Friday, 20 October 2017

Forex Myanmar

Forex Trading, Currency Trading: Forex Trading con el Forex Broker. Try Forex Trading con una cuenta de práctica gratuita hoy y aprender cómo funciona el comercio de divisas. ONASIS Brokers Myanmar es un CFD líder y Forex Trading Broker ofrece servicio de comercio en línea confiable con spreads bajos fijos de 1 pips en las principales divisas; Cuentas islámicas, bonos de depósito y alto apalancamiento hasta 500: 1

Servicios de Forex Trading

Instrumentos de comercio de divisas

Los comerciantes tienen una gran oportunidad de negociar divisas en línea eligiendo cualquiera de los valores negociables proporcionados en nuestra plataforma de negociación. Consulte nuestra lista completa de instrumentos de negociación y / o tipos de swap que se cobrarán a cuentas no islámicas.

Por qué comerciar con ONASIS

ONASIS Brokers ofrece a sus clientes la capacidad de negociar en línea monedas con spreads bajos fijos de hasta 1 pip. ONASIS proporciona un apalancamiento personalizado en cuentas de divisas de hasta 500: 1 y un requerimiento de bajo margen en todos los valores negociables. ONASIS es un intermediario de procesamiento directo (STP), lo que significa que todas sus órdenes de compra se pasan instantáneamente a nuestros proveedores de liquidez sin interferencia del concesionario en el medio (NDD).

ONASIS ofrece servicios comerciales en todo el mundo

ONASIS ofrece servicios de divisas al por menor a clientes de todo el mundo. Estamos muy orgullosos de ser los principales proveedores de servicios en Indonesia. Malasia. Nigeria. Sudáfrica. EE. UU. y Egipto. Nuestro equipo de soporte y operación multilingüe están orgullosos de ofrecerle servicios profesionales en su idioma materno en cualquier momento que lo requiera.

Comercio de cuentas micro, mini, estándar y forex islámicas en spreads bajos de primera calidad

Trade Forex & CFD's Online - Poderosas herramientas de trading y cuentas para satisfacer sus estrategias comerciales

Comercio de oro, plata y crudo a plazos fijos y comisiones mínimas

Las cuentas islámicas libres de canje están disponibles para tan solo 2 spreads de pip

Forex Trading Broker en Myanmar

Abra una cuenta de trading forex con ONASIS Brokers hoy y obtenga un bono instantáneo del 100% sobre un 1000 EA y otro 1000 Custom indicadores absolutamente gratis Ejecución STP instantánea, llenados de pedidos garantizados, sin deslizamiento, fija 1 propagación de pip

Myanmar - Servicios de Forex Trading

Por qué los operadores de Myanmar eligen a los corredores de ONASIS

El depósito mínimo requerido es de sólo $ 10

Alto apalancamiento hasta 500: 1

Escalada y cobertura permitida

Bajos requisitos de margen

Estiramientos bajos fijos de 1 pip

Más de 40 pares corrientes y valores

Paquete de investigación FX de alta calidad

Informes macroeconómicos regulares

100% bono de depósito instantáneo

Acceso a nuestra biblioteca de asesores expertos

Tarjetas de Crédito y Depósitos Electrónicos

Todos los comerciantes de Myanmar pueden depositar y retirar sus beneficios utilizando las principales tarjetas de crédito y débito, Moneybookers, LibertyReserve, cashU y transferencias bancarias.

Micro, Mini, Standard y cuentas de comercio islámico

Elija la mejor cuenta que coincida con sus necesidades de comercio de divisas. Si usted es de Myanmar, puede elegir una micro, mini, estándar o incluso islámico de comercio de divisas para el comercio de divisas y CFD en línea.

Comercio de Plata, Oro, Petróleo y Energías

Todos nuestros clientes de Myanmar pueden disfrutar de negociación de comisiones bajas de más de 40 instrumentos comerciales, incluyendo plata, oro, petróleo crudo y los índices del mercado internacional, además de gas natural y otras energías.


Los comerciantes de ONASIS obtienen un bono instantáneo del 100% en sus depósitos

También disponible en

Nota: Toda la información de esta página está sujeta a cambios. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestros términos de servicio y el acuerdo del cliente. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Las opiniones expresadas en onasisforex. com son las de los autores individuales y no representan necesariamente la opinión de onasisforex. com o de su dirección. Onasisforex. com no ha verificado la exactitud o base-de-hecho de cualquier reclamación o declaración hecha por cualquier autor independiente: errores y Omisiones pueden ocurrir.

Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web, por onasisforex. com, sus empleados, socios o contribuyentes, se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Onasisforex. com no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Los servicios ofrecidos por ONASIS IBC no están disponibles para los residentes de la República de Chipre, el Estado de Kuwait y / o en todas las demás jurisdicciones, el comercio de divisas no está permitido por sus autoridades locales.

© 2007-2014 onasisforex. com; ONASIS IBC es una etiqueta blanca de Swedbank - todos los derechos reservados

Formulario de apertura de cuenta de Corredores ONASIS

Gracias por su interés en abrir una cuenta de Forex en línea con Corredores ONASIS.

Por favor, complete su nombre completo y dirección de correo electrónico para completar su registro.

Myanmar Kyat

Visión de conjunto

El Kyat de Myanmar es la unidad monetaria oficial de Myanmar. Aunque el Kyat se subdivide en 100 pyas, las monedas de pya son limitadas; Se utilizan principalmente billetes de hasta 1.000 Kyat. Aunque el tipo de cambio oficial se ha mantenido en 7 Kyats = 1 dólar estadounidense. El Kyat es conocido por su tasa muy variable, que puede ir tan alto como 1.000 Kyats por USD.


La economía de Myanmar consiste principalmente en sus sectores de producción y servicios.

El sector agrícola aporta el mayor porcentaje del PIB. Los siguientes sectores más altos son la manufactura y procesamiento, el ganado y la pesca.

El sector agrícola es el núcleo de la economía; Representa un tercio del PIB y casi la mitad de los ingresos en divisas.

Las mayores inversiones extranjeras en Myanmar se concentran en la industria manufacturera, hoteles y turismo, petróleo y gas y minería. Singapur es el principal inversor extranjero.


El primer Kyat fue emitido en monedas de oro y plata en Birmania hasta 1889. Aparentemente, 16 Kyats de plata eran iguales a 1 Kyat de oro. El valor de la plata Kyat era igual a la rupia india. Que reemplazó al Kyat cuando Birmania fue conquistada por los británicos.

La rupia fue introducida cuando Birmania fue gobernada bajo Japón en 1942. En 1943 la moneda Kyat fue reintroducida para reemplazar a la Rupia. Entonces el Kyat fue desvalorizado después del final de la guerra, cuando la rupia volvió a la circulación.

El actual Kyat utilizado en Myanmar fue introducido el 1 de julio de 1952 y permaneció en circulación hasta 1989. Durante ese tiempo, los billetes antiguos se retiraron debido a la inflación ya la reducción de su valor.

Símbolos y nombres

Cuentas: 50 pyas. K1, K5, K10, K20, K50, K100, K200, K500, K1.000, K5.000

Monedas: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 pyas. K1, K5, K10, K50, K100

Forex Myanmar

Bienvenido a Forex Broker en Myanmar InstaForex - Instant Forex Trading, Forex Broker s, Forex Trading en línea, Trading de divisas

InstaForex (InstaTrade Corporation) & # 8211; ECN-broker ofrece servicios de negociación en línea en el mercado financiero internacional de divisas y el comercio de contratos para los servicios CFD de diferencia. El nombre de la empresa proviene del eng. "Instantánea" y "Forex", que significa "ejecución instantánea de órdenes en el mercado Forex".

Historia El proyecto de InstaForex fue fundado en 2007 por InstaTrade Corporation como corredor minorista en el mercado financiero de la divisa. Justo después de la inscripción el contrato fue concluido con una de las empresas líderes en ingeniería de software para los mercados financieros & # 8211; MetaQuotes Software. Así es como InstaForex comenzó a trabajar en el mercado de servicios de corretaje en todo el mundo. Durante los primeros dos meses de operaciones de InstaForex, los contratos se concluyeron con los principales contratistas occidentales, lo que proporciona acceso al mercado de divisas bancarias. Para proporcionar apoyo informativo a los clientes se firmaron acuerdos en las noticias proporcionando a los principales medios de comunicación de la empresa en los mercados financieros en los EE. UU. Dow Jones & amp; Empresa.

Ubicación InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas. Clientes & # 8217; Departamento de relaciones, departamento de negociación y departamento de marketing están situados en Kaliningrado (Rusia). Además InstaForex tiene muchas oficinas de representación en todo el mundo: en Rusia, Ucrania, Letonia, Kazajstán, Malasia, Indonesia, India, Dubai, Irán, China, Estados Unidos.

Licencia Actividades del grupo de empresas InstaForex corresponden a la legislación rusa e internacional. InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y actúa dentro de los límites jurídicos de la ley británica. La oficina central se encuentra en Rusia y las licencias de corretaje fueron obtenidas por el grupo de empresas InstaForex, que fueron concedidas por la principal autoridad reguladora de la Federación Rusa & # 8211; Servicio Federal de Mercados Financieros (FFMS).

Funcionamiento de la empresa La dirección principal de la operación del grupo InstaForex de empresas es la prestación de servicios de comercio en línea. Empresa ofrece su servicio en más de 50 países en todo el mundo, la mayoría de los cuales son los países europeos y asiáticos. Cada día más de 300 operadores abren cuentas en InstaForex e invierten sus fondos en divisas y mercados de valores. Hoy en día más de 20.000 personas y clientes corporativos son clientes de InstaForex.

Plataforma de negociación La realización de operaciones y la gestión de cuentas de negociación se realiza por medio del sistema de negociación InstaTrader. InstaTrader es un software diseñado sobre la base del MetaTrader4 de MetaQuotes Software Company. Las posibilidades funcionales del terminal comercial vienen a la oportunidad de la ejecución de las operaciones en el mercado Forex, recibiendo cotizaciones de mercado para los principales pares de divisas, cruces, índices bursátiles, recibiendo noticias del mercado así como anuncios y encuestas de la empresa.

InstaForex - el mejor corredor en Asia No es un secreto que por el momento InstaForex Company es uno de los principales corredores de Forex en la región de Europa y Asia. El éxito alcanzado recientemente por InstaForex Company fue notado no sólo por los clientes y socios sino también por instituciones financieras independientes. En octubre de 2009 en la revista London World Finance resumió los resultados del premio anual en la categoría de premios World Finance Awards para el 2009 y InstaForex fue anunciado como ganador en la nominación "Best Broker in Asia".

Este premio se convirtió en una consecuencia del trabajo eficiente de InstaForex en Asia y otras regiones del mundo y también el nivel más alto de servicio proporcionado. Últimamente actividad empresarial de InstaForex Company en la región de Asia ha aumentado significativamente: el número de oficinas de representación aumenta; Se celebran seminarios y capacitación; La oficina minorista fue inaugurada en Kuala-Lumpur; Se han desarrollado servicios adicionales en línea para los clientes asiáticos. Todo esto en combinación con las mejores condiciones comerciales y una gama única de ofertas especiales contribuyen a que InstaForex Company sea el líder del mercado de servicios de corretaje en Asia.

Las condiciones comerciales y las ofertas especiales de InstaForex Company: - 107 instrumentos de divisas, 34 CFD en acciones estadounidenses, ofertas con GOLD - Sin límites para el tamaño del depósito - Ejecución automática instantánea de todas las ofertas - Bonos de bienvenida hasta 5000 USD - Aprovechamiento de 1: 1 A 1: 500 - Reposición instantánea de cuentas de negociación - 2 tipos de cuentas - con spread y sin (comisión en lugar de spread) - Sistema de swaps iguales para BUY y SELL (NO comisiones por swaps) - Swap-free accounts - Fondos & # 8217; Retiro de una cuenta de negociación directamente a la tarjeta Visa - tasa de interés anual de 6% para los fondos disponibles - celebración de campañas regulares y concursos para los clientes que premio anual ya ha superado los 300 000 USD y aumenta constantemente - más de 140 representaciones en todo el mundo - Soporte técnico 24/7 - Cuentas VIP (spread de 1 punto) - Cuentas de inversores - Cuentas segregadas - Bonificación 25% del depósito realizado de cualquier sistema de pago disponible.

"Best Broker in Asia" dentro de los marcos de los World Finance Awards. El grupo de expertos de una de las principales publicaciones empresariales en el ámbito financiero, económico y político - World Finance. Formado por los profesionales más prominentes de la esfera financiera, declaró a InstaForex como ganadora en el premio a la nominación de "Best Broker of Asia" en 2009 en los siguientes criterios: - la gestión del proyecto - el alto nivel de competitividad - Liderazgo de mercado y cobertura geográfica - innovación y originalidad - confirmación de un desarrollo constante - nivel de transparencia y control de calidad - alto nivel de presencia en la red global - informes favorables en HSH

Sitio Web de InsfaForex

InstaForex - Instant Forex Trading, Forex Broker s, en línea de comercio de divisas, el comercio de divisas

InstaForex (InstaTrade Corporation) & # 8211; ECN-broker ofrece servicios de negociación en línea en el mercado financiero internacional de divisas y el comercio de contratos para los servicios CFD de diferencia. El nombre de la empresa proviene del eng. "Instantánea" y "Forex", que significa "ejecución instantánea de órdenes en el mercado Forex".

Historia El proyecto de InstaForex fue fundado en 2007 por InstaTrade Corporation como corredor minorista en el mercado financiero de la divisa. Justo después de la inscripción el contrato fue concluido con una de las empresas líderes en ingeniería de software para los mercados financieros & # 8211; MetaQuotes Software. Así es como InstaForex comenzó a trabajar en el mercado de servicios de corretaje en todo el mundo. Durante los primeros dos meses de operaciones de InstaForex, los contratos se concluyeron con los principales contratistas occidentales, lo que proporciona acceso al mercado de divisas bancarias. Para proporcionar apoyo informativo a los clientes se firmaron acuerdos en las noticias proporcionando a los principales medios de comunicación de la empresa en los mercados financieros en los EE. UU. Dow Jones & amp; Empresa.

Ubicación InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas. Clientes & # 8217; Departamento de relaciones, departamento de negociación y departamento de marketing están situados en Kaliningrado (Rusia). Además InstaForex tiene muchas oficinas de representación en todo el mundo: en Rusia, Ucrania, Letonia, Kazajstán, Malasia, Indonesia, India, Dubai, Irán, China, Estados Unidos.

Licencia Actividades del grupo de empresas InstaForex corresponden a la legislación rusa e internacional. InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y actúa dentro de los límites jurídicos de la ley británica. La oficina central se encuentra en Rusia y las licencias de corretaje fueron obtenidas por el grupo de empresas InstaForex, que fueron concedidas por la principal autoridad reguladora de la Federación Rusa & # 8211; Servicio Federal de Mercados Financieros (FFMS).

Funcionamiento de la empresa La dirección principal de la operación del grupo InstaForex de empresas es la prestación de servicios de comercio en línea. Empresa ofrece su servicio en más de 50 países en todo el mundo, la mayoría de los cuales son los países europeos y asiáticos. Cada día más de 300 operadores abren cuentas en InstaForex e invierten sus fondos en divisas y mercados de valores. Hoy en día más de 20.000 personas y clientes corporativos son clientes de InstaForex.

Plataforma de negociación La realización de operaciones y la gestión de cuentas de negociación se realiza por medio del sistema de negociación InstaTrader. InstaTrader es un software diseñado sobre la base del MetaTrader4 de MetaQuotes Software Company. Las posibilidades funcionales del terminal comercial vienen a la oportunidad de la ejecución de las operaciones en el mercado Forex, recibiendo cotizaciones de mercado para los principales pares de divisas, cruces, índices bursátiles, recibiendo noticias del mercado así como anuncios y encuestas de la empresa.

InstaForex - el mejor corredor en Asia No es un secreto que por el momento InstaForex Company es uno de los principales corredores de Forex en la región de Europa y Asia. El éxito alcanzado recientemente por InstaForex Company fue notado no sólo por los clientes y socios sino también por instituciones financieras independientes. En octubre de 2009 en la revista London World Finance resumió los resultados del premio anual en la categoría de premios World Finance Awards para el 2009 y InstaForex fue anunciado como ganador en la nominación "Best Broker in Asia".

Este premio se convirtió en una consecuencia del trabajo eficiente de InstaForex en Asia y otras regiones del mundo y también el nivel más alto de servicio proporcionado. Últimamente actividad empresarial de InstaForex Company en la región de Asia ha aumentado significativamente: el número de oficinas de representación aumenta; Se celebran seminarios y capacitación; La oficina minorista fue inaugurada en Kuala-Lumpur; Se han desarrollado servicios adicionales en línea para los clientes asiáticos. Todo esto en combinación con las mejores condiciones comerciales y una gama única de ofertas especiales contribuyen a que InstaForex Company sea el líder del mercado de servicios de corretaje en Asia.

Las condiciones comerciales y las ofertas especiales de InstaForex Company: - 107 instrumentos de divisas, 34 CFD en acciones estadounidenses, ofertas con GOLD - Sin límites para el tamaño del depósito - Ejecución automática instantánea de todas las ofertas - Bonos de bienvenida hasta 5000 USD - Aprovechamiento de 1: 1 A 1: 500 - Reposición instantánea de cuentas de negociación - 2 tipos de cuentas - con spread y sin (comisión en lugar de spread) - Sistema de swaps iguales para BUY y SELL (NO comisiones por swaps) - Swap-free accounts - Fondos & # 8217; Retiro de una cuenta de negociación directamente a la tarjeta Visa - tasa de interés anual de 6% para los fondos disponibles - celebración de campañas regulares y concursos para los clientes que premio anual ya ha superado los 300 000 USD y aumenta constantemente - más de 140 representaciones en todo el mundo - Soporte técnico 24/7 - Cuentas VIP (spread de 1 punto) - Cuentas de inversores - Cuentas segregadas - Bonificación 25% del depósito realizado de cualquier sistema de pago disponible.

"Best Broker in Asia" dentro de los marcos de los World Finance Awards. El grupo de expertos de una de las principales publicaciones empresariales en el ámbito financiero, económico y político - World Finance. Formado por los profesionales más prominentes de la esfera financiera, declaró a InstaForex como ganadora en el premio a la nominación de "Best Broker of Asia" en 2009 en los siguientes criterios: - la gestión del proyecto - el alto nivel de competitividad - Liderazgo de mercado y cobertura geográfica - innovación y originalidad - confirmación de un desarrollo constante - nivel de transparencia y control de calidad - alto nivel de presencia en la red global - informes favorables en MSM

Sitio Web de InsfaForex

Las ventajas que ofrecemos son las condiciones comerciales que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes.

El uso de InstaForex le brinda la oportunidad de trabajar con 107 herramientas de divisas, 34 contratos de CFD en acciones estadounidenses, así como para manejar transacciones de GOLD. Ofrecemos diferenciales competitivos y efectivos para cada herramienta, con el fin de crear condiciones confortables para nuestros clientes.

Ofrecemos a los comerciantes la oportunidad de trabajar en el mercado monetario independientemente del tamaño del capital de trabajo. Simplemente elija las condiciones de trabajo más cómodas que se adapten a su depósito y comience a operar en el mercado Forex. Puede comenzar a trabajar con un depósito de cualquier tamaño, & # 8212; $ 10 o $ 1000 & # 8212; Aumentándolo con precisión para pasar a mayores inversiones para obtener mayores ganancias. La mayoría de nuestros clientes comenzaron como nuevos comerciantes con un depósito de $ 10, y se han convertido en comerciantes profesionales con miles de dólares. Y ahora usted puede hacer lo mismo!

Puede elegir cualquier apalancamiento de 1: 1 a 1: 500, dependiendo de la estrategia de administración de riesgos que utilice al realizar operaciones. Si usted es un comerciante a largo plazo que respeta el conservadurismo cuando se trata de la gestión del capital, entonces un apalancamiento 1: 100 es para usted. Pero si usted es un tipo agresivo de comerciante diurno, entonces un apalancamiento 1: 500 puede convertirse en su herramienta de utilidad irreemplazable.

Negociación en Forex sin propagación

InstaForex ofrece grandes oportunidades para sus clientes. Usted no necesita una extensión para trabajar en el mercado de dinero ahora! ¡Esto da a comerciantes nuevos y profesionales aún más posibilidades! El comercio sin spreads hace que el proceso de negociación sea más fácil de entender visualmente, y hace un uso más eficaz del análisis técnico al aceptar soluciones comerciales.

Los mejores swaps entre todas las demás empresas

InstaForex Company ofrece los swaps más competitivos, rechazando el sistema estándar de obtener ganancias con un spread contra el cliente. Instaforex Company es la primera empresa que introduce el sistema de swaps EQUAL con ofertas de venta y compra. El swap-accrual en un acuerdo de compra es siempre igual al swap-accrual en un acuerdo SELL. La compañía no toma la comisión por el swap, como resultado el cliente no paga demasiado, manteniendo los acuerdos más de varias horas - en caso de que las posiciones abiertas con un instrumento de moneda se abran a medianoche.

Cargo de interés de los activos listos

Todos los tipos de cuenta se cobran una tasa de interés anual del 6%. El interés se calcula sobre la suma no utilizada en la negociación. Los clientes de InstaForex no necesitan preocuparse de que sus ganancias se reducirán debido a la inflación. ¡InstaForex crea su propia realidad, y paga tasas de interés anual del 6% a las cuentas de los clientes al final de cada mes! Calidad de servicio

Nuestros especialistas ofrecen soporte técnico 24/7. Incluso si está utilizando una cuenta de demostración, puede contar con asesoramiento de expertos y obtener respuestas a todas las preguntas que pueda tener, hasta que tenga la suficiente experiencia como para comenzar a trabajar con una cuenta real. El objetivo principal de nuestro servicio de atención al cliente, a nuestros ojos, es la cortesía y la eficacia al tratar con los clientes.

Principios generales de la provisión de servicios

Cuando InstaForex creó una lista de servicios comerciales proporcionados, todo un espectro de posibilidades se puso a disposición de los comerciantes. Si se convierte en un cliente, puede estar seguro de que obtendrá acceso oportuno a todos los nuevos tipos de servicios comerciales en los mercados financieros que aparecen en un futuro próximo. Los especialistas de InstaForex analizan los mercados de servicios de corretaje y hacen todo lo posible para reaccionar ante las tendencias futuras. Constantemente buscamos la innovación, manteniéndonos al corriente de los desarrollos de los competidores; También continuamos nuestro trabajo regular y establecemos nuevos tipos de contratos.

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InstaForex - Instant Forex Trading, Forex Broker s, en línea de comercio de divisas, el comercio de divisas

InstaForex (InstaTrade Corporation) & # 8211; ECN-broker ofrece servicios de negociación en línea en el mercado financiero internacional de divisas y el comercio de contratos para los servicios CFD de diferencia. El nombre de la empresa proviene del eng. "Instantánea" y "Forex", que significa "ejecución instantánea de órdenes en el mercado Forex".

Historia El proyecto de InstaForex fue fundado en 2007 por InstaTrade Corporation como corredor minorista en el mercado financiero de la divisa. Justo después de la inscripción el contrato fue concluido con una de las empresas líderes en ingeniería de software para los mercados financieros & # 8211; MetaQuotes Software. Así es como InstaForex comenzó a trabajar en el mercado de servicios de corretaje en todo el mundo. Durante los primeros dos meses de operaciones de InstaForex, los contratos se concluyeron con los principales contratistas occidentales, lo que proporciona acceso al mercado de divisas bancarias. Para proporcionar apoyo informativo a los clientes se firmaron acuerdos en las noticias proporcionando a los principales medios de comunicación de la empresa en los mercados financieros en los EE. UU. Dow Jones & amp; Empresa.

Ubicación InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas. Clientes & # 8217; Departamento de relaciones, departamento de negociación y departamento de marketing están situados en Kaliningrado (Rusia). Además InstaForex tiene muchas oficinas de representación en todo el mundo: en Rusia, Ucrania, Letonia, Kazajstán, Malasia, Indonesia, India, Dubai, Irán, China, Estados Unidos.

Licencia Actividades del grupo de empresas InstaForex corresponden a la legislación rusa e internacional. InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y actúa dentro de los límites jurídicos de la ley británica. La oficina central se encuentra en Rusia y las licencias de corretaje fueron obtenidas por el grupo de empresas InstaForex, que fueron concedidas por la principal autoridad reguladora de la Federación Rusa & # 8211; Servicio Federal de Mercados Financieros (FFMS).

Funcionamiento de la empresa La dirección principal de la operación del grupo InstaForex de empresas es la prestación de servicios de comercio en línea. Empresa ofrece su servicio en más de 50 países en todo el mundo, la mayoría de los cuales son los países europeos y asiáticos. Cada día más de 300 operadores abren cuentas en InstaForex e invierten sus fondos en divisas y mercados de valores. Hoy en día más de 20.000 personas y clientes corporativos son clientes de InstaForex.

Plataforma de negociación La realización de operaciones y la gestión de cuentas de negociación se realiza por medio del sistema de negociación InstaTrader. InstaTrader es un software diseñado sobre la base del MetaTrader4 de MetaQuotes Software Company. Las posibilidades funcionales del terminal comercial vienen a la oportunidad de la ejecución de las operaciones en el mercado Forex, recibiendo cotizaciones de mercado para los principales pares de divisas, cruces, índices bursátiles, recibiendo noticias del mercado así como anuncios y encuestas de la empresa.

InstaForex - el mejor corredor en Asia No es un secreto que por el momento InstaForex Company es uno de los principales corredores de Forex en la región de Europa y Asia. El éxito alcanzado recientemente por InstaForex Company fue notado no sólo por los clientes y socios sino también por instituciones financieras independientes. En octubre de 2009 en la revista London World Finance resumió los resultados del premio anual en la categoría de premios World Finance Awards para el 2009 y InstaForex fue anunciado como ganador en la nominación "Best Broker in Asia".

Este premio se convirtió en una consecuencia del trabajo eficiente de InstaForex en Asia y otras regiones del mundo y también el nivel más alto de servicio proporcionado. Últimamente actividad empresarial de InstaForex Company en la región de Asia ha aumentado significativamente: el número de oficinas de representación aumenta; Se celebran seminarios y capacitación; La oficina minorista fue inaugurada en Kuala-Lumpur; Se han desarrollado servicios adicionales en línea para los clientes asiáticos. Todo esto en combinación con las mejores condiciones comerciales y una gama única de ofertas especiales contribuyen a que InstaForex Company sea el líder del mercado de servicios de corretaje en Asia.

Las condiciones comerciales y las ofertas especiales de InstaForex Company: - 107 instrumentos de divisas, 34 CFD en acciones estadounidenses, ofertas con GOLD - Sin límites para el tamaño del depósito - Ejecución automática instantánea de todas las ofertas - Bonos de bienvenida hasta 5000 USD - Aprovechamiento de 1: 1 A 1: 500 - Reposición instantánea de cuentas de negociación - 2 tipos de cuentas - con spread y sin (comisión en lugar de spread) - Sistema de swaps iguales para BUY y SELL (NO comisiones por swaps) - Swap-free accounts - Fondos & # 8217; Retiro de una cuenta de negociación directamente a la tarjeta Visa - tasa de interés anual de 6% para los fondos disponibles - celebración de campañas regulares y concursos para los clientes que premio anual ya ha superado los 300 000 USD y aumenta constantemente - más de 140 representaciones en todo el mundo - Soporte técnico 24/7 - Cuentas VIP (spread de 1 punto) - Cuentas de inversores - Cuentas segregadas - Bonificación 25% del depósito realizado de cualquier sistema de pago disponible.

"Best Broker in Asia" dentro de los marcos de los World Finance Awards. El grupo de expertos de una de las principales publicaciones empresariales en el ámbito financiero, económico y político - World Finance. Formado por los profesionales más prominentes de la esfera financiera, declaró a InstaForex como ganadora en el premio a la nominación de "Best Broker of Asia" en 2009 en los siguientes criterios: - la gestión del proyecto - el alto nivel de competitividad - Liderazgo de mercado y cobertura geográfica - innovación y originalidad - confirmación de un desarrollo constante - nivel de transparencia y control de calidad - alto nivel de presencia en la red global - informes favorables en MSM

Sitio Web de InsfaForex

Las ventajas que ofrecemos son las condiciones comerciales que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes.

El uso de InstaForex le brinda la oportunidad de trabajar con 107 herramientas de divisas, 34 contratos de CFD en acciones estadounidenses, así como para manejar transacciones de GOLD. Ofrecemos diferenciales competitivos y efectivos para cada herramienta, con el fin de crear condiciones confortables para nuestros clientes.

Ofrecemos a los comerciantes la oportunidad de trabajar en el mercado monetario independientemente del tamaño del capital de trabajo. Simplemente elija las condiciones de trabajo más cómodas que se adapten a su depósito y comience a operar en el mercado Forex. Puede comenzar a trabajar con un depósito de cualquier tamaño, & # 8212; $ 10 o $ 1000 & # 8212; Aumentándolo con precisión para pasar a mayores inversiones para obtener mayores ganancias. La mayoría de nuestros clientes comenzaron como nuevos comerciantes con un depósito de $ 10, y se han convertido en comerciantes profesionales con miles de dólares. Y ahora usted puede hacer lo mismo!

Puede elegir cualquier apalancamiento de 1: 1 a 1: 500, dependiendo de la estrategia de administración de riesgos que utilice al realizar operaciones. Si usted es un comerciante a largo plazo que respeta el conservadurismo cuando se trata de la gestión del capital, entonces un apalancamiento 1: 100 es para usted. Pero si usted es un tipo agresivo de comerciante diurno, entonces un apalancamiento 1: 500 puede convertirse en su herramienta de utilidad irreemplazable.

Negociación en Forex sin propagación

InstaForex ofrece grandes oportunidades para sus clientes. Usted no necesita una extensión para trabajar en el mercado de dinero ahora! ¡Esto da a comerciantes nuevos y profesionales aún más posibilidades! El comercio sin spreads hace que el proceso de negociación sea más fácil de entender visualmente, y hace un uso más eficaz del análisis técnico al aceptar soluciones comerciales.

Los mejores swaps entre todas las demás empresas

InstaForex Company ofrece los swaps más competitivos, rechazando el sistema estándar de obtener ganancias con un spread contra el cliente. Instaforex Company es la primera empresa que introduce el sistema de swaps EQUAL con ofertas de venta y compra. El swap-accrual en un acuerdo de compra es siempre igual al swap-accrual en un acuerdo SELL. La compañía no toma la comisión por el swap, como resultado el cliente no paga demasiado, manteniendo los acuerdos más de varias horas - en caso de que las posiciones abiertas con un instrumento de moneda se abran a medianoche.

Cargo de interés de los activos listos

Todos los tipos de cuenta se cobran una tasa de interés anual del 6%. El interés se calcula sobre la suma no utilizada en la negociación. Los clientes de InstaForex no necesitan preocuparse de que sus ganancias se reducirán debido a la inflación. ¡InstaForex crea su propia realidad, y paga tasas de interés anual del 6% a las cuentas de los clientes al final de cada mes! Calidad de servicio

Nuestros especialistas ofrecen soporte técnico 24/7. Incluso si está utilizando una cuenta de demostración, puede contar con asesoramiento de expertos y obtener respuestas a todas las preguntas que pueda tener, hasta que tenga la suficiente experiencia como para comenzar a trabajar con una cuenta real. El objetivo principal de nuestro servicio de atención al cliente, a nuestros ojos, es la cortesía y la eficacia al tratar con los clientes.

Principios generales de la provisión de servicios

Cuando InstaForex creó una lista de servicios comerciales proporcionados, todo un espectro de posibilidades se puso a disposición de los comerciantes. Si se convierte en un cliente, puede estar seguro de que obtendrá acceso oportuno a todos los nuevos tipos de servicios comerciales en los mercados financieros que aparecen en un futuro próximo. Los especialistas de InstaForex analizan los mercados de servicios de corretaje y hacen todo lo posible para reaccionar ante las tendencias futuras. Constantemente buscamos la innovación, manteniéndonos al corriente de los desarrollos de los competidores; También continuamos nuestro trabajo regular y establecemos nuevos tipos de contratos.

Recomendado los mejores robots forex, robot forex, robots forex automatizados, robots de comercio de divisas, los mejores robots forex, revisiones de robots forex

Forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading , Forex pips, forex forex, forex cuentas administradas, moneda forex, sistema de comercio de divisas, comercio de divisas, comercio de divisas, divisas, cambio de divisas.

InstaForex - Instant Forex Trading, Forex Broker s, en línea de comercio de divisas, el comercio de divisas

InstaForex (InstaTrade Corporation) & # 8211; ECN-broker ofrece servicios de negociación en línea en el mercado financiero internacional de divisas y el comercio de contratos para los servicios CFD de diferencia. El nombre de la empresa proviene del eng. "Instantánea" y "Forex", que significa "ejecución instantánea de órdenes en el mercado Forex".

Historia El proyecto de InstaForex fue fundado en 2007 por InstaTrade Corporation como corredor minorista en el mercado financiero de la divisa. Justo después de la inscripción el contrato fue concluido con una de las empresas líderes en ingeniería de software para los mercados financieros & # 8211; MetaQuotes Software. Así es como InstaForex comenzó a trabajar en el mercado de servicios de corretaje en todo el mundo. Durante los primeros dos meses de operaciones de InstaForex, los contratos se concluyeron con los principales contratistas occidentales, lo que proporciona acceso al mercado de divisas bancarias. Para proporcionar apoyo informativo a los clientes se firmaron acuerdos en las noticias proporcionando a los principales medios de comunicación de la empresa en los mercados financieros en los EE. UU. Dow Jones & amp; Empresa.

Ubicación InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas. Clientes & # 8217; Departamento de relaciones, departamento de negociación y departamento de marketing están situados en Kaliningrado (Rusia). Además InstaForex tiene muchas oficinas de representación en todo el mundo: en Rusia, Ucrania, Letonia, Kazajstán, Malasia, Indonesia, India, Dubai, Irán, China, Estados Unidos.

Licencia Actividades del grupo de empresas InstaForex corresponden a la legislación rusa e internacional. InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y actúa dentro de los límites jurídicos de la ley británica. La oficina central se encuentra en Rusia y las licencias de corretaje fueron obtenidas por el grupo de empresas InstaForex, que fueron concedidas por la principal autoridad reguladora de la Federación Rusa & # 8211; Servicio Federal de Mercados Financieros (FFMS).

Funcionamiento de la empresa La dirección principal de la operación del grupo InstaForex de empresas es la prestación de servicios de comercio en línea. Empresa ofrece su servicio en más de 50 países en todo el mundo, la mayoría de los cuales son los países europeos y asiáticos. Cada día más de 300 operadores abren cuentas en InstaForex e invierten sus fondos en divisas y mercados de valores. Hoy en día más de 20.000 personas y clientes corporativos son clientes de InstaForex.

Plataforma de negociación La realización de operaciones y la gestión de cuentas de negociación se realiza por medio del sistema de negociación InstaTrader. InstaTrader es un software diseñado sobre la base del MetaTrader4 de MetaQuotes Software Company. Las posibilidades funcionales del terminal comercial vienen a la oportunidad de la ejecución de las operaciones en el mercado Forex, recibiendo cotizaciones de mercado para los principales pares de divisas, cruces, índices bursátiles, recibiendo noticias del mercado así como anuncios y encuestas de la empresa.

InstaForex - el mejor corredor en Asia No es un secreto que por el momento InstaForex Company es uno de los principales corredores de Forex en la región de Europa y Asia. El éxito alcanzado recientemente por InstaForex Company fue notado no sólo por los clientes y socios sino también por instituciones financieras independientes. En octubre de 2009 en la revista London World Finance resumió los resultados del premio anual en la categoría de premios World Finance Awards para el 2009 y InstaForex fue anunciado como ganador en la nominación "Best Broker in Asia".

Este premio se convirtió en una consecuencia del trabajo eficiente de InstaForex en Asia y otras regiones del mundo y también el nivel más alto de servicio proporcionado. Últimamente actividad empresarial de InstaForex Company en la región de Asia ha aumentado significativamente: el número de oficinas de representación aumenta; Se celebran seminarios y capacitación; La oficina minorista fue inaugurada en Kuala-Lumpur; Se han desarrollado servicios adicionales en línea para los clientes asiáticos. Todo esto en combinación con las mejores condiciones comerciales y una gama única de ofertas especiales contribuyen a que InstaForex Company sea el líder del mercado de servicios de corretaje en Asia.

Las condiciones comerciales y las ofertas especiales de InstaForex Company: - 107 instrumentos de divisas, 34 CFD en acciones estadounidenses, ofertas con GOLD - Sin límites para el tamaño del depósito - Ejecución automática instantánea de todas las ofertas - Bonos de bienvenida hasta 5000 USD - Aprovechamiento de 1: 1 A 1: 500 - Reposición instantánea de cuentas de negociación - 2 tipos de cuentas - con spread y sin (comisión en lugar de spread) - Sistema de swaps iguales para BUY y SELL (NO comisiones por swaps) - Swap-free accounts - Fondos & # 8217; Retiro de una cuenta de negociación directamente a la tarjeta Visa - tasa de interés anual de 6% para los fondos disponibles - celebración de campañas regulares y concursos para los clientes que premio anual ya ha superado los 300 000 USD y aumenta constantemente - más de 140 representaciones en todo el mundo - Soporte técnico 24/7 - Cuentas VIP (spread de 1 punto) - Cuentas de inversores - Cuentas segregadas - Bonificación 25% del depósito realizado de cualquier sistema de pago disponible.

"Best Broker in Asia" dentro de los marcos de los World Finance Awards. El grupo de expertos de una de las principales publicaciones empresariales en el ámbito financiero, económico y político - World Finance. Formado por los profesionales más prominentes de la esfera financiera, declaró a InstaForex como ganadora en el premio a la nominación de "Best Broker of Asia" en 2009 en los siguientes criterios: - la gestión del proyecto - el alto nivel de competitividad - Liderazgo de mercado y cobertura geográfica - innovación y originalidad - confirmación de un desarrollo constante - nivel de transparencia y control de calidad - alto nivel de presencia en la red global - informes favorables en MSM

Sitio Web de InsfaForex

Las ventajas que ofrecemos son las condiciones comerciales que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes.

El uso de InstaForex le brinda la oportunidad de trabajar con 107 herramientas de divisas, 34 contratos de CFD en acciones estadounidenses, así como para manejar transacciones de GOLD. Ofrecemos diferenciales competitivos y efectivos para cada herramienta, con el fin de crear condiciones confortables para nuestros clientes.

Ofrecemos a los comerciantes la oportunidad de trabajar en el mercado monetario independientemente del tamaño del capital de trabajo. Simplemente elija las condiciones de trabajo más cómodas que se adapten a su depósito y comience a operar en el mercado Forex. Puede comenzar a trabajar con un depósito de cualquier tamaño, & # 8212; $ 10 o $ 1000 & # 8212; Aumentándolo con precisión para pasar a mayores inversiones para obtener mayores ganancias. La mayoría de nuestros clientes comenzaron como nuevos comerciantes con un depósito de $ 10, y se han convertido en comerciantes profesionales con miles de dólares. Y ahora usted puede hacer lo mismo!

Puede elegir cualquier apalancamiento de 1: 1 a 1: 500, dependiendo de la estrategia de administración de riesgos que utilice al realizar operaciones. Si usted es un comerciante a largo plazo que respeta el conservadurismo cuando se trata de la gestión del capital, entonces un apalancamiento 1: 100 es para usted. Pero si usted es un tipo agresivo de comerciante diurno, entonces un apalancamiento 1: 500 puede convertirse en su herramienta de utilidad irreemplazable.

Negociación en Forex sin propagación

InstaForex ofrece grandes oportunidades para sus clientes. Usted no necesita una extensión para trabajar en el mercado de dinero ahora! ¡Esto da a comerciantes nuevos y profesionales aún más posibilidades! El comercio sin spreads hace que el proceso de negociación sea más fácil de entender visualmente, y hace un uso más eficaz del análisis técnico al aceptar soluciones comerciales.

Los mejores swaps entre todas las demás empresas

InstaForex Company ofrece los swaps más competitivos, rechazando el sistema estándar de obtener ganancias con un spread contra el cliente. Instaforex Company es la primera empresa que introduce el sistema de swaps EQUAL con ofertas de venta y compra. El swap-accrual en un acuerdo de compra es siempre igual al swap-accrual en un acuerdo SELL. La compañía no toma la comisión por el swap, como resultado el cliente no paga demasiado, manteniendo los acuerdos más de varias horas - en caso de que las posiciones abiertas con un instrumento de moneda se abran a medianoche.

Cargo de interés de los activos listos

Todos los tipos de cuenta se cobran una tasa de interés anual del 6%. El interés se calcula sobre la suma no utilizada en la negociación. Los clientes de InstaForex no necesitan preocuparse de que sus ganancias se reducirán debido a la inflación. ¡InstaForex crea su propia realidad, y paga tasas de interés anual del 6% a las cuentas de los clientes al final de cada mes! Calidad de servicio

Nuestros especialistas ofrecen soporte técnico 24/7. Incluso si está utilizando una cuenta de demostración, puede contar con asesoramiento de expertos y obtener respuestas a todas las preguntas que pueda tener, hasta que tenga la suficiente experiencia como para comenzar a trabajar con una cuenta real. El objetivo principal de nuestro servicio de atención al cliente, a nuestros ojos, es la cortesía y la eficacia al tratar con los clientes.

Principios generales de la provisión de servicios

Cuando InstaForex creó una lista de servicios comerciales proporcionados, todo un espectro de posibilidades se puso a disposición de los comerciantes. Si se convierte en un cliente, puede estar seguro de que obtendrá acceso oportuno a todos los nuevos tipos de servicios comerciales en los mercados financieros que aparecen en un futuro próximo. Los especialistas de InstaForex analizan los mercados de servicios de corretaje y hacen todo lo posible para reaccionar ante las tendencias futuras. Constantemente buscamos la innovación, manteniéndonos al corriente de los desarrollos de los competidores; También continuamos nuestro trabajo regular y establecemos nuevos tipos de contratos.

Recomendado los mejores robots forex, robot forex, robots forex automatizados, robots de comercio de divisas, los mejores robots forex, revisiones de robots forex

Forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading, forex trading , Forex pips, forex forex, forex cuentas administradas, moneda forex, sistema de comercio de divisas, comercio de divisas, comercio de divisas, divisas, cambio de divisas.

InstaForex - Instant Forex Trading, Forex Broker s, en línea de comercio de divisas, el comercio de divisas

InstaForex (InstaTrade Corporation) & # 8211; ECN-broker ofrece servicios de negociación en línea en el mercado financiero internacional de divisas y el comercio de contratos para los servicios CFD de diferencia. El nombre de la empresa proviene del eng. "Instantánea" y "Forex", que significa "ejecución instantánea de órdenes en el mercado Forex".

Historia El proyecto de InstaForex fue fundado en 2007 por InstaTrade Corporation como corredor minorista en el mercado financiero de la divisa. Justo después de la inscripción el contrato fue concluido con una de las empresas líderes en ingeniería de software para los mercados financieros & # 8211; MetaQuotes Software. Así es como InstaForex comenzó a trabajar en el mercado de servicios de corretaje en todo el mundo. Durante los primeros dos meses de operaciones de InstaForex, los contratos se concluyeron con los principales contratistas occidentales, lo que proporciona acceso al mercado de divisas bancarias. Para proporcionar apoyo informativo a los clientes se firmaron acuerdos en las noticias proporcionando a los principales medios de comunicación de la empresa en los mercados financieros en los EE. UU. Dow Jones & amp; Empresa.

Ubicación InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas. Clientes & # 8217; Departamento de relaciones, departamento de negociación y departamento de marketing están situados en Kaliningrado (Rusia). Además InstaForex tiene muchas oficinas de representación en todo el mundo: en Rusia, Ucrania, Letonia, Kazajstán, Malasia, Indonesia, India, Dubai, Irán, China, Estados Unidos.

Licencia Actividades del grupo de empresas InstaForex corresponden a la legislación rusa e internacional. InstaTrade Corporation está registrada en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y actúa dentro de los límites jurídicos de la ley británica. La oficina central se encuentra en Rusia y las licencias de corretaje fueron obtenidas por el grupo de empresas InstaForex, que fueron concedidas por la principal autoridad reguladora de la Federación Rusa & # 8211; Servicio Federal de Mercados Financieros (FFMS).

Funcionamiento de la empresa La dirección principal de la operación del grupo InstaForex de empresas es la prestación de servicios de comercio en línea. Empresa ofrece su servicio en más de 50 países en todo el mundo, la mayoría de los cuales son los países europeos y asiáticos. Cada día más de 300 operadores abren cuentas en InstaForex e invierten sus fondos en divisas y mercados de valores. Hoy en día más de 20.000 personas y clientes corporativos son clientes de InstaForex.

Plataforma de negociación La realización de negociaciones y la gestión de cuentas de negociación se realiza por medio del sistema de negociación InstaTrader. InstaTrader es un software diseñado sobre la base del MetaTrader4 de MetaQuotes Software Company. Las posibilidades funcionales del terminal comercial vienen a la oportunidad de la ejecución de las operaciones en el mercado Forex, recibiendo cotizaciones de mercado para los principales pares de divisas, cruces, índices bursátiles, recibiendo noticias del mercado así como anuncios y encuestas de la empresa.

InstaForex - el mejor corredor en Asia No es un secreto que por el momento InstaForex Company es uno de los principales corredores de Forex en la región de Europa y Asia. El éxito alcanzado recientemente por InstaForex Company fue notado no sólo por los clientes y socios sino también por instituciones financieras independientes. En octubre de 2009 en la revista London World Finance resumió los resultados del premio anual en la categoría de premios World Finance Awards para el 2009 y InstaForex fue anunciado como ganador en la nominación "Best Broker in Asia".

Este premio se convirtió en una consecuencia del trabajo eficiente de InstaForex en Asia y otras regiones del mundo y también el nivel más alto de servicio proporcionado. Últimamente actividad empresarial de InstaForex Company en la región de Asia ha aumentado significativamente: el número de oficinas de representación aumenta; Se celebran seminarios y capacitación; La oficina minorista fue inaugurada en Kuala-Lumpur; Se han desarrollado servicios adicionales en línea para los clientes asiáticos. Todo esto en combinación con las mejores condiciones comerciales y una gama única de ofertas especiales contribuyen a que InstaForex Company sea el líder del mercado de servicios de corretaje en Asia.

Las condiciones comerciales y las ofertas especiales de InstaForex Company: - 107 instrumentos de divisas, 34 CFD en acciones estadounidenses, ofertas con GOLD - Sin límites para el tamaño del depósito - Ejecución automática instantánea de todas las ofertas - Bonos de bienvenida hasta 5000 USD - Aprovechamiento de 1: 1 A 1: 500 - Reposición instantánea de cuentas de negociación - 2 tipos de cuentas - con spread y sin (comisión en lugar de spread) - Sistema de swaps iguales para BUY y SELL (NO comisiones por swaps) - Swap-free accounts - Fondos & # 8217; Retiro de una cuenta de negociación directamente a la tarjeta Visa - tasa de interés anual de 6% para los fondos disponibles - celebración de campañas regulares y concursos para los clientes que premio anual ya ha superado los 300 000 USD y aumenta constantemente - más de 140 representaciones en todo el mundo - Soporte técnico 24/7 - Cuentas VIP (spread de 1 punto) - Cuentas de inversores - Cuentas segregadas - Bonificación 25% del depósito realizado de cualquier sistema de pago disponible.

"Best Broker in Asia" dentro de los marcos de los World Finance Awards. El grupo de expertos de una de las principales publicaciones empresariales en el ámbito financiero, económico y político - World Finance. Formado por los profesionales más prominentes de la esfera financiera, declaró a InstaForex como ganadora en el premio a la nominación de "Best Broker of Asia" en 2009 en los siguientes criterios: - la gestión del proyecto - el alto nivel de competitividad - Liderazgo de mercado y cobertura geográfica - innovación y originalidad - confirmación de un desarrollo constante - nivel de transparencia y control de calidad - alto nivel de presencia en la red global - informes favorables en HSH

Sitio Web de InsfaForex

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Myanmar revokes forex licences to control "dollarization"

By Aung Hla Tun

YANGON Oct 18 (Reuters) - The Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) has revoked foreign exchange licences issued to hundreds of businesses ranging from hotels to hospitals, in a bid to control "dollarization" and increase the value of the ailing kyat currency.

The CBM sent an official letter to the licence holders last week, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, telling them to return their licences between Oct. 19 and 30.

The licences, which allowed businesses to access U. S. dollars, encouraged people to use the historically more stable currency for domestic transactions more conveniently after bypassing the local financial system.

"(The cancellation) is intended to promote the use of kyat in making payments for goods and services within the country and to cut down the use of cash by encouraging domestic debit cards and credit cards, internal payment cards and on-line payment system," the letter said.

A CBM official told Reuters the licences had initially been issued to the businesses to help them carry out transactions conveniently.

"But it led speedily to dollarization, causing an unstable exchange rate and weakening the kyat in the local market. We've decided to revoke the licences after consulting international experts, including those from the IMF (International Monetary Fund)," said the official, who declined to be named.

The kyat has fallen more than 20 percent so far this year, making it one of the worst-performing frontier market currencies in 2015.

According to the CBM letter, all hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, duty free shops, airlines, hospitals, freight forwarders, telecom enterprises, media, apartments, super markets, souvenir shops, gold clubs and the military-owned Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd will have to give back their licences.

"In fact, it's nothing strange. You have to make payments in local currency in every country," said Than Lwin, a top official of KBZ Bank, Myanmar's biggest private bank, and a retired vice governor of the CBM.

"Frankly, the CBM should have imposed this measure much earlier," he told Reuters.

Economist Khin Maung Nyo said the revocation of licences would take some time to have an impact on the local currency, but would likely spur demand for U. S. dollars in the black market. (Editing by Richard Pullin)

Myanmar Inaugural Stock Exchange, YSX, Supports Live Trading

Myanmar has joined the global equities and capital markets community with the launch of its first ever stock exchange, the Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX), which is backed by a Japanese partnership, according to a JPX statement.

The YSX has begun live trading, characterized by its inaugural listing, the First Myanmar Investment Co. Ltd. focused on the real estate business in Myanmar. The unveiling of a stock exchange constitutes a huge leap for the country that recent years had yielded a nascent investment base, troubled by domestic instability and rampant corruption.

One of the impetuses behind the launch of the YSX was its partnership with the Japan Exchange Group (JPX). The exchange itself was established by the JPX, Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd. and Myanmar Economic Bank, a state-owned bank under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

The triumvirate of entities all backed the establishment of the YSX, representing support from both the private and public sector. All of the aforementioned entities had entered into a joint venture agreement as far back as December 23, 2014, with the interval between then and now being reserved for preparations towards YSX’s business operations, culminating in the beginning of stock trading today on the exchange.

Despite the beginning of live trading on YSX, there remain several challenges for the upstart exchange, including the valuation of companies and its handling of other listings such as initial public offerings, etc. That the country has never had a domestic exchange will also present several barriers in its initial operations, though JPX and Daiwa Securities Group will continue to work with YSX to increase the number of listed companies in the hope of fueling the development of Myanmar’s capital market.

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Myanmar To Stop Forex Licences To Control “Dollarization”

Myanmar is a small country that relies heavily on tourism and foreign investment into its manufacturing industry. The country had earlier passed a law that allowed business establishments to apply for forex licenses that would allow them to deal directly with consumers who were willing to pay in U. S. dollars .

The government passed this law with an objective to encourage forex transactions and help businesses sustain themselves and do brisk business. The decision to issue forex licenses and encourage transactions in foreign currencies appears to have had a negative impact on the kyat . which is the local currency. As a result, the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) has decided to scrap the idea of allowing businesses to transaction in foreign currencies for now.

The CBM issued a notice to businesses that had received a forex license which informed them that forex transactions would no longer be allowed and asked them to return the license before the end of the month. These licences were issued to a number of different establishments including hospitals and hotels who were able to receive dollars directly from the consumer.

A member from the CBM who wished to remain anonymous said that the CBM consulted a number of international financial consultants including the International Monetary Fund before making a final decision to revoke these forex licenses. The official stated that the forex licenses caused businesses to prefer ‘ dollarization ’ and as a result the local currency weakened causing exchange rates to fluctuate a lot. The kyat dropped by more than twenty percent during 2015 and put it on the list of being one of the poorest performing currencies on the 2015 frontier market. CBM hopes to stabilize the local currency once the ability to transact in dollars is removed from these businesses.

The memo sent out to these businesses informs them that (The cancellation) is intended to promote the use of kyat in making payments for goods and services within the country and to cut down the use of cash by encouraging domestic debit cards and credit cards, internal payment cards and on-line payment system.

Than Lwin . a retired vice governor of the CBM and now a senior official with the country’s biggest private bank, KBZ stated that businesses should not be inconvenienced due to ban on their forex licenses stating that it is a normal procedure for businesses to transact in their local currencies in any country. Only time will tell if this move to revoke forex licenses will help to stabilize the local currency.

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Myanmar steps up forex sales to boost struggling kyat

By Aung Hla Tun and Timothy Mclaughlin

YANGON, June 18 (Reuters) - Myanmar's central bank has started unrestricted sales of foreign currency at its own specified rate to help importers hit by exchange rate fluctuations over the past two weeks.

The kyat has weakened by 26 percent since Myanmar introduced a managed float in 2012 to try to end the disparity between official and unofficial exchange rates. The move was the first significant economic reform by a semi-civilian government that took office a year earlier.

But the gulf between unofficial and official rates has again widened, with dollars in short supply as Myanmar's imports outpace exports.

The foreign currency sales started on Wednesday with the aim of easing pressure on importers of fuel and edible oil, the state-owned Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said, citing deputy central bank governor Set Aung.

The state-run Myanma Economic Bank and Myanmar Investment Bank would begin selling foreign currency on Monday, it said.

The dollar was offered at 1,150 kyat in exchange kiosks in Yangon on Thursday. The official exchange rate was 1,105 kyat, down 26 percent from the 818 kyat when the managed float started.

Foreign currency trading is permitted within a range of 0.8 percent above or below the official reference rate. Trading outside that band could result in the loss of foreign exchange licences.

There are about 20 local private banks and around 200 money changers holding licences. Foreign banks cannot offer foreign exchange services.

Private banks regularly put in orders for around $20 million at the central bank's daily dollar auction, but it typically sells only $300,000 to $500,000.

Several unlicensed dealers were detained last week in a bid to halt black market transactions. The kyat weakened to 1,290 a dollar but gained strength when news of the arrests slowed unofficial trade, dealers said.

Myanmar's foreign trade has grown quickly but, as imports outpaced exports, its trade deficit jumped 88 percent to $4.9 billion in the fiscal year that ended March 31, according to official data.

A rise in foreign investment, tourism and remittances from overseas workers have helped plug the gap but dollars remain in short supply and the greenback's rise against emerging market currencies in general has exacerbated the kyat's weakness.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy at Sydney's Macquarie University, said measures to support the kyat were "self-defeating".

"Where the problem comes in is via the efforts to artificially hold up its value," said Turnell.

"All they really do is add fuel to the idea that there might be a shortage of forex, undermining confidence in the kyat and Myanmar's financial arrangements broadly." (Editing by Martin Petty and Alan Raybould)

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Myanmar starts new FX system

Myanmar stock exchange begins trade, FMI closes limit up

YANGON, March 25 (Reuters) - Myanmar's stock exchange began trading on Friday with a single listed company some three months after it opened in the country's commercial capital Yangon. The Southeast Asian nation's economy was devastated by nearly 50 years of economic mismanagement under the military government, which ended direct rule of the country in 2011. The outgoing semi-civilian government that replaced the junta ushered in numerous economic reforms. One of them was to launch the Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX) in December. "For 50 years there has not been a stock exchange, today is a historic day," said local tycoon Serge Pun, just before he rang the bell on trading at 11 a. m. (0430 GMT) inside a renovated colonial building that once housed the country's central bank. His firm First Myanmar Investment (FMI), one of Myanmar's largest companies, made the inaugural listing. The exchange was a "farewell gesture" from President Thein Sein, said Deputy Finance Minister Maung Maung Thein. The outgoing government had emphasised the stock market as a way to catch up to more developed countries. The president will hand over to the government of Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) in a ceremony on March 30, after the NLD won a landslide electoral victory in November. The FMI listing involved no initial public offering, nor did it raise fresh capital. FMI has transferred shares to list on the YSX that it had already sold to the public through direct subscription.

FMI shares rose to 31,000 kyat ($25.70) at the open on Friday, the upper limit for trading for the day after they were listed at 26,000 kyat. A total volume of 112,845 shares changed hands, for a trading value of 3.498 billion kyat ($2.90 million). FMI's market cap was 727,880 million kyat ($603.55 million). FMI's sister company, Yoma Strategic Holdings LtdYOMA. SI, is listed in Singapore. Maung Maung Thein has said previously that Thilawa SEZ Holdings, which controls a new industrial zone jointly run by the government and a Japanese consortium, would be the next company to join the exchange, but it is unclear as to when this will happen. Myanma Economic Bank owns 51 percent of the exchange, presenting another potential problem if foreign investors should be allowed to invest in the future. For now, only Myanmar citizens can trade. The bank is among several lenders on the U. S. Department of Treasury's list of sanctioned entities due to its ties to the former junta. Japan's Daiwa Securities Group Inc8601.Tand Japan Exchange Group Inc8697.T, which operates the Tokyo Stock Exchange, own the rest of the YSX. ($1 = 1,206.0000 kyat)

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Myanmar’s Suu Kyi Readies Herself for April 1st Launch

When Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy steps into power in Myanmar on April 1st, it will have solid successes to build on, but there are many challenges ahead.

The November 8 elections marked a milestone in the country. Following four years of peaceful transition, a new Parliament was chosen and one political party, the National League of Democracy, now holds a majority of seats. At the same time, Myanmar’s economy has also been undergoing transformation, growing at seven percent a year – among the fastest in East Asia.

There is little evidence today of a country that has endured decades of Western-led sanctions. It is a thriving Asian emerging market, with American food chains and modern air-conditioned malls.

Thriving Country

There is little evidence today of a country that has endured decades of Western-led sanctions. It is a thriving Asian emerging market, with American food chains and modern air-conditioned malls. Small boutique hotels stand alongside multi-storied structures in the largest city of Yangon and there are over 100 ethnic groups living within a population of over 54 million.

With only one month to go before she takes office, one of the big questions facing Suu Kyi is how far the Nobel Laureate’s party will go to improve human rights in the country. About a third of the population still lives in extreme poverty. Almost three quarters of children in rural Myanmar grow up in homes without electricity and only 29 percent of the poorest children graduate from secondary school.

Myanmar, formerly Burma, is already one of the world’s fastest-growing nations. According to the International Monetary Fund, its economy expanded by close to 8.5 percent in the year ending this March. Outgoing President Thein Sein’s semi-civilian government ushered in a wave of reforms after taking over after almost 50 years of military rule in 2011. Europe and the United States rewarded the tentative transition at the time by easing sanctions.

It is now up to Suu Kyi to sustain a strong pace of growth and she must do so through a diversified economy that can create good jobs in higher-productivity sectors, such as agriculture which employs 65 percent of the country’s labor force, but suffers from low productivity. The average rice paddy yields 2.5 tons per hectare, only half the amount of other exporters in the region.

Investment in infrastructure is another area that can spur private sector job growth while supporting more productive and labor-intensive economic activities such as manufacturing and textile production.

Upgrade Banking

On Suu Kyi’s agenda are plans to develop the financial system. The local currency, the kyat, has already been floated and foreign firms have won licenses to explore for oil and gas. The banking sector is being slowly pried open with the government setting special economic zones and launching the Yangon Stock Exchange.

But there is more to do in that sector. Although U. S. dollars are still widely used, people remember the unrest during the banking crisis of 2002 to 2003 and most prefer to put their savings in gold and property – one reason real estate prices in Yangon are so high. When needed, small businesses must borrow at loan shark-style rates of interest and even large foreign investors struggle to hedge currency risks.

Subject to Global Volatility

Myanmar, which borders on India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand, is not exempt from global economic volatility. Low energy prices put pressure on the government’s export revenues, while investors are starting to move away from emerging markets. Myanmar already has a high current account deficit and its limited foreign reserves make its economy tenuous. Years of underinvestment in education have left large parts of the population ill-equipped to implement many changes.

Suu Kyi is seen as the only political figure with the power to bring lasting peace to a land that has suffered conflict since its independence from Britain in 1948. But at 70, with the power in her hands, the “lady” must seriously consider succession. The nation’s junta-drafted constitution is still in force and by its rules Suu Kyi is barred from holding the position of president because her children are foreign citizens. If the generals won’t agree to amend the constitution, she may have to instate a proxy who would follow her orders but that would cause confusion at formal state business meetings and foreign visits and create longer-term uncertainties. Finding a viable solution to this problem should be of high priority once she takes office.

The transfer of power to Suu Kyi is scheduled to take place between now and April 1st after the new Parliament meets and votes on a new president, along with two vice presidents. Despite the NLD's landslide victory, most analysts agree it will be almost impossible for it to govern without the support of the military establishment which by law still controls a quarter of the seats in Parliament, giving it veto power over all constitutional amendments and a grasp on all key security portfolios. The future of the country seems to ride on Suu Kyi’s ability to handle this problem.

Cina Coren is a former Wall Street broker and financial advisor. She holds a Master's degree in Communications and spent many years writing for international news outlets and journalistic publications. Today, Cina spends most of her time writing internet articles and blogs, and reading various newspapers to stay on top of the news.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Myanmar Traders Thumb Noses at New Forex Plan

So much for Myanmar’s vaunted new foreign exchange policy – at least in the streets.

Black-market currency dealers more or less laughed off the government’s new plan to steer the official value of the Myanmar currency to about 818 kyat per dollar starting Monday. According to the plan announced last week, the government agreed to end a decades-old “official” exchange rate of about six kyat per dollar and instead start handling all transactions at a “managed float” rate set – at least initially – close to prevailing street levels, which in recent months have hovered between 800 and 820 kyat per dollar. The new reference rate of 818 kyat was officially unveiled Monday on the central bank’s website.

Many commercial banks started complying with the policy immediately, offering rates in a band close to the reference rate. Several banks surveyed on Monday in Yangon, the commercial capital, said they were buying U. S. currency for 811 kyat per dollar and selling U. S. cash for 825 kyat per dollar.

Street dealers, though, were having none of that. Once banks closed at around 3 p. m. black-market money-changers in central Yangon were offering to buy U. S. greenbacks for as low as 780 kyat per dollar, much to the disappointment of tourists and other visitors who were aware of the new 818 reference rate. Some street dealers admitted being vaguely aware of the new policy but otherwise ignored it or professed confusion, with one shouting, “banks are closed! Banks are closed!”

One tourist said he heard visitors had just sold a mint-condition Benjamin Franklin $100 bill for 850 kyat per dollar at a street stall. When he was told that price wasn’t available, he and his cohorts argued for a moment and then stormed off, cursing loudly.

Another visitor, from Germany, said he had no choice but to change at the disadvantageous rates because he was out of kyat and needed local money to get by.

“I have no choice — all the banks are closed,” he said, as the dealers kept quoting 780 kyat per dollar. “To get 790 you have to walk all the way over the bridge,” he said, referring to a nearby bridge to another part of Yangon – an unattractive option in the searing afternoon heat.

To be sure, it’s normal for street dealers to press their advantage in any country, and it’s nothing new for Myanmar’s black-market money traders to drive a hard bargain with hard-up tourists.

But the profiteering also serves as a reminder of just how immature much of Myanmar’s financial sector remains, despite a raft of political and economic reforms passed over the past year to start opening the country more aggressively to outside world. The new foreign exchange policy, for instance, was passed in large part to make Myanmar’s forex market more understandable for outsiders and reduce foreign investors’ risks in dealing with the country’s confusing currency system – a step Myanmar leaders hope will lead to a new influx of international capital.

Over time, as Myanmar’s economy develops, the role for street-level currency dealers will no doubt diminish and their profit margins will shrink. But for now, credit cards are still rarely accepted except in major hotels and ATMs are almost non-existent, especially for foreigners carrying international cards.

That means that despite all the excitement over Myanmar’s modernizing economy, outsiders will still keep looking to street dealers if they need money after hours.

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March 18, 2015 by thiha

The official reference rate for dollar-kyat exchange maintained by the Central Bank of Myanmar and the rate charged by unofficial moneylenders are increasingly diverging. While the Central Bank’s reference figure has sat at K1027 per dollar since the end of February, at many informal traders the kyat has depreciated to around K1075 per dollar. Divergent […]

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Over the past few months, many believe the Central Bank of Myanmar’s commitment to allow a floating exchange rate based on the market price has faltered. Concerns about the currency have resulted in extensive meetings and direct intervention from the President’s Office.

Bankers, economists and traders are growing increasingly concerned that the Central Bank’s policy is moving away from the managed floating exchange rate, which was established in 2012 with the help of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It ended 35 years of a dual rate system, in which the official rate of around K6 to the US dollar was more than a hundred times stronger than the black market rate.

Many are also concerned that the Central Bank does not have sufficient US dollar reserves to support the kyat – the IMF Article IV Consultation report published last October said they were low, then covering less than three months of prospective imports. Central Bank officials have more recently said there are enough reserves for essential imports.

Furthermore, the black market for currency trading, which was on the way to being eliminated, is showing signs of reemergence. Depositors are withdrawing US dollars and money changers have all but stopped buying the local currency inside the Central Bank’s official band.

The government has stepped in and the response to the currency crisis is now being managed in coordination with the President’s Office, a senior Central Bank official confirmed.

“In many countries, if there is a situation where the economic stability is threatened or where significant amounts of foreign exchange reserves need to be utilised to control the situation, Central Banks cooperate with the relevant ministries,” he said.

“In the case of Myanmar it is not abnormal that the Central Bank cooperates with the President’s Office and other relevant ministries. In other countries, Central Banks need formal approval of either the finance minister or prime minister by law. However, in Myanmar, decisions [are made in] cooperation.”

Last year, when the US dollar began to strengthen versus international currencies, the Central Bank of Myanmar’s reference rate, which is supposed to reflect the market rate, began to diverge from the price offered by local banks and foreign exchange traders.

Over the past few weeks the gap has widened significantly – on June 10 the unofficial rate reached a high of K1280 to the US dollar, compared to the official rate of K1105, which has remained fixed since June 5, despite major volatility in the unofficial market. The market rate is now around K1200, according to industry website naungmoon. com.

Concerns are growing that the Central Bank has not taken an active enough response to the situation. “The big mistake they’ve made is to do nothing, which is actually one of the riskiest things you can do. They have confused inaction with conservatism,” said a local banker.

Others ascribe the diverging exchange rates to speculation by the banks. The Central Bank holds daily foreign exchange auctions, which theoretically allow it to set the reference rate according to demand, but the amount auctioned each day is far too small to provide a fair representation, said bankers.

“The auctions are a joke – it changes each day, but is around $200,000 per day compared to $150 million dollars of demand. They are basically not giving out any currency at all. I’m not sure how much money the Central Bank even has to give,” said one banker. Local banks have reportedly been playing the auction system, by bidding at the official rate of K1105, and selling the dollars on the unofficial market to make a profit.

To address the issue, meetings have been held in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon during the past few weeks, attended by parliamentary committees, ministers and representatives from the Central Bank. If Myanmar is committed to defending the kyat, it would need significant US dollar reserves to buy up local currency from the market.

Bankers say that greater use could be made of the reserves held by the Ministry of Energy and other ministries that generate revenues from exports.

“The Central Bank is currently selling only around $10,000 to each domestic bank through its daily auctions, which is not nearly enough,” said U Mya Than, chair of the Yangon Foreign Exchange Market Committee and chairman of Myanmar Oriental Bank (MOB), adding that some banks are in short supply.

“Meanwhile, state banks such as Myanma Foreign Trade Bank and Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank, and some commercial banks are likely to have enough US dollars to sell to the public,” he said, adding that the Central Bank has the authority to buy currency from these banks.

A senior Central Bank official confirmed previously that this is already happening. “We do have enough forex for the import of essential items. The Ministry of Finance and state-owned banks have reinforced the Central Bank. They have so far transferred hundreds of millions of dollars into the Central Bank and there is more to come,” he said last week.

Furthermore, he said that measures will be taken to support the kyat, such as speeding up approvals for the $1.8 billion backlog of offshore loans and encouraging foreign banks to lend more through the interbank market. The Central Bank also called a meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday to discuss a plan for banks to offer US dollars to importers on the basis of need.

U Mya Than said that while he was not opposed to efforts to make dollars available immediately, the measures put forward so far are only short-term solutions. Instead of simply selling US dollars to the market, the Central Bank could be setting policies to encourage the inter-bank foreign exchange market to become more active, he said.

“It’s important to do this immediately, to reduce the burden on the Central Bank,” he said, adding that in meetings over the past week, bankers have suggested the Central Bank sets an official rate that is much closer to the market rate, to encourage an active market.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar’s economy at Australia’s Macquarie University agrees. “[It would be] so much better to simply let the kyat find its own level in the market, which more than likely will be at a rate that enhances the country’s competitiveness. There is no reason there should be any sort of currency crisis in Myanmar,” he said.

Myanmar Earthquake sends USD/CHF Down

A serious 7.0 magnitude earthquake has hit northeast Myanmar (Burma). The epicenter of the quake was close to Myanmar’s borders with Laos and Thailand. The earthquake, that was felt as far as Bangkok, Thailand’s capital, joins all the other global fears and sends traders to the Swiss franc, yet again. USD/CHF made a fresh fall to 0.9040.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Myanmar revokes forex licences to stop 'dollarisation'

Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of next month to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert the US currency will be revoked to combat "dollarisation", the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

"Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the 'Kyat' and causing exchange rate instability," it said.

The kyat has lost around 20 percent of its value against the dollar in the last six months. The official rate Monday was 1,283 to the dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until November 30 to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists may soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April.

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy, criticised the central bank's decision for what he called "policy on a whim".

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would "presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price".

"According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick," he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he was planning to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

Myanmar Opens Stock Exchange

Myanmar (formerly Burma), is the latest country to open its own stock exchange. The new exchange will be launched on Wednesday and is a further step in the pariah state’s recovery. The country has, of late, been showing continued growth in foreign inflows and has introduced a new pro-business type government.

Myanmar is a Southeast Asian nation of more than 100 ethnic groups, bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand. Yangon (formerly Rangoon), the country's largest city.

The Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX) was founded, at a cost of $24 million by the state-owned Myanmar Economic Bank, Daiwa Securities and Japan Exchange Group, a company that operates the Tokyo Stock Exchange .

In last month’s national election, Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the National League for Democracy (NLD) party, won a majority of 70 percent in parliament, ending half a century of dominance by the military. Suu Kyi, a 70-year-old Nobel peace prize winner who is barred from becoming president herself because of her son’s British citizenship said she will choose the President once the parliament meets for the first time in February.

Attempts by her National League for Democracy (NLD) to amend the relevant article in the constitution and allow her to take on the position of President have been rebuffed but she is still able to stand as head of her government. Myanmar’s former dictator, 82-year old Than Shwe, kept Suu Kyi under house arrest for most of his 19 years in power but he has not been seen in public since transferring power in 2011 to a reformist, quasi-civilian government run by his loyalists. The November defeat by the NLD of the ruling party formed by Than Shwe has been interpreted as both a public mandate for Aung San Suu Kyi and a protest vote against the military’s political power.

The Southeast Asian country is growing fast. It is endowed with rich energy, mining and agriculture resources, but it continues to be plagued by tremendous poverty. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates that the economy grew 7.8 percent in fiscal 2013-14 and 8.5 percent in 2014-15.

Myanmar struggled for years under British colonial rule and saw scant foreign investment under a military dictatorship. Its economy improved considerably since 2012 when Thein Sein, a former general sought help from technocrats and financial institutions and has been attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) on a scale Myanmar has never seen.

The $8.1 billion FDI recorded for 2014-2015 is a staggering 25 times the $329.6 million received in 2009/2010, the year before the military ceded power. Inflation has been rising, reaching nearly 10% in the 12 months to July 2015. An official at the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development predicts its FDI target for this fiscal year will be $6 billion. And according to economist Khin Maung Nyo,

now that the elections are over and the transition looks to be moving along smoothly, the GDP growth target is certainly reachable.

A report posted in October of this year pointed to some additional economic developments in Mynamar Agricultural output picked up in fiscal year 2014/2015 after two years of sluggish growth, and manufacturing and industry outputs (gas in particular) have also been strong.

The floods in July 2015 are likely to affect the main rice crop this year though the extent of the damage is not clear. Between January and August 2015, the exchange rate depreciated by around 20% due to a stronger US Dollar, a growing current account deficit and slowing foreign investment inflows.

The report also pointed out areas that will need strengthening if economic growth is to continue. More progress in macro-structural reforms such as strengthening the business environment, modernizing the banking sector and financial services, and strengthening public debt management are a few areas that will need to be focused on. In addition, there is a need to address short-term macroeconomic challenges in order to maintain exchange rate flexibility as well as monetary and fiscal policy discipline.

Cina Coren is a former Wall Street broker and financial advisor. She holds a Master's degree in Communications and spent many years writing for international news outlets and journalistic publications. Today, Cina spends most of her time writing internet articles and blogs, and reading various newspapers to stay on top of the news.

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A man counts US dollars and Burmese kyats at a money changer in Rangoon on March 21, 2012. (Photo: Reuters)

RANGOON — The Central Bank of Myanmar has revoked foreign exchange licenses issued to hundreds of businesses ranging from hotels to hospitals, in a bid to control “dollarization” and increase the value of the ailing kyat currency.

The Central Bank sent an official letter to the license holders last week, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, telling them to return their licenses between Oct. 19 and 30.

The licenses, which allowed businesses to access US dollars, encouraged people to use the historically more stable currency for domestic transactions more conveniently after bypassing the local financial system.

“[The cancellation] is intended to promote the use of kyat in making payments for goods and services within the country and to cut down the use of cash by encouraging domestic debit cards and credit cards, internal payment cards and on-line payment system,” the letter said.

A Central Bank official told Reuters the licenses had initially been issued to the businesses to help them carry out transactions conveniently.

“But it led speedily to dollarization, causing an unstable exchange rate and weakening the kyat in the local market. We’ve decided to revoke the licenses after consulting international experts, including those from the IMF [International Monetary Fund],” said the official, who declined to be named.

The kyat has fallen more than 20 percent so far this year, making it one of the worst-performing frontier market currencies in 2015.

According to the Central Bank letter, all hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, duty free shops, airlines, hospitals, freight forwarders, telecom enterprises, media, apartments, super markets, souvenir shops, gold clubs and the military-owned Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd will have to give back their licenses.

“In fact, it’s nothing strange. You have to make payments in local currency in every country,” said Than Lwin, a top official of KBZ Bank, Burma’s biggest private bank, and a retired vice governor of the Central Bank.

“Frankly, the Central Bank should have imposed this measure much earlier,” he told Reuters.

Economist Khin Maung Nyo said the revocation of licenses would take some time to have an impact on the local currency, but would likely spur demand for US dollars in the black market.


Government restricts forex to banks

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Times of India - Saturday 26th March, 2016

After a torrid interview with Mishal Husain for the Today programme, Suu Kyi was reportedly heard to say angrily, "No-one told me I was going to be interviewed by a Muslim." I was told.

mizzima - Saturday 26th March, 2016

An electronic board showing the FMI (First Myanmar Investment) index at Yangon Stock Exchange in Yangon on 25 March 2016. Photo: Hlaing Myo.

Myanmar Times - Saturday 26th March, 2016

A frenetic first day's trading on the Yangon Stock Exchange saw First Myanmar's Investment's share price jump almost 20 percent as hundreds of people waited in line to open trading.

The Irrawaddy - Saturday 26th March, 2016

A man carries water in jerrycans under a scorching sun in Sagaing Division, Upper Burma, on March 23 as the country experiences unusually high temperatures and water scarcity blamed in part on the.

The Irrawaddy - Saturday 26th March, 2016

Aung San Suu Kyi gives a speech as Phyo Min Thein acknowledges the crowd at a stadium in Rangoon's Hlegu Township on Feb. 15, 2012. (Photo: Soe Zeya Tun / Reuters).

News Releases

Breaking Southeast Asia News

Myanmar News. Net - Saturday 26th March, 2016

WASHINGTON - US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz Friday announced that the Department of Energy’s (DOE) will participate in the $2.5 billion project for development of a major clean energy.

Myanmar News. Net - Saturday 26th March, 2016

NEW YORK Verizon Enterprise Solutions, the B2B division of Verizon that offers IT services to government and big business including how to respond to data breaches, has experienced a massive data.

Myanmar News. Net - Saturday 26th March, 2016

NEW YORK Healthcare company Centene has completed its $6 billion acquisition of Health Net, with the California Department of Insurance giving its approval of the merger. Effective Thursday with.

Myanmar News. Net - Saturday 26th March, 2016

NEW YORK - Yahoo's board wants to sell its core business for $10 billion, and Microsoft is said to be meeting with private equity firms considering a possible takeover of the ailing former internet.

Financial Markets

Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi set to steer cabinet as minister



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The question posed in the headline to this article ought really to be turned around and asked: Did John Templeton's formula (of using price action to determine a successful currency trade) ever fail consistently? And the answer is: No. It hasn't. Not in all the years since there have been markets to trade in. In fact, it is what many, if not most, successful professional forex traders use as their main guideline for finding successful trading opportunities. According to John, if you are looking for a trading robot (also known as \"Expert Advisors\" or EAs) to help you trade the forex market, you are barking up the wrong tree when it comes to finding profitable trades. \"The trading markets are way too complicated to let a robot do the trading for you.\" There are just too many variables that can come into play for any self respecting forex trader to allow a robot to do the trading for him. Besides that, it just doesn't make any sense, at least with the data that most of these robots are being programmed to gather and decipher. In other words, the data they are considering and deciphering is not always actionable data. And what about those who trade using \"special indicat.

Myanmar has introduced interbank currency trading, a senior central bank official said, the latest reform to the financial sector, which follows the managed float of the kyat currency from April 2012.

Foreign banks are not allowed to operate in Myanmar and the local banking system is rudimentary, so the interbank market is likely to be tiny initially.

“We have allowed local private banks to trade in foreign currency among themselves effective Monday, taking a major step forward in financial reforms,” the central bank official told Reuters.

“They now can compete on equal terms with each other with compete transparency,” he added, asking for anonymity since he was speaking to the media without authorisation.

Than Lwin, vice-chairman of KBZ Bank, the biggest private lender in the country, and a retired vice-governor of the central bank, said: “We do welcome their allowing interbank marketing. It’s a big step towards the emergence of a foreign exchange market.”

President Thein Sein took office in March 2011 and, at the head of a quasi-civilian government, has opened up Myanmar with a series of political and economic reforms, after half a century of military rule.

Under International Monetary Fund (IMF) supervision, the authorities started unifying the various exchange rates at the time of the introduction of the managed float in 2012, and the central bank started selling foreign currency to private banks through auctions.

In an annual report on Myanmar’s economy published late on Friday, the IMF said that as of May the currency had fallen about 13.5% since the float, which had taken it closer to its long-run fundamental value.

Last year it said the kyat was as much as 40% overvalued.

The central bank sets a benchmark rate against the US dollar each day.

Related reports: industries, markets, politics, reports

Myanmar revokes forex licences to control "dollarization"

YANGON (Reuters) - The Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) has revoked foreign exchange licences issued to hundreds of businesses ranging from hotels to hospitals, in a bid to control"dollarization" and increase the value of the ailing kyat currency.

The CBM sent an official letter to the licence holders last week, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, telling them to return their licences between Oct 19 and 30.

The licences, which allowed businesses to access US dollars, encouraged people to use the historically more stable currency for domestic transactions more conveniently after bypassing the local financial system.

"(The cancellation) is intended to promote the use of kyat in making payments for goods and services within the country and to cut down the use of cash by encouraging domestic debit cards and credit cards, internal payment cards and on-line payment system," the letter said.

A CBM official told Reuters the licences had initially been issued to the businesses to help them carry out transactions conveniently.

"But it led speedily to dollarization, causing an unstable exchange rate and weakening the kyat in the local market. We've decided to revoke the licences after consulting international experts, including those from the IMF (International Monetary Fund)," said the official, who declined to be named.

The kyat has fallen more than 20 per cent so far this year, making it one of the worst-performing frontier market currencies in 2015.

According to the CBM letter, all hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, duty free shops, airlines, hospitals, freight forwarders, telecom enterprises, media, apartments, super markets, souvenir shops, gold clubs and the military-owned Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd will have to give back their licences.

"In fact, it's nothing strange. You have to make payments in local currency in every country," said Than Lwin, a top official of KBZ Bank, Myanmar's biggest private bank, and a retired vice governor of the CBM.

"Frankly, the CBM should have imposed this measure much earlier," he told Reuters.

Economist Khin Maung Nyo said the revocation of licences would take some time to have an impact on the local currency, but would likely spur demand for US dollars in the black market.

YANGON - Myanmar's central bank has started unrestricted sales of foreign currency at its own specified rate to help importers hit by exchange rate fluctuations over the past two weeks.

The kyat has weakened by 26 per cent since Myanmar introduced a managed float in 2012 to try to end the disparity between official and unofficial exchange rates. The move was the first significant economic reform by a semi-civilian government that took office a year earlier.

But the gulf between unofficial and official rates has again widened, with dollars in short supply as Myanmar's imports outpace exports.

The foreign currency sales started on Wednesday with the aim of easing pressure on importers of fuel and edible oil, the state-owned Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said, citing deputy central bank governor Set Aung.

The state-run Myanma Economic Bank and Myanmar Investment Bank would begin selling foreign currency on Monday, it said.

The dollar was offered at 1,150 kyat in exchange kiosks in Yangon on Thursday. The official exchange rate was 1,105 kyat, down 26 per cent from the 818 kyat when the managed float started.

Foreign currency trading is permitted within a range of 0.8 per cent above or below the official reference rate. Trading outside that band could result in the loss of foreign exchange licences.

There are about 20 local private banks and around 200 money changers holding licences. Foreign banks cannot offer foreign exchange services.

Private banks regularly put in orders for around US$20 million (S$26.62 million) at the central bank's daily dollar auction, but it typically sells only US$300,000 to US$500,000.

Several unlicensed dealers were detained last week in a bid to halt black market transactions. The kyat weakened to 1,290 a dollar but gained strength when news of the arrests slowed unofficial trade, dealers said.

Myanmar's foreign trade has grown quickly but, as imports outpaced exports, its trade deficit jumped 88 per cent to US$4.9 billion in the fiscal year that ended March 31, according to official data.

A rise in foreign investment, tourism and remittances from overseas workers have helped plug the gap but dollars remain in short supply and the greenback's rise against emerging market currencies in general has exacerbated the kyat's weakness.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy at Sydney's Macquarie University, said measures to support the kyat were"self-defeating". "Where the problem comes in is via the efforts to artificially hold up its value," said Turnell. "All they really do is add fuel to the idea that there might be a shortage of forex, undermining confidence in the kyat and Myanmar's financial arrangements broadly."

Myanmar revokes forex licences to control "dollarization"

The kyat has fallen more than 20 percent so far this year, making it one of the worst-performing frontier market currencies in 2015.

YANGON: The Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) has revoked foreign exchange licences issued to hundreds of businesses ranging from hotels to hospitals, in a bid to control "dollarization" and increase the value of the ailing kyat currency.

The CBM sent an official letter to the licence holders last week, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, telling them to return their licences between Oct. 19 and 30.

The licences, which allowed businesses to access U. S. dollars, encouraged people to use the historically more stable currency for domestic transactions more conveniently after bypassing the local financial system.

"(The cancellation) is intended to promote the use of kyat in making payments for goods and services within the country and to cut down the use of cash by encouraging domestic debit cards and credit cards, internal payment cards and on-line payment system," the letter said.

A CBM official told Reuters the licences had initially been issued to the businesses to help them carry out transactions conveniently.

"But it led speedily to dollarization, causing an unstable exchange rate and weakening the kyat in the local market. We've decided to revoke the licences after consulting international experts, including those from the IMF (International Monetary Fund)," said the official, who declined to be named.

The kyat has fallen more than 20 percent so far this year, making it one of the worst-performing frontier market currencies in 2015.

According to the CBM letter, all hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, duty free shops, airlines, hospitals, freight forwarders, telecom enterprises, media, apartments, super markets, souvenir shops, gold clubs and the military-owned Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd will have to give back their licences.

"In fact, it's nothing strange. You have to make payments in local currency in every country," said Than Lwin, a top official of KBZ Bank, Myanmar's biggest private bank, and a retired vice governor of the CBM.

"Frankly, the CBM should have imposed this measure much earlier," he told Reuters.

Economist Khin Maung Nyo said the revocation of licences would take some time to have an impact on the local currency, but would likely spur demand for U. S. dollars in the black market.

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Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Myanmar Kyat(MMK)

Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Myanmar Kyat(MMK)

This is the page of Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Myanmar Kyat (MMK) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. Muestra el tipo de cambio de la conversión de dos monedas. También muestra el historial gráfico de esta divisa pares, eligiendo el período de tiempo se puede obtener información más detallada. Desea invertir los pares de divisas? Please visit Myanmar Kyat(MMK) To Singapore Dollar(SGD) .

Selling 1 SGD you get 879.43572 MMK Buying 1 SGD you pay 885.00219 MMK

Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 27,2016 02:02 UTC

Yahoo News

Myanmar revokes forex licences to stop 'dollarisation'

Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of next month to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert the US currency will be revoked to combat "dollarisation", the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

"Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the 'Kyat' and causing exchange rate instability," it said.

The kyat has lost around 20 percent of its value against the dollar in the last six months. The official rate Monday was 1,283 to the dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until November 30 to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists may soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April (LSE: 0N69.L - news ) .

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy, criticised the central bank's decision for what he called "policy on a whim".

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would "presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price".

"According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick," he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he was planning to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

Myanmar revokes forex licences

Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of November to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank has announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert the US currency will be revoked to combat "dollarisation", the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

"Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the 'Kyat' and causing exchange rate instability," it said.

The kyat has lost around 20 per cent of its value against the US dollar in the past six months. The official rate on Monday was 1,283 to the US dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until November 30 to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists may soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April.

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy, criticised the central bank's decision for what he called "policy on a whim".

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would "presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price".

"According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick," he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he planned to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in US dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

More in News

Myanmar revokes forex licences

Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of November to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank has announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert the US currency will be revoked to combat "dollarisation", the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

"Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the 'Kyat' and causing exchange rate instability," it said.

The kyat has lost around 20 per cent of its value against the US dollar in the past six months. The official rate on Monday was 1,283 to the US dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until November 30 to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists may soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April.

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy, criticised the central bank's decision for what he called "policy on a whim".

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would "presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price".

"According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick," he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he planned to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in US dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

More in News

Thai Baht(THB) To Myanmar Kyat(MMK)

Thai Baht(THB) To Myanmar Kyat(MMK)

This is the page of Thai Baht (THB) to Myanmar Kyat (MMK) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. Muestra el tipo de cambio de la conversión de dos monedas. También muestra el historial gráfico de esta divisa pares, eligiendo el período de tiempo se puede obtener información más detallada. Desea invertir los pares de divisas? Please visit Myanmar Kyat(MMK) To Thai Baht(THB) .

Selling 1 THB you get 33.57766 MMK Buying 1 THB you pay 34.40178 MMK

Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 27,2016 02:02 UTC

Myanmar revokes forex permits

YANGON, 20 October 2015: Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of next month to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency, but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert US currency will be revoked to combat “dollarisation”, the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

“Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the ‘Kyat’ and causing exchange rate instability,” it said.

The kyat has lost around 20% of its value against the dollar in the last six months. The official rate Monday was 1,283 to the dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until 30 November to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists will soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April.

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar’s economy, criticised the central bank’s decision for what he called “policy on a whim”.

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would “presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price”.

“According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick,” he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he was planning to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

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Mandalay firms fight forex their own way

September 4, 2015 by Thiha

Betting the US dollar will continue to strengthen against the kyat, importers and distributors are raising prices to beat the exchange rate.

“We set the price higher, but then offer promotions for our customers to encourage them to continue buying,” said U Hla Phone Kyaw, director of Rainbow Bridge Distribution Company, which imports high-end brands such as Panasonic and Johnson & Johnson.

The discounts depend on the gap between the sales price and the exchange rate. The smaller the difference, the smaller the promotion, Once the market rate overtakes the sales price, it is time to temporarily halt sales and reset the price higher, said U Hla Phone Kyaw. “This has happened two or three times this year,” he said.

For two years until the end of 2014, the exchange rate was fairly stable, allowing businesses to keep prices steady. However, this year the kyat has depreciated by 24pc versus the US dollar to K1278 yesterday, according to the official rate. At times, the fall has been swift – in July, for example, the kyat dropped 11pc.

Myanmar’s currency, like many others in the region, will continue to be hurt by a strengthening US dollar. Domestic issues such as a widening current-account deficit and hold-ups in foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows will continue to put pressure on the currency. A flight to the US dollar over the election period and the threat of double-digit inflation will add to the kyat’s weakness.

U Hla Phone Kyaw said he is also hedging risk by reducing the duration of credit to customers. In the past, he was able to provide credit for a month, but has recently limited this to just a week. “Now we have narrower margins and the risk is higher,” he said, adding that improved customer relations can also help keep the business alive.

Other traders say the volatility has led them to stop selling altogether. Gold traders, for example, prefer to wait until the currency is stable before parting with their wares.

The weakening kyat and the national flooding disaster have hit the electronics market hard, with the sale of luxury electronic items falling by up to 90pc, said distributors.

U Myo Thein, owner of Myo Thein Electronics, said he has been unable to raise prices to keep up with the forex rate, because sales are already down by 20pc to 50pc.

“We have not increased the price of items imported directly from China, Korea or Thailand, because they are not selling well,” he said. However, other companies selling goods in his shops have raised their prices.

Importers now prefer to receive immediate cash payments from customers, and are offering incentives for upfront payments and discounts for larger orders. However, distributers are limiting purchases to items they are sure they will be able to sell.

U Naing Toe, who imports Chinese fertilizer, said he never stores his goods to wait for a higher price.

Traders have plenty of experience in managing exchange rate volatility. From 2010 to 2011 the kyat appreciated 20pc, spurring inflation. In recent history, traders have navigated hyper-inflation and demonitisation.

However, the kyat has never reached K1300 to the US dollar, said U Hla Phone Kyaw. “The change is much bigger and the rate of change is fast. We didn’t need to think so hard about it in the past,” he said.

Traders and distributers said that besides the currency problems, business in Mandalay has not been impacted by the new minimum wage of K3600 per hour, because most employees in the trade sector already receive at least this amount.

However, the property and jade markets in Mandalay have been hurt by the slowdown in neighboring China, said traders.

Source: Myanmar Times

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Myanmar Kyat (MMK) and Singapore Dollar (SGD) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

Tasa SGD 24 de marzo de 2016

The Myanmar Kyat is the currency in Myanmar (Burma, MM, MMR). El Dólar de Singapur es la divisa en Singapur (SG, SGP). The symbol for MMK can be written K. The symbol for SGD can be written S$, and SGD$. The Myanmar Kyat is divided into 100 pyas. El dólar de Singapur se divide en 100 centavos. The exchange rate for the Myanmar Kyat was last updated on March 24, 2016 from Bloomberg. El cambio para Dólar De Singapur fue puesto al día por último encendido 24 de marzo de 2016 de El Fondo Monetario Internacional. The MMK conversion factor has 4 significant digits. El factor de conversión SGD tiene 6 dígitos significativos.

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Myanmar revokes forex licences

Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of November to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank has announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert the US currency will be revoked to combat "dollarisation", the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

"Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the 'Kyat' and causing exchange rate instability," it said.

The kyat has lost around 20 per cent of its value against the US dollar in the past six months. The official rate on Monday was 1,283 to the US dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until November 30 to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists may soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April.

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy, criticised the central bank's decision for what he called "policy on a whim".

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would "presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price".

"According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick," he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he planned to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in US dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

Mas visto

A man counts US dollars and Burmese kyats at a money changer in Rangoon on March 21, 2012. (Photo: Reuters)

RANGOON — The Central Bank of Myanmar will allow the unrestricted sale of foreign currencies at official rates to importers of edible oil, fuel and cement, rolling back a policy that had limited withdrawals in an apparent bid to ward off supply shortages and a rise in the commodities’ prices.

The state-run Global New Light of Myanmar on Thursday quoted Central Bank Deputy Governor Sett Aung as saying the lifting of restrictions was also “intended to prevent unwanted hikes in foreign currency rates.”

The report said government-owned Myanma Economic Bank and Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank would begin the plan starting on June 17. However, industry sources said some private banks would not begin until next week.

Win Myint, chairman of the Myanmar Petroleum Importers Association, said fuel importers could officially buy US dollars from government banks without limits starting from Wednesday, but there were some difficulties in dealing with private banks.

“Some private banks … thought it was only allowed for diesel importers, then they refused to sell dollars to petrol importers, but it will be OK later,” he said.

The continued slide of the Burmese kyat against the US dollar has resulted in a widening gap between the Central Bank’s official exchange rate and the black market alternative. According to foreign currency exchangers, Thursday’s black market exchange rate stood at about 1,200 kyats per dollar, while the official rate remained 1,105 kyats per dollar. The black market exchange had reached as high as 1,300 kyats to a dollar last week.

Since October the Central Bank has been limiting its sale of the US dollar to private banks in an attempt to reverse the local currency’s fall, ultimately leaving importers with difficulty coming up with the cash to complete transnational transactions.

“Because of the dollar shortage in the market, we couldn’t pay when fuel ships came to port, we worried for the shortage of fuel distribution here too,” Win Myint said.

Under the Myanmar Petroleum Importers Association, there are about 75 companies that are importing fuels. According to association data, about 150,000 to 200,000 tons of diesel and 70,000 tons of petroleum are imported monthly.

Chit Khine, the chairman of Myanmar Apex Bank, said that if the government’s plan to make foreign exchange more readily available succeeds in better balancing demand and supply, the dollar exchange rate would stabilize.

“I heard that the government is collecting data on how much petroleum is being imported by customers of which banks and how many dollars are required every month, so I expect they will make more progress on this,” he said.

While the loosening of restrictions was welcomed by the Myanmar Petroleum Importers Association, a senior member of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) urged a broader easing on more essential imports, such as pharmaceuticals and other edible commodities.

“If pharmaceutical product prices are also increased, importers will not be able to import, so this would also be problem for people. That’s why the government should look also at these importers,” said Myat Thin Aung, a UMFCCI central executive committee member.

The kyat’s drop has raised the cost of imports on everything from electronics and beverages to construction and foodstuffs.


teaky: Since when have money changers other than government and private banks become again black market foreign currency exchangers? I thought they have already been legalized for a few years and there's a free exchange market. Reply

Richard: You need more Commerce Graduates in your Government, and less Generals. Reply

Aikmon: easier said than done Reply

observer: Well that's great news that thanks to Aung San Suu Kyi's intervention, the central Bank can now allow dollar purchases after the black market got out of control last week. That will stop another bus fare hike and fuel shortage, and black market price inflation generally. It's lucky that she is so outspoken in favour of the people and so ACTIVE in her opposition to price hikes. Definitely the woman to vote for - every day in Parliament we hear her working for ordinary people, stopping all Myanmar's fuel being exported to China for someone's gain. She's absolutely right - WHY should 100% of Myanmar's oil and gas be exported? There's a woman who KNOWS what's good for the voters. Glad to hear she has changed from saying everyone should mine coal to saying Myanmar should keep its oil and gas so that the country can prosper. An outspoken woman! Good on HER! Reply

Thant: I believe this is a big corruption exercise, these cronies will be able to buy USD at official rates while the commoners have to buy at the black market rate. Clearly, they "eat" a lot of money. Reply

ginni: Well done Daw Aung San Su Kyi. These Generals got no brain. They are only good at suppressing the poor citizens and to create hatred among them. The money changers are greedy. They have taken advantage and pocket millions. Reply

Myanmar revokes forex licences to stop 'dollarisation'

Myanmar revokes forex licences to stop 'dollarisation'

Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of next month to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert the US currency will be revoked to combat "dollarisation", the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

"Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the 'Kyat' and causing exchange rate instability," it said.

The kyat has lost around 20 percent of its value against the dollar in the last six months. The official rate Monday was 1,283 to the dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until November 30 to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists may soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April.

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar's economy, criticised the central bank's decision for what he called "policy on a whim".

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would "presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price".

"According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick," he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he was planning to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

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Myanmar revokes forex licences to stop 'dollarisation'

October 19, 2015 6:46 pm

YANGON (AFP) - Myanmar businesses ranging from restaurants to golf clubs have until the end of next month to stop charging in US dollars, the central bank announced in a snap move to stabilise the kyat currency.

Banks and official moneychangers will still be allowed to exchange dollars for the local currency but a host of firms, many in the service sector, will have to return their permits.

The special licences enabling firms to convert the US currency will be revoked to combat "dollarisation", the Central Bank of Myanmar said in a statement.

"Because of payments and sales in dollars, there has been dollarisation leading to an increased need for dollars, weakening the ’Kyat’ and causing exchange rate instability," it said.

The kyat has lost around 20 per cent of its value against the dollar in the last six months. The official rate Monday was 1,283 to the dollar.

The central bank said affected businesses would have until November 30 to hand back their licences.

Those include hotels, restaurants, airlines and duty-free shops, meaning tourists may soon have to carry wads of local notes.

Myanmar, which in 2011 shrugged off the isolation and economic hardships of military rule, has won praise for reforms in recent years, including giving autonomy to the central bank and adopting a floating rate for the kyat.

The first handful of foreign banks permitted to operate in Myanmar in decades opened in April.

Myanmar also hopes to open a long-awaited stock exchange by the end of this year.

Sean Turnell, an expert on Myanmar’s economy, criticised the central bank’s decision for what he called "policy on a whim".

He said many tourism-related businesses would still have costs in dollars and would "presumably try to achieve this by an ever-fluctuating kyat price".

"According to my reading, every tourist will now have to exchange foreign currency for kyat cash and hand over the resulting brick," he told AFP.

One foreign restaurateur, who currently charges in dollars and asked not to be named, said he was planning to switch to kyat payments when his business moves to another premises where rent would be paid in the local currency.

But in a city where most commercial rents are charged in dollars, businesses could struggle to find the cash to pay their landlords, he added.

& # 169; Provided by AFP

New landslide sweeps through Myanmar jade mine - Rescuers were searching through mud and rubble on Saturday after a new landslide buried workers in a remote jade mining region in northern Myanmar, the second such incident in just over a month.

The landslide took place on Friday afternoon in Hpakant, Kachin State, the war-torn area that is the epicentre of Myanmar's secretive billion dollar jade industry.

"The rescue process has now started and we are searching for dead bodies but we can't tell the numbers yet," Nilar Myint, an official from Hpakant Administrative Office, told AFP.

Local media reported as many as 50 people might have been buried by the debris.

But a second official involved in the rescue operation downplayed that number.

"According to what officials from nearby villages have told us, just three or four people are missing at the moment," Myo Htet Aung, also from the Hpakant Administrative Office, told AFP.

"We have not yet found any dead bodies in the process," he added.

The same area was hit by a massive landslide last month that killed more than 100. Locals says dozens more have died throughout the year in smaller accidents.

The region is remote, with little phone coverage and poor roads making it difficult to obtain precise and swift data after such incidents.

Those killed in landslides are mainly itinerant workers who scratch a living picking through the piles of waste left by large-scale industrial mining firms in the hope of stumbling across a previously missed hunk of jade that will deliver them from poverty.

- Demand from China -

Myanmar is the source of virtually all of the world's finest jadeite, a near-translucent green stone that is enormously prized in neighbouring China, where it is known as the "stone of heaven".

The Hpakant landscape has been turned into a moonscape of environmental destruction as firms use ever-larger diggers to claw the precious stone from the ground.

But while mining firms -- many linked to the junta-era military elite -- are thought to be raking in huge sums, local people complain they are shut out from the bounty.

In an October report, advocacy group Global Witness estimated that the value of Myanmar jade produced in 2014 alone was $31 billion and said the trade might be "biggest natural resource heist in modern history".

Much of the best jade is thought to be smuggled directly to China.

With little help from authorities, Hpakant community groups have pooled limited resources to help workers injured in the accidents which have become commonplace as the diggers creep closer to villages.

Heroin and methamphetamine are also easily and cheaply available on Hpakant's dusty streets, a side effect of Myanmar's massive narcotics trade.

Locals have launched desperate campaigns to try to persuade Myanmar's quasi-civilian government, which replaced outright military rule in 2015, to force mining firms to curtail their rapidly expanding operations.

But their pleas have so far fallen on deaf ears.

Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy swept landmark November 8 elections and will form a new government early next year.

But it has not yet outlined any firm plans for the jade trade beyond pledges for a more equitable allocation of profits from the country's natural resources.

Analysts say reform will be difficult given the entrenched military interests involved in the trade and the remoteness of many of the mines, some of which are in the hands of ethnic rebel fighters.

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The Foreign Exchange market, known to many simply as the Forex market, is the largest financial market in the world. As the name suggests, it is the exchange of currencies. With a daily trading volume of over $4 trillion, only a small percentage of this amount comes from actual trade – most of this colossal turnover comes from traders speculating price fluctuations for profit. Since currencies are traded in pairs, profit is made from the fluctuations in the exchange rate between these two currencies. A currency can be affected negatively by its country’s poor economy, causing it to drop in relation to other currencies. This will usually prompt traders to sell the currency in question, since it is steadily losing value, in order to buy a ‘stronger’ moneda. On the other hand, a growing economy will usually mean a strong, rising currency. This will usually prompt forex traders to buy said currency, hoping to profit as it continues to grow in value.

This massive market is an OTC (Over the Counter) market, meaning the vast majority of all transactions happen via phone or online. In fact, the reason this market has grown so much over the past years is that it allows essentially anyone to speculate for profit based on simply reading the newspaper. See a currency that’s doing well? Buy it in a matter of a few clicks, sell it back later for profit. Unexpected news that you believe may cause the market to move against you? Time to sell and avoid potential losses. This is basically how traders make their money – they analyze the markets and news, use trading tools and signals, set stop losses and even program robots and algorithms in order to achieve the best possible accuracy rates – the more successful your trades, the more money you’re making!

Due to the fluctuations in exchange rates being so small, leverage is used in forex trading to allow traders to make significant profits. Leverage allows a small amount to act like a larger one, for example, a 1:500 leverage means every one dollar acts like 500. You could invest $2000, have it act like a million, and reap much higher profits. This should be used wisely, however, as while this means that your potential profit increases exponentially, so does your risk of suffering substantial losses. In forex, practicing effective risk management is one of the key ingredients to success – in fact, it alone can be the difference between losing money and generating a steady source of income.



27 Mar 2016 | Garima Sharma

Some of the most gripping films of the recent past have included talented actors such as Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Rajkummar Rao, Deepak Dobriyal, and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub. What works exceedingly well in favour of these actors is how secure they are in the knowledge of their craft and what they bring to each frame For most people, Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s journey from a small village in UP to 70 mm is prominently stamped.

27 Mar 2016 | PNS | Fatehgarh Sahib

Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal on Saturday said that SYL was not merely a political issue but an emotive issue, which should be tackled on the top priority with utmost sensitivity and caution, as river water was the lifeline of every Punjabi especially the farmers. Talking to the media persons on the side lines of the first convocation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University held here at its campus.



| Overview |

Working environment

Fresh displacement was witnessed in 2014 with continued clashes between the Myanmar national army and non-state groups in Kachin and northern Shan States.

UNHCR is part of the inter-agency response to internal displacement in Kachin State and northern Shan State, as well as Rakhine State, addressing the needs of more than 240,000 internally displaced people (IDPs).

In Kachin State, the Government limits humanitarian agencies' access to IDP sites and aid organizations must seek permission to access areas not under government control.

In Rakhine State, the ability of humanitarian agencies to deliver assistance has been severely limited by the political context, while conditions for IDPs deteriorate. More than 800,000 individuals in Rakhine State lack citizenship, in addition to other groups potentially at risk in other parts of Myanmar.

UNHCR is assisting 230,000 IDPs living in protracted displacement situations in selected communities in the south-east of Myanmar.

In the south-east of the country, UNHCR is also monitoring small-scale refugee returns from temporary camps along the Thai border, where some 120,000 refugees from Myanmar are hosted, and is preparing for larger return movements. With ceasefire negotiations underway in 2014, return prospects may increase, though conditions for return remain challenging.

People of concern

The main groups of people of concern to UNHCR in Myanmar in 2015 include people without citizenship, IDPs, refugees, returnees and host communities.

In 2012, violence in Rakhine State forced around 140,000 people to flee their homes. The majority live in government-designated IDP camps near the state capital, Sittwe, and in surrounding townships.

In Kachin State and northern Shan State, more than 100,000 IDPs are displaced and in need of continued humanitarian assistance. They are living in camps in both government-controlled areas, and those under the control of non-state actors.

UNHCR also assists the more than 810,000 people without citizenship in Myanmar.

In south-eastern Myanmar, UNHCR supports communities hosting the estimated 230,000 IDPs living where the organization is operational.

The Office is also preparing for the potential return of some of the 120,000 refugees from Myanmar currently living in temporary camps in Thailand. It is planning support for around 20,000 potential returnees in 2015, although conditions are not yet sufficient to support any organized voluntary return.

UNHCR 2015 planning figures for Myanmar

| Response |

Needs and strategies

Significant numbers of IDPs in Kachin and Rakhine States continue to live in camp settings. UNHCR is the sector lead for protection. As part of the inter-agency response, it also leads the shelter, camp coordination and camp management (CCCM), as well as non-food item (NFI) cluster.

In Rakhine State, humanitarian space is severely limited and undertaking basic relief activities has met severe challenges. The situation for most IDPs deteriorated in 2014, particularly health coverage and NFI distributions. The premises and warehouses of the United Nations and most international NGOs were attacked and ransacked in early 2014.

The inter-agency response in Rakhine State has repeatedly emphasized the need for durable solutions for IDPs. At present, there is a continued policy by the Government to physically separate the conflicting communities, which limits reconciliation efforts or space for supporting coexistence.

More than 100,000 IDPs live in Kachin and northern Shan State. Continued clashes between the Myanmar national army and non-state actors in Kachin and northern Shan States in 2014 led to more displacement and a need for an emergency response. The inter-agency response relies on permission from the Myanmar Government to access IDPs in areas under the control of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO). As a result, only ad hoc missions are undertaken to these areas, limiting the response.

UNHCR will pursue its protection activities and support shelter, CCCM activities, and NFI needs for both Kachin and Rakhine State in 2015. The extent of support offered will rely on developments in the operational areas, particularly levels of access.

In the south-east of Myanmar, UNHCR continues to perform return monitoring to identify the destination of refugees settling back in Myanmar. The aim is to build a profile of areas where interventions can be planned if the scale of returns increases, enabling the Office to respond once spontaneous returns increase. Planning for return is ongoing, including consultations with Myanmar refugees on the Thai border.

| Implementation |


While UNHCR's main government partner in Myanmar will continue to be the Ministry of Immigration and Population and the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, UNHCR is also an active member of the Humanitarian Country Team in Myanmar. In Kachin and Rakhine States, UNHCR continues to lead the protection sector and remains the cluster lead agency for shelter, NFI and CCCM. UNHCR also leads the protection sector at national level, which includes UN agencies, international NGOs and several others, including national organizations, and works to raise awareness of protection concerns, enabling an efficient response.

2015 UNHCR partners in Myanmar

NGOs: Bridge Asia Japan, Community and Family Services International, Danish Refugee Council, Kachin Baptist Convention, Karuna Myanmar Social Services Bhamo, Karuna Myanmar Social Services - Myitkyina, Lutheran World Federation, Malteser Hilfsdienst Germany, Marie Stopes International, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Shalom (Nyein) Foundation, PremiГЁre Urgence - Aide MГ©dicale Internationale

Government agencies: Ministry of Immigration and Population; Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs; Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement

NGOs: Action Against Hunger, International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, MГ©decins Sans FrontiГЁres - Netherlands and Switzerland, Metta Development Foundation, Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam, Relief International, SolidaritГ©s International . TrГіcaire . World Vision

Others: ICRC, International Development Law Organization, IOM, Myanmar Relief Foundation, OCHA, PEACE Law Firm, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP, WHO

| Financial information |

The budget for UNHCR's operation in Myanmar has been rising since 2012, when a ceasefire between the Myanmar army and the KIO broke down.

Increased interest among refugees in returning to Myanmar requires budget estimates that cover potential activities, should conditions be deemed conducive. Significant financial support may be needed in 2015 to support shelter repair and maintenance in Rakhine and Kachin States. Given the above, the 2015 budget for Myanmar is set at USD 67.8 million.

UNHCR contact information

The UNHCR Representation in Myanmar

Myanmar Cyclone Victims Still Need Aid

With eight relief flights and an earlier truck convoy from nearby Thailand, UNHCR had by June 6, 2008 moved 430 tonnes of shelter and basic household supplies into Myanmar to help as many as 130,000 victims of Cyclone Nargis. The aid includes plastic sheeting, plastic rolls, mosquito nets, blankets and kitchen sets. Once the aid arrives in the country it is quickly distributed.

On the outskirts of the city of Yangon – which was also hit by the cyclone – and in the Irrawady delta, some families have been erecting temporary shelters made out of palm leaf thatching. But they desperately need plastic sheeting to keep out the monsoon rains.

Posted on 12 June 2008

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&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3ca287]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca507.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca507.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/S. Kritsanavarin, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3ca287]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca574.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca574.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3ca287]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca5c7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca5c7.jpg">

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&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3ca287]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca737.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca737.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/S. Kritsanavarin, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3ca287]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca783.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca783.jpg">

Myanmar Cyclone Victims Still Need Aid

Returnees in Myanmar

During the early 1990s, more than 250,000 Rohingya Muslims fled across the border into Bangladesh, citing human rights abuses by Myanmar's military government. In exile, refugees received shelter and assistance in 20 camps in the Cox's Bazaar region of Bangladesh. More than 230,000 of the Rohingya Muslims have returned since 1992, but about 22,000 still live in camps in Bangladesh. To promote stability in returnee communities in Myanmar and to help this group of re-integrate into their country, UNHCR and its partner agencies provide monitors to insure the protection and safety of the returnees as well as vocational training, income generation schemes, adult literacy programs and primary education.

&dupdo; UNHCR/C. Schwetz" rel="lightbox[49c3bf037]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3bf0310.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3bf0310.jpg" >

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&dupdo; UNHCR/C. Schwetz" rel="lightbox[49c3bf037]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3bf2e7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3bf2e7.jpg">

Returnees in Myanmar

Refugees from Myanmar: Ethnic Karens Seek Shelter

Over 2,000 refugees from Myanmar have crossed the border into Thailand in recent months. Most claim to be fleeing renewed conflict and human rights abuses in Kayin state, Myanmar. The mainly ethnic Karen refugees say their houses and villages have been burned and civilians killed. Many were weak upon arrival, suffering from illnesses such as malaria, after a long, dangerous journey to the camps through heavily mined areas. The refugees have been arriving at government-run camps, mainly in the Mae Hong Son area in northern Thailand.

UNHCR is working with the Thai government and non-governmental organisations to ensure the new arrivals are admitted to the camps and provided with adequate shelter and protection. Shelter has been a major issue as the capacity in many refugee camps has been overwhelmed. In a breakthrough in mid-May, Thai authorities agreed to build proper houses for the new arrivals.

There are currently 140,000 refugees from Myanmar living in nine border camps in Thailand, many of them have been there for up to 20 years.

&dupdo; UNHCR/J. Redfern" rel="lightbox[49c3c3457]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c34510.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c34510.jpg" >

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&dupdo; UNHCR/J. Redfern" rel="lightbox[49c3c3457]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c39a0.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c39a0.jpg">

Refugees from Myanmar: Ethnic Karens Seek Shelter

Cyclone Devastation in Myanmar

On 2/3 May, Cyclone Nargis devastated Myanmar, killing thousands of people and leaving more than 1 million homeless. As a rapid initial response to the crisis, the UNHCR office in Yangon purchased US$50,000 of plastic sheeting and canned food for distribution to cyclone victims.

Since then, the UN refugee agency – in the first overland convoy of aid – trucked in 22 tonnes of tents and plastic sheets from stocks in north-western Thailand. In addition, more than 100 tonnes of plastic tarpaulins, blankets, kitchen sets and mosquito nets are being airlifted in from UNHCR's regional stockpile in Dubai.

Although the UNHCR is not usually involved in natural disaster relief operations, it has responded to the cyclone crisis because of the scale of the devastation, the urgent needs of the victims, and the proximity of its emergency relief supplies to Myanmar.

Posted on 15 May 2008

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb3d6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb3d6.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb410.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb410.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/S. Siritheerajesd, May 9, 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb457.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb457.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb487.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb487.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/M. Somji, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb4b7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb4b7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/M. Somji, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb4e7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb4e7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/V. Dithajohn, May 10, 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb527.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb527.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/V. Dithajohn, May 10, 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb557.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb557.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/V. Dithajohn, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb587.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb587.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb5b7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb5b7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb600.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb600.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb647.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb647.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 14, 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb697.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb697.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 14, 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb6e7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb6e7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 14, 2008" rel="lightbox[49fafb3d0]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49fafb737.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49fafb737.jpg">

Cyclone Devastation in Myanmar

UNHCR Relief Items Pour into Myanmar

With eight relief flights and an earlier truck convoy from nearby Thailand, UNHCR had by June 6, 2008 moved 430 tonnes of shelter and basic household supplies into Myanmar to help as many as 130,000 victims of Cyclone Nargis. The aid includes plastic sheeting, plastic rolls, mosquito nets, blankets and kitchen sets. Once the aid arrives in the country it is quickly distributed.

On the outskirts of the city of Yangon – which was also hit by the cyclone – and in the Irrawady delta, some families have been erecting temporary shelters made out of palm leaf thatching. But they desperately need plastic sheeting to keep out the monsoon rains.

Posted on 12 June 2008

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c9dfd. jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c9dfd. jpg" >

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&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c9ee0.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c9ee0.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c9f27.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c9f27.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c9f77.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c9f77.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c9fc7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c9fc7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca017.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca017.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca067.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca067.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca0b7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca0b7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca107.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca107.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca156.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca156.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca1b5.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca1b5.jpg">

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&dupdo; UNHCR, May 2008" rel="lightbox[49c3c9df7]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3ca237.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3ca237.jpg">

UNHCR Relief Items Pour into Myanmar

Myanmar IDPs pick up the pieces in Rakhine state

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding across Myanmar's Rakhine state, where some 115,000 people are desperately in need of aid after being displaced during two waves of inter-communal violence in June and October 2012. The displaced, most of them ethnic Rohingya, have sought shelter in temporary relief camps and others remain scattered across the state, living under tight security in their destroyed villages. Conditions are harsh: the camps are overcrowded and some lack even the most basic of sanitation facilities while many of the villages are totally destroyed and running low on water. In one village, more than 32 families were living cheek-by-jowl in just two large tents. The children have no access to education and the newborn and elderly are in a very vulnerable position due to a lack of medical facilities. UNHCR is distributing relief supplies and working with the authorities and partners to improve camp conditions, but international assistance is required.

&dupdo; UNHCR/P. Behan" rel="lightbox[50ed96ab9]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/50d2e84f6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/50d2e84f6.jpg" >

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Myanmar IDPs pick up the pieces in Rakhine state

Living Silence: Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

"Living Silence" is a photographic exhibition of one of the world's most enduring refugee crises, by award-winning photographer Saiful Huq Omi.

Bangladesh has hosted refugees for over three decades. Today, 28,000 refugees from Myanmar known as the Rohingya - an ethnic, religious and linguistic minority people - are living in the two official refugee camps in the south-east of Bangladesh. Over half of them are children, many of whom have only ever experienced life in the camps. It is estimated that there are a further 200,000 Rohingya living outside the camps, unable to return to Myanmar where they fear persecution and exploitation.

Like refugees around the world, the Rohingya refugees are survivors. They are living in transience, waiting for the day they can go home in safety and in dignity. Until then, like any other people, they aspire to live a life free from violence and exploitation.

Together with other UN agencies and NGOs, UNHCR provides shelter, water, primary education and health care to refugees from Myanmar in the Nayapara and Kutupalong camps. UNHCR is also working with governments around the world to resettle some of the most vulnerable.

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f55ad6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f55ad6.jpg" >

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f562b6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f562b6.jpg" >

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f567d6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f567d6.jpg" >

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f56b66.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f56b66.jpg" >

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f57e76.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f57e76.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f58246.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f58246.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f58656.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f58656.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f58a56.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f58a56.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f58db6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f58db6.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f59176.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f59176.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f595b6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f595b6.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f59966.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f59966.jpg">

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&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5a4b6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5a4b6.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5b126.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5b126.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5b546.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5b546.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5bf46.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5bf46.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5c356.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5c356.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful Haq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5c7536.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5c7536.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5cbd6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5cbd6.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5d0b6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5d0b6.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5d4e6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5d4e6.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5d8e6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5d8e6.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5dc56.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5dc56.jpg">

&dupdo; Saiful huq Omi" rel="lightbox[4c1f6c0d6]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4c0f5dfe6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4c0f5dfe6.jpg">

Living Silence: Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Climate change and displacement

In the past few years, millions of people have been displaced by natural disasters, most of which are considered to be the direct result of climate change. Sudden weather events, such as Myanmar's Cyclone Nargis in 2008, widespread flooding in Kenya's Dadaab refugee camps in 2006 and the drought that hit Ethiopia in the 1980s, can leave huge numbers of people traumatized and without access to shelter, clean water and basic supplies.

The international community has entrusted UNHCR with responsibility for protecting and assisting people who are forcibly displaced and who cannot return safely home. Although the majority of people displaced by climate change will remain within their own borders, where states have clearly defined responsibilities, additional support may be required.

When called upon to intervene, UNHCR can deploy emergency teams and provide concrete support in terms of registration, documentation, family reunification and the provision of shelter, basic hygiene and nutrition.

Among those who are displaced across borders as a result of climate change, some will be refugees while others may not meet the definition. Nevertheless, many may be in need of protection and assistance.

&dupdo; UNHCR/Taw Naw Htoo" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227c926.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227c926.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/B. Bannon" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227c546.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227c546.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/K. Myo" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227c2a6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227c2a6.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/V. Tan" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227bd76.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227bd76.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/A. Rehrl" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227bae6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227bae6.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/S. Kritsanavarin" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227b7d6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227b7d6.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/H. Caux" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227b4e6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227b4e6.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/B. Auger" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227b256.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227b256.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/H. Caux" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227afe6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227afe6.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/K. McKinsey" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227ab56.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227ab56.jpg">

&dupdo; B Bannon" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227a816.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227a816.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/C. Pryce" rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b227a366.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b227a366.jpg">

&dupdo; Panos/J. Carlin " rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b2653316.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b2653316.jpg">

&dupdo; Onasia/G. Joren " rel="lightbox[4b2645796]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/4b2651f26.jpg');" href="/thumb1/4b2651f26.jpg">

Climate change and displacement

Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

In 1991, some 250,000 refugees from Myanmar's Northern Rakhine state fled by boat and on foot to neighbouring Bangladesh, where they were sheltered in 20 camps in the Cox's Bazar district. While the majority of these refugees eventually returned home, some 20,500 people – mostly Rohingya, a Muslim minority ethnic group – remain in two of the original camps.

Conditions in these camps are below standard, with many refugees living in overcrowded shelters in desperate need of repair. Frequent heavy rains inundate the area, further damaging shelters and spreading disease. Harassment and discrimination add to the plight of the Rohingya refugees, the majority of whom say that they do not want to return home until there is peace and democracy in Myanmar.

The UNHCR has expanded its routine protection monitoring in Cox's Bazar to address the problems of sexual and gender-based violence as well as trafficking of women and children. The UN refugee agency continues to work with governments, other UN agencies and non-governmental organisations to try and find a durable solution for the Rohingya refugees.

Posted on 27 November 2006

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c4e8e. jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c4e8e. jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c4ec7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c4ec7.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c4f07.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c4f07.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c4f47.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c4f47.jpg" >

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c4f87.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c4f87.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c4fc7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c4fc7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c4ff7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c4ff7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c5037.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c5037.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c5077.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c5077.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c50b0.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c50b0.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c50e7.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c50e7.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/G. M.B. Akash, June 2006" rel="lightbox[49c3c4e85]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/49c3c5117.jpg');" href="/thumb1/49c3c5117.jpg">

Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

Desperation on the Andaman Sea

For days, they were an undertow, an unseen tide of people adrift in the Andaman Sea. UNHCR and its partners had warned that thousands of Rohingya and Bangladeshis were held captive at sea, then abandoned as their crew fled government crackdowns on smuggling and trafficking networks.

Then a green boat surfaced on TV, packed with emaciated men, crying women and sick children, all dehydrated, hungry and desperate. It gave a face to the problem, then vanished overnight. After five days drifting between the coasts of Thailand and Malaysia, some 400 people on board were finally rescued by Indonesian fishermen in the early hours of May 20.

They are among more than 3,000 lucky ones who have been able to come ashore since May 10 in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, where UNHCR is helping to assess their needs. Thousands more could still be stranded at sea. In a welcome statement on May 20, the Foreign Ministers of Indonesia and Malaysia agreed to bring these vulnerable people to shore - a move that will hopefully end the long nightmare at sea.

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&dupdo; AFP/C. Archambault" rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df0356.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df0356.jpg">

&dupdo; AFP/C. Archambault" rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df0916.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df0916.jpg">

&dupdo; AFP/Januar" rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df1456.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df1456.jpg">

&dupdo; AFP/Januar" rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df1be6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df1be6.jpg">

&dupdo; Anadolu Agency/ Reza " rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df1fe6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df1fe6.jpg">

&dupdo; AFP/C. Mahyuddin" rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df4436.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df4436.jpg">

&dupdo; AFP/C. Mahyuddin" rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df4a96.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df4a96.jpg">

&dupdo; UNHCR/F. Ijazah" rel="lightbox[555ee4b99]" style="background-image: url('/thumb0/555df4eb6.jpg');" href="/thumb1/555df4eb6.jpg">

Desperation on the Andaman Sea

Displaced women sew up a future in Kachin camp

Conflict in Myanmar's Kachin state has displaced tens of thousands. In the town of Laiza, UNHCR is helping women in Hpun Lum Yang camp to learn tailoring skills as part of a pilot project to foster cohesion among IDP women in the camp and help them find solutions for the practical problems they and their community face.

Myanmar: Olympic Spirit Alive

The International Olympic Committee and Samsung recently presented sports kits to 20 schools in south-east Myanmar. The lucky children were happy to show off their skills.

By Boat to Safety

The recent resurgence in inter-communal violence in western Myanmar, forced hundreds of people to sail to safety on their fishing boats.

Aid To Myanmar Cyclone Victims

UNHCR has sent in almost 120 tonnes of aid to help more than 10,000 victims in Myanmar of Cyclone Nargis.

Angelina Jolie visits refugees in Thailand

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie visits Karenni refugees in northern Thailand.

How to install myanmar font on ipad >>

Sep 23, 2014 . In this video, I'll be showing how to install Myanmar font (Zawgyi) and iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini. Dec 26, 2013 . for myanmar font http://cydia. myrepospace. com/mobilefarm/ for keyboard. How to install Cydia on your iphone, ipod, or ipad - Duration: 7:00. Nov 4, 2013 . Zawgyi font for iOS 7 + iPhone 5. Myanmar. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Myanmar. Dec 2, 2015 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Fonts included: • Zawgyi-One • Zawgyi-Tai • Tharlon - Kindly mail us to request additional. Jan 2, 2014 . Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch ဒီ vídeo. ကွတ်နှင့် စလုံး Cydia ထဲမွာ Install နည်းဖြ. Install Zawgyi - Font on iOS 7 without jailbreaking. … 1. Go to this link from iOS7 device https://www. dropbox. com/s/zugfuz6n6u…/ZawgyiOne. mobileconfig 2.3 ဧပြီ 2010. Important Notes

Please If you are searching for A Way to Install Myanmar Font on your iPhone, iPad . Read MMKeyBoard. This article is just. Oct 22, 2015 . Here is the instruction for how to download and install Zawgyi Font . Zawgyi Font for iOS 7.0 - Install Myanmar Font on iPhone / iPad . To read. Dec 4, 2014 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Find My iPhone:If you misplace your iPhone, iPad . iPod touch. Visit Site. FreeMyApps. Jun 2, 2014 . HOW TO INSTALL MYANMAR FONT ON IOS 7.1+. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11.

Myanmar font on ipad

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Dec 2, 2015 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Fonts included: • Zawgyi-One • Zawgyi-Tai • Tharlon - Kindly mail us to request additional. Jan 2, 2014 . Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch ဒီ vídeo. ကွတ်နှင့် စလုံး Cydia ထဲမွာ Install နည်းဖြ. Jun 2, 2014 . HOW TO INSTALL MYANMAR FONT ON IOS 7.1+. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Install Zawgyi - Font on iOS 7 without jailbreaking. … 1. Go to this link from iOS7 device https://www. dropbox. com/s/zugfuz6n6u…/ZawgyiOne. mobileconfig 2.3 ဧပြီ 2010. Important Notes

Please If you are searching for A Way to Install Myanmar Font on your iPhone, iPad . Read MMKeyBoard. This article is just. Oct 22, 2015 . Here is the instruction for how to download and install Zawgyi Font . Zawgyi Font for iOS 7.0 - Install Myanmar Font on iPhone / iPad . To read. Dec 4, 2014 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Find My iPhone:If you misplace your iPhone, iPad . iPod touch. Visit Site. FreeMyApps. Dec 26, 2013 . for myanmar font http://cydia. myrepospace. com/mobilefarm/ for keyboard. How to install Cydia on your iphone, ipod, or ipad - Duration: 7:00. Nov 4, 2013 . Zawgyi font for iOS 7 + iPhone 5. Myanmar. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Myanmar.


Dec 2, 2015 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Fonts included: • Zawgyi-One • Zawgyi-Tai • Tharlon - Kindly mail us to request additional. Jan 2, 2014 . Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch ဒီ vídeo. ကွတ်နှင့် စလုံး Cydia ထဲမွာ Install နည်းဖြ. Dec 26, 2013 . for myanmar font http://cydia. myrepospace. com/mobilefarm/ for keyboard. How to install Cydia on your iphone, ipod, or ipad - Duration: 7:00. Nov 4, 2013 . Zawgyi font for iOS 7 + iPhone 5. Myanmar. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Myanmar. Install Zawgyi - Font on iOS 7 without jailbreaking. … 1. Go to this link from iOS7 device https://www. dropbox. com/s/zugfuz6n6u…/ZawgyiOne. mobileconfig 2.3 ဧပြီ 2010. Important Notes

Please If you are searching for A Way to Install Myanmar Font on your iPhone, iPad . Read MMKeyBoard. This article is just. Oct 22, 2015 . Here is the instruction for how to download and install Zawgyi Font . Zawgyi Font for iOS 7.0 - Install Myanmar Font on iPhone / iPad . To read. Dec 4, 2014 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Find My iPhone:If you misplace your iPhone, iPad . iPod touch. Visit Site. FreeMyApps. Sep 23, 2014 . In this video, I'll be showing how to install Myanmar font (Zawgyi) and iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini . Free 1D Barcode Generator Published: 20 March, 2016 03:17 The programe generates and prints most popular linear and. Private Jet Charter Services. Superior customer experience through highly personalized private travel plans. Continue Simple Forex Trading ideas and forex training to help you improve your trading results. PHP script which is intended for TTF fonts storing on the Internet in form of catalogue categorized according to fonts. Web Font Viewer is also intended for font . Our Business. Kochar Group, India’s leading private sector business house is a group of companies with interests in Information Technology, Managed Mobility solutions. Why choose. Kenya Website Experts? Top reasons why you should choose us. We are passionate about what we do; Highly talented team of web hosting experts & web designers

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Myanmar font for galaxy s2 >>

Feb 16, 2011 . Myanmar Font For Galaxy . Yar Moe. How to install Zawgyi Font +K for Samsung G S2 / Version 4.1 - Duration: 17:20. Nyein Chan Kyaw 12,527. Mar 28, 2014 . http://slideme. org/application/zawgyi-one-ttf. How to install Zawgyi Font +K for Samsung G S2 / Version 4.1. Nyein Chan Kyaw. Zawgyi font for Samsung (No Root). How to use. ************* 1. Install Zawgyi Samsung font 2. Setting > Display > Font Style > Choose Zawgyi Samsung 3.How to Install the Zawgyi Font on your Android phone Download and install Font Changer to your phone (https://play. google. com/store/apps/de read more. Zawgyi Myanmar Fonts Free app will install 10+ new free fonts on your Galaxy phone that are compatible with the your Samasung Galaxy . This font pack. By default, Sony Xperia Ray does not have the language support for Myanmar font . However you can conveniently download Myanmar and other Uni read. Jan 2, 2012 . This is Zawgyi font - apk. If you want to use zawgyi with samsung galaxy series, no need to root. just install Zawgyi. Apk from here. ( need to. I did download Zawgyi One from Fontomizer SP in HTC One XL. After that I can't fine the display setting for installing Zawgyi One TFF font in HTC One XL. Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy SPlus, Glaxy S2 , Galaxy Ace ဖံုး ေတြကို Root လုပ္စရာမလိုပဲ ျမန္မာ Font / Keyboard ထည့္သြင္းနည္း.Jan 25, 2013 . Well, the following is the useful link that you can install zawgyi font and keyboard. I'd successfully done in my Samsung Ace 2. I hope it will be .

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Mar 28, 2014 . http://slideme. org/application/zawgyi-one-ttf. How to install Zawgyi Font +K for Samsung G S2 / Version 4.1. Nyein Chan Kyaw. Feb 16, 2011 . Myanmar Font For Galaxy . Yar Moe. How to install Zawgyi Font +K for Samsung G S2 / Version 4.1 - Duration: 17:20. Nyein Chan Kyaw 12,527. Zawgyi font for Samsung (No Root). How to use. ************* 1. Install Zawgyi Samsung font 2. Setting > Display > Font Style > Choose Zawgyi Samsung 3.How to Install the Zawgyi Font on your Android phone Download and install Font Changer to your phone (https://play. google. com/store/apps/de read more. Zawgyi Myanmar Fonts Free app will install 10+ new free fonts on your Galaxy phone that are compatible with the your Samasung Galaxy . This font pack. By default, Sony Xperia Ray does not have the language support for Myanmar font . However you can conveniently download Myanmar and other Uni read. Jan 2, 2012 . This is Zawgyi font - apk. If you want to use zawgyi with samsung galaxy series, no need to root. just install Zawgyi. Apk from here. ( need to. I did download Zawgyi One from Fontomizer SP in HTC One XL. After that I can't fine the display setting for installing Zawgyi One TFF font in HTC One XL. Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy SPlus, Glaxy S2 , Galaxy Ace ဖံုး ေတြကို Root လုပ္စရာမလိုပဲ ျမန္မာ Font / Keyboard ထည့္သြင္းနည္း.Jan 25, 2013 . Well, the following is the useful link that you can install zawgyi font and keyboard. I'd successfully done in my Samsung Ace 2. I hope it will be.


Zawgyi font for Samsung (No Root). How to use. ************* 1. Install Zawgyi Samsung font 2. Setting > Display > Font Style > Choose Zawgyi Samsung 3.How to Install the Zawgyi Font on your Android phone Download and install Font Changer to your phone (https://play. google. com/store/apps/de read more. Zawgyi Myanmar Fonts Free app will install 10+ new free fonts on your Galaxy phone that are compatible with the your Samasung Galaxy . This font pack. By default, Sony Xperia Ray does not have the language support for Myanmar font . However you can conveniently download Myanmar and other Uni read. Jan 2, 2012 . This is Zawgyi font - apk. If you want to use zawgyi with samsung galaxy series, no need to root. just install Zawgyi. Apk from here. ( need to. I did download Zawgyi One from Fontomizer SP in HTC One XL. After that I can't fine the display setting for installing Zawgyi One TFF font in HTC One XL. Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy SPlus, Glaxy S2 , Galaxy Ace ဖံုး ေတြကို Root လုပ္စရာမလိုပဲ ျမန္မာ Font / Keyboard ထည့္သြင္းနည္း.Jan 25, 2013 . Well, the following is the useful link that you can install zawgyi font and keyboard. I'd successfully done in my Samsung Ace 2. I hope it will be. Mar 28, 2014 . http://slideme. org/application/zawgyi-one-ttf. How to install Zawgyi Font +K for Samsung G S2 / Version 4.1. Nyein Chan Kyaw. Feb 16, 2011 . Myanmar Font For Galaxy . Yar Moe. How to install Zawgyi Font +K for Samsung G S2 / Version 4.1 - Duration: 17:20. Nyein Chan Kyaw 12,527 . бЂ™б‚ЏбЃІбЂ±бЂњбЂёбЂ»бЂ™бЂ­бЂіб‚•бЂ™бЂЅбЂ¬бЂ™бЂЇбЂ­бЂ˜бЂЇбЂ­бЂ„бЂ№бЂёбЂ–бЂЇбЂ”бЂ№бЂёбЂ»бЂ•. Webinfolist came into existence in October 2006 with an objective to provide genuine information to our visitors. This includes mainly the products, services or. Private Jet Charter Services. Superior customer experience through highly personalized private travel plans. Continue Myanmar Unicode Download - Free Alpha Zawgyi; Installing Myanmar Font on your Android; iOS 7.1, iOS 7.1.1 бЂ”бЂІб‚” iOS 7.1.2 бЂђбЂЇбЂ­б‚”бЂЎбЂђбЂјбЂЂбЂ№ бЂЎбЂњ. Simple Forex Trading ideas and forex training to help you improve your trading results. Free download windows8 amharic font Files at Software Informer. The basic aim of this software is to create this environment for other TEENren (five years and above. Hi, you are great. I love Khmer font . right now I have Nexus 7 run android 4.2.2 how can I install Khmer font on it? If possible please help me.

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Dec 2, 2015 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Fonts included: • Zawgyi-One • Zawgyi-Tai • Tharlon - Kindly mail us to request additional. Jan 2, 2014 . Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch ဒီ vídeo. ကွတ်နှင့် စလုံး Cydia ထဲမွာ Install နည်းဖြ. Sep 23, 2014 . In this video, I'll be showing how to install Myanmar font (Zawgyi) and iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini. Nov 4, 2013 . Zawgyi font for iOS 7 + iPhone 5. Myanmar. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Myanmar. Jun 2, 2014 . HOW TO INSTALL MYANMAR FONT ON IOS 7.1+. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Install Zawgyi - Font on iOS 7 without jailbreaking. … 1. Go to this link from iOS7 device https://www. dropbox. com/s/zugfuz6n6u…/ZawgyiOne. mobileconfig 2.3 ဧပြီ 2010. Important Notes

Please If you are searching for A Way to Install Myanmar Font on your iPhone, iPad . Read MMKeyBoard. This article is just. Oct 22, 2015 . Here is the instruction for how to download and install Zawgyi Font . Zawgyi Font for iOS 7.0 - Install Myanmar Font on iPhone / iPad . To read. Dec 4, 2014 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Find My iPhone:If you misplace your iPhone, iPad . iPod touch. Visit Site. FreeMyApps. Dec 26, 2013 . for myanmar font http://cydia. myrepospace. com/mobilefarm/ for keyboard. How to install Cydia on your iphone, ipod, or ipad - Duration: 7:00.

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Simple Forex Trading ideas and forex training to help you improve your trading results. How to use Dyslexie font . Dyslexie font is a typeface like the typefaces you already have on your computer. By placing the Dyslexie font in the font folder of your. Our Business. Kochar Group, India’s leading private sector business house is a group of companies with interests in Information Technology, Managed Mobility solutions. Download Collection. com periodically updates software information from the publisher. You can visit publisher website by clicking Homepage link. PHP script which is intended for TTF fonts storing on the Internet in form of catalogue categorized according to fonts. Web Font Viewer is also intended for font . Private Jet Charter Services. Superior customer experience through highly personalized private travel plans. Continue Why choose. Kenya Website Experts? Top reasons why you should choose us. We are passionate about what we do; Highly talented team of web hosting experts & web designers Myndology is an Appleton, WI based company committed to creating and delivering genius solutions to all of your note card needs.

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Dec 2, 2015 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Fonts included: • Zawgyi-One • Zawgyi-Tai • Tharlon - Kindly mail us to request additional. Jan 2, 2014 . Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch ဒီ vídeo. ကွတ်နှင့် စလုံး Cydia ထဲမွာ Install နည်းဖြ. Nov 4, 2013 . Zawgyi font for iOS 7 + iPhone 5. Myanmar. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Myanmar. Dec 26, 2013 . for myanmar font http://cydia. myrepospace. com/mobilefarm/ for keyboard. How to install Cydia on your iphone, ipod, or ipad - Duration: 7:00. Sep 23, 2014 . In this video, I'll be showing how to install Myanmar font (Zawgyi) and iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini. Install Zawgyi - Font on iOS 7 without jailbreaking. … 1. Go to this link from iOS7 device https://www. dropbox. com/s/zugfuz6n6u…/ZawgyiOne. mobileconfig 2.3 ဧပြီ 2010. Important Notes

Please If you are searching for A Way to Install Myanmar Font on your iPhone, iPad . Read MMKeyBoard. This article is just. Oct 22, 2015 . Here is the instruction for how to download and install Zawgyi Font . Zawgyi Font for iOS 7.0 - Install Myanmar Font on iPhone / iPad . To read. Dec 4, 2014 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Find My iPhone:If you misplace your iPhone, iPad . iPod touch. Visit Site. FreeMyApps. Jun 2, 2014 . HOW TO INSTALL MYANMAR FONT ON IOS 7.1+. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11.


Install Zawgyi - Font on iOS 7 without jailbreaking. … 1. Go to this link from iOS7 device https://www. dropbox. com/s/zugfuz6n6u…/ZawgyiOne. mobileconfig 2.3 ဧပြီ 2010. Important Notes

Please If you are searching for A Way to Install Myanmar Font on your iPhone, iPad . Read MMKeyBoard. This article is just. Oct 22, 2015 . Here is the instruction for how to download and install Zawgyi Font . Zawgyi Font for iOS 7.0 - Install Myanmar Font on iPhone / iPad . To read. Dec 4, 2014 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Find My iPhone:If you misplace your iPhone, iPad . iPod touch. Visit Site. FreeMyApps. Jun 2, 2014 . HOW TO INSTALL MYANMAR FONT ON IOS 7.1+. Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch - Duration: 3:11. Sep 23, 2014 . In this video, I'll be showing how to install Myanmar font (Zawgyi) and iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini. Dec 26, 2013 . for myanmar font http://cydia. myrepospace. com/mobilefarm/ for keyboard. How to install Cydia on your iphone, ipod, or ipad - Duration: 7:00. Dec 2, 2015 . Install offline Myanmar font that works system-wide. Fonts included: • Zawgyi-One • Zawgyi-Tai • Tharlon - Kindly mail us to request additional. Jan 2, 2014 . Myanmar Keyboard and font for iOS 7/7.0.4 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch ဒီ vídeo. ကွတ်နှင့် စလုံး Cydia ထဲမွာ Install နည်းဖြ. How to use Dyslexie font . Dyslexie font is a typeface like the typefaces you already have on your computer. By placing the Dyslexie font in the font folder of your. Simple Forex Trading ideas and forex training to help you improve your trading results. Why choose. Kenya Website Experts? Top reasons why you should choose us. We are passionate about what we do; Highly talented team of web hosting experts & web designers Our Business. Kochar Group, India’s leading private sector business house is a group of companies with interests in Information Technology, Managed Mobility solutions. Private Jet Charter Services. Superior customer experience through highly personalized private travel plans. Continue Myndology is an Appleton, WI based company committed to creating and delivering genius solutions to all of your note card needs. PHP script which is intended for TTF fonts storing on the Internet in form of catalogue categorized according to fonts. Web Font Viewer is also intended for font .

Suu Kyi given Myanmar cabinet position

1:14 pm March 22, 2016/ Last Modified: 2:51 pm March 22, 2016

Jonah Fisher says that NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi will effectively tell Htin Kyaw to 'do as he's told'. Photo: BBC file photo

Myanmar (BBN)- Aung San Suu Kyi, whose National League for Democracy (NLD) party won historic elections in Myanmar in November, has been given a place in the new cabinet. Her name was on a list of 18 cabinet members submitted to parliament by President-elect Htin Kyaw, reports BBC. The list contains only names, and their ministries will be revealed later. But the BBC’s Jonah Fisher in Yangon says Ms Suu Kyi will head up foreign affairs, energy, education and be minister in the president’s office. There are no other women appointed to the cabinet, he adds. ‘SUU KYI’S VICTORY’ Myanmar’s constitution, drafted by the outgoing military rulers, prevents Aung San Suu Kyi from becoming president because her two sons have British passports. President-elect Htin Kyaw is her close ally, and she previously said that she would be “above the president” anyway, governing through a proxy. Our correspondent says the cabinet announcement came as a surprise. Having been barred from the presidency, many had assumed that Ms Suu Kyi would control Myanmar’s new government from the outside, he adds. Fifteen of the names on the list were chosen by Ms Suu Kyi, a Nobel laureate and former political prisoner, and three by the commander-in-chief of the army. Parliament is expected to vote later in the week to confirm the posts. After his election last week, Htin Kyaw said his appointment was “Aung San Suu Kyi’s victory”. The NLD has a huge majority in both houses of parliament, despite the military occupying 25% of seats, so the candidate it backed was all but guaranteed to win. Despite weeks of negotiation prior to the vote in parliament, the NLD was unable to persuade the military to remove or suspend the clause that prevented Ms Suu Kyi taking office. BBN/SS/ANS

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