, Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bagaikan mengikut sahaja suruhan aku itu tanpa cuba melawan. Ini aku kira apa yang aku hajatkan akan tercapai dan sangkaan aku sebelum ini mungkin jugak dia nak merasakan batang kote lelaki yang dah sekian lama tidak dirasakannya dan ini la masa untuk menerima sekali walaupun dari batang kote menantunya sendiri. Dengan sebab-sebab ini la Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda menghalang atau melawan kehendak aku, cuma dia dengan lembut bertanya kepada aku.

“Zack sebenarnya nak ape daripada Mama ni…. ” Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bertanya kepada aku dengan terketar-ketar suaranya.

“Eerrmmm…boleh tak Zack nak dapatkan sesuatu daripada Mama malam ni…. Yang ini…. ”aku kemudiannya berkata kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dengan berani, sambil mengepam tundun lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang sedang baring terlentang. Nampak membusut tundun lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang masih tersembunyi di sebalik towelnya itu.

“Jika Zack berani…cuba la…. ”kata Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu kepada aku bagaikan mencabar kelelakian aku.

“Betul ker, Mama…. ”aku kemudiannya bertanya kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu agak ragu.

“Ermmm…cuba la kalau Zack dapat…. ”Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu kemudiannya berkata kepada aku dan dia senyum saja.

Aku pun terus saja menerpa berbaring di sebelah Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Tangan kiri aku memaut tengkok Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah lalu terus saja mengucupi bibirnya dan tangan kanan aku mencari putaran simpulan towel untuk mendedahkan tubuh Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Maka terburailah apa yang tersembunyi selama ini, yang mana selalu aku angankan sebelum ini. Kedua-dua tetek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang lama dah tak disentuh membusut tinggi, tundun lubang cipap yang tembam serupa dengan bini aku. Fuyoooo…bebulu yang hitam lebat mnenutup ruang lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu tapi kemas dijaga rapi. Tertelan air liur aku dibuatnya. Tiba-tiba…

“Aa’aaa…. Nape Zack bukak Mama punye aje…. Zack punye baju dan seluar kenapa masih lagi lekat di badan tuuuuu…. ”kata Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu kepada aku bersuara halus.

“Mama bukakan la…. ”aku kemudiannya berkata kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu cuba nak bermanja tapi aku sendiri pantas membukak seluar dan baju aku. Yang tinggal hanyalah seluar dalam aku sahaja. Saja aku biarkannya sementara tujuan aku. Semoga Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang akan bukakan seluar itu.

Aku pun terus saja memainkan peranan aku menggentel kedua-dua tetek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang mula mengeras. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu terus mengeliat dengan tangannya dah memaut serta mengusap belakang aku dengan mesranya. Aahhhh…tak dapat aku bayangkan betapa seronoknya pada masa itu. Itu baru bab begini saja, masih banyak action yang akan aku lalui selepas ini. Kini aku dah menghisap puting kedua-dua tetek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu silih berganti, dan jari-jemari tangan kanan aku telah bermain-main di biji kelentitnya yang di dalam ruang lubang cipap yang tersembunyi dek bulu hitamnya dah mula membecak.

“Arggghhhh…Zackkk…. Sedapnye…Zackkk…. Lagiiiii…. ”keluh Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Aku pun meneruskan peranan aku. Kini tangan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dah di dalam seluar aku mengukur batang kote aku. Dia menolak sikit seluar dalam aku ke bawah, dan aku terus membantunya membukak seluar dalam aku keluar dari tempatnya.

“Wowww…Zackkk…. Besarnya batang kote Zack ni, Sayanggggg…. ”jerit Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu tapi perlahan sambil melihat akan batang kote aku itu. Aku hanya tersenyum mendapat pujian sebegitu.

“Mama mahukannya tak…. ”aku kemudiannya bertanya kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

Saja aku mengusik. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu hanya diam sahaja. Aku pun kemudiannya terus bangun dari baringan aku, dan aku pun terus sahaja menghalakan batang kote aku ke muka Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Tujuan aku adalah untuk memasukan batang kote aku ke dalam mulut Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu untuk dikulum. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu cuba menolak sambil berkata kepada aku

“Mama tak biasa begini la, Sayang…. ”Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu berkata kepada aku.

“Mama try la dulu ye…. ”kata aku kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan aku pun kemudiannya terus saja menonjolkan batang kote aku ke dalam ruang mulutnya. Bila sampai saja di bibir Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu, aku mengarahkannya membukak ruang untuk batang kote aku masuk. Kini lolos saja batang kote aku masuk habis jejak ke anak tekak Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Panas rasa batang kote aku bila berada di dalam mulut Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bagaikan leloya sikit, dan gerak-geri Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu agak kaku bila batang kote aku berada di kawasan mulutnya. Nyata la Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu tak biasa, dan aku kesian jugak melihatnya bila aku berbuat demikian, lantas aku menarik keluar batang kote aku dan kini aku pulak menjalankan operasi pembersihan di alur lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

Lidah aku kini bermain-main di biji kelentit Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang sekian lama tak terusik. Beberapa minit berlalu operasi aku di lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu, apa yg aku dengar rentetan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu…“lagiiii…Zackkk…sedapppp…. ”.

Aku kemudiannya terus melajukan lagi tujahan lidah aku. Kini lidah aku benar-benar berada dalam di ruang lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu terus mengeliat..Tiba-tiba aku rasa badan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bagaikan kejang. Rupa-rupanya dia sedang mencapai klimaks seksnya yang pertama. Apa lagi, terasa la kemasinan serta kapayauan air mani Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang keluar dari ruang lubang cipapnya.

“Huuuyoooo…sedapnya air mani Mama Izah aku ni…. Banyak jugak airnya yang aku tertelan, maklum la saja lama dah tak dipergunakannya…. ”aku berkata di dalam hati aku.

“Zack…Zack, Mama dah tak tahan lagi, Sayanggg…. Mainkan la cepattttt…. ”keluh Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu sambil mencapai batang kote aku untuk memandunya ke arah pintu lubang cipapnya, dan aku tidak membuang masa lagi terus saja memasukkan batang kote aku yang telah benar-benar keras tu ke dalam Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu buat kali pertama pada hari tersebut ( kali pertama secara keseluruhannya) sambil dibantu oleh Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

“Ooooohhhhh…sedapnye, Mamaaaa…. ”keluh aku kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu bila batang kote aku dah telus ke dalam dasar lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Sambil itu aku saja diamkan dulu batang kote aku di dasar lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Terasa panas batang kote aku bila direndamkan di dalam ruang yang dah berlecak tu. Tangan aku pulak memainkan peranan di kedua-dua tetek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

“Arggghhhh…ermmm…erm…sedapnye, Sayangggg. ” Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu terus mengeluh kesedapan. Kini aku mulakan hayunan atas ke bawah, mula-mula slow motion dan laju semakin laju dengan buaian suara Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu yang merintih kesedapan.

“Arghhh…arghhh…sedappppp…. Lagi hayun, Sayanggggg…. Mama sedappp…. Lajuuuuu… lajuuuuu, Sayanggg…. Mama…dah nak sampaiiiiii…lagiiiiii…. ”sekali lagi kejang tubuh Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan batang kote aku rasa bagaikan nak putus dikemutnya.

Aku kemudiannya terus menarik keluar batang kote aku yang dah basah dek lecak air lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan kini aku pusingkan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu secara menonggeng menukar posisi. Aku nak balun dari arah belakangnya. Aku dapat lihat lubang bontot tonggek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu terkemut-kemut bagaikan meminta-minta sesuatu saja. Aku geram melihat lubang bontot tonggek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Aku terus sapukan air dari lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu ke lubang bontot tonggeknya untuk pelicin. Kemudiannya aku pun terus saja menujahkan masuk batang kote aku ke dalam lubang bontot tonggek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu buat kali pertama pada hari tersebut Ikali pertama secara keseluruhannya).Sekali tekan tak masuk, kali kedua penekanan batang kote aku telus paras takuk aku ke lubang bontot tonggek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

“Uhhhhh…Zack…sakitttt…. Pelan sikit Zack…koyak lubang bontot tonggek Mamaaaa…. Batang kote Zack besar…. ” Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu berkata kepada aku. Bila Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu berkata demikian, batang kote aku bagai diminta-minta untuk menaburkan air maninya. Aku pun terus saja menekan perlahan-lahan tapi terus telus saja habis ke pangkal. Dengan iringan rentihan Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan dengan perjalanan batang kote aku yang mungkin menyakitkannya, tapi dia rela demikian sebab jika dia tak izinkan dari mula dah ditolaknya aku. Dan saat untuk aku menaburkan air mani aku hampir tiba. Aku kemudiannya menarik dan tekan sebanyak 3 kali maka…critttt…crittt…criiitttttttt… beberapa pancutan air mani aku telah dilepaskan di dalam lubang bontot tonggek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan pada masa itu kemutan lubang bontot tonggek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu sangat mencengkam sekali. Fuyoooo…. Betapa sedapnya tentu anda rasakan jika pernah berbuat demikian.

Kini aku biarkan batang kote aku di dalam lubang bontot tonggek Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu sambil aku terkulai di belakang Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu. Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu jugak terasa letih. Apabila aku terasa bertenaga sedikit, aku bingkas bangun dari lekapan belakang Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

“Puas tak, Mama…. Mama nak lagi tak…. ”aku bertanya kepada Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu.

“Ermmm…teruk la Mama Zack kerjakan tadi…. Tak tahan Mama dibuatnya tau…. ”jelas Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu kepada aku dengan manja.

“Mama nak lagi ker…. ”aku ulangi lagi pertanyaan aku.

“Emmmm…malam ni cukup la dulu, Sayang…. Lain kali bila Mama nak lagi Mama akan cakap pada Zack, OK…. ”jelas Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu kepada aku.

Lepas tu kami berdua berhenti di situ saja dan sama-sama masuk ke dalam bilik air untuk mandi, tapi rupa-rupanya tidak berakhir lagi. Kami berdua sempat memantat atau saling melakukan hubungan seks bersama sekali lagi buat kali ke-2 pada hari tersebut ( kali ke-2 secara keseluruhannya) di dalam bilik air sampai kami berdua sama-sama klimaks dan aku memancutkan air mani aku dengan agak banyaknya ke dalam lubang cipap Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu buat kali pertama pada hari tersebut ( kali pertama secara keseluruhannya).

Cerita ini akan disambung lagi jika ada masa dengan cerita bagaimana aku, Emak Mertua aku Mama Izah tu dan bini aku main sekatil…………….


Nadia baru saja melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan kekasihnya, Farid. Mereka berdua sudah lama bercinta, sejak dari sekolah menengah lagi. Nadia seorang setiausaha di sebuah syarikat swasta, mempunyai paras rupa yang amat jelita, dengan potongan badan yang amat memberahikankan, 36D-26-35. Manakala Farid pula seorang pegawai di sebuah bank di ibu negara. Farid juga tidak kurang segak dan kacak. Jika dilihat dari luaran, mereka berdua ibarat pinang dibelah dua.

Mereka berdua dibesarkan dengan cara kebaratan oleh ibu bapa mereka. Nama saja Melayu dan Islam, berdua tidak pernah solat dan puasa, cuma mereka tidak minum arak. Malah sejak mereka bercinta daripada tingkatan empat lagi, iaitu ketika mereka berusia 16 tahun, mereka sudah kerap menikmati persetubuhan. Farid bertuah dapat memiliki dan menikmati badan montok dan mantap Nadia yang menjadi rebutan ramai ketika di sekolah, universiti, mahupun di pejabat.

Nadia menyerahkan cipap tembam dan dubur ketatnya untuk dinikmati Farid atas dasar cinta. Malah dia rela jika Farid membuntingkannya kerana dia tahu Farid akan sentiasa bersamanya. Farid pula memang jarang membazirkan air maninya. Rugi rasanya jika dia tidak memancutkan benihnya ke dalam pantat Nadia yang amat tembam dan lembut itu. Pernah beberapa kali dia memancut di luar tapi rasanya kurang nikmat jika dibandingkan dengan memancut di dalam pantat Nadia.

Ramai lelaki yang geramkan badan Nadia. Dia berketinggian sederhana dan bertubuh berisi. Kulit Nadia putih dan gebu. Malah melihatkan paha dan betis dia saja membuat zakar mencanak. Bila Nadia memakai seluar berkain kapas lembut, kepadatan dan kelebaran bontot dia amat terserlah. Nadia juga mempunyai tundun pantat yang amat tembam sehingga bentuknya dapat dilihat dengan jelas jika seluar yang dipakainya agak ketat. Ramai lelaki melancap membayangkan Nadia.

Di sebalik perasaan cinta Farid pada Nadia, dia juga ketagih dengan keenakan tubuh isterinya itu. Walaupun dia tidak pernah mengawan dengan perempuan lain, dia pasti tidak ada yang lebih enak daripada Nadia. Malah, dia berasa amat bertuah dan bangga apabila rakan-rakannya memuji akan betapa ranum dan mantapnya tubuh Nadia. Zakar Farid tidaklah sebesar mana tapi disebabkan pantat Nadia yang sempit dan tembam, dia masih dapat merasa nikmat kemutan pantat Nadia.

Perkahwinan Nadia dan Farid diadakan secara besar-besaran kerana mereka mempunyai keluarga yang berada. Sehari selepas acara persandingan, mereka pergi berbulan madu di Eropah selama dua minggu. Dan kerana mereka sudah lama mengawan bersama, mereka tidak berniat untuk menangguhkan mendapat anak. Tidak seperti pasangan pengantin yang lain yang mahu menikmati kemanisan persetubuhan sepuas-puasnya sebelum komited membina sebuah keluarga.

Namun Nadia menyimpan sesuatu di dalam hatinya. Selama ini, atas dasar cinta, dia rela membuntingkan anak Farid walaupun tanpa ikatan perkahwinan. Bagi Nadia, tubuhnya milik lelaki yang dicintainya dan mencintainya. Tapi, walaupun selama ini dia menyerahkan rahimnya dipancut dengan air mani Farid, dia tidak juga bunting. Malah, dia takut juga bahawa zakar Farid yang kecil dan pendek itu tidak mampu memancut banyak dan deras; tidak cukup untuk membuntingkannya.

Tetapi Nadia tidak cepat berputus asa. Secara sendirian dia pergi berjumpa doktor pakar, namun berita yang diterimanya menambah kerisauannya. Setelah menjalankan ujian ke atas Nadia, doktor itu mengesahkan bahawa dia sebenarnya sangat subur; dan jika hanya setitik benih masuk ke dalam pantatnya dia mampu mengandung. Malah doktor itu juga mengatakan bahawa walaupun tanpa ujian klinikal itu, cukup dengan melihat bentuk tubuh Nadia sudah tahu betapa suburnya tubuh dia.

Doktor muda itu menjalankan pemeriksaan di luar kelaziman ke atas Nadia. Walaupun dia terikat dengan deklarasi professionalisme kedoktoran, kemantapan badan Nadia tidak mahu disia-siakan. Dia menyuruh Nadia berbogel tanpa diberi baju sementara. Mencanak zakar doktor itu apabila buah dada Nadia yang bersaiz 36D yang putih dan bulat itu terdedah. Apatah lagi di celah kepitan paha montok dan gebu Nadia kelihatan cipap yang paling tembam dan paling comel pernah dilihatnya.

Disuruhnya Nadia berbaring di atas tilam dan diangkatnya paha Nadia ke atas. Terpampanglah kesuburan dan ketembaman vagina Nadia di depan matanya. Tidak cukup dengan itu, dia kemudian menyuruh Nadia berpusing dan menonggeng. Mendengus doktor muda itu dengan kepadatan dan kelebaran bontot Nadia. Dia juga menguak belahan bontot itu dan melihat betapa ranum dan bersih simpulan dubur Nadia. Banyak air mani dia terbazir melancapkan bayangan cipap dan dubur Nadia.

Hanya satu kesimpulan saja – Suaminya, Farid, adalah lelaki mandul. Nadia menangis di sepanjang perjalanan pulang daripada klinik tersebut. Punah harapannya untuk membuntingkan anak Farid. Punah harapannya untuk membina keluarga bahagia bersama Farid. Bagaimana harus dia memberitahu Farid keadaan ini? Farid tentu akan marah kerana ego lelakinya tercabar apabila diberitahu bahawa perempuan sesubur Nadia pun tak mampu dibuntingkannya. Silap haribulan, Farid akan meninggalkannya.

Sementara rumah baru disiapkan, Nadia bersetuju untuk tinggal sementara di rumah keluarga Farid. Lagipun, rumah besar itu hanya dihuni oleh ibu dan bapa Farid dan adik Farid bernama Fariz yang berusia 18 tahun. Farid mewarisi kecantikan ibunya manakala Fariz mewarisi kekacakan bapanya. Fizikal Farid sedikit feminine manakala tubuh Fariz memang maskulin. Sebab itulah Nadia jatuh cinta dengan Farid – Lelaki itu kacak dan baik. Dia juga tidak kasar dan lemah lembut.

Namun, akibat daripada pewarisan itu, Farid tidak mempunyai zakar yang benar-benar jantan. Alat pembiakan Farid itu kecil dan pendek. Fariz pula, kerana mewarisi daripada bapanya, mempunyai zakar yang luar biasa jantannya. Batang zakar Fariz panjang dan gemuk, manakala kantung telurnya besar dan berat. Pendek kata, Fariz sangat jantan. Nadia tidak pernah melihat zakar Fariz secara zahir tapi dia pernah terlihat bentuknya di sebalik seluar pendek yang selalu dipakai Fariz.

Pada awalnya, Nadia tidak kisah itu semua. Ini kerana pantat Nadia sangat tembam dan sempit, jadi ia tetap memberikan kenikmatan kepada dia dan Farid sewaktu bersetubuh. Lagi pula, seperti Farid, dia tidak pernah dijamah lelaki lain selain Farid. Kawan-kawan Nadia selalu bercerita tentang nikmat dirodok oleh zakar besar dan jumlah benih yang dipancutkan tapi Nadia tidak kisah itu semua kerana dia sangat cintakan Farid. Dia tidak sampai hati untuk berfikir tentang kejantanan lelaki lain.

Berbeza dengan abangnya, Fariz tidak pernah kekal dengan satu perempuan. Kejantanan yang dimilikinya tidak disia-siakan dan dia telah menikmati ramai perempuan; baik budak sekolah, pelajar universiti, tunang orang mahupun isteri orang. Dan akibat sifat kejantanan Fariz yang melampau itu, dia sentiasa akan membuktikan kejantanannya dengan meledakkan setiap pancutan air maninya yang sentiasa pekat dan subur ke dalam pantat pasangannya setiap kali dia mengawan. Tapi sebenarnya ini bukanlah sifat asal Fariz. Dia mula bertukar menjadi kasanova selepas pertama kali bertemu dengan Nadia empat tahun lepas ketika dia berusia 14 tahun. Ketika itu Nadia dan Farid berusia 24 tahun. Walaupun Nadia dan Farid telah bersama lapan tahun sebelum itu, mereka berdua hanya mendedahkan percintaan masing-masing empat tahun lepas ketika mereka merancang untuk bercuti bersama di Bali. Atas arahan ibu bapa Farid, Fariz harus pergi bersama mereka.

Fariz tidak dapat melupakan bagaimana dia terlihat abangnya dan Nadia mengawan pada malam pertama di Bali. Farid terlupa mengunci pintu yang menghubungkan dua bilik itu dan ketika Fariz mahu mengambil telefonnya yang tertinggal di bilik Farid, dia terhenti di sebalik pintu dan menyaksikan dua insan sedang bersetubuh. Itulah pertama kali dia melihat seorang perempuan berbogel, dan dia terus jatuh cinta kepada Nadia yang 10 tahun lebih tua daripadanya.

Mata Fariz tidak berkedip menikmati keindahan tubuh badan Nadia. Dia sudah banyak kali melihat majalah dan menonton video lucah namun pada penglihatannya bentuk badan Nadia jauh lebih sempurna daripada semua model atau pelakon lucah. Dia lihat abangnya sedang bernafsu menetek buah dada Nadia yang bulat dan tegang. Dia lihat abangnya menongkah paha dan betis Nadia yang montok dan gebu itu. Dia juga lihat pantat Nadia yang bersih dan tembam itu dijolok abangnya.

Sejak daripada itu, Fariz sering berangankan menyetubuhi Nadia. Entah berapa banyak air maninya terbazir dengan bayangan tubuh Nadia. Dia juga sudah mula memikat dan menjamah tubuh gadis satu per satu. Niatnya cuma satu, dia mahu mencari yang bertubuh sesempurna Nadia dan jika dia berjumpa, gadis itulah yang bakal hidup bersamanya. Namun setiap gadis yang diratahnya tidak sama macam Nadia, ada saja yang kurang. Jadi dia teruskan usaha mencari tubuh idamannya.

Apabila Nadia sampai ke rumah keluarga Farid, tidak ada seorang pun di situ. Ibu bapa Farid mungkin sudah keluar, manakala Fariz memang jarang di rumah. Dia terus saja mandi dan ingin berehat dan tidur seketika untuk melupakan sementara rasa gundahnya. Selesai mandi, dia memakai seluar pendek berkain kapas yang selesa dan berbaju nipis tanpa memakai baju atau seluar dalam. Dia terus terlelap apabila merebahkan tubuhnya ke atas katil tanpa menutup pintu bilik.

Fariz pulang ke rumah dengan gembira. Dia baru saja berjaya mengayat seorang budak sekolah berusia 16 tahun. Dia yakin akan dapat menjamah tubuh muda itu esok. Dia berjalan melintasi bilik kelamin abangnya dan Nadia namun dia terhenti dan menjenguk melalui pintu bilik yang tidak tertutup rapat. Kelihatan wanita idamannya sedang tidur lena. Ketika itu Nadia tidur meniarap dengan hanya berseluar pendek ketat. Geram Fariz melihat kemontokan dan kegebuan bontot dan paha Nadia, satu-satu cinta hatinya.

“Peerghhh….peluang terbaeekkk ni…Bukan senang bak dapat tengok..” niat jahat Fariz mula timbul. Dia memberanikan dia mendekati tubuh ranum Nadia. Seluar pendek Nadia yang berkain nipis dan lembut itu menampakkan kepadatan bontot Nadia. Dengan berhati-hati dia menggunakan satu jari untuk menyelak bukaan seluar Nadia. Berderau darah muda Fariz apabila pantat Nadia yang amat tembam dan bersih itu mula kelihatan. Geram Fariz menjadi-jadi dan kalau diikutkan hatinya, mahu saja dia meramas dan menyonyot bibir pantat Nadia. Fariz sudah mula berfikir dengan zakarnya.

“Aduhaiiii…Kak Nadia..Kak Nadia..Kau betul-betul buat aku gerammmmm….” Fariz mula nekad membuat rancangan. Apa nak jadi, jadilah. Dia tahu ibu bapanya hanya akan pulang petang nanti. Dia juga tahu Farid biasanya pulang malam. Satu demi satu pakaiannya ditanggalkan. Mulanya niat dia hanya untuk melancap sambil melihat badan gebu dan montok Nadia. Semakin dibelai semakin mencanak zakarnya. Dia juga perasan bahawa zakarnya kali ini mampu membesar lebih daripada biasa. Kalau biasanya zakarnya akan memanjang sebanyak 7 inci, tetapi hari ini zakarnya dapat memanjang sebanyak 8 inci, lebih 1 inci. Telurnya menegang dan batangnya membengkok akibat terlalu geram dan berahi dengan tubuh bogel di depannya itu. “Ya allah…panjang giler batang aku dibuatnya…Ini semua pasal penangan Kak Nadia la ni…” Fariz sendiri terkejut dibuatnya.

Dengan tidak berfikir, Fariz naik ke atas katil. Berdegup-degup jantungnya ketika itu. Empat tahun dia menahan rasa. Dia harus bertindak cepat kalau tidak melepas. Dia tahu Nadia akan membantah jadi dia harus berada dalam tubuh Nadia secepat mungkin. Perlahan-lahan dia menyorot seluar pendek Nadia ke bawah. Meleleh air liurnya melihat betapa lebar dan padatnya bontot Nadia. Di sebalik belah bontot itu, dia juga melihat ketembaman dan kesegaran pantat Nadia. Fariz sudah tidak sabar.

Perlahan-lahan dia memanjat ke atas belakang Nadia yang sedang tidur lena meniarap dan membawa zakarnya rapat ke bibir pantat Nadia yang tertutup rapat. Dia meletak air liurnya ke keseluruhan zakarnya untuk pelinciran. Apabila kepala zakarnya menyentuh bibir pantat Nadia dia merasakan seperti satu renjatan dan dengan itu lepaslah takuk zakarnya ke dalam lubuk pantat wanita idamannya. Nadia mula menggeliat dalam lena apabila dia terasa seperti ada sesuatu di pantatnya. Lena betul dia terlelap kali ini.

Apabila Nadia mula menggeliat itu, secara semula jadi zakar Fariz semakin menyelinap ke dalam. Meremang bulu roma Fariz kerana dia merasa kenikmatan yang amat sangat. Separuh daripada zakarnya telah berada di dalam lubuk pembiakan Nadia. Fariz hilang sabar. Inilah saatnya. Sekali dia menarik nafas lalu dia menyantak keseluruhan zakarnya ke dalam pantat subur Nadia.

“Yeaarrghh….aarghhh…. ” Fariz mengerang kuat sewaktu menyantak masuk batang zakarnya dengan kasar.

Nadia tersentak dengan santakan padu Fariz lalu terjaga daripada lenanya. Pantatnya kini terasa sendat. “Oohh my god…Farizzz…apa kau buat nii…Lepaskan Kak Nadia..Ooohh godd!!” Nadia menjerit kecil. Melalak Nadia apabila dia menyedari bahawa Fariz sedang meradak bontot padatnya. Apabila Nadia melalak, Fariz dengan rakus menyantak-nyantak pantat subur Nadia dengan padat dan dalam. “Come on..Kak Nadia..aahh..aarghh…Kejap je…Fariz nak kejap je..” jawab Fariz berselang-seli dengan erangannya.

Apabila Nadia mula meronta, Fariz memeluk badan montok Nadia dengan erat supaya zakarnya tidak terlepas keluar. Tapi, mana mungkin zakar sepanjang dan segemuk itu boleh terkeluar kerana ia sedang berada jauh di dalam lubuk pembiakan Nadia yang sempit dan lembut itu. Dalam keadaan tertiarap, nafas Nadia mula sesak. Buah dada montoknya penyek tertekan dengan bebanan tubuh Fariz yang sedang menindih belakang tubuhnya

“Oouuhh…God…Don’t do this..Fariz…Oohhh..Shit..fuck. Arghh..Ya allah…oohh god. ” Nadia mula meronta-ronta sambil kakinya semakin terkangkang lebar… Nadia berusaha menggelinjang dengan harapan untuk melepaskan diri namun tubuh Fariz yang tegap itu terlalu kuat untuknya. Malah, perbuatan Nadia itu membuatkan zakar Fariz semakin terperosok jauh ke dalam pantat tembamnya. Walaupun tuan badan tidak merelakan, namun pantat Nadia telah tewas dan mula mengeluarkan lendir nafsu yang pekat dan melekit. Pantat Nadia akur dengan kejantanan Fariz dan kakinya mula membuka luas untuk mengizinkan belalai jantan itu melapah lubuk subur wanita itu.

Fariz merasakan seperti berada di kayangan. Tak tercapai dek akal kelazatan badan Nadia. Dah berpuluh betina dia jamah dan pancut namun tidak ada yang selazat tubuh yang sedang dinikmatinya itu. Manalah dia akan cari tubuh yang sama seperti ini. Bontot debab Nadia terasa sangat empuk setiap kali dia menyantak padat ke dalam pantat yang maha tembam itu. Fariz merengek-rengek seperti budak kecil kerana menanggung kesedapan yang melampau. Cinta dia kepada Nadia tiada taranya.

“Aarghhh…fuck. Fuck..damn..I love you Kak Nadia… You have got a tight pussy. ” Fariz mengeluh kesedapan.

“Aaahh..please Fariz..Jangan buat macam ni pada akak…please..Tolong jangannn…” Nadia masih berusaha merayu untuk kali terakhir.

Walaupun tanpa rela, seluruh tubuh Nadia tewas kepada kejantanan Fariz. Selepas hanya 10 minit tubuh bogel Nadia tersentak-sentak kekejangan. Dia merasakan puncak kenikmatan yang maha hebat. Tangannya mencengkam cadar dan bontotnya menonggeng tinggi akibat kepuasan yang amat sangat. Fariz memeluk tubuh montok Nadia erat sambil menyantak padat supaya cinta hatinya itu merasa kenikmatan semaksimum boleh. Sayu dia melihatkan Nadia dalam keadaan begitu.

“Ooohh..uuhh..shitt..stop…don’t..Fariz..don’t…Fariz..stop…God…Don’t…stop…DON”T STOP FARIZ..JANGAN BERHENTI…. ” akhirnya Nadia menjerit tidak tertahan….

Nadia telah tewas sepenuhnya. Dia tidak pernah merasakan kepuasan sebegitu rupanya walaupun sudah lama mengawan dengan Farid. Zakar Farid tak cukup jantan untuk memuaskan pantatnya sampai begitu sekali. Dua minit dia menikmati puncak kepuasan akibat ditebuk Fariz dengan ganas. Kejantanan Fariz memang hebat; dua kali lebih panjang dan dua kali lebih gemuk daripada zakar Farid. Nadia kini telah lembik dan tak bermaya untuk melawan lagi. Dia terpaksa menyerah kepada Fariz. “That’s it Kak Nadia…I’m fucking you hard. Macam tu la… ” Sorak Fariz gembira dengan penyerahan Nadia.

Setelah Nadia kembali tenang, Fariz kembali memeluk erat tubuh bogel bidadarinya. Disantaknya bontot Nadia padat-padat. Dia gigitnya tengkuk Nadia lembut-lembut. Semakin lama semakin padat, semakin padu jolokan Fariz ke dalam pantat tembam Nadia. Fariz masih remaja dan sudah tentu zakarnya sangat kuat. Kebiasaannya dia meratah perempuan selama sejam baru mahu memancut tetapi pantat Nadia lain macam sedapnya. Pantat bidadarinya sangat lembut dan sempit.

Cuma 20 minit berlalu dan kini kantung telur Fariz sudah selesai menghasilkan benih mani yang sangat subur dan sangat pekat. Fariz menyedari hal ini tapi sebenarnya dia belum bersedia untuk memancut. Dia mahu manjamah Nadia sekurang-kurangnya sejam. Tubuh seenak ini harus dinikmati selama boleh. Lagipun dia tidak tahu bila lagi dia akan menjamah Nadia. Namun, badan Nadia terlalu ranum dan lazat. Fariz juga akan tewas. Ini baru dikatakan buku bertemu ruas.

“Eeerghh…tahan Fariz..tahan…You can’t do it..Bertahan sikit lagi…eerrgghhh..aarkk..tahan…” Fariz sedaya-upaya cuba menahan klimaksnya…

Walaupun tanpa rela kerana mahu mengawan lebih lama, Fariz akur dengan kesuburan dan kelazatan lubuk betina Nadia. Dia tak berkuasa untuk menahan benih jantannya yang sudah memenuhi kantung telurnya sejak dari tadi. Dia kembali memeluk badan mantap Nadia yang tertiarap dengan erat; dia kembali menggigit tengkuk mulus Nadia dengan lembut. Dia menyantak-nyantak lubuk betina Nadia dengan padu sehingga paha gebu Nadia terangkat dan bontot padat Nadia tertonggeng.

Ketika itu meledaklah semburan air mani yang amat pekat dan putih daripada takuk zakar Fariz terus ke dalam rahim betina Nadia. Sekali lagi Nadia melalak dan meraung akibat tersentak dengan ledakan benih-benih Fariz yang deras dan banyak itu. Pantat tembam Nadia mengemam dan mengepam belalai Fariz supaya dia memancut dengan lebih banyak dan lebih deras. Nadia menggelupur dan menggeletek akibat dibenihkan dan dibuntingkan Fariz sedemikian rupa.

“Ooohh yearrgggghhh….Ohhh good god…..aahhkk…aarrgghh..BANYAKNYA AIR MANI AKUUU. …” Fariz meraung-raung seperti orang tidak siuman…

Crot! Crot! Crot! Creettt! Benih jantan Fariz bukan saja memancut, tetapi sudah ditahap membuak akibat kelazatan yang tak tercapai dek akal. Dia terus melepaskan benih buntingnya tak henti-henti ke dalam pantat subur Nadia. Nadia terus menggelupur manakala Fariz menggigil melalui detik pembuntingan itu. Air mata Fariz pula menitis akibat perasaan cinta melampau kepada isteri abangnya dan juga akibat pancutan yang paling nikmat pernah dirasainya. Oh Nadia.

Entah berapa belas das pancutan dilepaskan Fariz ke dalam tubuh pasangan mengawannya. Tidak ada persoalan lagi. Nadia sudah pasti akan buntingkan anak Fariz. Seperti kata doktor, tubuh Nadia sangat subur, malah setitik air mani boleh membuntingkan Nadia. Inikan pula pancutan yang sepadu dan sebanyak pancutan Fariz tadi. Puas sudah Fariz membuktikan cintanya kepada Nadia. Dia telah membenihkan Nadia itu sebagai bukti perasaannya kepada perempuan ranum itu.

Selepas 10 minit membiarkan lelehan air mani sehingga ke titisan terakhir, dia menarik kejantanannya keluar dengan berhati-hati. Dilihatnya tidak ada setitik pun benihnya ikut keluar sekali. Fariz meletakkan bantal di bawah perut Nadia supaya saluran pantatnya condong ke atas bagi mengelakkan benihnya meleleh keluar. Dalam keadaan tertiarap dengan bontotnya yang tertonggeng tinggi Nadia masih teresak-esak namun dia sendiri pun membiarkan bontot tembamnya menadah ke atas. Dia juga tidak mahu benih Fariz yang subur itu terbazir.

Kesuburan pantat Nadia terbukti apabila 2 bulan kemudian dia terus bunting setelah kejadian itu. Farid sangat gembira kerana disangkanya benih dia yang dibiakkan oleh Nadia. Farid tidak tahu bahawa Nadia membuntingkan anak adiknya sendiri. Fariz pula semakin gilakan Nadia kerana betina bunting itu semakin mantap dan montok. Bontot Nadia semakin melebar dan cipap Nadia semakin menembam. Namun itu adalah rahsia mereka berdua. Nadia telah menjadi milik Fariz. Walaupun itulah kali pertama dan terakhir Fariz berzina dengan Nadia, dia berjaya meninggalkan pewaris dari air maninya. Zakar dan benih Fariz berjaya menghamilkan Nadia secara haram….

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